Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

No, I advocate using all reasonable tools to address, reduce and solve the problem.

Teh Wall will be a valuable part of any such "comprehensive" program.
One reason I left the Republican party after 32 years of membership is because they changed from being a rational party of fiscal responsibility and national defense to being an emotional party like the Democrats, but with a different agenda.

Example: the GOP often rightfully disclaimed tax and spend Democrats. The "new and improved" RNC is more focused upon spending BILLIONS on a fucking wall which will do as much to stop illegal immigrants as Obamacare did in reducing the cost of healthcare.

Is there any wonder why more Americans are Independents than either Democrats or Republicans? Is there any wonder why even Democrats are favoring an outsider like Bernie and Republicans an outsider like Trump? Americans are not happy. We all agree there is a problem, but only disagree on the solution.

3 and a half trillion dollars a year, and YOU'RE focused on a, maybe 15 billion dollar Wall?

Ironically, that is not rational of you.

A Wall will make illegal border crossings more difficult.

That's a good thing.
Maybe it would be easier if I asked them one at a time. Do you support illegal immigration? Yes or no.

He obviously DOES, but he knows that his position is indefensible because he CAN'T spin it enough to even for a second create an illusion that it would be in America's best interest.
also a false assumption but that's all you ever do.

No assumption. YOur behavior is very obvious.
bullshit you've made countless false and ignorant assumptions about myself and others.

If my conclusion about you is incorrect, then tell me what your real position is and your real explanation, and if it doesn't completely contradict what you have shown so far, I will consider adjusting my opinion accordingly.
asked and answerd.
In which post did you answer the questions? Like I said, I already went through them all one by one, and you refused to answer the questions. Now, I've just given you two or three more opportunities to answer these questions in a coherent manner and bolster your argument. Let's see if you can do it. :D I'm doubtful because it's quite obvious that you have nothing to offer in this discussion.
I've said my piece you just don't like the answers.
YOu are so full of crap, and you are not fooling anyone.
I'm not trying to fool you fools .
but it is entertaining to watch you guys make shit up to bolster your bigotry.

Only thing Chris has been trying to do for the last couple of pages, is get you to discuss the issue seriously and honestly.

Oh and btw,

bullshit she's as ignorant as you are.
it's you asshats playing the race card.
if you weren't we would not be having this discussion ,

I note that you still haven't answered any of her reasonable questions, or clearly defined your positions or reasons.

Your use of the recent lefty tactic of not knowing what the Race Card is, is noted and rejected, and ridiculed.

This is my ridicule of your pretended ignorance.

No, I advocate using all reasonable tools to address, reduce and solve the problem.

Teh Wall will be a valuable part of any such "comprehensive" program.
One reason I left the Republican party after 32 years of membership is because they changed from being a rational party of fiscal responsibility and national defense to being an emotional party like the Democrats, but with a different agenda.

Example: the GOP often rightfully disclaimed tax and spend Democrats. The "new and improved" RNC is more focused upon spending BILLIONS on a fucking wall which will do as much to stop illegal immigrants as Obamacare did in reducing the cost of healthcare.

Is there any wonder why more Americans are Independents than either Democrats or Republicans? Is there any wonder why even Democrats are favoring an outsider like Bernie and Republicans an outsider like Trump? Americans are not happy. We all agree there is a problem, but only disagree on the solution.

3 and a half trillion dollars a year, and YOU'RE focused on a, maybe 15 billion dollar Wall?

Ironically, that is not rational of you.

A Wall will make illegal border crossings more difficult.

That's a good thing.

Good, good. That was completely negative. NO one could mistake that for agreement.

Of course, you didn't explain what exactly you were disagreeing with.

NOr did you explain why you thought I was wrong.

Since I have to guess at all of that, my guess is that you can't intelligently explain any of that, and you know it, so you are afraid to try.
I've said my piece you just don't like the answers.
YOu are so full of crap, and you are not fooling anyone.
I'm not trying to fool you fools .
but it is entertaining to watch you guys make shit up to bolster your bigotry.

