Court Rules DNC Rigged Elections for Hillary ....


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
On Friday, a federal judge ruled that the Democratic National Committee essentially rigged the primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

In a class-action lawsuit filed against the DNC and former chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the allegation was that the group was violating their own charter by rigging the state primaries for Clinton against Bernie Sanders. (It’s worth noting that even Harry Reid admitted it was rigged with his comment last year: “I knew – everybody knew – that this was not a fair deal.”)

The ruling, by Judge William Zloch was scathing: “In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations are true—that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponent,” the judge wrote. Then he dismissed the lawsuit.

The judge ruled that the court’s authority to intervene was limited in this case. The Observer writes: “The Court must now decide whether Plaintiffs have suffered a concrete injury particularized to them, or one certainly impending, that is traceable to the DNC and its former chair’s conduct—the keys to entering federal court. The Court holds that they have not.” The court added that it did not consider this within its jurisdiction. “Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction, possessing ‘only that power authorized by Constitution and statute.’”

Essentially, the order ruled that the primaries were rigged in Hillary’s favor, but there was very little the courts could do about it.

“The Court thus assumes that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz preferred Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president over Bernie Sanders or any other Democratic candidate. It assumes that they stockpiled information useful to the Clinton campaign. It assumes that they devoted their resources to assist Clinton in securing the party’s nomination and opposing other Democratic candidates. And it assumes that they engaged in these surreptitious acts while publically proclaiming they were completely neutral, fair, and impartial. This Order therefore concerns only technical matters of pleading and subject-matter jurisdiction.”

Court Issues Ruling on Bernie's Charge DNC Rigged Primaries
Debbie blabbermouth Schultz still walks free?..LOCK HER UP!
That the DNC was a corrupt and stinking cesspool under Hillary’s BFF, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a surprise to no one who had their eyes open during the primaries. The two of them, Hillary and Debbie, have done a ton of damage to the DNC. Who can trust the DNC after the last sham primary election? Have Democrats done anything to rid themselves of the rats that live in their house?

They should both be too ashamed to show their cheating faces in public. But as everyone knows, they're a pair of shameless, lying pigs who say and do anything to get what they want. They both need to go far away.
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That the DNC was a corrupt and stinking cesspool under Hillary’s BFF, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a surprise to no one who had their eyes open during the primaries. The two of them, Hillary and Debbie, have done a ton of damage to the DNC. Who can trust the DNC after the last sham primary election? Have Democrats done anything to rid themselves of the rats that live in their house?

They should both be too ashamed to show their cheating faces in public. But as everyone knows, they're a pair of shameless, lying pigs who say and do anything to get what they want. They both need to go far away.
they have no shame, that's the problem.
Who gives a shit? The two face that is effected by this, endorsed the bitch himself.
Who gives a shit? The two face that is effected by this, endorsed the bitch himself.
Yeah ... who cares about what the people think? After all, cheating is okay, and truth is relative, right?
what i was saying was, bernie obviously didnt care. He turned his back on his supporters and 30 years of rhetoric to endorse that bitch. He must have thought she was the "one" too
If the commie democrats would do this in their own party, is there any doubt that they would rig the shit out of any at-large or national election?

Does anyone really doubt that 3 million illegals voted in California?
'Court Rules DNC Rigged Elections for Hillary ....'

File this under 'NO SHIT'....

Same for the fact that they engaged in election fraud during the primaries and cheated during debates to help Hillary do what she could not do on her own - defeat Bernie Sanders to sin the DNC Nomination.
Love how The Judge still dismissed The Lawsuit despite declaring The DNC was guilty of rigging their primaries just like Comey admitted Clinton committed multiple felonies but dismissed her crimes because she was too stupid to prosecute!

On Friday, a federal judge ruled that the Democratic National Committee essentially rigged the primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

In a class-action lawsuit filed against the DNC and former chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the allegation was that the group was violating their own charter by rigging the state primaries for Clinton against Bernie Sanders. (It’s worth noting that even Harry Reid admitted it was rigged with his comment last year: “I knew – everybody knew – that this was not a fair deal.”)

The ruling, by Judge William Zloch was scathing: “In evaluating Plaintiffs’ claims at this stage, the Court assumes their allegations are true—that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz held a palpable bias in favor Clinton and sought to propel her ahead of her Democratic opponent,” the judge wrote. Then he dismissed the lawsuit.

The judge ruled that the court’s authority to intervene was limited in this case. The Observer writes: “The Court must now decide whether Plaintiffs have suffered a concrete injury particularized to them, or one certainly impending, that is traceable to the DNC and its former chair’s conduct—the keys to entering federal court. The Court holds that they have not.” The court added that it did not consider this within its jurisdiction. “Federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction, possessing ‘only that power authorized by Constitution and statute.’”

Essentially, the order ruled that the primaries were rigged in Hillary’s favor, but there was very little the courts could do about it.

“The Court thus assumes that the DNC and Wasserman Schultz preferred Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president over Bernie Sanders or any other Democratic candidate. It assumes that they stockpiled information useful to the Clinton campaign. It assumes that they devoted their resources to assist Clinton in securing the party’s nomination and opposing other Democratic candidates. And it assumes that they engaged in these surreptitious acts while publically proclaiming they were completely neutral, fair, and impartial. This Order therefore concerns only technical matters of pleading and subject-matter jurisdiction.”

Court Issues Ruling on Bernie's Charge DNC Rigged Primaries
Court Rules DNC Rigged Elections for Hillary .


rigged them so she would lose ..

If the commie democrats would do this in their own party, is there any doubt that they would rig the shit out of any at-large or national election?

Does anyone really doubt that 3 million illegals voted in California?
well we know they did, russia russia with the pakistan IT family. they leaked shit in order to set up the russia russia thingy. they are fking evil individuals,
If the commie democrats would do this in their own party, is there any doubt that they would rig the shit out of any at-large or national election?
Apples and oranges. The DNC is a private organization. This was about their internal workings.

Does anyone really doubt that 3 million illegals voted in California?
Yes, anyone with more than two brain cells knows 3 million illegals did not vote in California. Get some!

"And the moon landings were hoaxed, too!"
If the commie democrats would do this in their own party, is there any doubt that they would rig the shit out of any at-large or national election?
Apples and oranges. The DNC is a private organization. This was about their internal workings.

Does anyone really doubt that 3 million illegals voted in California?
Yes, anyone with more than two brain cells knows 3 million illegals did not vote in California. Get some!

"And the moon landings were hoaxed, too!"
well fine then hand over the voter logs.
If the commie democrats would do this in their own party, is there any doubt that they would rig the shit out of any at-large or national election?
Apples and oranges. The DNC is a private organization. This was about their internal workings.

Does anyone really doubt that 3 million illegals voted in California?
Yes, anyone with more than two brain cells knows 3 million illegals did not vote in California. Get some!

"And the moon landings were hoaxed, too!"
well fine then hand over the voter logs.

are you disputing she lost ?
If you read the ruling, you see that the court found the DNC was partial toward Clinton while outwardly claiming impartiality.

That's. It.


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