Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

In addition to my swimming pool business experiences trying to hire people, I also hire someone every year to trim my citrus trees, and handle some other odd jobs at my home. The first guy was about 50 years old, white, and collecting some sort of disability benefits, which would have been taken from him if he left a paper trail of money. he demanded $50 per hour in cash.

The second guy was white, about 30 years old, and did not show up.

The third was white, about 60 years old, and a thief and a druggie. he never completed the task, because the sheriff caught up up with him and threw him in the slammer.

The last was latino, about 45. I have no idea if he is an illegal, or not. He charges $20 per hour, and never misses a day. If his pick up won't start, his cousin's will. I have referred him to three of my friends.

This is your reason for supporting illegal immigration? Lol. Sure, let's ignore all the facts and go with your anecdotes which are probably not true, given your reputation. :D
poor Chris... so many wasted keystrokes explaining ( or trying to) the job situation and not a single intelligent attempt to address the topic of the thread.
asked and answered.

Now here is where you start telling me that you did in fact answer my questions, which you obviously have not.

I'll give you another opportunity.

Why do you support illegal immigration? Which parts of my posts (which I outlined and numbered for you) do you disagree with and why do you disagree with them?

This is a discussion and a debate (or maybe not with you involved). Part of debate is explaining your positions and how you came to them.
asked and answered.

Which post did you answer in because I just perused them all, and there were no answers. Here are the questions I would like for you to answer, and these are fairly simple and straightforward questions that anyone with a leg to stand on in an argument could easily answer, and in fact bolster their argument.

1. Do you support illegal immigration?
2. If so, why do you support it?
3. Which of my points do you disagree with?
a) Employers hire illegal immigrants because of the fact that they are undocumented, and they don't have to pay them minimum wage or a living wage, they can also get away with not paying workmen's comp, unemployment taxes, etc.
b) These employers should be punished harshly and levied heavy fines for employing illegals.
c) American workers (according to published statistics, as well as historical statistics), do in fact do these types of jobs. One thing that can easily prove this is that they could not get away with employing ALL illegals, so they must employ some American legal workers as well or they would be caught.
d) Illegal workers are not provided with health insurance. We, the taxpayers, end up picking up the slack when they get sick or have accidents that need medical treatment.
e) Illegal labor is like slave labor.

The Historical Facts show that there is no such thing as "illegal immigration" - That the ONLY ones who subscribe to that legal fiction are the skinheads, neonazis, racist motherfuckers the Know Nothings.

Economists have shown that immigration is NOT detrimental to our economy

Economists have shown thet the welfare state IS detrimental to our rights and the economy.

In case you haven't noticed, I mostly ignore your posts because you are completely off your rocker. Lol.

Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
Written by James Hirby and Fact Checked by The Law Dictionary Staff

Americans who are struggling to survive due to high unemployment and low wages may be asking why illegal aliens receive benefits from state and federal governments. Federal law does prevent illegal aliens from receiving benefits meant for American citizens. The only benefit that illegal aliens are allowed is emergency medical care.

Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, at least one third of foreign born citizens in the United States are illegal aliens. Since children born in the United States are considered U.S. Citizens, it becomes complicated when illegal aliens then bear children who are U.S. Citizens.

If the U.S. government sent the parents of these children away, we would be separating families. Now that these families have given birth to U.S. citizens, the families are eligible for benefits such as WIC and food stamps. Benefits such as these are for low income families. Illegal aliens often work in low paying jobs so they now qualify for benefits.

Illegal immigrants enter the country by overstaying their visa. Officers of the law do not make it a habit to stop people and ask to see their papers. What this means is that if a person overstays their visa, they can find ways to work and receive benefits.

Another way illegal aliens enter the U.S. is by using forged documents. If people at port authorities, international airports, and border crossings are not catching forged documents, foreign citizens have just entered the U.S. without question.

