Could you imagine

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Going to work each and everyday knowing that you can do anything you want?
In any order you want?

hell, even not doing your job at all?

B/c you know those in charge have no idea what you are doing.

Imagine how awesome that would be.

of course, your company would go out of business quickly, unless, of course, you work for the obama administration.
I do that every day, lol..... I just work now for a small company. Have the skills to keep the machines running, when they call my name if there is a problem, I respond and fix it, Otherwise the plant manager and the Owner dont give a crap if I am screwing off on the net or what ever when its running perfect. See how respect/talent /skills work
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I do that every day, lol..... I just work now for a small company. Have the skills to keep the machines running, when they call my name if there is a problem, I respond and fix it, Otherwise the plant manager and the Owner dont give a crap if I am screwing off on the net or what ever when its running perfect. See how respect/talent /skills work

yeah, but if you went to fix something and broke it more for kicks, they would care.

That's pretty much my job in a nutshell. And I'm sick and tired of it.
Sure there are deadlines and commitments, but it's the same old shit for 36 years.
My motto: why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?

Took a nap at the office yesterday. No one around to give a shit.
I used to have a cat, but thank God found her a home after 7 years.

Now it's just me, the computer, and the waste basket. President, secretary, janitor. While the partners sit on their asses and collect fat checks, I get paid shit. I don't know which I hate more, my ex or this job.

Be careful for what you wish.

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