Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?

“Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?”

Could the reprehensible right be any more authoritarian: everyone must conform, all dissent must be punished.

Everything you libtards accuse us of You do in SPADES…..

You are the NAZI’S…..

Well, again I am not a liberal. As far as the Nazi's-- the Republican party has grown a new wing called the ALT RIGHT that showed up in Charlottesville for Trump, and ran over and killed a young woman. You remember Trump said there were "good people in that crowd."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

Here they are:



As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

It appears that campaigning on hate, violence & division will attract hateful, violent people that want division.

We witnessed this on the synagogue attack of last weekend.

And the ONLY way to crush this extremist right wing is for Republicans to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot this midterm.
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

That's Bull Shit and you know it....

You have the black panthers and antifa on the left so were even.

Really? When was the last time anyone was murdered by the Black Panthers or Antifa? When did the BP or AF send bombs through the mail, shoot up a synagogue, or shoot someone because of their race?

How about Steve Scalise Dip Shit….

And we didn’t hear SHIT about toning it down….

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT.

How about the shooting of Gabby Giffords by a far right wing guy.

How about the killing of a woman by far right wingers in Charlottesville.

How about the killings in a Baltimore newsroom by a far right winger.

Then we have the shootings by far right wingers in October.

The far right has a history of violence and Trump gives them more fuel for their hatred.
Everything you libtards accuse us of You do in SPADES…..

You are the NAZI’S…..

Well, again I am not a liberal. As far as the Nazi's-- the Republican party has grown a new wing called the ALT RIGHT that showed up in Charlottesville for Trump, and ran over and killed a young woman. You remember Trump said there were "good people in that crowd."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

Here they are:



As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

It appears that campaigning on hate, violence & division will attract hateful, violent people that want division.

We witnessed this on the synagogue attack of last weekend.

And the ONLY way to crush this extremist right wing is for Republicans to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot this midterm.
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The truth is Israel never had a better American friend than President Trump. As for the shooter, he flipped out. He had no criminal record and hated Donald Trump more than you did.

Nope--in several of the shooter's Facebook posts he mentioned the CARAVAN "invasion" citing that Jews are attracting them into this country because they are infamous for helping poor people. So Trump's rhetoric gave him an excuse to attack. The shooter was a white supremacist Nationalist--and knew Trump wasn't. He referred to Trump as a Globalist--(in which he is very correct.)--No one could own as many foreign properties as Trump does and claim to be a Nationalist--:auiqs.jpg: Which is why the shooter didn't vote for Trump--but he heard about the Caravan invasion and decided to act upon it.

There was an important difference between “a shooter who hates Trump,” wrote conservative writer David French, and the man who loved Trump who sent Trump’s critics all those pipe bombs. Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt pointed out that anti-Semitism “transcends the left/right divide.” In these defenders’ minds, this absolves Trump of any guilt.

It doesn’t. When I was faced with the anti-Semitic rage of Trump supporters defending “Empress Melania,” I saw it clearly: Should Trump win the election, his followers — some of whom threw the word “k---” around as happily as they use the n-word — would be heartened and empowered, and they would quickly surpass the gas-chamber Twitter memes they were then deploying.

In the 2½ years that followed, Trump’s tune has become a deafening roar. The closing ad of his campaign reprised the kind of anti-Semitic tropes that populated “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”: “It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities,” Trump’s voice said, as pictures appeared of then-Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet Yellen (a Jew), billionaire progressive donor George Soros (a Jew) and then-Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein (also a Jew). The ad was called “Donald Trump’s Argument for America.”

In fact, Trump had so much to say about the Jews that his Jewish son-in-law has had to publicly defend him as “not an anti-Semite.”
Perspective | How much responsibility does Trump bear for the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh?

Which is why there were protests over Trump attending the funerals in Pittsburgh.
Thousands signed a letter saying Trump was not welcome in Pittsburgh. He plans to visit anyway.
Pittsburgh mayor tells Trump 'don't come during the funerals' — and 43,000 people have signed a letter telling him to stay away


Every negative thing that takes place in this country, the MSM will try to associate Trump or other Republicans to it. Lying is the only way for them to have a possibility at winning elections. Trump was against the caravan. He's taking action to stop it and announced that long before the shooting.

Trump is not a globalist because he has foreign investments. Trump proudly stated he's a Nationalist which is the exact opposite of a Globalist.

You are the liar. Big, bad, manly Trump and his manly supporters like you are terrified of a ragged group of men, women, and children. They have a right to apply for asylum and I am willing to listen. I'm not a coward like you.

Of course you’re not. What’s why you go screaming like a little girl if somebody mentions global warming. At least my fears are real.