Once illegal immigrants arrive, they buy forged documents saying they are U.S. citizens. The only way to stop this is to crack down on those who make and sell forged documents. If employers, state, and federal agencies cannot tell a forged document from a real document, then of course illegal aliens will receive benefits.

Our own failures to improve security, verify immigrant status, and recognize forged documents are what cause illegal aliens to receive benefits.

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?

The REASON you ignore my posts is because you do not have the factual or legal basis for rebutting/refuting my posts.

Your allegations are based on RACIAL AND/OR ETHNIC PREJUDICE .

Our alien friends were NOT a powerhouse in US politics when LBJ created the welfare state in 1965. Actually, after 1965 our alien friends were no longer welcome.

poor Chris... so many wasted keystrokes explaining ( or trying to) the job situation and not a single intelligent attempt to address the topic of the thread.

I already did that. I do not support rounding up and deportation. It is fiscally unfeasible. I do support punishing employers who hire illegals and E verify. I'm not against a wall either, not because it would stop the flow 100%, but could help slow it down and create jobs for American citizens. :thup:
In addition to my swimming pool business experiences trying to hire people, I also hire someone every year to trim my citrus trees, and handle some other odd jobs at my home. The first guy was about 50 years old, white, and collecting some sort of disability benefits, which would have been taken from him if he left a paper trail of money. he demanded $50 per hour in cash.

The second guy was white, about 30 years old, and did not show up.

The third was white, about 60 years old, and a thief and a druggie. he never completed the task, because the sheriff caught up up with him and threw him in the slammer.

The last was latino, about 45. I have no idea if he is an illegal, or not. He charges $20 per hour, and never misses a day. If his pick up won't start, his cousin's will. I have referred him to three of my friends.

You'd better hope they're legal. Otherwise, they probably aren't insured and are a liability to you and your homeowner's insurance, Einstein. :D
Now here is where you start telling me that you did in fact answer my questions, which you obviously have not.

I'll give you another opportunity.

Why do you support illegal immigration? Which parts of my posts (which I outlined and numbered for you) do you disagree with and why do you disagree with them?

This is a discussion and a debate (or maybe not with you involved). Part of debate is explaining your positions and how you came to them.
asked and answered.

Which post did you answer in because I just perused them all, and there were no answers. Here are the questions I would like for you to answer, and these are fairly simple and straightforward questions that anyone with a leg to stand on in an argument could easily answer, and in fact bolster their argument.

1. Do you support illegal immigration?
2. If so, why do you support it?
3. Which of my points do you disagree with?
a) Employers hire illegal immigrants because of the fact that they are undocumented, and they don't have to pay them minimum wage or a living wage, they can also get away with not paying workmen's comp, unemployment taxes, etc.
b) These employers should be punished harshly and levied heavy fines for employing illegals.
c) American workers (according to published statistics, as well as historical statistics), do in fact do these types of jobs. One thing that can easily prove this is that they could not get away with employing ALL illegals, so they must employ some American legal workers as well or they would be caught.
d) Illegal workers are not provided with health insurance. We, the taxpayers, end up picking up the slack when they get sick or have accidents that need medical treatment.
e) Illegal labor is like slave labor.

The Historical Facts show that there is no such thing as "illegal immigration" - That the ONLY ones who subscribe to that legal fiction are the skinheads, neonazis, racist motherfuckers the Know Nothings.

Economists have shown that immigration is NOT detrimental to our economy

Economists have shown thet the welfare state IS detrimental to our rights and the economy.

In case you haven't noticed, I mostly ignore your posts because you are completely off your rocker. Lol.

Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
Written by James Hirby and Fact Checked by The Law Dictionary Staff

Americans who are struggling to survive due to high unemployment and low wages may be asking why illegal aliens receive benefits from state and federal governments. Federal law does prevent illegal aliens from receiving benefits meant for American citizens. The only benefit that illegal aliens are allowed is emergency medical care.

Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, at least one third of foreign born citizens in the United States are illegal aliens. Since children born in the United States are considered U.S. Citizens, it becomes complicated when illegal aliens then bear children who are U.S. Citizens.

If the U.S. government sent the parents of these children away, we would be separating families. Now that these families have given birth to U.S. citizens, the families are eligible for benefits such as WIC and food stamps. Benefits such as these are for low income families. Illegal aliens often work in low paying jobs so they now qualify for benefits.

Illegal immigrants enter the country by overstaying their visa. Officers of the law do not make it a habit to stop people and ask to see their papers. What this means is that if a person overstays their visa, they can find ways to work and receive benefits.

Another way illegal aliens enter the U.S. is by using forged documents. If people at port authorities, international airports, and border crossings are not catching forged documents, foreign citizens have just entered the U.S. without question.

Once illegal immigrants arrive, they buy forged documents saying they are U.S. citizens. The only way to stop this is to crack down on those who make and sell forged documents. If employers, state, and federal agencies cannot tell a forged document from a real document, then of course illegal aliens will receive benefits.

Our own failures to improve security, verify immigrant status, and recognize forged documents are what cause illegal aliens to receive benefits.

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?

The REASON you ignore my posts is because you do not have the factual or legal basis for rebutting/refuting my posts.

Your allegations are based on RACIAL AND/OR ETHNIC PREJUDICE .

Our alien friends were NOT a powerhouse in US politics when LBJ created the welfare state in 1965. Actually, after 1965 our alien friends were no longer welcome.


Lol! :eusa_boohoo:
To make the contract valid.

Begging the question, it's not a contract, it's a government program. ...

No, it's a contract.

It's nothing like any other contract...

Yes it is.

OK, name one. What other contract between citizens has all terms dictated by government

"All" terms of a marriage contract are not determined by the government.
asked and answered.

Which post did you answer in because I just perused them all, and there were no answers. Here are the questions I would like for you to answer, and these are fairly simple and straightforward questions that anyone with a leg to stand on in an argument could easily answer, and in fact bolster their argument.

1. Do you support illegal immigration?
2. If so, why do you support it?
3. Which of my points do you disagree with?
a) Employers hire illegal immigrants because of the fact that they are undocumented, and they don't have to pay them minimum wage or a living wage, they can also get away with not paying workmen's comp, unemployment taxes, etc.
b) These employers should be punished harshly and levied heavy fines for employing illegals.
c) American workers (according to published statistics, as well as historical statistics), do in fact do these types of jobs. One thing that can easily prove this is that they could not get away with employing ALL illegals, so they must employ some American legal workers as well or they would be caught.
d) Illegal workers are not provided with health insurance. We, the taxpayers, end up picking up the slack when they get sick or have accidents that need medical treatment.
e) Illegal labor is like slave labor.

The Historical Facts show that there is no such thing as "illegal immigration" - That the ONLY ones who subscribe to that legal fiction are the skinheads, neonazis, racist motherfuckers the Know Nothings.

Economists have shown that immigration is NOT detrimental to our economy

Economists have shown thet the welfare state IS detrimental to our rights and the economy.

In case you haven't noticed, I mostly ignore your posts because you are completely off your rocker. Lol.

Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
Written by James Hirby and Fact Checked by The Law Dictionary Staff

Americans who are struggling to survive due to high unemployment and low wages may be asking why illegal aliens receive benefits from state and federal governments. Federal law does prevent illegal aliens from receiving benefits meant for American citizens. The only benefit that illegal aliens are allowed is emergency medical care.

Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, at least one third of foreign born citizens in the United States are illegal aliens. Since children born in the United States are considered U.S. Citizens, it becomes complicated when illegal aliens then bear children who are U.S. Citizens.

If the U.S. government sent the parents of these children away, we would be separating families. Now that these families have given birth to U.S. citizens, the families are eligible for benefits such as WIC and food stamps. Benefits such as these are for low income families. Illegal aliens often work in low paying jobs so they now qualify for benefits.

