Could Hillary Really Be President, If She's an Alcoholic ?

Was this one posted?

People who work in the White House and around the State Dept have consistently said that they have seen Hillary Clinton boozed up, if not fully drunk. Some have said she walks around with a drink in her hand. These reporters have not openly identified themselves, because they fear Hillary, whom they regard as a fascist, in addition to being a drunk.

If this is all true, then how in the world could Hillary, an alleged alcoholic, ever be president of the United States ? The implications of this are mind boggling and very scary. It leads one to think about Hillary's time as Sect. of State. How did she ever do that ?

Well, say many people, she didn't. Primarily, all she ever really did was travel around the world, wining and dining with world leaders, at US taxpayer expense. When in Washington DC, some say Hillary was so often drunk, that Huma Abedin handled the business of the job. ...which could explain why so many things favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood came out of the State Dept. during those years ?

In a report published by Globe magazine entitled > "Hillary Confesses: I'm an Alcoholic!", another anonymous source reported to Globe magazine that Hillary told her daughter Chelsea . "Please help me! I'm an alcoholic" Globe also reported that before her campaign started, she secretly underwent detox, but the pressures of the campaign and the FBI probe into here emails, knocked her off the wagon and back onto the bottle.


...and she's a loopy kunt
People who work in the White House and around the State Dept have consistently said that they have seen Hillary Clinton boozed up, if not fully drunk. Some have said she walks around with a drink in her hand. These reporters have not openly identified themselves, because they fear Hillary, whom they regard as a fascist, in addition to being a drunk.

If this is all true, then how in the world could Hillary, an alleged alcoholic, ever be president of the United States ? The implications of this are mind boggling and very scary. It leads one to think about Hillary's time as Sect. of State. How did she ever do that ?

Well, say many people, she didn't. Primarily, all she ever really did was travel around the world, wining and dining with world leaders, at US taxpayer expense. When in Washington DC, some say Hillary was so often drunk, that Huma Abedin handled the business of the job. ...which could explain why so many things favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood came out of the State Dept. during those years ?

In a report published by Globe magazine entitled > "Hillary Confesses: I'm an Alcoholic!", another anonymous source reported to Globe magazine that Hillary told her daughter Chelsea . "Please help me! I'm an alcoholic" Globe also reported that before her campaign started, she secretly underwent detox, but the pressures of the campaign and the FBI probe into here emails, knocked her off the wagon and back onto the bottle.


...and she's a loopy kunt

Look, another low information voter who counts on the Globe for news.
So, Post # 96 is it, HappyJoy ?

Well, I guess I missed that post. You must realize that I'm the only one here defending the Globe, while a multitude of detractors are posting posts in opposition. I can't keep up with this onslaught of all these posts.

So getting back to your Post # 96 you said >> You don't necessarily trust any of them, so your list right there was reduced to zero, and your Post 96 was obliterated (by you). But let's give you the benefit of the doubt anyway, and we'll look at your list. Let's just take the first one the New York Times. The NYT was trounced in a credibility dispute with the National Enquirer, over 35 years ago. Maybe you're not old enough to remember ? The tabloids came out on top with good credibility, while the Times sunk to near zero. And the Times has suffered numerous credibility bruises ever since.

For all the youngsters in here, who don't remember, here's the 1979 fiasco where the Enquirer kicked the Times' ass, and hard. Both the Enquirer and the Times made this quote >> "The oil shortage is a hoax".

In the Times, the quote began with "According to an unknown spokesman"....

In the Enquirer, the quote began with >> "According to Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio), head of the Senate Energy Committee"....

The Times, not realizing the Enquirer had already gone to print, with a fully sourced quote, attacked the Enquirer for its veracity and sourcing. They never fully recovered from this embarrassment, and have been exposed with one screw-up after another for decades. Here's an example of their latest one (December 2015) pertaining to the San Bernardino terrorists.

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Well, I guess I missed that post. You must realize that I'm the only one here defendeing the Globe, while a multitude of detractors are posting posts in opposition. I can;t keep up with this onslaught of all these posts/

So gettint back to your Post # 96 you said >> You don't necessarily trust any of them, so your list right there was reduced to zero, and you Post 96 was obliterated (by you). But let's give you the benefit of the doubt anyway and we'll look at your list. Let's just take the first one the New York Times. The NYT was trounced in a credibility dispute with the National Enquirer, over 35 years ago. Maybe you're not old enough to remember ? The tabloids come out on top with good credibility, while the Times sunk to near zero. ANd the Times has suffered numerous credibility bruises ever since.

Not what I said. I gave you a list of source I go to but I don't automatically believe them unless there are some facts presented. So, for example if a story came out from the NY Times that George Bush is a crack whore, I'm not obliged to automatically believe them, they do get things wrong on occasion but they also have a fairly decent reputation. If they report on something questionable then I'm naturally going to want to see if any other news source corroborates what they are saying.

The Globe has nothing. It's that simple, there is nothing to trust about them, you've been given many, many stories that are tabloid in nature that turned out not to be true.