Only thing Chris has been trying to do for the last couple of pages, is get you to discuss the issue seriously and honestly.

Oh and btw,

bullshit she's as ignorant as you are.
it's you asshats playing the race card.
if you weren't we would not be having this discussion ,

I note that you still haven't answered any of her reasonable questions, or clearly defined your positions or reasons.

Your use of the recent lefty tactic of not knowing what the Race Card is, is noted and rejected, and ridiculed.

This is my ridicule of your pretended ignorance.

as always making false assumption and accusations.
I know what the race card is and you are playing it,
He obviously DOES, but he knows that his position is indefensible because he CAN'T spin it enough to even for a second create an illusion that it would be in America's best interest.
also a false assumption but that's all you ever do.

No assumption. YOur behavior is very obvious.
bullshit you've made countless false and ignorant assumptions about myself and others.

If my conclusion about you is incorrect, then tell me what your real position is and your real explanation, and if it doesn't completely contradict what you have shown so far, I will consider adjusting my opinion accordingly.
asked and answerd.

What a load of crap.

For you.

YOu are so full of crap, and you are not fooling anyone.
I'm not trying to fool you fools .
but it is entertaining to watch you guys make shit up to bolster your bigotry.

Only thing Chris has been trying to do for the last couple of pages, is get you to discuss the issue seriously and honestly.

Oh and btw,

bullshit she's as ignorant as you are.
it's you asshats playing the race card.
if you weren't we would not be having this discussion ,

I note that you still haven't answered any of her reasonable questions, or clearly defined your positions or reasons.

Your use of the recent lefty tactic of not knowing what the Race Card is, is noted and rejected, and ridiculed.

This is my ridicule of your pretended ignorance.

as always making false assumption and accusations.
I know what the race card is and you are playing it,

No, I advocate using all reasonable tools to address, reduce and solve the problem.

Teh Wall will be a valuable part of any such "comprehensive" program.
One reason I left the Republican party after 32 years of membership is because they changed from being a rational party of fiscal responsibility and national defense to being an emotional party like the Democrats, but with a different agenda.

Example: the GOP often rightfully disclaimed tax and spend Democrats. The "new and improved" RNC is more focused upon spending BILLIONS on a fucking wall which will do as much to stop illegal immigrants as Obamacare did in reducing the cost of healthcare.

Is there any wonder why more Americans are Independents than either Democrats or Republicans? Is there any wonder why even Democrats are favoring an outsider like Bernie and Republicans an outsider like Trump? Americans are not happy. We all agree there is a problem, but only disagree on the solution.

3 and a half trillion dollars a year, and YOU'RE focused on a, maybe 15 billion dollar Wall?

Ironically, that is not rational of you.

A Wall will make illegal border crossings more difficult.

That's a good thing.

Good, good. That was completely negative. NO one could mistake that for agreement.

Of course, you didn't explain what exactly you were disagreeing with.

NOr did you explain why you thought I was wrong.

Since I have to guess at all of that, my guess is that you can't intelligently explain any of that, and you know it, so you are afraid to try.
fail .
I'm under no obligation to explain anything, mostly due the fact I have already done so,
also a false assumption but that's all you ever do.

No assumption. YOur behavior is very obvious.
bullshit you've made countless false and ignorant assumptions about myself and others.

If my conclusion about you is incorrect, then tell me what your real position is and your real explanation, and if it doesn't completely contradict what you have shown so far, I will consider adjusting my opinion accordingly.
asked and answerd.

What a load of crap.

For you.

a fact free response , how republican of you.

What is the percentage of Americans versus illegals who do these jobs. Post that info up! :)

Not irrelevant at all since you claim that Americans won't do these jobs, which everyone knows is a lie. Why don't you just come out and say that you are a proponent for breaking laws and modern day slavery so you can have cheaper fruit?
everyone is an appeal to the masses fallacy,
making it a false assumption .

