Court documents reveal CNN, NBC paid Antifa activist John Sullivan $70K to film riots at Capitol BEFORE 1/6

John Sullivan did an excellent job filming the violence at the Trump insurrection. He deserves an award for excellence in filming. He filmed the true violence instead of whitewashing it as a peaceful "tourist visit" like some NaziCons have tried to portray it. Money well spent by CNN and NBC.​

These fake news NaziCon Stormfront threads are a hoot.

John Sullivan did an excellent job filming the violence at the Trump insurrection. He deserves an award for excellence in filming. He filmed the true violence instead of whitewashing it as a peaceful "tourist visit" like some NaziCons have tried to portray it. Money well spent by CNN and NBC.​

Really, Lakhota??????

Here's your 'fake news' of just how great a job he did & got paid for

IDK, maybe I've missed it, but I haven't seen anyone say it was a peaceful tourist visit. except you foaming at the mouth as usual
He did such a good job he will likely see the inside of a cell for a long time because of it.

Good bastard deserves it. Not just filming the entire thing, but also encouraging the rioters & egging them on,

No the people shouldn't have been there in the first place, but that doesn't excuse his actions either.
Good bastard deserves it. Not just filming the entire thing, but also encouraging the rioters & egging them on,

No the people shouldn't have been there in the first place, but that doesn't excuse his actions either.
Filming it was fine. nothing wrong with that. Being there was fine, nothing wrong with that either. Rioting and destroying property, there is something very wrong with that as is incitement to violence. It is that last one that will likely get him and get him big time.

The political fallout will be interesting though. The right will have something to latch onto in blaming the riot on the left even though it is fallacious. The rioters are wholly responsible for the havoc they wrought.
Filming it was fine. nothing wrong with that. Being there was fine, nothing wrong with that either. Rioting and destroying property, there is something very wrong with that as is incitement to violence. It is that last one that will likely get him and get him big time.

The political fallout will be interesting though. The right will have something to latch onto in blaming the riot on the left even though it is fallacious. The rioters are wholly responsible for the havoc they wrought.

yet maybe the Right isn't too far wrong either.....

A self-styled leftist activist and Insurgence USA leader disavowed by Black Lives Matter leaders said he was paid tens of thousands of dollars by major media outlets who wanted to use the video footage he shot at the Capitol Building as he encouraged the mob during the siege on Jan. 6.

John Sullivan was indicted in early February for a host of crimes, including two felonies related to obstruction.......

This isn't over yet as to who was involved and at what level. I'll wait and see before making final judgement of what side is responsible for what crimes.

yes, Sullivan is guilty of his actions and the rioters are guilty of theirs.......but the question is....did any of them act alone? Or were they just someone else's puppets?
Really, Lakhota??????

Here's your 'fake news' of just how great a job he did & got paid for

IDK, maybe I've missed it, but I haven't seen anyone say it was a peaceful tourist visit. except you foaming at the mouth as usual


yet maybe the Right isn't too far wrong either.....

A self-styled leftist activist and Insurgence USA leader disavowed by Black Lives Matter leaders said he was paid tens of thousands of dollars by major media outlets who wanted to use the video footage he shot at the Capitol Building as he encouraged the mob during the siege on Jan. 6.

John Sullivan was indicted in early February for a host of crimes, including two felonies related to obstruction.......

This isn't over yet as to who was involved and at what level. I'll wait and see before making final judgement of what side is responsible for what crimes.

yes, Sullivan is guilty of his actions and the rioters are guilty of theirs.......but the question is....did any of them act alone? Or were they just someone else's puppets?
Most of them almost certainly did. There has been an unprecedented effort to track them down with almost unlimited leeway and resources given to the FBI to do so. Had there been some organization behind it I would have expected it to come out by now.

This guy might be found guilty of incitement but that does not speak to anything more than someone thinking that they could make the right look bad. The riot would have happened either way though, the idea that the broiling anger over people that simply do not feel represented was just not going to go away or dissipate.
The contracts were signed right on 1/6. That means they were ready before that.

I don't really see ties to Antifa, but do see ties to BLM (the radical anti-police movement) and activist (gonzo journalism) that should preclude being paid by mainstream news networks that would like to have any credible objectivity.
I don't really see ties to Antifa, but do see ties to BLM (the radical anti-police movement) and activist (gonzo journalism) that should preclude being paid by mainstream news networks that would like to have any credible objectivity.
I am not so sure I am against the current trend for gonzo journalism and therefore openly massively biased journalism. One of the more telling things that has been revealed in the past several years is that the major networks are just as biased as OAN is, just better at concealing it. I have little patience for any of the dishonest 'news' heads pretending that they are remotely interested in delivering the unvarnished story. They have a narrative and keeping that narrative alive is the only thing that matters to them.
Really, Lakhota??????

Here's your 'fake news' of just how great a job he did & got paid for

IDK, maybe I've missed it, but I haven't seen anyone say it was a peaceful tourist visit. except you foaming at the mouth as usual
The OP claims the activist was contracted BEFORE 1/6. It's right there in all caps.

From your link:

In arguing he was a journalist and not an agent provocateur, Sullivan’s lawyer, Steven Kiersh, submitted four invoices purportedly from major broadcasters, revealing a $35,000 payment to Sullivan from CNN for video license usage spanning from Jan. 6 through Jan. 13, a $35,000 payment from NBC Universal Media dated Jan. 27, a $5,000 undated payment for “footage of the siege of the Capitol” citing his Twitter page to be used on Showtime’s The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth, and a $2,375 payment from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation dated Jan. 27.

OAN is fake news. It's what they do. It's ALL they do.
I also know this for a fact, there were multiple groups of Antifa there. They will infiltrat anything where violence can be provoked
You know didily squat.
You can pretend ALL YOU WANT,
Opie don't know shit, well maybe opie knows shit, but opie knows no FACTS.
Facts are important opie.

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