Country in Peril

This is my first post on US Message Board. I have been a long time lurker here. Wanted to get that out of the way. It really is a scary time for America now that Democratic Party all three branches of government. They have shown a disdain for this country and what it was founded on. Their policy proposals are going to massive damage to the US economy. Open borders and will allow anyone to come into this country and give amnesty, thus depressing the wages of American workers and cheating them out of jobs.
My next point is the Green New Deal. Green New Deal will be a massive tax increase on everyone in the country. There will be brownouts throughout the country if this becomes law. Energy will be so expensive that most people will not be to heat their homes in the winter and use air conditioning in the summer. Expect gas to go up to $5 or $6 a gallon.
After the riots on Wednesday, expect the left to further depress free speech. It will soon be that conservatives will have no platform to express their views. Twitter and Facebook have become fascists by banning anyone who does not agree with their views. After they wiped conservatives off the web, they will come after the liberals next.
My hope is that our country will be able to survive these dark days coming to our country. Every freedom we would dear is under attack by the Democratic Party.
Look everyone, another racist Russian spy.

How many of them are there?
One has to be careful that the vodka leaking out of some posts doesn't get in the keyboard.
The reason for the thread is that I am genuinely concerned about the direction the country is going in. I am sorry for forgetting to do an introduction post first. My hope is to see America remain a great country and a land of opportunity for all people.

Don't listen to the communists trolls. You didn't need an introduction post.

Welcome to MAGA.
This is my first post on US Message Board. I have been a long time lurker here. Wanted to get that out of the way. It really is a scary time for America now that Democratic Party all three branches of government. They have shown a disdain for this country and what it was founded on. Their policy proposals are going to massive damage to the US economy. Open borders and will allow anyone to come into this country and give amnesty, thus depressing the wages of American workers and cheating them out of jobs.
My next point is the Green New Deal. Green New Deal will be a massive tax increase on everyone in the country. There will be brownouts throughout the country if this becomes law. Energy will be so expensive that most people will not be to heat their homes in the winter and use air conditioning in the summer. Expect gas to go up to $5 or $6 a gallon.
After the riots on Wednesday, expect the left to further depress free speech. It will soon be that conservatives will have no platform to express their views. Twitter and Facebook have become fascists by banning anyone who does not agree with their views. After they wiped conservatives off the web, they will come after the liberals next.
My hope is that our country will be able to survive these dark days coming to our country. Every freedom we would dear is under attack by the Democratic Party.
Your country no longer exists
This is my first post on US Message Board. I have been a long time lurker here. Wanted to get that out of the way. It really is a scary time for America now that Democratic Party all three branches of government. They have shown a disdain for this country and what it was founded on. Their policy proposals are going to massive damage to the US economy. Open borders and will allow anyone to come into this country and give amnesty, thus depressing the wages of American workers and cheating them out of jobs.
My next point is the Green New Deal. Green New Deal will be a massive tax increase on everyone in the country. There will be brownouts throughout the country if this becomes law. Energy will be so expensive that most people will not be to heat their homes in the winter and use air conditioning in the summer. Expect gas to go up to $5 or $6 a gallon.
After the riots on Wednesday, expect the left to further depress free speech. It will soon be that conservatives will have no platform to express their views. Twitter and Facebook have become fascists by banning anyone who does not agree with their views. After they wiped conservatives off the web, they will come after the liberals next.
My hope is that our country will be able to survive these dark days coming to our country. Every freedom we would dear is under attack by the Democratic Party.
Your country no longer exists

America still here. Try as they may, the MAGA faithful weren't able to take either it or the Capitol Building out.

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