Could ex-Ohio Governor John Kasich be hinting at a run for the GOP nomination ?

He’s worn out his welcome.

It Must be The End of The World. Everyone in Ohio hates him.
Here he is this week on Jimmy Kimmel this week. ( who I never watch anymore since TDS set in)

I think Kucinich should run for Ohio governor.

He won't run. You guys can relax. On Republican side there will never be any debates, which is good because Kasich would make Trump look retarded. He won't run as an independent 3rd party, but if he did, it would give disaffected Republicans someone to vote for. I was disaffected gone independent in 2016. Wish I could have wasted my vote on him instead of the Libertarian guy I wasted my vote on. At least I didn't vote for the Democrat or the Republican candidates. Both of them sucked then and they both still suck now.
Is this post a joke, or are you really this far lost in the woods ?
He’s worn out his welcome.

He won't run. You guys can relax. On Republican side there will never be any debates, which is good because Kasich would make Trump look retarded. He won't run as an independent 3rd party, but if he did, it would give disaffected Republicans someone to vote for. I was disaffected gone independent in 2016. Wish I could have wasted my vote on him instead of the Libertarian guy I wasted my vote on. At least I didn't vote for the Democrat or the Republican candidates. Both of them sucked then and they both still suck now.

On Republican side there will never be any debates, which is good because Kasich would make Trump look retarded.

Why would Kasich do any better in the debates than he did in 2016?
Kasich would cheat and use truth and facts. Trump did not have a record of siding with Russia, talking down allies, pulling troops out to allow someone to move in and kill troops that had supported us, overruled UCMJ, attack dead people or their families, even Goldstar families, invited Russia, Ukraine and China, into our election process, got impeached, redirected money approved by both houses of congress from the military to his pet wall project, even though they would not give him the money when Republicans controlled both houses, got caught paying off strippers and other women when he was screwing around on another wife, told the volumn of lies and made ad homonym attack on everybody under the sun that pissed him off, not to mention inconsistent official policy that eve he does't support, damn my fingers are getting tired. Dude. Ammo against him is plentiful. There are other former Republicans that do not approve of trump either and now he has a record. Don't worry it ain't gonna happen. Trump will be the GOP candidate and he ain't gonna debate anyone except possibly the final Dem candidate. Get some popcorn. Enjoy the show.

Kasich would whine like a little bitch.
It worked for him in 2016.
Maybe. Don't think we will get to see. Bet he will be on political shows once in a while throughout the election, but he'll probably be paid to give on air opinion, but won't have to raise campaign money, this time.
He couldn't win an election for dogcatcher.
He has NO chance.
He would if Dems could vote for him.
What if he and Tulsi go rogue and start a third party.....imagine that.

That'd be awesome!!
Trump would win 40 states.
And the creation of a viable third party to represent Americans.
It would be indies, green, reform , labor all rolled into one....a true Independent party.
DNC and RNC's worst nightmare - losing their one party control of our government.

Yeah dumbass! All those groups would just ignore their self-interests to vote for a new party that would be the antithesis of their position.

Your elevator does not reach the top floor, does it?
Here he is on Jimmy Kimmel this week. ( who I never watch anymore since TDS set in)

He's just promoting his book, it's too late to get in the race. He'll be back at it in 2022.

He’s worn out his welcome.

It Must be The End of The World. Everyone in Ohio hates him.
Here he is this week on Jimmy Kimmel this week. ( who I never watch anymore since TDS set in)

I think Kucinich should run for Ohio governor.

He won't run. You guys can relax. On Republican side there will never be any debates, which is good because Kasich would make Trump look retarded. He won't run as an independent 3rd party, but if he did, it would give disaffected Republicans someone to vote for. I was disaffected gone independent in 2016. Wish I could have wasted my vote on him instead of the Libertarian guy I wasted my vote on. At least I didn't vote for the Democrat or the Republican candidates. Both of them sucked then and they both still suck now.