Illegal immigrants enter the country by overstaying their visa. Officers of the law do not make it a habit to stop people and ask to see their papers. What this means is that if a person overstays their visa, they can find ways to work and receive benefits.

Another way illegal aliens enter the U.S. is by using forged documents. If people at port authorities, international airports, and border crossings are not catching forged documents, foreign citizens have just entered the U.S. without question.

Once illegal immigrants arrive, they buy forged documents saying they are U.S. citizens. The only way to stop this is to crack down on those who make and sell forged documents. If employers, state, and federal agencies cannot tell a forged document from a real document, then of course illegal aliens will receive benefits.

Our own failures to improve security, verify immigrant status, and recognize forged documents are what cause illegal aliens to receive benefits.

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?

The REASON you ignore my posts is because you do not have the factual or legal basis for rebutting/refuting my posts.

Your allegations are based on RACIAL AND/OR ETHNIC PREJUDICE .

Our alien friends were NOT a powerhouse in US politics when LBJ created the welfare state in 1965. Actually, after 1965 our alien friends were no longer welcome.


Lol! :eusa_boohoo:

The REASON you ignore my posts is because you do not have the factual or legal basis for rebutting/refuting my posts.

Your allegations are based on RACIAL AND/OR ETHNIC PREJUDICE .

Our alien friends were NOT a powerhouse in US politics when LBJ created the welfare state in 1965. Actually, after 1965 our alien friends were no longer welcome.
poor Chris... so many wasted keystrokes explaining ( or trying to) the job situation and not a single intelligent attempt to address the topic of the thread.

I already did that. I do not support rounding up and deportation. It is fiscally unfeasible. I do support punishing employers who hire illegals and E verify. I'm not against a wall either, not because it would stop the flow 100%, but could help slow it down and create jobs for American citizens. :thup:

I read your intelligent "alligators and mote" response corrected with "moat" ... well done.

your lengthy jobs situation deserves its own thread, your opinion is off topic here.
poor Chris... so many wasted keystrokes explaining ( or trying to) the job situation and not a single intelligent attempt to address the topic of the thread.

I already did that. I do not support rounding up and deportation. It is fiscally unfeasible. I do support punishing employers who hire illegals and E verify. I'm not against a wall either, not because it would stop the flow 100%, but could help slow it down and create jobs for American citizens. :thup:

I read your intelligent "alligators and mote" response corrected with "moat" ... well done.

your lengthy jobs situation deserves its own thread, your opinion is off topic here.

I was joking, you goon! Lol.

If the OP feels that it is off topic, then the OP can tell me that. Other than that, screw yourself. :D
Which post did you answer in because I just perused them all, and there were no answers. Here are the questions I would like for you to answer, and these are fairly simple and straightforward questions that anyone with a leg to stand on in an argument could easily answer, and in fact bolster their argument.

1. Do you support illegal immigration?
2. If so, why do you support it?
3. Which of my points do you disagree with?
a) Employers hire illegal immigrants because of the fact that they are undocumented, and they don't have to pay them minimum wage or a living wage, they can also get away with not paying workmen's comp, unemployment taxes, etc.
b) These employers should be punished harshly and levied heavy fines for employing illegals.
c) American workers (according to published statistics, as well as historical statistics), do in fact do these types of jobs. One thing that can easily prove this is that they could not get away with employing ALL illegals, so they must employ some American legal workers as well or they would be caught.
d) Illegal workers are not provided with health insurance. We, the taxpayers, end up picking up the slack when they get sick or have accidents that need medical treatment.
e) Illegal labor is like slave labor.

The Historical Facts show that there is no such thing as "illegal immigration" - That the ONLY ones who subscribe to that legal fiction are the skinheads, neonazis, racist motherfuckers the Know Nothings.