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I know those things are because of his actions. It's you people that gave DumBama so much credit when he didn't lift a finger to do anything for the economy. Trump removed job killing regulations, freed them from Commie Care, lowered their taxes. Yes, he is responsible for the things I listed.

Actually, I do not give Obama any credit, just as I give Trump very little.

Most of those things you mentioned were already happening prior to the election, but you give Trump credit for them, why is that?

Also, ObamaCare is not gone, nobody has been freed from it. The hospital killing rules and regulations are all still there and we are all paying way more than we should because of them.

Unemployment rate among women and minorities...nothing changed after the election, no matter how many times your savior in the White House tells you so..

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I said Trump freed businesses from Commie Care, just like Trump freed citizens from the penalties.

I also said that Trump broke records when it came to minority unemployment. You think if we didn't have a business friendly President, that we would have the lowest overall unemployment today since 1967?

Trump has been President almost two years, and economic growth does not happen on it's own, especially when didn't have high unemployment in the first place. The economy goes up and the economy goes down. It kept going up because Trump was President.

When Obama became President, the unemployment rate was 9.5%. When Trump took over, the unemployment rate was 5.1%. Yet somehow Trump is responsible but Obama isn't. You are a Trump moron. Neither Trump or Obama are responsible.

Trump lowered the taxes for the rich and big corporations who refuse to share the wealth with workers. The penalties were created by the conservative Heritage Foundation to prevent people from gaming the system by not buying insurance when they are healthy and buying insurance when they get sick leaving people who have insurance to pay their bills. That is wrong. We are paying more because of Republicans. Also businesses are being allowed to put more pollution in the air and water. That is what you call job-killing regulations.

Anybody can see the measures Trump took to stimulate the economy. You can’t say that about Ears. He was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.

Outside of Trump, other Presidents had something helping them along. Bush had the housing bubble. Clinton had the tech bubble. DumBama had the feds dump trillions of dollars into the market. Trump? He’s stimulating the economy with no help at all.

The Heritage Foundation is not part of our government. They have no vote in Congress. If Commie Care wasn’t such a failure, your puppet masters wouldn’t have told you a thing about them.

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The trouble is that the economy did not need stimulating. It was doing fine. The only thing Trump is stimulating is the deficit which was coming down under Obama. Trump is too pro-business. Even when businesses break the law, Trump goes easy on them. He allows them to pollute the air and water. He sides with big business over the little guy.

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative organization. I actually read their plan and why they created the mandate. IT was to prevent freeloaders who don't buy insurance when they are healthy and buy it when they get sick then drop it when they get healthy again. Maybe Commies like you are fine with that but I am not. You are the puppet and your puppet master is Trump. When Trump said that he could shoot someone in broad daylight and still be supported, he was talking about you.

The last thing a conservative is is a Commie. If you don’t believe me, go to the US Communist Party web site and see who they endorse and who they despise.

When Trump gets to the ten trillion mark in spending, then you have a right to criticize. Until that time, you have no room to talk about his spending.

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Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….
“Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?”

Could the reprehensible right be any more authoritarian: everyone must conform, all dissent must be punished.

Everything you libtards accuse us of You do in SPADES…..

You are the NAZI’S…..

Well, again I am not a liberal. As far as the Nazi's-- the Republican party has grown a new wing called the ALT RIGHT that showed up in Charlottesville for Trump, and ran over and killed a young woman. You remember Trump said there were "good people in that crowd."
Steve Bannon and the alt-right: a primer

Here they are:



As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

It appears that campaigning on hate, violence & division will attract hateful, violent people that want division.

We witnessed this on the synagogue attack of last weekend.

And the ONLY way to crush this extremist right wing is for Republicans to vote BLUE all the way down the ballot this midterm.
Perspective | Want to save the GOP, Republicans? Vote for every Democrat on this year’s ballot.

The truth is Israel never had a better American friend than President Trump. As for the shooter, he flipped out. He had no criminal record and hated Donald Trump more than you did.

There is a line between being a friend of Israel and being a puppet of a right wing party. The shooter did not hate Trump, Trump was not far right wing enough for him. He held many of the beliefs that Trump has.

The guy was an anti-Semite just like most leftists. He was one of yours......not ours.

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He conned you into believing those things are a results of him and his actions.

I know those things are because of his actions. It's you people that gave DumBama so much credit when he didn't lift a finger to do anything for the economy. Trump removed job killing regulations, freed them from Commie Care, lowered their taxes. Yes, he is responsible for the things I listed.

Actually, I do not give Obama any credit, just as I give Trump very little.