And, other than you I haven't seen anyone directly defend the Globe.
Ford's my freakin' hero. American politics needs a bunch of people like him..
America already has a bunch of people like him, most of 'em are either in rehab or prison. :p
Could you imagine having a dozen or so national politicians like him running around?

That would really take the sting out of watching the current "leaders" by quite a bit.
The times does what Obama and his puppet masters tell them, just like cnn, nbc, cbs and abc.
Not what I said. I gave you a list of source I go to but I don't automatically believe them unless there are some facts presented. So, for example if a story came out from the NY Times that George Bush is a crack whore, I'm not obliged to automatically believe them, they do get things wrong on occasion but they also have a fairly decent reputation. If they report on something questionable then I'm naturally going to want to see if any other news source corroborates what they are saying.

The Globe has nothing. It's that simple, there is nothing to trust about them, you've been given many, many stories that are tabloid in nature that turned out not to be true.

And, other than you I haven't seen anyone directly defend the Globe.
Don't :bsflag:me, asshole! This is just another one of your gutless coward dodges, where you give an answer, but "Oh wait a minute" you didn't really give that answer. You're a joke.

No, it is not "that simple" None of you here have shown a shred of evidence to back up your accusations, except to try to diminish the Globe as being a tabloid, which you don't even know that was a sword that was broken 37 years ago, in the classic Times /Enquirer "scandal" of sorts. Scandal for the Times, that is. And continues to be, as in the December 2015 San Bernardino
gaff of the Times.


Now I'm off the computer. Dinner/football time.
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I'm still waiting for your answer re: instances where you have used the Globe as aprimary source for a thread or post. Have you ever used them before? this thread a case of you hopping on a bullshit story that you like.....and then defending the shit source for several an attempt to save face?

Come on, man. You are an elderly gentleman. How about some integrity?
Ford's my freakin' hero. American politics needs a bunch of people like him..
America already has a bunch of people like him, most of 'em are either in rehab or prison. :p
Could you imagine having a dozen or so national politicians like him running around?

That would really take the sting out of watching the current "leaders" by quite a bit.
LOL, good point Mac, if we're going to have buffoons running the country they might as well be buffoons hopped up on booze and crack. :)
Ford's my freakin' hero. American politics needs a bunch of people like him..
America already has a bunch of people like him, most of 'em are either in rehab or prison. :p
Could you imagine having a dozen or so national politicians like him running around?

That would really take the sting out of watching the current "leaders" by quite a bit.
LOL, good point Mac, if we're going to have buffoons running the country they might as well be buffoons hopped up on booze and crack. :)
Not what I said. I gave you a list of source I go to but I don't automatically believe them unless there are some facts presented. So, for example if a story came out from the NY Times that George Bush is a crack whore, I'm not obliged to automatically believe them, they do get things wrong on occasion but they also have a fairly decent reputation. If they report on something questionable then I'm naturally going to want to see if any other news source corroborates what they are saying.

The Globe has nothing. It's that simple, there is nothing to trust about them, you've been given many, many stories that are tabloid in nature that turned out not to be true.

And, other than you I haven't seen anyone directly defend the Globe.
Don't :bsflag:me, asshole! This is just another one of your gutless coward dodges, where you give an answer, but "Oh wait a minute" you didn't really give that answer. You're a joke.

No, it is not "that simple" None of you here have shown a shred of evidence to back up your accusations, except to try to diminish the Globe as being a tabloid, which you don't even know was a sword that was broken 37 years ago in the classic Times /Enquirer "scandal" of sorts Scandal for the Times, that is., And continues to be as in the December 2015 San Bernardino
gaff of the Times.

Now I'm off the computer. Dinner/football time.

The Globe is diminished, that's the point. You're just reporting shit you want to believe is right.

San Bernardino? Is that your kitchen sink? I'm still waiting from you to tell me who the Globe's sources are, you haven't answered that and questions from others while you insist on answers you were already given. How pathetic are you for starting this thread?
Ford's my freakin' hero. American politics needs a bunch of people like him..
America already has a bunch of people like him, most of 'em are either in rehab or prison. :p
Could you imagine having a dozen or so national politicians like him running around?

That would really take the sting out of watching the current "leaders" by quite a bit.
LOL, good point Mac, if we're going to have buffoons running the country they might as well be buffoons hopped up on booze and crack. :)

ROFLMAO! God I love Canada and Canadians, it's too bad we can't talk them into conquering the United States.

I'm still waiting for your answer re: instances where you have used the Globe as aprimary source for a thread or post. Have you ever used them before? this thread a case of you hopping on a bullshit story that you like.....and then defending the shit source for several an attempt to save face?

Come on, man. You are an elderly gentleman. How about some integrity?
No you don't to wait for any answers to any questions until YOU ANSWER MINE. And don't tell me you don';t know what they are. I've asked them about 20 times in this thread. But I'll really laugh if you say the New York Times.

That's right, little, scared, pathetic, speechless Globe detractors.

I'm BA-A-A -A -A-A -A -ACKKK !!! :biggrin:

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