Economists have shown that immigration is NOT detrimental to our economy

Economists have shown thet the welfare state IS detrimental to our rights and the economy.

In case you haven't noticed, I mostly ignore your posts because you are completely off your rocker. Lol.

Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?
Written by James Hirby and Fact Checked by The Law Dictionary Staff

Americans who are struggling to survive due to high unemployment and low wages may be asking why illegal aliens receive benefits from state and federal governments. Federal law does prevent illegal aliens from receiving benefits meant for American citizens. The only benefit that illegal aliens are allowed is emergency medical care.

Just because illegal aliens are not legally entitled to these benefits does not mean they do not apply for them. Yes. It is true that illegal aliens have received grants, professional accreditations, loans, WIC, disability, public housing, college educations, food stamps, unemployment benefits, and tax credits from state and federal agencies.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, at least one third of foreign born citizens in the United States are illegal aliens. Since children born in the United States are considered U.S. Citizens, it becomes complicated when illegal aliens then bear children who are U.S. Citizens.

If the U.S. government sent the parents of these children away, we would be separating families. Now that these families have given birth to U.S. citizens, the families are eligible for benefits such as WIC and food stamps. Benefits such as these are for low income families. Illegal aliens often work in low paying jobs so they now qualify for benefits.

Illegal immigrants enter the country by overstaying their visa. Officers of the law do not make it a habit to stop people and ask to see their papers. What this means is that if a person overstays their visa, they can find ways to work and receive benefits.

Another way illegal aliens enter the U.S. is by using forged documents. If people at port authorities, international airports, and border crossings are not catching forged documents, foreign citizens have just entered the U.S. without question.

Once illegal immigrants arrive, they buy forged documents saying they are U.S. citizens. The only way to stop this is to crack down on those who make and sell forged documents. If employers, state, and federal agencies cannot tell a forged document from a real document, then of course illegal aliens will receive benefits.

Our own failures to improve security, verify immigrant status, and recognize forged documents are what cause illegal aliens to receive benefits.

Law Dictionary: Why is it that Illegal Aliens Get Free Food Stamps, Health Insurance and Pay No Taxes?

The REASON you ignore my posts is because you do not have the factual or legal basis for rebutting/refuting my posts.

Your allegations are based on RACIAL AND/OR ETHNIC PREJUDICE .

Our alien friends were NOT a powerhouse in US politics when LBJ created the welfare state in 1965. Actually, after 1965 our alien friends were no longer welcome.


Lol! :eusa_boohoo:

The REASON you ignore my posts is because you do not have the factual or legal basis for rebutting/refuting my posts.

Your allegations are based on RACIAL AND/OR ETHNIC PREJUDICE .

Our alien friends were NOT a powerhouse in US politics when LBJ created the welfare state in 1965. Actually, after 1965 our alien friends were no longer welcome.

Boo. Hoo.
What do we tell businesses that hire illegals for cheap labor? Triple your hourly wage, pay time and a half for overtime, and hire Americans. Correct?
I'm on record for years, get rid of bad illegals & visa overstay. Work out deal to keep good people. Add guest worker program if need be. Offer prison inmates 1day off sentence each day worked at low pay, 1/2 pay to defray costs. Your late to party. It ain't impossible to do something, some improvements.....

If you are all getting pissed and moan that illegals are taking over your low paying jobs........... Think again who will take over the high paying jobs.............. GUEST WORKERS.

If read Trump's web site his platform includes policies to reduce skilled guest workers, because of past abuse.
Your master is already an abuser of foreign workers. Your point is meaningless.
No, I advocate using all reasonable tools to address, reduce and solve the problem.

Teh Wall will be a valuable part of any such "comprehensive" program.
One reason I left the Republican party after 32 years of membership is because they changed from being a rational party of fiscal responsibility and national defense to being an emotional party like the Democrats, but with a different agenda.

