Couldn't Have Happened To A More Deserving Fellow

Only one thing worse than a Bully.
That is a Rich Bully.

Rupert is both. He has been paying off Scotland yard for years. Let's hope the investigation doesn't end in the UK.
You lefties are starting to sound like Capt. Relault in the movie Casablanca; "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in this establishment" here are your winnings Capt Renault, "oh thank you". Lefties litarally salivated at the thought of what juicy tidbits might be uncovered two years ago when Sarah Palin's E-mail account was hacked. Democrat Rep. James McDermott should have been indicted when he released illegally obtained tapes of a cell phone conversation between then House Speaker Gingrich and others but democrats found a friendly judge to rule that hacking was OK as long as the target is a republican.
Ruppie's kingdom is beginning to crumble. Alas, what will the sheep of FOX do?
LMAO a guy who made billlions off of others scandals and such is now losing money on his scandal.

The thread couldn't be more aptly named.

I agree with the title wholeheartedly.

I really enjoy observing the direction and events this scandal is taking.

Finally Rupert and his dangerous and malicious media empire will get their just desserts.

I'm on cloud 9.

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Let's now get so excited. Ruppie has lots of money to pay people off with. I expect he will be handing out cash like it was the tobacco lobbiest paying off GOP house members. Ask Boner, he was there!
How every liberal of you! Let's follow the French example.... shall we include show trials too or just behead anyone who is deemed 'guilty' by the state?

And there was me thinking that the left liked democracy. Oh well, I can accept being wrong occasionally.

Oh I think you were right. They like democracy. They are in favor of mobs and violence.

Thankfully, we are a Republic and can check that unruly behavior.
How every liberal of you! Let's follow the French example.... shall we include show trials too or just behead anyone who is deemed 'guilty' by the state?
The French are a good example to follow. They take to the streets when their government starts playing games with them. Unlike we Americans who are too divided and brainwashed to follow the French example.

Vive la France!

And there was me thinking that the left liked democracy. Oh well, I can accept being wrong occasionally.
We true leftists love democracy -- enough to chop heads off to preserve it. Unfortunately there are too few of us available to construct and operate a guillotine on Pennsylvania Avenue without interference from the loyalists and right-wing toadies.

I've never seen how random acts of violence is productive. How exactly is the nation better by destroying your property and the property of your neighbor? How is it improved when you spill blood in rage?
LMAO a guy who made billlions off of others scandals and such is now losing money on his scandal.

Karma usually does come back to bite us. Politicians should remember that as they attempt to screw the people.
Let's now get so excited. Ruppie has lots of money to pay people off with. I expect he will be handing out cash like it was the tobacco lobbiest paying off GOP house members. Ask Boner, he was there!

I actually don't expect Murdock to change anything about the way he does news here in the US. But I sure am hoping that they did do something illegal and gets caught. I would like nothing better then to see them get their comeuppance. But I am hoping that there will be some people that do a little extra thinking about Faux news.

I don't think that the channel has been good for the country. They have smeared good people for no reason except to push the country further right. IMO it has coarsened the dialogue between the right and left. It's not that I think that it would be sweetness and light between left and right, but it would be nice to see us communicate without the name calling and lies. Without the spin. I'm probably wishing for too much, but it sure would be nice and I have to say I've enjoyed watching their troubles in the UK.
Let's now get so excited. Ruppie has lots of money to pay people off with. I expect he will be handing out cash like it was the tobacco lobbiest paying off GOP house members. Ask Boner, he was there!

I actually don't expect Murdock to change anything about the way he does news here in the US. But I sure am hoping that they did do something illegal and gets caught. I would like nothing better then to see them get their comeuppance. But I am hoping that there will be some people that do a little extra thinking about Faux news.

I don't think that the channel has been good for the country. They have smeared good people for no reason except to push the country further right. IMO it has coarsened the dialogue between the right and left. It's not that I think that it would be sweetness and light between left and right, but it would be nice to see us communicate without the name calling and lies. Without the spin. I'm probably wishing for too much, but it sure would be nice and I have to say I've enjoyed watching their troubles in the UK.

