Court Sanctions Trump Lawyers Sydney Powell, Linn Wood et al For Lying About Election Fraud

Here we Go again.
Well yes, but MUCH worse criminal conduct than usual by the Democrats, and that's QUITE an accomplishment.
You're no different to the attorneys mentioned above.
I'm curious what your native language is, but suffice to say that your observation is as excellent as your English grammar.
No evidence
Mountains of evidence.
just bullshit.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Give up son.
You should.
You're flogging a dead horse.
Well, of course the system's Little Eichmann's - particularly the Democrat Eichmanns - have no interest in fixing what was deliberately broken, but always eye-opening to see a Democrat shill cheerlead this.
Well yes, but MUCH worse criminal conduct than usual by the Democrats, and that's QUITE an accomplishment.

I'm curious what your native language is, but suffice to say that your observation is as excellent as your English grammar.

Mountains of evidence.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

You should.

Well, of course the system's Little Eichmann's - particularly the Democrat Eichmanns - have no interest in fixing what was deliberately broken, but always eye-opening to see a Democrat shill cheerlead this.

Here we Go again and again.
You've made some outrageous lies for which you have no evidence. Did you read the link? How could your scenario possibly be true?
You're so paranoid about everything. Youve lost the plot completely.
Get some medication.
Here we Go again and again.
You certainly do, but that's ultimately irrelevant.

No matter how much you deny what happened here (why someone in another country thousands of miles away would care is beyond me - unless you're being paid to post here - but whatevs), massive Democrat voter fraud occurred.

Democrats are basically Nazis with less interesting wardrobe choices.
You've made some outrageous lies for which you have no evidence.
Did you read the link?
The link?
How could your scenario possibly be true?
I don't know why someone in Eastern Europe cares, but it's actually vastly worse than even the most outlandish popular theories.

The US election system is a complete fraud, but the Democrats actually found a way to make it even more so - impressive!
You're so paranoid about everything.
You're paranoid?

I thought you were probably just being paid to carry Democrat water here on the USMB.

If not I hope you can get help - there are some good drugs nowdays! :)
Youve lost the plot completely.
You certainly have, yes, but I understand it can be difficult to grasp what's happening in another country, and you're being paid to support the insane Democrat scenarios, so what can you do?
Get some medication.
As noted above, I hope you do, or maybe just a better job! :)
Conservatives aren’t going to stop lying about election ‘fraud’ no matter the facts and evidence in support of a fair, accurate, and honest election.

For conservatives it’s about their fear of, and contempt for, the democratic process and desire to undermine and destroy that process.
We called Dems out on their election rigging and fraud, tissue?
It won't matter to the Trump cultists because, you know, cult.

But this coming was about as obvious as a new day or winter coming.

The attorneys who filed the instant lawsuit abused the well-established rules applicable to the litigation process by proffering claims not backed by law; proffering claims not backed by evidence (but instead, speculation, conjecture, and unwarranted suspicion); proffering factual allegations and claims without engaging in the required prefiling inquiry; and dragging out these proceedings even after they acknowledged that it was too late to attain the relief sought.​
And this case was never about fraud—it was about undermining the People’s faith in our democracy and debasing the judicial process to do so. ...​
[A]ttorneys take an oath to uphold and honor our legal system. The sanctity of both the courtroom and the litigation process are preserved only when attorneys adhere to this oath and follow the rules, and only when courts impose sanctions when attorneys do not. And despite the haze of confusion, commotion, and chaos counsel intentionally attempted to create by filing this lawsuit, one thing is perfectly clear: Plaintiffs’ attorneys have scorned their oath, flouted the rules, and attempted to undermine the integrity of the judiciary along the way.​

That world is now so separated that this is probably good news. They might well think that this is an indication that The Evil Hitler Deep State Swamp Commies™ are afraid of her and on the run and "imploding".

The alternate universe has its own rules and perceptions.
Well not only have 60+ court cases been dismissed but now the lawyers bringing those specious cases are being sanctioned...because as officers of the court they can not blatantly lie in court
Is it a lie if a person is so lost and distorted intellectually that they absolutely believe it to be true?

Serious question.
Is it a lie if a person is so lost and distorted intellectually that they absolutely believe it to be true?

Serious question.
It is assumed that court officers (lawyers) are sentient persons. When they present cases that are this absurd the court can only assume they are dishonest. Lawyers just aren't supposed to be that stupid
It is assumed that court officers (lawyers) are sentient persons. When they present cases that are this absurd the court can only assume they are dishonest. Lawyers just aren't supposed to be that stupid
I just often wonder about this stuff. Ideology is a powerful thing, and it creates distortions and delusions.

Certainly a person, especially in this context, has to be held accountable. I've just never seen anything like this.
what ever you say biden sycophant
Mountains of evidence.

The good poster, MinTrut, asserts he has a 'mountain of evidence', yet --------yet he refuses to divulge it to authorities, even solid Republican authorities, because he thinks it is a waste of his time.

Which, some might say, is indicative of his commitment to American citizenship. It's a waste of time.

America is a big tent and we can accommodate lukewarm Americans, even lazy ones. But you be you, poster MinTrut. God Bless America.

Well not only have 60+ court cases been dismissed but now the lawyers bringing those specious cases are being sanctioned...because as officers of the court they can not blatantly lie in court
It is assumed that court officers (lawyers) are sentient persons. When they present cases that are this absurd the court can only assume they are dishonest. Lawyers just aren't supposed to be that stupid
Poster "Lesh"...... has bullseyed the very issue that Judge Parker was so incensed about ---- dishonest lawyering.

Also Judge Parker's ruling encompassed this:

“Plaintiffs’ counsel’s politically motivated accusations, allegations, and gamesmanship may be protected by the First Amendment when posted on Twitter, shared on Telegram, or repeated on television,” she wrote. “The nation’s courts, however, are reserved for hearing legitimate causes of action.”

"She ordered the lawyers to pay the attorney’s fees for their opponents in the case — the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan. She also wrote that she will require them to attend legal education classes. And she referred the group to the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, as well as attorney disciplinary committees in the states where each attorney is licensed, which could initiate proceedings that could result in the lawyer’s being disbarred.

Neither Powell nor Wood immediately responded to requests for comment Wednesday.

The order in Michigan came as judges around the country have been weighing how to hold accountable lawyers who used the courts to advance flimsy challenges to the election."*


Well, mandated "legal education classes" is about as much fun as a ruling can get....... from the perspective of us bystanders! ;)

*from this morning's Washington Post.
Great opinion. The Court obliterates the election fraud lie. Next step is to have the respective state bars of the sanctioned attorneys disbarred for seeking to undermine our election system with lies and fraudulent pleadings.

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