"covfefe" explained.

Sometimes logic must be applied to explain something apparently nonsensical. We have all gone to a keyboard and mistyped something. Most of us are not under a national microscope so when we write or speak or write incorrectly few notice it. But when a public figure does it national news is made. Let's take a look at this: Using simple logic we can deduce that the writer probably meant to type negative "coverage" not negative "covfefe". Let's look at the placement of the incorrect letters on the keyboard. The :F" is located diagonally right next to the "E". The "E is located right next to the "R". The "A" is sequestered but the "G" is diagonally right next to the "V". So someone typed too fast and sent with no proofreading. Someone likely tired late at night. Now it's a big deal to those who don't do too much analysis. Remember "Bigly"? This was actually said as "big league". The press is really big on steering little minds.
He's all thumbs. (-:
Trump clearly meant to type covfefe. Our President does not make mistakes ...EVER...Believe me

If anyone had bothered to ask........."Covfefe" is a Slovenian phrase that Melania often uses to describe her husband

Loosely translated, it means......."One who performs felatio on goats"
Sometimes logic must be applied to explain something apparently nonsensical. We have all gone to a keyboard and mistyped something. Most of us are not under a national microscope so when we write or speak or write incorrectly few notice it. But when a public figure does it national news is made. Let's take a look at this: Using simple logic we can deduce that the writer probably meant to type negative "coverage" not negative "covfefe". Let's look at the placement of the incorrect letters on the keyboard. The :F" is located diagonally right next to the "E". The "E is located right next to the "R". The "A" is sequestered but the "G" is diagonally right next to the "V". So someone typed too fast and sent with no proofreading. Someone likely tired late at night. Now it's a big deal to those who don't do too much analysis. Remember "Bigly"? This was actually said as "big league". The press is really big on steering little minds.
Obviously, it was a typo, and Trump realizing it made fun of himself by next tweeting, "Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!"
The President tweeted covfefe?
The OP's hypothesis doesn't fly using a keyboard. I was a typist for years. Coverage isn't anywhere near to covfefe in reach. But is the Tweet "keyboard" set up the same way? Letters in the same place? The center row was set up to use the most frequently used letters. On a phone, where you're using your thumbs, wouldn't it make sense to put those letters on the bottom row? Just asking. Never tweeted.
What I often wonder is whether the job has driven DJ Trump to drinking yet.

Towards the end, Dubya was drunk on tv a lot.
The President tweeted covfefe?
The OP's hypothesis doesn't fly using a keyboard. I was a typist for years. Coverage isn't anywhere near to covfefe in reach. But is the Tweet "keyboard" set up the same way? Letters in the same place? The center row was set up to use the most frequently used letters. On a phone, where you're using your thumbs, wouldn't it make sense to put those letters on the bottom row? Just asking. Never tweeted.

This explanation only flies if you are a trained typist. I was forced to take typing in college because I majored in writing courses. By the time I sat at a keyboard my brain was unable to develop the connections to memorize the position of letters without visual reference. It was all I could do to use both hands and avoid one-finger typing. I know some very smart people who use one finger to this day. The president is probably like a lot of us who are not practiced typists. Sometimes our work looks like Swedish meatballs.
I took typing in 9th grade. It has always been helpful, even back in the days of the manual and electric machines.

Now with computers, typing is critical.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the President has coined a new word that will soon appear in dictionaries worldwide. It will no longer be sorry, I made a typo-It will be sorry, I made a "Covfefe".
I doubt it.
he messed up. My gawd people


piss on him, he's a lost cause
He could drown saving an infant in rapid water and you guys would make fun of him for drowning. Give me a break
It would have helped had DJT not fired Comey in the middle of an FBI investigation of DJT's election committee.

I suppose that is what has people pissed off the most at him.

But at least he has reaped the poetic rewards -- Mueller is going to be a lot worse attack dog than Comey ever was.

So the law of unintended consequences has bitten DJT in the butt big time again.
You have to take into account that the left has a gigantic tax exempt (thank you John McCain) propaganda network caled "Media Matters". If you read the masthead you will find that MM is dedicated to monitoring (only) right wing speech. In other words Media Matters has a tax exempt staff that reads and analyzes and spins every word uttered by any republican or right wing figure 24/7. Nothing (including typos) gets by the MM spin machine. There is no such entity on the right.
funded by Soros

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