CDZ Could (actual) Conservatives support this kind of single payer?

With >4x the people, its about time.
Yes it is!
But it's likely that most Americans aren't aware of ugly dirty tricks China's people have suffered through over many years of British, Japanese, etc. imperialism.

Will China continue on it policy of peaceful relations in the world, or will they soon embark on a new policy of getting even?
That it has taken this long speaks volumes.
Imagine, had the Chinese people lived in an open, liberal, capitalist society.
But they don't. Further, they are fully indoctrinated to accept the CCP's propaganda unquestioningly. For example, some 70% of Chinese believe that the COVID virus is actually from a US lab.

I'm not sure they could handle freedom. We're talking about generations of people indoctrinated to swallow CCP propaganda whole. (for example, they've convinced a majority of the Chinese people that the US is the source of the COVID virus.) They're also extremely racist - far worse than here.
We need a new system.
The one we have is broken.
Case in point, Bonzi earlier in the year had some medical procedures done and the total cost to us was about$650.
Insurance paid nothing... a little thing called deductible.
I have an aortic aneurysm that requires a cat scan every two years, I had that done as well as a stress test to evaluate how well/poor my circulation system works. Total cost out of pocket - $1400
Insurance paid nothing... a little think called deductible.

So out of pocket we have paid $2,050. Insurance - $0
Then you add the premiums we have paid, at the end of the year it will be $7,080.
The insurance received and kept $7,080 as gross profit.
We would have been better off NOT having health insurance. It would have been much cheaper despite several medical procedures.

FACT: Most Americans after Obamacare passed no longer have healthcare coverage. They have catastrophic-only care at a higher cost than what REAL healthcare coverage once was.
The Democrats passed a healthcare disaster that cost every American $1,000's a year that goes straight to the pockets of the very - very rich.
We need a new system.
The one we have is broken.
Case in point, Bonzi earlier in the year had some medical procedures done and the total cost to us was about$650.
Insurance paid nothing... a little thing called deductible.
I have an aortic aneurysm that requires a cat scan every two years, I had that done as well as a stress test to evaluate how well/poor my circulation system works. Total cost out of pocket - $1400
Insurance paid nothing... a little think called deductible.

So out of pocket we have paid $2,050. Insurance - $0
Then you add the premiums we have paid, at the end of the year it will be $7,080.
The insurance received and kept $7,080 as gross profit.
We would have been better off NOT having health insurance. It would have been much cheaper despite several medical procedures.

FACT: Most Americans after Obamacare passed no longer have healthcare coverage. They have catastrophic-only care at a higher cost than what REAL healthcare coverage once was.
The Democrats passed a healthcare disaster that cost every American $1,000's a year that goes straight to the pockets of the very - very rich.
/——/ You’re whining about something you don’t understand. If you don’t like deductibles, then pay a higher premium or buy additional gap insurance. The deductible means you’re partially self insured and this helps reduce unnecessary medical visits which keeps all of our rates lower.
I have $1,000 deductible on my car insurance so I can pay a lower premium. Any minor dings I get, I just pay out of pocket. In return, I pay a lower premium than if I had $500 or zero deductible.
I've made it clear to you that isn't what I desire for Canada.
But unfortunately, you're only interested in spamming this thread for lack of ideas of your own.
/——/ And yet you praise Communism in China. Go live there if it’s soooooooo wonderful. BTW, China wants to enslave Taiwan at the point of a gun.
BTW, disagreeing with you does not equate with spam.
I suppose if we all had a few hundred thousand $$$ in the bank, to spare, paying out of pocket would be the norm.
Actually if medical services were subjected to market forces instead of being insulated from them prices would have to go down.

Every single medical service provider should have to post the actual costs of every procedure and product they sell.

Only in medicine do we think it's OK to charge some people more for a procedure than others based on nothing but the type of insurance they have.
Actually if medical services were subjected to market forces instead of being insulated from them prices would have to go down.

Every single medical service provider should have to post the actual costs of every procedure and product they sell.

Only in medicine do we think it's OK to charge some people more for a procedure than others based on nothing but the type of insurance they have.
/——/ On this we agree. My insurance didn’t cover a treatment my doc and I wanted. We negotiated a lower price I paid out of pocket.
/——/ You’re whining about something you don’t understand. If you don’t like deductibles, then pay a higher premium or buy additional gap insurance. The deductible means you’re partially self insured and this helps reduce unnecessary medical visits which keeps all of our rates lower.
I have $1,000 deductible on my car insurance so I can pay a lower premium. Any minor dings I get, I just pay out of pocket. In return, I pay a lower premium than if I had $500 or zero deductible.
I understand it better than you. Obviously by your post.
For decades and decades America has healthcare coverage with deductibles averaging $250 to $500 a year. Many plans had no deductible.
Many plans didn't even have co-pay.
The average deductible today is between $4,500 - $8,500 for family.
The average copay today is 20% on top of the deductible.
That is, by definition, catastrophic care and NOT helathcare coverage. If the only way you receive any money from a plan is when a large health event occurs - that IS catastrophic only care plan.

And then there is that little trick they instituted about 10 years ago - "The Spouse Clause". Insurance companies won't cover a spouse if their employer offers their own coverage. Result - people pay higher premiums and have higher deductibles. Insurance companies keep a great deal more of the money
I understand it better than you. Obviously by your post.
For decades and decades America has healthcare coverage with deductibles averaging $250 to $500 a year. Many plans had no deductible.
Many plans didn't even have co-pay.
The average deductible today is between $4,500 - $8,500 for family.
The average copay today is 20% on top of the deductible.
That is, by definition, catastrophic care and NOT helathcare coverage. If the only way you receive any money from a plan is when a large health event occurs - that IS catastrophic only care plan.

