Country Over Party

The problem is that it's reflecting on the entire country in the eyes of our allies.

They simply can't trust us now. We're fuckin' Jeckyll & Hyde, and we could be swinging back to the cult in the next election. You can't blame 'em.
I agree

The fuck up ghosts of Bush and Trump will haunt us for years.

These 2 have fucked up America so badly that it could take 20+ years to recover.

Republicans have always been total liars, but Trump has taken that to a whole new level, a level of total fabrication where republicans will believe any lie they are told, no matter how crazy.

If Trump or Fox News told people Biden was a Chupacabra, they'd believe it.
During the Watergate scandal and subsequent Senate investigation, the Republican Party stood steadfastly with Nixon, which was the right and honorable thing to do.

The Senate hearings were broadcast live and were must-see TV. It was as popular a show as the OJ trial would be later.

During the investigation it was revealed Nixon had stupidly recorded his conversations in the Oval Office. The Senate then subpoenaed those tapes.

Of course, Nixon fought tooth and nail to prevent the tapes from being aired and took it to the Supreme Court, and they overruled him.
Before turning the tapes over, Nixon edited them. There was an infamous "18 minute gap" on one of them.

Nevertheless, there was a recording of Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, discussing a strategy to obstruct the FBI's probe into the Watergate break-in. It was a clearcut case of obstruction of justice.

That particular recording is what caused the Republicans to put the country above party and they signaled to Nixon they would now support an impeachment and conviction, forcing him from office.

Rather than subject himself to this indignity, Nixon resigned.

Today, the Trump cult in the House and Senate are confronted with the same choice. Party or country? Politics or the rule of law?

I sadly predict they will choose to remain hostage to Trump rather than faithful to the rule of law.

C'mon, bub. Dems are stuck like glue to traitorous Biden and the rest of the DC scum. It is not just one sided. Besides all that, it was a different world back then. People had a smidgen more virtue.

soros (14).jpg
Much like indoctrinated North Koreans, Democrats will NEVER see their party as a problem. Protecting the Party and the ideology at all costs has been ingrained in them since grade school.
I have no party, so your straw man isn't worth the electrons you wasted on it.
Everything Hunter gets in trouble, Trump gets indicted.
Trump really needs to stop breaking the law. But after a lifetime of crime, it's a tough habit for him to break.

He is finally, finally, finally being held accountable in criminal court.
Again, there is zero evidence Biden directed the DOJ how to handle his son.

The tard simply made it up. His desperation is thick and heavy.
who said he directed them to do it???

fact is his DOJ tried to sneak immunity into a plea deal and luckily the judge saw through it,,

but feel free to continue ranting about what republicans did 40 yrs ago,,
Trump really needs to stop breaking the law. But after a lifetime of crime, it's a tough habit for him to break.

He is finally, finally, finally being held accountable in criminal court.
you act like trump is the first politician to ever break a law,,

if he did hes way down on the list of severity,,
you act like trump is the first politician to ever break a law,,

if he did hes way down on the list of severity,,
Um...retard? No one has done worse than Trump and his attempt to overthrow our democracy.

Jesus H. Christ, man!
youre so cute when you make no sense,,

how can he overthrow something that doesnt exist??
Oh, you're one of those tards who parrots this recent idiocy that we aren't a democracy.

The stupid goes very deep in you, doesn't it.

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