Example: the GOP often rightfully disclaimed tax and spend Democrats. The "new and improved" RNC is more focused upon spending BILLIONS on a fucking wall which will do as much to stop illegal immigrants as Obamacare did in reducing the cost of healthcare.

Is there any wonder why more Americans are Independents than either Democrats or Republicans? Is there any wonder why even Democrats are favoring an outsider like Bernie and Republicans an outsider like Trump? Americans are not happy. We all agree there is a problem, but only disagree on the solution.
Begging the question, it's not a contract, it's a government program. ...

No, it's a contract.

It's nothing like any other contract...

Yes it is.

OK, name one. What other contract between citizens has all terms dictated by government

"All" terms of a marriage contract are not determined by the government.

Like what?

And are you going to answer the last question? What other contract between citizens has all terms except the ones you're about to name dictated by government?
No, I advocate using all reasonable tools to address, reduce and solve the problem.

Teh Wall will be a valuable part of any such "comprehensive" program.
One reason I left the Republican party after 32 years of membership is because they changed from being a rational party of fiscal responsibility and national defense to being an emotional party like the Democrats, but with a different agenda.

Example: the GOP often rightfully disclaimed tax and spend Democrats. The "new and improved" RNC is more focused upon spending BILLIONS on a fucking wall which will do as much to stop illegal immigrants as Obamacare did in reducing the cost of healthcare.

Is there any wonder why more Americans are Independents than either Democrats or Republicans? Is there any wonder why even Democrats are favoring an outsider like Bernie and Republicans an outsider like Trump? Americans are not happy. We all agree there is a problem, but only disagree on the solution.

I left in roughly 1990 when HW showed he was no RWR
I don't have a problem with building a wall. It would put some Americans to work. I don't know how effective it would be, but it seemed quite effective for East and West Germany. It's probably better for the economy than mass deportations.
Let's not forget who built that wall in Berlin and also why: It was to keep people in, not out plus anyone who wanted out was shot.

Also, it was only 97ish miles long, not 1900+.

How about a mote filled with crocodiles?
That's a lot of gators!

The estimated 10 to 11 billions is now up to 15 billions because you have to make lakes and rivers making sure those gators survive in the desert. See how stupid these people are?
Look, you have obviously been backed into a corner, and all you have left is to scream and pout. It's not working. Nobody is buying it. Employers hire illegals because they can pay them less and they don't have to follow our laws about safety and working conditions.
Well said and agreed 100%.
According to the Department of Labor, there are plenty of unskilled legal American citizens that would do these jobs. Another fail for the liberals who want and demand slave labor. ;)

Your anti immigrations is convuluting your brain. The reality is there................. Most and lots of white Americans don't do certain jobs. Old timers yes............... BUT the young ones are totally different breed. They are spoiled. A long time a go kids in the neighborhood will cut grass. Time has changed. You hardly see whites cutting grass especially in California.
We as business owners talk about this all the time. My company is predominantly white but when it comes to warehouse, refrigeration, janitorial it's a problem. Most are Asians and Hispanics that will stick around but whites mostly quit the same day or the next. Let me repeat this again............. This the reality and a problem. Not from the link.
In addition to my swimming pool business experiences trying to hire people, I also hire someone every year to trim my citrus trees, and handle some other odd jobs at my home. The first guy was about 50 years old, white, and collecting some sort of disability benefits, which would have been taken from him if he left a paper trail of money. he demanded $50 per hour in cash.

The second guy was white, about 30 years old, and did not show up.

The third was white, about 60 years old, and a thief and a druggie. he never completed the task, because the sheriff caught up up with him and threw him in the slammer.

The last was latino, about 45. I have no idea if he is an illegal, or not. He charges $20 per hour, and never misses a day. If his pick up won't start, his cousin's will. I have referred him to three of my friends.

You'd better hope they're legal. Otherwise, they probably aren't insured and are a liability to you and your homeowner's insurance, Einstein. :D

Chris, I do believe that you must have a degree from Corrells' law school!

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