Couple a weeks ago I posted a sexual assault in Twin Falls. Feds are now threatening us

In Twin Falls Idaho ???
TF is a pretty tame and sane place
For Olson to tell us to remain calm creates a false narrative and borders on slander itself

Then what are you doing here? If your life is so divinely perfect that your biggest problem is the "false narrative" created by someone asking you to stay calm, then there is absolutely no way whatsoever that you've done the minimum 15,000 hours of required prayer thanking God for the unprecedented number of blessings he has bestowed on your lives, even while being in the middle of a land being overrun by filthy Muslims. Off to the temple with you.
my my
So now it's a crime to talk about muslim rapists in a negative way? What country is this again?
One where you can sue for libel and slander you dumb monkey.
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
So now it's a crime to talk about muslim rapists in a negative way? What country is this again?
One where you can sue for libel and slander you dumb monkey.
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
False equivalence. Try again.
One where you can sue for libel and slander you dumb monkey.
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
False equivalence. Try again.

Ya, accusing someone of agreeing with stoning women because he was for condemning attacks on muslim or muslim appearing people is indeed false equivalence. Or, maybe just plain dumb.
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
False equivalence. Try again.

Ya, accusing someone of agreeing with stoning women because he was for condemning attacks on muslim or muslim appearing people is indeed false equivalence. Or, maybe just plain dumb.
I was referring to his implication that people should be prosecuted for voicing their opinion about muslims. Suggesting he also supports other muslim standards is not a false equivalence, it's a logical conclusion. Back to the drawing board for you.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
False equivalence. Try again.

Ya, accusing someone of agreeing with stoning women because he was for condemning attacks on muslim or muslim appearing people is indeed false equivalence. Or, maybe just plain dumb.
I was referring to his implication that people should be prosecuted for voicing their opinion about muslims. Suggesting he also supports other muslim standards is not a false equivalence, it's a logical conclusion. Back to the drawing board for you.

Sorry dude, but even with that expanation you have a false equivalence and also a misstating of the issue.

No one is talking about prosecuting for "voicing their opinion" - the key term is "edging towards violence" ie calling for violence, promoting violence. We've had laws on the books regarding this sort of thing for a long time - it's one of the limitations on the right of free speech. It's a fine line, I'll grant and could be easily abused. But then to go and compare that to "supporting the stoning of women for adultry" is just plain dumb. There is no comparison or equivalence.
So now it's a crime to talk about muslim rapists in a negative way? What country is this again?
One where you can sue for libel and slander you dumb monkey.
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.

Lie. There were remarkably few such attacks after 9/11 (thanks in large part to President Bush).
Idiot, get a grasp

Anti-Muslim Incidents Since Sept. 11, 2001
Post 9/11 Hate Crime Trends: Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and Jews in the U.S. (2013) | The Pluralism Project
Impact of 9/11 on Muslim Americans |
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
False equivalence. Try again.

Ya, accusing someone of agreeing with stoning women because he was for condemning attacks on muslim or muslim appearing people is indeed false equivalence. Or, maybe just plain dumb.
I was referring to his implication that people should be prosecuted for voicing their opinion about muslims. Suggesting he also supports other muslim standards is not a false equivalence, it's a logical conclusion. Back to the drawing board for you.

Sorry dude, but even with that expanation you have a false equivalence and also a misstating of the issue.

No one is talking about prosecuting for "voicing their opinion" - the key term is "edging towards violence" ie calling for violence, promoting violence. We've had laws on the books regarding this sort of thing for a long time - it's one of the limitations on the right of free speech. It's a fine line, I'll grant and could be easily abused. But then to go and compare that to "supporting the stoning of women for adultry" is just plain dumb. There is no comparison or equivalence.
Sorry dude, but that is exactly what Lynch is talking about. the "key term" you're talking about is a straw man. No one is calling for violence or even indicating it. You know that, you're just too partisan and disingenuous to admit it. The false equivalence is you trying to compare what I said to attacking the Sikh Temple. You're desperate to defend Obama's police state by denying that his AG is threatening people for exercising their first amendment rights. Your blind allegiance to the thug in the WH is more important to you than our Constitution.
So now it's a crime to talk about muslim rapists in a negative way? What country is this again?
One where you can sue for libel and slander you dumb monkey.
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
No, why would I.
So now it's a crime to talk about muslim rapists in a negative way? What country is this again?
One where you can sue for libel and slander you dumb monkey.
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
No, why would I.
It would be consistent with supporting prosecuting free speech for speaking out against muslims, like you just did.
Tuatara wrote: There are many people right here on this forum who are only posting crimes by Muslims and yet are ignoring everything else. Can you tell me they don't have an agenda.

People who post crime reports...

... tend to post crime in all categories...

... not just Muslim or black crime.

I disagree...there members here who "specialize" in only posting specific categories, indeed, they have to dig quite deep to get them sometimes. Typically, black on white crimes, crimes committed by Muslims are the most popular but we have at least one who specializes in trannie crimes. Just look at the threads.
Twin Falls is my community.
Tuatara wrote: There are many people right here on this forum who are only posting crimes by Muslims and yet are ignoring everything else. Can you tell me they don't have an agenda.

People who post crime reports...

... tend to post crime in all categories...

... not just Muslim or black crime.
...and again. Twin Falls is my community. We were getting along just fine. The community was calm. About half a dozen showed up at a city mtg to complain about it.
The youths were in Juvi.
Then out of nowhere some fed hack comes along and threatens a community
Tuatara wrote: There are many people right here on this forum who are only posting crimes by Muslims and yet are ignoring everything else. Can you tell me they don't have an agenda.