And then there is that little trick they instituted about 10 years ago - "The Spouse Clause". Insurance companies won't cover a spouse if their employer offers their own coverage. Result - people pay higher premiums and have higher deductibles. Insurance companies keep a great deal more of the money
/——/ Then your original post was poorly worded. It sounded like you were just whining about deductibles without understanding them.
BTW, Obozocare dictated those high deductibles to protect the insurance companies you hate sooooooo much
/——/ Then your original post was poorly worded. It sounded like you were just whining about deductibles without understanding them.
BTW, Obozocare dictated those high deductibles to protect the insurance companies you hate sooooooo much
Then your reading is compromised.
I literally said that Obamacare almost immediately cost the average American family $1000's every year that go directly into the pockets of those entities.
And I don't "hate" insurance companies. What I "hate" is the collusion between government and all manner of corporations to extract more and more money from us. It is a system designed to transfer as much wealth as possible from the citizens to enrich an extraordinary small number of people.
Then your reading is compromised.
I literally said that Obamacare almost immediately cost the average American family $1000's every year that go directly into the pockets of those entities.
And I don't "hate" insurance companies. What I "hate" is the collusion between government and all manner of corporations to extract more and more money from us. It is a system designed to transfer as much wealth as possible from the citizens to enrich an extraordinary small number of people.
/----/ "Then your reading is compromised."
My reading comprehension is just fine. You need to work on your communication skills. If you are either a conservative or libertarian, then your point is taken.
Actually if medical services were subjected to market forces instead of being insulated from them prices would have to go down.

Every single medical service provider should have to post the actual costs of every procedure and product they sell.

Only in medicine do we think it's OK to charge some people more for a procedure than others based on nothing but the type of insurance they have.

Something else is the fact that there's way more sick people than doctors can handle.
Seriously, my last doctor is no longer taking patients. To get in to see the other doctor in that office has a 2 month wait, just to get in.

With so many people seeking medical attention, we're at their mercy.
We need a new system.
The one we have is broken.
Yes. We broke it with irrational regulation and tax policy. To fix it, we first need to undo those laws.
Case in point, Bonzi earlier in the year had some medical procedures done and the total cost to us was about$650.
Insurance paid nothing... a little thing called deductible.
I have an aortic aneurysm that requires a cat scan every two years, I had that done as well as a stress test to evaluate how well/poor my circulation system works. Total cost out of pocket - $1400
Insurance paid nothing... a little think called deductible.

So out of pocket we have paid $2,050. Insurance - $0
Then you add the premiums we have paid, at the end of the year it will be $7,080.
The insurance received and kept $7,080 as gross profit.
We would have been better off NOT having health insurance.

So, why do we have insurance??? Or, rather, why are we wasting so much money on insurance?

The bottom line is, insurance is MORE expensive than paying for health care out of pocket. It always will be. That's the way it works. Insurance makes health care MORE expensive. That's why we should have as LITTLE insurance as possible. We should all be paying for as much of our own healthcare as we can possibly afford. We should have insurance only for the catastrophic events that would bankrupt us otherwise.

And if you're so poor that you can't afford to pay for basic healthcare out of pocket, you don't need insurance. You need money.

The Democrats passed a healthcare disaster that cost every American $1,000's a year that goes straight to the pockets of the very - very rich.
Yep. That's what Congress does. They funnel money to their friends.
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/——/ And yet you praise Communism in China. Go live there if it’s soooooooo wonderful. BTW, China wants to enslave Taiwan at the point of a gun.
BTW, disagreeing with you does not equate with spam.
Yes, I praise China's communist system for elevating hundreds of millions up out of poverty. It seems that only communism could do that.

But Canada is different and doesn't need communism. America might if it doesn't do something to fix it's corrupt form of government.

Ask me for details if you don't already know yourself.
But dragging all of us is exactly what is happening.

So you think I'm dragging you into communism?
Many Americans think Canada and Canadians are communists. Can you explain why that is? I think America is getting very close to a fascist takeover under a deranged psychopath.
Yes, I praise China's communist system for elevating hundreds of millions up out of poverty. It seems that only communism could do that.
That's delusional on a number of levels. First of all, China is NOT a communist system (ask a communist). And they haven't elevated shit. Poverty is still rampant in China.

I'm not a fan of the "If you don't like it, get the hell out" response in political arguments - and that's not what I'm saying here. But you really should spend some time in China - at least a year. Maybe you'd love it, you seem to get off on big government. But I suspect you'd be pretty fed up by the end of your stay. Especially if you needed health care.
That's delusional on a number of levels. First of all, China is NOT a communist system (ask a communist). And they haven't elevated shit. Poverty is still rampant in China.

I'm not a fan of the "If you don't like it, get the hell out" response in political arguments - and that's not what I'm saying here. But you really should spend some time in China - at least a year. Maybe you'd love it, you seem to get off on big government. But I suspect you'd be pretty fed up by the end of your stay. Especially if you needed health care.
Yes, China is a communist system in which the people are cared for by the state.
They also allow capitalist enterprise with limitations for the good of the people. This is different from America's uncontrolled and greedy form of capitalism.

China welcomes in US corporations while the US corporations run to China to seek out the world's most lucrative marketplace.

China only lags the US by 4 places now on quality of life.

The top ten my soon be regarding America as third world due to it's lack of social responsibility to it's people.
So you think I'm dragging you into communism?
Many Americans think Canada and Canadians are communists. Can you explain why that is? I think America is getting very close to a fascist takeover under a deranged psychopath.
/——-/ At the age of 70, I’ve never met one person who thinks Canadians are or their country is communist.

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