I hear ya Susan, I hear ya.
Let's now get so excited. Ruppie has lots of money to pay people off with. I expect he will be handing out cash like it was the tobacco lobbiest paying off GOP house members. Ask Boner, he was there!

I actually don't expect Murdock to change anything about the way he does news here in the US. But I sure am hoping that they did do something illegal and gets caught. I would like nothing better then to see them get their comeuppance. But I am hoping that there will be some people that do a little extra thinking about Faux news.

I don't think that the channel has been good for the country. They have smeared good people for no reason except to push the country further right. IMO it has coarsened the dialogue between the right and left. It's not that I think that it would be sweetness and light between left and right, but it would be nice to see us communicate without the name calling and lies. Without the spin. I'm probably wishing for too much, but it sure would be nice and I have to say I've enjoyed watching their troubles in the UK.

I am seriously trying to understand what makes you hate a person so much that you want them to commit a crime and get caught just for the satisfaction of punishing them. I understand wanting those who have already committed crimes to be brought to justice. But wanting them to commit one just because you don't like them. It just doesn't seem right to want that on a fellow human being.

And please don't take this the wrong way, but the idea that somehow the left has no responsibility in coarsening dialogue in this nation is complete nonsense. If you want to raise the level of dialogue, then stop wallowing in the muck and raise it. If you don't want to fix yourself first, then stop whining about others not fixing it.
Let's now get so excited. Ruppie has lots of money to pay people off with. I expect he will be handing out cash like it was the tobacco lobbiest paying off GOP house members. Ask Boner, he was there!

I actually don't expect Murdock to change anything about the way he does news here in the US. But I sure am hoping that they did do something illegal and gets caught. I would like nothing better then to see them get their comeuppance. But I am hoping that there will be some people that do a little extra thinking about Faux news.

I don't think that the channel has been good for the country. They have smeared good people for no reason except to push the country further right. IMO it has coarsened the dialogue between the right and left. It's not that I think that it would be sweetness and light between left and right, but it would be nice to see us communicate without the name calling and lies. Without the spin. I'm probably wishing for too much, but it sure would be nice and I have to say I've enjoyed watching their troubles in the UK.

I hear ya Susan, I hear ya.

I'd say that I never would have seen that, but that would be a lie and I am trying to stop being sarcastic.
I actually don't expect Murdock to change anything about the way he does news here in the US. But I sure am hoping that they did do something illegal and gets caught. I would like nothing better then to see them get their comeuppance. But I am hoping that there will be some people that do a little extra thinking about Faux news.

I don't think that the channel has been good for the country. They have smeared good people for no reason except to push the country further right. IMO it has coarsened the dialogue between the right and left. It's not that I think that it would be sweetness and light between left and right, but it would be nice to see us communicate without the name calling and lies. Without the spin. I'm probably wishing for too much, but it sure would be nice and I have to say I've enjoyed watching their troubles in the UK.

I hear ya Susan, I hear ya.

I'd say that I never would have seen that, but that would be a lie and I am trying to stop being sarcastic.
Seen what?
I am seriously trying to understand what makes you hate a person so much that you want them to commit a crime and get caught just for the satisfaction of punishing them. I understand wanting those who have already committed crimes to be brought to justice. But wanting them to commit one just because you don't like them. It just doesn't seem right to want that on a fellow human being.

And please don't take this the wrong way, but the idea that somehow the left has no responsibility in coarsening dialogue in this nation is complete nonsense. If you want to raise the level of dialogue, then stop wallowing in the muck and raise it. If you don't want to fix yourself first, then stop whining about others not fixing it.

Believe it or not I'm a reasonably nice person. I usually want the best for people but after years of being smeared and slimed by Faux I seriously doubt if I could hate them any more then I do.