Most of those things you mentioned were already happening prior to the election, but you give Trump credit for them, why is that?

Also, ObamaCare is not gone, nobody has been freed from it. The hospital killing rules and regulations are all still there and we are all paying way more than we should because of them.

Unemployment rate among women and minorities...nothing changed after the election, no matter how many times your savior in the White House tells you so..

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I said Trump freed businesses from Commie Care, just like Trump freed citizens from the penalties.

I also said that Trump broke records when it came to minority unemployment. You think if we didn't have a business friendly President, that we would have the lowest overall unemployment today since 1967?

Trump has been President almost two years, and economic growth does not happen on it's own, especially when didn't have high unemployment in the first place. The economy goes up and the economy goes down. It kept going up because Trump was President.

When Obama became President, the unemployment rate was 9.5%. When Trump took over, the unemployment rate was 5.1%. Yet somehow Trump is responsible but Obama isn't. You are a Trump moron. Neither Trump or Obama are responsible.

Trump lowered the taxes for the rich and big corporations who refuse to share the wealth with workers. The penalties were created by the conservative Heritage Foundation to prevent people from gaming the system by not buying insurance when they are healthy and buying insurance when they get sick leaving people who have insurance to pay their bills. That is wrong. We are paying more because of Republicans. Also businesses are being allowed to put more pollution in the air and water. That is what you call job-killing regulations.

Anybody can see the measures Trump took to stimulate the economy. You can’t say that about Ears. He was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.

Outside of Trump, other Presidents had something helping them along. Bush had the housing bubble. Clinton had the tech bubble. DumBama had the feds dump trillions of dollars into the market. Trump? He’s stimulating the economy with no help at all.

The Heritage Foundation is not part of our government. They have no vote in Congress. If Commie Care wasn’t such a failure, your puppet masters wouldn’t have told you a thing about them.

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Trump is heading for Trillion dollar budget deficits as early as 2019. It will get much worse if interest rates rise sharply because the interest on the debt will cause the budget deficit to race out of control.
I know those things are because of his actions. It's you people that gave DumBama so much credit when he didn't lift a finger to do anything for the economy. Trump removed job killing regulations, freed them from Commie Care, lowered their taxes. Yes, he is responsible for the things I listed.

Actually, I do not give Obama any credit, just as I give Trump very little.

Most of those things you mentioned were already happening prior to the election, but you give Trump credit for them, why is that?

Also, ObamaCare is not gone, nobody has been freed from it. The hospital killing rules and regulations are all still there and we are all paying way more than we should because of them.

Unemployment rate among women and minorities...nothing changed after the election, no matter how many times your savior in the White House tells you so..

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I said Trump freed businesses from Commie Care, just like Trump freed citizens from the penalties.

I also said that Trump broke records when it came to minority unemployment. You think if we didn't have a business friendly President, that we would have the lowest overall unemployment today since 1967?

Trump has been President almost two years, and economic growth does not happen on it's own, especially when didn't have high unemployment in the first place. The economy goes up and the economy goes down. It kept going up because Trump was President.

When Obama became President, the unemployment rate was 9.5%. When Trump took over, the unemployment rate was 5.1%. Yet somehow Trump is responsible but Obama isn't. You are a Trump moron. Neither Trump or Obama are responsible.

Trump lowered the taxes for the rich and big corporations who refuse to share the wealth with workers. The penalties were created by the conservative Heritage Foundation to prevent people from gaming the system by not buying insurance when they are healthy and buying insurance when they get sick leaving people who have insurance to pay their bills. That is wrong. We are paying more because of Republicans. Also businesses are being allowed to put more pollution in the air and water. That is what you call job-killing regulations.

Anybody can see the measures Trump took to stimulate the economy. You can’t say that about Ears. He was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.

Outside of Trump, other Presidents had something helping them along. Bush had the housing bubble. Clinton had the tech bubble. DumBama had the feds dump trillions of dollars into the market. Trump? He’s stimulating the economy with no help at all.

The Heritage Foundation is not part of our government. They have no vote in Congress. If Commie Care wasn’t such a failure, your puppet masters wouldn’t have told you a thing about them.

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Trump is heading for Trillion dollar budget deficits as early as 2019. It will get much worse if interest rates rise sharply because the interest on the debt will cause the budget deficit to race out of control.

Deficits and debt are two different things, although deficits are converted into debt.

Trump has not been in office two years yet. It's Congress that controls our spending anyway. Trump made promises that he wanted to keep; promises that yes, cost money. At the same time, in order to keep the Democrats happy, they included their spending as well.

So now that Trump got most of the things he wanted, let's see what happens at this point especially if the Republicans continue to lead the House.

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