Try using some common sense. Why would a company agree to pay minimum wage for an American low skilled worker, when they can just hire an illegal under the table at LESS than minimum wage?

I am trying to ignore your post.......... But I just cannot help it bcoz of pure..................
I've been in this business very long and I know tons and tons of business owners.
Illegals are NOT taking over high paying jobs.
Illegals are NOT taking over low paying jobs.
Since you can't rebut any of the points made in my numerous links from various sources, except to post the same things over and over again that have already been destroyed, I would say you've failed miserably. :D
there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.

What do you expect the labor department would say? Hire illegals?
This is NOT A LIE. You rely on those links but not from a real experience. Have you visited slaughter house, aqua farming, convalescence home, home care? Americans are almost none existent.
Btw.... This not a partisan but its bi-partisan only few like correll, devine and you looking the other way.

I've hired for crappy low paying jobs. I didn't have trouble finding Americans.
I'm not trying to fool you fools .
but it is entertaining to watch you guys make shit up to bolster your bigotry.

Only thing Chris has been trying to do for the last couple of pages, is get you to discuss the issue seriously and honestly.

Oh and btw,

bullshit she's as ignorant as you are.
it's you asshats playing the race card.
if you weren't we would not be having this discussion ,

I note that you still haven't answered any of her reasonable questions, or clearly defined your positions or reasons.

Your use of the recent lefty tactic of not knowing what the Race Card is, is noted and rejected, and ridiculed.

This is my ridicule of your pretended ignorance.

as always making false assumption and accusations.
I know what the race card is and you are playing it,

again with the race card you claim you're not playing
Nope, I just looked through all of your posts since I first asked you the question, and you have not answered.

Do you support illegal immigration?
So, why do you support illegal immigration? If so why?
Which one of my points do you disagree with?
asked and answered

In which post did you answer the questions? Like I said, I already went through them all one by one, and you refused to answer the questions. Now, I've just given you two or three more opportunities to answer these questions in a coherent manner and bolster your argument. Let's see if you can do it. :D I'm doubtful because it's quite obvious that you have nothing to offer in this discussion.
I've said my piece you just don't like the answers.

YOu are so full of crap, and you are not fooling anyone.
I'm not trying to fool you fools .
but it is entertaining to watch you guys make shit up to bolster your bigotry.

No assumption. YOur behavior is very obvious.
bullshit you've made countless false and ignorant assumptions about myself and others.

If my conclusion about you is incorrect, then tell me what your real position is and your real explanation, and if it doesn't completely contradict what you have shown so far, I will consider adjusting my opinion accordingly.
asked and answerd.

What a load of crap.

For you.

a fact free response , how republican of you.

Nope. I pointed out that your previous post was full of shit. That is really all that was to say about it.

oh and to laugh at you for trying to run such lame jive past me.
Only thing Chris has been trying to do for the last couple of pages, is get you to discuss the issue seriously and honestly.

Oh and btw,

bullshit she's as ignorant as you are.
it's you asshats playing the race card.
if you weren't we would not be having this discussion ,

I note that you still haven't answered any of her reasonable questions, or clearly defined your positions or reasons.

Your use of the recent lefty tactic of not knowing what the Race Card is, is noted and rejected, and ridiculed.

This is my ridicule of your pretended ignorance.

as always making false assumption and accusations.
I know what the race card is and you are playing it,

again with the race card you claim you're not playing

there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.

What do you expect the labor department would say? Hire illegals?
This is NOT A LIE. You rely on those links but not from a real experience. Have you visited slaughter house, aqua farming, convalescence home, home care? Americans are almost none existent.
Btw.... This not a partisan but its bi-partisan only few like correll, devine and you looking the other way.

I've hired for crappy low paying jobs. I didn't have trouble finding Americans.

