Country Over Party

did trump use the DOJ to secretly give his son immunity for his crimes is a sweetheart plea deal??

no that was joe biden,,
If Biden directing the DOJ to give his son a deal was a secret, how do you know about it, conspiracy boi?

Like I said, all you have are innuendos and smears.
You can count on it. They don't care what this guy does. They openly brag about it. It's a cult.

You mean the Potato? Lol.... give up the ghost already. It's been established you're anti Trump, your problem is you think your "position" makes you immune

And don't get personal again
Trump pardoned his campaign manager for laundering his Ukrainian money.

Trump pardoned his chief of staff for stealing money from Trump supporters.

So maybe Biden should pardon his son for tax evasion.
Just like with Watergate, the coverup of a crime turned out to be worse than the crime itself.

Trump attempted to cover up his crime of theft by ordering the evidence of his theft to be deleted.

That should be more than enough for anyone to walk away from him.

But they won't.

I must have missed the video recording of TRUMP ordering the evidence to be deleted, perhaps you can post the evidence.
During the Watergate scandal and subsequent Senate investigation, the Republican Party stood steadfastly with Nixon, which was the right and honorable thing to do.

The Senate hearings were broadcast live and were must-see TV. It was as popular a show as the OJ trial would be later.

During the investigation it was revealed Nixon had stupidly recorded his conversations in the Oval Office. The Senate then subpoenaed those tapes.

Of course, Nixon fought tooth and nail to prevent the tapes from being aired and took it to the Supreme Court, and they overruled him.
Before turning the tapes over, Nixon edited them. There was an infamous "18 minute gap" on one of them.

Nevertheless, there was a recording of Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, discussing a strategy to obstruct the FBI's probe into the Watergate break-in. It was a clearcut case of obstruction of justice.

That particular recording is what caused the Republicans to put the country above party and they signaled to Nixon they would now support an impeachment and conviction, forcing him from office.

Rather than subject himself to this indignity, Nixon resigned.

Today, the Trump cult in the House and Senate are confronted with the same choice. Party or country? Politics or the rule of law?

I sadly predict they will choose to remain hostage to Trump rather than faithful to the rule of law.

Such total fucking bullshit!

Nixon didn't do one billionth of what Obama, Biden, Wray, Comey and the Intel Agencies did against Trump! And you still stand with them
Trump pardoned his campaign manager for laundering his Ukrainian money.

Trump pardoned his chief of staff for stealing money from Trump supporters.

So maybe Biden should pardon his son for tax evasion.
Pretty amazing how the cult calls the Biden administration corrupt.

These orange years have been an absolute study in projection. Incredible.
During the Watergate scandal and subsequent Senate investigation, the Republican Party stood steadfastly with Nixon, which was the right and honorable thing to do.

The Senate hearings were broadcast live and were must-see TV. It was as popular a show as the OJ trial would be later.

During the investigation it was revealed Nixon had stupidly recorded his conversations in the Oval Office. The Senate then subpoenaed those tapes.

Of course, Nixon fought tooth and nail to prevent the tapes from being aired and took it to the Supreme Court, and they overruled him.
Before turning the tapes over, Nixon edited them. There was an infamous "18 minute gap" on one of them.

Nevertheless, there was a recording of Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, discussing a strategy to obstruct the FBI's probe into the Watergate break-in. It was a clearcut case of obstruction of justice.

That particular recording is what caused the Republicans to put the country above party and they signaled to Nixon they would now support an impeachment and conviction, forcing him from office.

Rather than subject himself to this indignity, Nixon resigned.

Today, the Trump cult in the House and Senate are confronted with the same choice. Party or country? Politics or the rule of law?

I sadly predict they will choose to remain hostage to Trump rather than faithful to the rule of law.

Republicans have really fallen.

They have lost all dignity and are the joke of the world.

History will not be kind to Trump and the GOP (which I am sure they will call woke or deep state)
Such total fucking bullshit!

Nixon didn't do one billionth of what Obama, Biden, Wray, Comey and the Intel Agencies did against Trump! And you still stand with them
Your head is chock full of manufactured bullshit you have consumed from your propagandists. It has been shown time and time again to you that your propagandists have lied to you, and yet you keep going back for more lies from them.

You BEG to be lied to.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!'

No one forced Trump to fuck a porn star and then use a cutout to pay her off to keep her story from influencing the 2016 election.

The FBI did not force Trump to claim his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet.

The CIA did not force Trump to lie to the elderly and steal from them at his fake University.

The NSA did not force Trump to hide stolen documents which belonged to the government from the National Archives.

Obama did not make Trump foment a coup.

Biden did not make Trump create illegal fake electors.

The intel agencies didn't force Trump to rape a woman.

Comey did not force Trump to steal money from cancer kids.

Wray did not force Trump to steal money from the Holocaust Museum.

Hillary did not force Trump to steal money from the United Negro College Fund.
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They have lost all dignity and are the joke of the world.
The problem is that it's reflecting on the entire country in the eyes of our allies.

They simply can't trust us now. We're fuckin' Jeckyll & Hyde, and we could be swinging back to the cult in the next election. You can't blame 'em.

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