I am a Democrat and a liberal and I'm proud of that. But for years now Faux has called people like me socialists or communists, just to name two things. They've slimed and smeared liberals to the point where some people quit calling themselves liberal. But not me, I am a JFK liberal and never stopped saying it. Screw them, they are lying.

They also slime and smear other people. I'll just give you one example. The first woman to be Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi and I'm very proud of that. But Faux has smeared her to the extent that many people don't like or hate her because of what they have heard on Faux. I have continually asked people why they don't like her and never had anyone answer me. They don't know why they hate her, but they do know that Faux has smeared her and by golly, that's enough for them. She is a wonderful woman. She is a married woman who has raised 5 children before running for office. The way that Faux has treated her is just disgraceful. If I only needed one reason to hate Faux, it could very well be this.

I have no intention of trying to "fix" myself. There's nothing wrong with me. I don't lie or smear people, and you can't say that about Faux. So, I really hope that they are caught doing something illegal over here too. As I said earlier I doubt it will happen, but I sure can't help wishing it would.
I am seriously trying to understand what makes you hate a person so much that you want them to commit a crime and get caught just for the satisfaction of punishing them. I understand wanting those who have already committed crimes to be brought to justice. But wanting them to commit one just because you don't like them. It just doesn't seem right to want that on a fellow human being.

And please don't take this the wrong way, but the idea that somehow the left has no responsibility in coarsening dialogue in this nation is complete nonsense. If you want to raise the level of dialogue, then stop wallowing in the muck and raise it. If you don't want to fix yourself first, then stop whining about others not fixing it.

Believe it or not I'm a reasonably nice person. I usually want the best for people but after years of being smeared and slimed by Faux I seriously doubt if I could hate them any more then I do.

I am a Democrat and a liberal and I'm proud of that. But for years now Faux has called people like me socialists or communists, just to name two things. They've slimed and smeared liberals to the point where some people quit calling themselves liberal. But not me, I am a JFK liberal and never stopped saying it. Screw them, they are lying.

They also slime and smear other people. I'll just give you one example. The first woman to be Speaker of the House was Nancy Pelosi and I'm very proud of that. But Faux has smeared her to the extent that many people don't like or hate her because of what they have heard on Faux. I have continually asked people why they don't like her and never had anyone answer me. They don't know why they hate her, but they do know that Faux has smeared her and by golly, that's enough for them. She is a wonderful woman. She is a married woman who has raised 5 children before running for office. The way that Faux has treated her is just disgraceful. If I only needed one reason to hate Faux, it could very well be this.

I have no intention of trying to "fix" myself. There's nothing wrong with me. I don't lie or smear people, and you can't say that about Faux. So, I really hope that they are caught doing something illegal over here too. As I said earlier I doubt it will happen, but I sure can't help wishing it would.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
You are a lying sack of flaming shit. CBS didn't know at the time that the documents were not the originals. You also failed to mention that the facts of their allegations were true.

did murdoch know?

they wouldn't CARE if he didn't. He IS GUITLY just because THEY hate him and Fooooooooooooooooox Neeeeeeeeeeeeeews...:lol:
Do you believe a group of ranking corporate executives would have embarked on such a nefarious conspiracy if their boss wasn't at least passively aware of it?
As always, the blind Fox haters never watched the shows where the real fair and balanced occurs.

They get their talking points from Media Matters, and repeat them liberally.

Ask a one of them to present one factual instance where NEWS has been spun to the right, and they clam up and go back to repeating the talking points.

None will answer for the vile hatred issued by many media outlets about the right. When approached on those matters, they fall back to mention, "Oh, those are commentators, not reporters."

Yet they're using the commentators' statements from Fox to paint all the Fox reporters as some sort of right wing toadies.

Maybe if everyone can see their own bias, such partisan lying will die down.

Fox news has much higher ratings for a reason. People are getting more and more informed, and more and more sick of being led to the left by the rest of the media.


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