People who post crime reports...

... tend to post crime in all categories...

... not just Muslim or black crime.
...and again. Twin Falls is my community. We were getting along just fine. The community was calm. About half a dozen showed up at a city mtg to complain about it.
The youths were in Juvi.
Then out of nowhere some fed hack comes along and threatens a community
Well he's looking out for your best interest..
Did you read it, dumbshit?

Ann Corcoran, the author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog and the book “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America,” said Olson’s statement is reminiscent of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s warning the day after the San Bernardino jihad massacre in which Lynch said she would take “aggressive action” to prosecute “anti-Muslim” rhetoric that “edges toward violence.”

She's not talking about suing somebody, she's talking about PROSECUTING people. Learn how to read.
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
False equivalence. Try again.

Ya, accusing someone of agreeing with stoning women because he was for condemning attacks on muslim or muslim appearing people is indeed false equivalence. Or, maybe just plain dumb.
SJ is trapped in a web of dumbness. He frequently comments without having a clue what he is talking about.
The false story created quite the hysteria among the "let's look for any negative story we can find on just Muslims" clan.

Olson cautioned people with
“The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law. We have seen time and again that the spread of falsehoods about refugees divides our communities. I urge all citizens and residents to allow Mr. Loebs and Chief Kingsbury and their teams to do their jobs.”

When people are concerned with rapes. They care about the rape victims. When people are only concerned about rapes committed by Muslims. They only care about their over zealous bigotry and racism.


Well, I'm not sure I completely agree. People tend to look for causal relationships. The recent influx in Europe has caused a vast wave of rapes which is threatening to disrupt the liberal make up of society. When the see a gang rape of a child by Muslims in their neighbourhood, why should they not be concerned?

Well ms federal prosecutor here's your problem. How would you know if what we say is true or not since the records are sealed and the judge won't let anyone seem them
A child is sexually assaulted by some muslims. They're put in jail. Feds show up they're out of jail hmmm This stinks.

Explosive new twist in Idaho sex assault case
From World Nut Daily.
Not hardly

U.S. Attorney requests Idaho residents ‘remain calm’ in Twin Falls assault case

Boys released in Fawnbrook case, fed prosecutor urges calm
I agree with her. After 911, there were many attacks on Muslim people and even non-Muslim people who just happen to be brown. Some people get caught up in the hysteria and they don't have all the facts and they start calling out for violence. Many of these called out acts of violence were carried out after 9-11 and she doesn't want it happening again.
You probably agree with stoning women for being raped as well.
Using your logic, you probably supported the attack on the Sikh Temple.
False equivalence. Try again.

Ya, accusing someone of agreeing with stoning women because he was for condemning attacks on muslim or muslim appearing people is indeed false equivalence. Or, maybe just plain dumb.
SJ is trapped in a web of dumbness. He frequently comments without having a clue what he is talking about.
Says the dumbest SOB on the planet. :lol:
Tuatara wrote: There are many people right here on this forum who are only posting crimes by Muslims and yet are ignoring everything else. Can you tell me they don't have an agenda.

People who post crime reports...

... tend to post crime in all categories...

... not just Muslim or black crime.

I disagree...there members here who "specialize" in only posting specific categories, indeed, they have to dig quite deep to get them sometimes. Typically, black on white crimes, crimes committed by Muslims are the most popular but we have at least one who specializes in trannie crimes. Just look at the threads.
Twin Falls is my community.
What does that have to do with other posters only posting crimes committed by one minority group.
The false story created quite the hysteria among the "let's look for any negative story we can find on just Muslims" clan.

Olson cautioned people with
“The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law. We have seen time and again that the spread of falsehoods about refugees divides our communities. I urge all citizens and residents to allow Mr. Loebs and Chief Kingsbury and their teams to do their jobs.”

When people are concerned with rapes. They care about the rape victims. When people are only concerned about rapes committed by Muslims. They only care about their over zealous bigotry and racism.


Well, I'm not sure I completely agree. People tend to look for causal relationships. The recent influx in Europe has caused a vast wave of rapes which is threatening to disrupt the liberal make up of society. When the see a gang rape of a child by Muslims in their neighbourhood, why should they not be concerned?

You are sort of missing the whole point here. When the story was first reported most of the facts were wrong. They were not from Syria, there was no knife used and the only person to touch the girl was the 7 year old boy. Before anyone had these facts there was a swarm of people throughout the social media calling for the heads of these individuals. In fact the first responder on these forums said, as I quote "Get a Rope.....or 3 ropes." There has been more hoopla made out of this than any other rape that has been perpetrated in the last while. Why is that? Simple, the accused are Muslim. Their are websites out there only dedicated to sniffing out news that only show Muslim perpetrators and many here on these forums and on other social media sites rehash these findings, even before they get all their facts in. They have an agenda. I find it typical that you mention the vast wave of rapes committed in Europe. I have seen posters here put up headlines, some were true some were not. It didn't matter to them, it only matters that they only present rape headlines perpetrated by Muslims. I searched the forums about the recent gang rape on a 16 year old girl in Brazil. Nothing posted here or the rape dilemma in that country where 420 women are raped every 72 hours. If the rapes in Brazil were done by Muslims this would be Conservative America's biggest issue.

When you only single out one group for a crime that all people of every race, colour and religion are guilty of, you are simply a bigot or a racist. It's the definition.

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