Could Bernie actually win NY, and save us from this long national nightmare?

I'm no fan of free college education, because there's a reason sloth is a sin and both the Founders and Reagan opposed it, and I'm absolutely against any new federal programs, but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.

I actually remember a time when it didn't take eight years to get out of a recession and only wind up with mediocre employment. I want to go back to the supply side 'gimmick' because it seemed to work a lot better.
I'm no fan of free college education, because there's a reason sloth is a sin and both the Founders and Reagan opposed it, and I'm absolutely against any new federal programs, but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.

I actually remember a time when it didn't take eight years to get out of a recession and only wind up with mediocre employment. I want to go back to the supply side 'gimmick' because it seemed to work a lot better.
It worked swell till it killed the middle class. I realize you are a partisan. But the best tax plan is the one that Ryan pushes, and Rubio did at first two. Broaden the base of what is taxed, and use the new revenue to lower taxes on the middle class, so as to increase consumption and drive growth. But that is not a supply side tax.
I'm no fan of free college education, because there's a reason sloth is a sin and both the Founders and Reagan opposed it, and I'm absolutely against any new federal programs, but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.

I'm NO fan of Hillary also.....But just for clarification sake, Sanders' "free college education" is NOT a federal program but a state one........and, YES, Bernie's Brooklyn roots may resonate in southern NY state to give him a shot (except for Wall Streeters.)
I'm no fan of free college education, because there's a reason sloth is a sin and both the Founders and Reagan opposed it, and I'm absolutely against any new federal programs, but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.

I'm NO fan of Hillary also.....But just for clarification sake, Sanders' "free college education" is NOT a federal program but a state one........and, YES, Bernie's Brooklyn roots may resonate in southern NY state to give him a shot (except for Wall Streeters.)
How do states pay for it? I'm not against more money for education. I'm actually for it. But, we have a lot of lower income kids failing at community colleges. Money is a problem, yes, but it goes much deeper.
I'm no fan of free college education, because there's a reason sloth is a sin and both the Founders and Reagan opposed it, and I'm absolutely against any new federal programs, but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.

Hillary won New York as Senator, they love her, but I don't. New York loves Donald because he's one of their own, but they hate Cruz for insulting New York values.


YYyyyyyyeah, except Cruz wasn't insulting New Yawk, he was insulting Rump. Which is this year's national pastime. He was insulting what Rump represents as the worst of the negative of the underbelly of New Yawk values.

----- as the same newspaper had already pointed out a month ago:


--- a paper, incidentally that Rump himself, in his usual diaper-rash 12-year-old hissyfit, called "worthless".
People on this board have been complaining that the dem's primary system is rigged, but it's actually not. It's not purely democratic, but America's not a pure democracy either. The candidate who earns the greatest % of voters in each state (and not necessarily nation wide because caucus states have fewer voters) should typically be the nominee. And WHAT COULD BE FAIRER? But, the superdelegates job would be to support the guy with big mo and the best chance
But that isn't what happens, and a bit on the Republican side too but to a much lessor degree. Hillary has been raking in the super delegate votes regardless of the voting pattern. There's no such thing as a pure democracy but this isn't even a representative system. The people didn't elect the super delegates.

Political Parties are not part of the government.
lots of people in the USA deride FDR as a COMMUNIST

Yeah and they're all John Bircher tinfoil wacknuts. They hung the same label on Eisenhower. Doesn't make them valid. :cuckoo:

I was alive ----a child and not entirely unconscious during the Eisenhower era-----
I DO NOT RECALL that he was a particular target of your fellow Nazis ----at all.
His name did not show up as part of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA conspiracy---nor did that of NIXON
How do states pay for it? I'm not against more money for education. I'm actually for it. But, we have a lot of lower income kids failing at community colleges. Money is a problem, yes, but it goes much deeper.

I fully agree, btw, that Sanders' plan has many flaws (such as the beginning of the end of professors' tenure and the beginning of the end for state institution's research initiatives as the emphasis would go back to strictly teaching and not much more.) However, Sanders is really the only one who is decrying the ludicrous state of trillions of dollars owed by our college kids for college education, pretty much "enslaving" an entire generation to perpetual debt for a dubious economic result of a virtually worthless diploma.
How do states pay for it? I'm not against more money for education. I'm actually for it. But, we have a lot of lower income kids failing at community colleges. Money is a problem, yes, but it goes much deeper.

I fully agree, btw, that Sanders' plan has many flaws (such as the beginning of the end of professors' tenure and the beginning of the end for state institution's research initiatives as the emphasis would go back to strictly teaching and not much more.) However, Sanders is really the only one who is decrying the ludicrous state of trillions of dollars owed by our college kids for college education, pretty much "enslaving" an entire generation to perpetual debt for a dubious economic result of a virtually worthless diploma.

"enslaving"? I paid my college loans--------not so bad. For some kids-----the "LOAN" meant "free money"
I'm no fan of free college education,
That's good 'cause there is no such thing as free college and nothing is more expensive than when government puts it's grubby, thieving paws on it.


but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.
So what's your and the rest of said "65%" of "us" proposal regarding taxes?

