Court rules Kim Davis violated Gay Couples rights

Translation: You Americanskis are homo lovers. Dear Leader has banned homosexuality in Mother Russia.

Nyet, comrade, we Americans support freedom for all human beings because, as our Declaration of Independence states, we're all born with unalienable rights which includes the right of marriage. No authoritarian idiots should deprive anyone of their unalienable rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Oh. Cite the "right of marriage" in the Constitution
Kim Davis is the biggest hypocrite claiming to be defending the sanctity of marriage while she has been married four times

Well, anyway ---- Bill Barr has a great legal analysis of all this in his new memoir from being Trump's Attorney General. He says that the problem is that the Left wants to stop people THINKING what they think. That's why they keep deviling that poor baker and so on. But that what people think is not anyone's business: only whether they follow the law. So Kim Davis needed to issue the license, given that the law allowed this perversion of marriage. Or, she could quit that job: that was also possible and allowed. But she did not have to approve in her own mind of homosexuals marrying.
Kim Davis has no one to blame but herself.

Nothing stopped her from quitting the job if it affected her sense of morality….

Well, anyway ---- Bill Barr has a great legal analysis of all this in his new memoir from being Trump's Attorney General. He says that the problem is that the Left wants to stop people THINKING what they think. That's why they keep deviling that poor baker and so on. But that what people think is not anyone's business: only whether they follow the law. So Kim Davis needed to issue the license, given that the law allowed this perversion of marriage. Or, she could quit that job: that was also possible and allowed. But she did not have to approve in her own mind of homosexuals marrying.

Agree with this wholeheartedly. This was her "hill to die on"--quit her job.
Oh thank goodness! Homosexuals being normalized, celebrated, and being allowed to be “married” will have so many benefits for society. Think of all the children they can have access to, they can adopt them, groom them, and raise them to be “transgender”. We won’t be complete as a people until every boy is wearing a dress and girls look and act like men.
Just wait until they force bestiality on us.
Oh. Cite the "right of marriage" in the Constitution
I do not think that you are so stupid to know that the constitution does not mention marriage at all. However, you might not know that the Supreme court, on numerous occasions, has found that marriage is a fundamental right and therefore that right is part of constitutional law. It has been treated as a right for the majority and therefore is a right Those rulings carry the force of law as much as if it had been written into the articles of the constitution.

In addition it is a principle of constitutional law that for the government to deny a right -that others enjoy -to any group, they must demonstrate a compelling societal or government interest in doing so. The states that were prohibiting same sex marriage repeatedly failed to do so
Tell us again. What exactly is the homosexual agenda? This time-instead of just regurgitating some preprogramed bullshit that you have been fed in 1950- scratch your head real hard to make your brains work before answering
You know damn well what it is, you defend it with vigor here on USMB every chance you get.

The left have been pushing to normalize homosexuals and trans-sexuals, to allow them access to children despite the FACT that they are much more likely to be pedophiles. They push the idea of teaching young kids about “transgenderism” to confuse kids about gender and sex, to feed them lies like “boys can be girls”, or that there are more than two genders. They actually promote this type of mental illness as something that is normal. This is all by design to make kids confused and vulnerable, so sick faggots can “recruit” them and molest them.
You know damn well what it is, you defend it with vigor here on USMB every chance you get.

The left have been pushing to normalize homosexuals and trans-sexuals, to allow them access to children despite the FACT that they are much more likely to be pedophiles. They push the idea of teaching young kids about “transgenderism” to confuse kids about gender and sex, to feed them lies like “boys can be girls”, or that there are more than two genders. They actually promote this type of mental illness as something that is normal. This is all by design to make kids confused and vulnerable, so sick faggots can “recruit” them and molest them.
Holy shit! I just realized ! You and are the same zombie troll bot! You are not human! You spew the same moronic, pre programed crap in response to anything said about gay or trans. You are both obsessed with children and while claiming to want to protect them, you both actually have a bizarre and sinister obsession with them. You two would make good fuck buddies
Holy shit! I just realized ! You and are the same zombie troll bot! You are not human! You spew the same moronic, pre programed crap in response to anything said about gay or trans. You are both obsessed with children and while claiming to want to protect them, you both actually have a bizarre and sinister obsession with them. You two would make good fuck buddies
LOL, as usual you can’t refute any of my points. You then oddly go on to accuse me of being “obsessed with children”, and go on to suggest performing a homosexual act within someone. Kinda weird how you correlate those two things, an obsession with kids and homosexual acts, but freak out whenever anyone points it out. Sounds like you need to see a psychiatrist.

My “obsession” is to protect children from sycophants. Strange that would set you off….one can only wonder why.
LOL, as usual you can’t refute any of my points. You then oddly go on to accuse me of being “obsessed with children”, and go on to suggest performing a homosexual act within someone. Kinda weird how you correlate those two things, an obsession with kids and homosexual acts, but freak out whenever anyone points it out. Sounds like you need to see a psychiatrist.

My “obsession” is to protect children from sycophants. Strange that would set you off….one can only wonder why.
What the fuck are you blathering about Zombie Troll Bot? You made no points to refute. I suggested homosexual acts ?...with who? You had better watch that shit! You do not want to protect children. You do not give a shit about children. You will use children as pawns in your pathetic and failed war against gay and trans people. You will sacrifice vulnerable children who are in need of acceptance and support by claiming that they are being manipulated into a "lifestyle" by those who just want to provide them with a safe and supportive environment. If their care was left to people like you, they would soon kill themselves. You will have blood on your hands
Holy shit! I just realized ! You and are the same zombie troll bot! You are not human! You spew the same moronic, pre programed crap in response to anything said about gay or trans. You are both obsessed with children and while claiming to want to protect them, you both actually have a bizarre and sinister obsession with them. You two would make good fuck buddies
I realized a long time ago that you are a sexually frustrated pervert who wants a healthy young man to satisfy your sick craving for back door pleasure.
She is one fugly chick!
She's okay. She just needs to smile more....and relax.

Kim Davis has no one to blame but herself.

Nothing stopped her from quitting the job if it affected her sense of morality….
Agreed. If she couldn't carry out her sworn duties, the honorable thing would be to remove herself from the equation.
In 2015, County Clerk Kim Davis refused to issue a gay couple a marriage license in spite of existing laws allowing same sex marriage.

A Judge has ruled that she violated their rights

It is this Court's opinion that Davis violated Plaintiffs' constitutional right to marry and the only remaining issue is the issue of damages," Bunning, who serves on the US District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky, wrote in a memorandum and opinion.

I guess Freedom of Religion and the 1st Amendment means nothing in the federal court system nowadays.

There was nothing stopping the Homos in question from going to another county clerk if they really wanted to get Gay-Married. The fact that they insisted on going to a tremendous Christian woman who they knew was opposed to this, shows they were just harassing her and actually committing a Hate Crime.

No one can convince me that these characters don't have deep set hatred for our Judeo-Christian heritage.
I guess Freedom of Religion and the 1st Amendment means nothing in the federal court system nowadays.

There was nothing stopping the Homos in question from going to another county clerk if they really wanted to get Gay-Married. The fact that they insisted on going to a tremendous Christian woman who they knew was opposed to this, shows they were just harassing her and actually committing a Hate Crime.

No one can convince me that these characters don't have deep set hatred for our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Why do you think it's okay for a government official to violate the law on a whim?

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