Couple a weeks ago I posted a sexual assault in Twin Falls. Feds are now threatening us

The OT is still followed :lol:
Give me an example. When was the last time Christians stoned somebody? Burnt offering? Put someone to death for blasphemy?

Neither do most Muslims.

Nice try though.
In other words, you're full of shit when you claim the OT is still followed. And when you say "most muslims", how many would that be? There are a 1.6 billion of them. If only 10% adhere to Sharia, that's 160 million. Still want to have this debate? :lol:

10% is a drop in the bucket. Meanwhile Uganda is agitating to string up gays again. Based on the OT.
So, you're fine with 160 million radical Islamists stoning women and murdering those who don't follow their 7th century pedophile prophet? Yeah, let's bring another half million of them into our country, idiot.


You fine with millions of gun psychos shooting people up while excersizing their 2nd Amendment rights? Sure...they're only a drop in the bucket and vast majority of fun owners are law abiding...:lol:
Give me an example. When was the last time Christians stoned somebody? Burnt offering? Put someone to death for blasphemy?

Neither do most Muslims.

Nice try though.
In other words, you're full of shit when you claim the OT is still followed. And when you say "most muslims", how many would that be? There are a 1.6 billion of them. If only 10% adhere to Sharia, that's 160 million. Still want to have this debate? :lol:

10% is a drop in the bucket. Meanwhile Uganda is agitating to string up gays again. Based on the OT.
So, you're fine with 160 million radical Islamists stoning women and murdering those who don't follow their 7th century pedophile prophet? Yeah, let's bring another half million of them into our country, idiot.


You fine with millions of gun psychos shooting people up while excersizing their 2nd Amendment rights? Sure...they're only a drop in the bucket and vast majority of fun owners are law abiding...:lol:
Why are you trying to change the subject away from those peace loving muslims who practice Sharia Law. You know, those 160 million you call a "drop in the bucket" who execute gays and stone rape victims. The ones you are defending and making excuses for.
The false story created quite the hysteria among the "let's look for any negative story we can find on just Muslims" clan.

Olson cautioned people with
“The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law. We have seen time and again that the spread of falsehoods about refugees divides our communities. I urge all citizens and residents to allow Mr. Loebs and Chief Kingsbury and their teams to do their jobs.”

When people are concerned with rapes. They care about the rape victims. When people are only concerned about rapes committed by Muslims. They only care about their over zealous bigotry and racism.


Well, I'm not sure I completely agree. People tend to look for causal relationships. The recent influx in Europe has caused a vast wave of rapes which is threatening to disrupt the liberal make up of society. When the see a gang rape of a child by Muslims in their neighbourhood, why should they not be concerned?

You are sort of missing the whole point here. When the story was first reported most of the facts were wrong. They were not from Syria, there was no knife used and the only person to touch the girl was the 7 year old boy. Before anyone had these facts there was a swarm of people throughout the social media calling for the heads of these individuals. In fact the first responder on these forums said, as I quote "Get a Rope.....or 3 ropes." There has been more hoopla made out of this than any other rape that has been perpetrated in the last while. Why is that? Simple, the accused are Muslim. Their are websites out there only dedicated to sniffing out news that only show Muslim perpetrators and many here on these forums and on other social media sites rehash these findings, even before they get all their facts in. They have an agenda. I find it typical that you mention the vast wave of rapes committed in Europe. I have seen posters here put up headlines, some were true some were not. It didn't matter to them, it only matters that they only present rape headlines perpetrated by Muslims. I searched the forums about the recent gang rape on a 16 year old girl in Brazil. Nothing posted here or the rape dilemma in that country where 420 women are raped every 72 hours. If the rapes in Brazil were done by Muslims this would be Conservative America's biggest issue.

When you only single out one group for a crime that all people of every race, colour and religion are guilty of, you are simply a bigot or a racist. It's the definition.
Actually you're missing the point that a sexual assault took place and 2 boys went to jail

And were just as quickly released on their own cognizance.
and what is to follow?
Hey since we're branching out here, can we then 'may violate law' against the socialist rabble that's feeding lies and misinformation to incite violence against the free right of American citizens to go to a Trump rally?

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