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.
If you're a gub'mint worshiper four to eight years of Hillary will be status quo you can believe in, the only change you'll get is that the volume of deception, incompetence and thievery emanating from the Oval Office will increase exponentially over what President Dip Stick's administration currently puts out.
I'm no fan of free college education,
That's good 'cause there is no such thing as free college and nothing is more expensive than when government puts it's grubby, thieving paws on it.


but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.
So what's your and the rest of said "65%" of "us" proposal regarding taxes?

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.
If you're a gub'mint worshiper four to eight years of Hillary will be status quo you can believe in, the only change you'll get is that the volume of deception, incompetence and thievery emanating from the Oval Office will increase exponentially over what President Dip Stick's administration currently puts out.
I'm more in favor of the Paul Ryan approach, and I'll let you google that yourself, as it's not my proposal but more close to what I'd like.

If I were king, I'd tax long term cap gains as ordinary income, and kill the rental income tax expenditure, limit the mortagage interest deduction to a 300-500K per mortgage, and kill every tax credit/deduction that favors buying a product by any individual or corporation. I'd use the money to reduce rates on households with 70K to 150K in net income. I'm not a great fan of corporate income tax either.
How do states pay for it? I'm not against more money for education. I'm actually for it. But, we have a lot of lower income kids failing at community colleges. Money is a problem, yes, but it goes much deeper.

I fully agree, btw, that Sanders' plan has many flaws (such as the beginning of the end of professors' tenure and the beginning of the end for state institution's research initiatives as the emphasis would go back to strictly teaching and not much more.) However, Sanders is really the only one who is decrying the ludicrous state of trillions of dollars owed by our college kids for college education, pretty much "enslaving" an entire generation to perpetual debt for a dubious economic result of a virtually worthless diploma.

"enslaving"? I paid my college loans--------not so bad. For some kids-----the "LOAN" meant "free money"
I did too, and so did my wife, but we borrowed around 50K between us, and that included four post-grad degrees between us. That's chicken feed to what my kid is looking at.
oh yeah, like we all want to live the New York nightmare way of life. high taxes, salves to the state and dictators in them, high rents, cement jungle living.
oh yeah, like we all want to live the New York nightmare way of life. high taxes, salves to the state and dictators in them, high rents, cement jungle living.

hey steph------don't knock it until-------you have......... ----nevermind
Imagine the party of JFK "ask not what your Country can do for you but what you can do for your Country" coming this close to nominating a socialist in fifty years. The democrat run education system has finally produced the generation it has been looking for. A generation of morons.
Bernie's a new dealer. A bit to the left of JFK, who would not cow to unions, but Hillary and Obama are to the right of JFK on econ issues.

I think Bernie would be winning this thing but for he's having such a damn good time. Imagine being 74 and having kids treating you like a rock star. The last thing you'd want to do is start acting like a parent, but that's precisely what he needs to do to beat Hillary. Be the person all democrats would be proud to support.

God knows the gop's closet person is Kasich and he's as excited as ..... Ohio.
You have no clue. JFK lowered taxes. Hillary and obama are to the right of that? Bernie is a bit to the left? A bit to the left of ask not what your country can do for you?

JFK lowered taxes from NINTY PERCENT. LOL
And Bernie wants it back up there ...LOL
But Reagan did that too so the Dems got it back up there if JFK did it.
I'm no fan of free college education, because there's a reason sloth is a sin and both the Founders and Reagan opposed it, and I'm absolutely against any new federal programs, but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.

I actually remember a time when it didn't take eight years to get out of a recession and only wind up with mediocre employment. I want to go back to the supply side 'gimmick' because it seemed to work a lot better.
It worked swell till it killed the middle class. I realize you are a partisan. But the best tax plan is the one that Ryan pushes, and Rubio did at first two. Broaden the base of what is taxed, and use the new revenue to lower taxes on the middle class, so as to increase consumption and drive growth. But that is not a supply side tax.
That's a lie. Lefties love to rewrite history to cling to their losing beliefs. I started my business back then and the economy was booming. Every analysis I've seen confirms it. The shrinking middle class is what's going on NOW.
I'm no fan of free college education, because there's a reason sloth is a sin and both the Founders and Reagan opposed it, and I'm absolutely against any new federal programs, but something like 65% of us figure this supply side tax cut gimmick has really worn itself out.

And four to eight years of Hillary is not gonna be change to believe in.

I actually remember a time when it didn't take eight years to get out of a recession and only wind up with mediocre employment. I want to go back to the supply side 'gimmick' because it seemed to work a lot better.
It worked swell till it killed the middle class. I realize you are a partisan. But the best tax plan is the one that Ryan pushes, and Rubio did at first two. Broaden the base of what is taxed, and use the new revenue to lower taxes on the middle class, so as to increase consumption and drive growth. But that is not a supply side tax.
That's a lie. Lefties love to rewrite history to cling to their losing beliefs. I started my business back then and the economy was booming. Every analysis I've seen confirms it. The shrinking middle class is what's going on NOW.
Go pound sand punk.

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