What disaffected Republicans? The former libtards who voted for someone other than Trump and have received a brain transplant since 2016?
He’s worn out his welcome.

It Must be The End of The World. Everyone in Ohio hates him.
Here he is this week on Jimmy Kimmel this week. ( who I never watch anymore since TDS set in)

I think Kucinich should run for Ohio governor.

He won't run. You guys can relax. On Republican side there will never be any debates, which is good because Kasich would make Trump look retarded. He won't run as an independent 3rd party, but if he did, it would give disaffected Republicans someone to vote for. I was disaffected gone independent in 2016. Wish I could have wasted my vote on him instead of the Libertarian guy I wasted my vote on. At least I didn't vote for the Democrat or the Republican candidates. Both of them sucked then and they both still suck now.

What disaffected Republicans? The former libtards who voted for someone other than Trump and have received a brain transplant since 2016?

Don't look now, but your Amash doofus must be disaffected. I don't care for him or the doofus that left the Dems. Met a Russian traitor at Knox the people above thought was of benefit. Didn't like him either.
Don't look now, but your Amash doofus must be disaffected. I don't care for him or the doofus that left the Dems. Met a Russian traitor at Knox the people above thought was of benefit. Didn't like him either.
Kasich is Amish ?
He’s worn out his welcome.

It Must be The End of The World. Everyone in Ohio hates him.
I think Kucinich should run for Ohio governor.

He won't run. You guys can relax. On Republican side there will never be any debates, which is good because Kasich would make Trump look retarded. He won't run as an independent 3rd party, but if he did, it would give disaffected Republicans someone to vote for. I was disaffected gone independent in 2016. Wish I could have wasted my vote on him instead of the Libertarian guy I wasted my vote on. At least I didn't vote for the Democrat or the Republican candidates. Both of them sucked then and they both still suck now.

What disaffected Republicans? The former libtards who voted for someone other than Trump and have received a brain transplant since 2016?
Don't look now, but your Amash doofus must be disaffected. I don't care for him or the doofus that left the Dems. Met a Russian traitor at Knox the people above thought was of benefit. Didn't like him either.

Amash is a freaking libertarian, and a well-known "Never Trumper". Catch a clue!

You really should work on your writing as that post is almost complete gibberish. No one can tell who you are talking about because your sentences lack a subject.

Trump is running trillion dollar deficits while Kasich would be balancing the budget.

Also, Russian asset Donald Trump is a traitor.

“Traitors” would encourage and support illegal wetbacks as they invade a nation...You know, a traitor is you.
Kasich on Jimmy Kimmel? It's more likely he is going to try for a stand up comedian gig.
He has NO chance.
He would if Dems could vote for him.
What if he and Tulsi go rogue and start a third party.....imagine that.

As a Republican, I don't see it.

With all due respects, Kasich is a Proven Pathetic Loser. He campaigned hard against President Trump and failed to even deliver his home state of Ohio to Mrs. Clinton.

I just don't see him as a factor.

Now, if he switched parties, and went with his true ideology of liberalism, he does seem a lot more sane that Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie, so, maybe

Trump is running trillion dollar deficits while Kasich would be balancing the budget.

Also, Russian asset Donald Trump is a traitor.

Dumbass, stayed budgets are almost always required to be balanced by their state constitutions. You are nothing but a big bag is stupid.
Do you people really think a RINO has a chance to win the nomination?

< John Kasich: Ohio governor who was called a RINO after proposing that Ohio take government money to expand Medicaid. Had a long history of being a bonafide RINO (or as his friends put it more politely, a "Gingrich Republican".) while in Congress. There is no longer a place in the Republican party for politicians like Kasich. If he criticizes a fellow Republican, or the party platform, he is traitorous. >

RINO - RationalWiki
It always amuses me when a Trumptard calls someone else a RINO.
This is stupid beyond belief. No republican is going to run against the most popular republican president ever.

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