Suddenly you are in the business of hiring....... Which you never hire before. Why do you lie?
I never said Americans don't apply......... They do apply but they do not last long. They quit the first day or the next day.
No, I advocate using all reasonable tools to address, reduce and solve the problem.

Teh Wall will be a valuable part of any such "comprehensive" program.
One reason I left the Republican party after 32 years of membership is because they changed from being a rational party of fiscal responsibility and national defense to being an emotional party like the Democrats, but with a different agenda.

Example: the GOP often rightfully disclaimed tax and spend Democrats. The "new and improved" RNC is more focused upon spending BILLIONS on a fucking wall which will do as much to stop illegal immigrants as Obamacare did in reducing the cost of healthcare.

Is there any wonder why more Americans are Independents than either Democrats or Republicans? Is there any wonder why even Democrats are favoring an outsider like Bernie and Republicans an outsider like Trump? Americans are not happy. We all agree there is a problem, but only disagree on the solution.

3 and a half trillion dollars a year, and YOU'RE focused on a, maybe 15 billion dollar Wall?

Ironically, that is not rational of you.

A Wall will make illegal border crossings more difficult.

That's a good thing.

Good, good. That was completely negative. NO one could mistake that for agreement.

Of course, you didn't explain what exactly you were disagreeing with.

NOr did you explain why you thought I was wrong.

Since I have to guess at all of that, my guess is that you can't intelligently explain any of that, and you know it, so you are afraid to try.
fail .
I'm under no obligation to explain anything, mostly due the fact I have already done so,

there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.

What do you expect the labor department would say? Hire illegals?
This is NOT A LIE. You rely on those links but not from a real experience. Have you visited slaughter house, aqua farming, convalescence home, home care? Americans are almost none existent.
Btw.... This not a partisan but its bi-partisan only few like correll, devine and you looking the other way.

I've hired for crappy low paying jobs. I didn't have trouble finding Americans.
of course you have dear
All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.

What do you expect the labor department would say? Hire illegals?
This is NOT A LIE. You rely on those links but not from a real experience. Have you visited slaughter house, aqua farming, convalescence home, home care? Americans are almost none existent.
Btw.... This not a partisan but its bi-partisan only few like correll, devine and you looking the other way.

I've hired for crappy low paying jobs. I didn't have trouble finding Americans.

Suddenly you are in the business of hiring....... Which you never hire before. Why do you lie?
I never said Americans don't apply......... They do apply but they do not last long. They quit the first day or the next day.

I trust that you and other bosses would find a way to get by, or find someone.

Or, if not, and your business fails?

Society is more important than your business.

YOu are the tail, not the dog.
One reason I left the Republican party after 32 years of membership is because they changed from being a rational party of fiscal responsibility and national defense to being an emotional party like the Democrats, but with a different agenda.

Example: the GOP often rightfully disclaimed tax and spend Democrats. The "new and improved" RNC is more focused upon spending BILLIONS on a fucking wall which will do as much to stop illegal immigrants as Obamacare did in reducing the cost of healthcare.

Is there any wonder why more Americans are Independents than either Democrats or Republicans? Is there any wonder why even Democrats are favoring an outsider like Bernie and Republicans an outsider like Trump? Americans are not happy. We all agree there is a problem, but only disagree on the solution.

3 and a half trillion dollars a year, and YOU'RE focused on a, maybe 15 billion dollar Wall?

Ironically, that is not rational of you.

A Wall will make illegal border crossings more difficult.

That's a good thing.

Good, good. That was completely negative. NO one could mistake that for agreement.

Of course, you didn't explain what exactly you were disagreeing with.

NOr did you explain why you thought I was wrong.

Since I have to guess at all of that, my guess is that you can't intelligently explain any of that, and you know it, so you are afraid to try.
fail .
I'm under no obligation to explain anything, mostly due the fact I have already done so,

the concept that I'm not lying is also foreign to you,
brain deadness is pandemic on the right.

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