Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

What? 😵
  1. Nearly all viruses are lethal or can be. The flu is lethal, sometimes.
  2. Covid is lethal, 0.2% of the time. HUNDREDS of NFL football players have caught it this season--- how many have died or even been real sick? Zero.
  3. It was Nancy and the democrats who were poo pooing Covid in Feb 2020, not Trump, Ace. They were calling Trump a xenophobe for cutting travel in from China!
  4. Whatever Trump failed to do to keep the population safe, when is Joe going to start using it? Maybe we can share that secret with the other 194 nations who are still equally suffering from the virus.
  5. Ever hear of Operation Warp Speed, Junior? That's why you have a vaccine NOW and not ten years from now, Bub.

A Travel ‘Ban’?​

For starters, health experts say Trump was wrong to refer to the travel restrictions as a “travel ban,” as he did in a telephone interview on March 4 with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. During a town hall on March 5, Trump said he “closed down the borders to China and to other areas that are very badly affected.” That’s not accurate.

As Azar explained when he announced the travel restrictions on Jan. 31, the policyprohibits non-U.S. citizens, other than the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, who have traveled to China within the last two weeks from entering the U.S.

At a House subcommittee hearing on the coronavirus on Feb. 5, Ron Klain, White House Ebola response coordinator under the Obama administration, took issue with the characterization of the travel restrictions as a travel “ban.”

“We don’t have a travel ban,” Klain said. “We have a travel Band-Aid right now. First, before it was imposed, 300,000 people came here from China in the previous month. So, the horse is out of the barn.”

“There’s no restriction on Americans going back and forth,” Klain said. “There are warnings. People should abide by those warnings. But today, 30 planes will land in Los Angeles that either originated in Beijing or came here on one-stops, 30 in San Francisco, 25 in New York City. Okay? So, unless we think that the color of the passport someone carries is a meaningful public health restriction, we have not placed a meaningful public health restriction.”

4) It is called a vaccine. Plus masks. All countries are doing it

5). Scientists are always working on antidotes and vaccines. They learned a lot from SR 2. And that made their ability to come up with a vaccine for covid 19 a faster one, rather than starting from scratch.

The warp speed was from the scientists, and not Trump.
Yep.. CDC. And yep.. Deaths caused by the Covid vaccine.

You can also run your own reports here.
This is the CDC:

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. More than 496 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through December 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 10,688 reports of death (0.0022%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records.

Continued monitoring has identified nine deaths causally associated with J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination. CDC and FDA continue to r

J&J vaccines caused blood clot and deaths. Not the other two. J&J is not being used anymore, not since last year's first semester possibly.
I like their other one: It's OK he said he would end the virus cuz he didn't know things would change.
Did scientists and doctors know things would change? Did they know Delta variant would happen?
Did they know Omicron would come after that?

Do you still have your magic ball to look into the future for them?
Are you really interested in semantics? Joe Biddum has gven you 50,000 of them.

Working out real well!

Not without the 2 billion dollars and emergency authorization that Trump got unlocked for them to do it with.
Are you saying that Trump could have refused to authorize the 2 Billion for the research? What would the world have said had he thought of doing it.
Of course he was advised, considering the emergency of the virus and the need for a vaccine, to authorize that money. That is what the tax payers money is for as well. Emergencies like this one.
This is the CDC:

Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. More than 496 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through December 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 10,688 reports of death (0.0022%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA clinicians review reports of death to VAERS including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records.

Continued monitoring has identified nine deaths causally associated with J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination. CDC and FDA continue to r

J&J vaccines caused blood clot and deaths. Not the other two. J&J is not being used anymore, not since last year's first semester possibly.
Thank you. It is nice, after a debate to see someone give into the facts once presented. I wish more from the left would follow your example. I supplied direct statistics and not to articles as math tells the story. Here is the updated data in a good format. It looks like your link shows more deaths than what I provided if they are using US only information. The below pulls both US and Foreign from VAERS, but the article didn't state. If US only the statistics are very close, as it looks like the pull dates may be different which could explain the slight differences.


Edit: BTW...J&J is still being used and is approved, but the CDC recommends the mRNA.

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Did scientists and doctors know things would change? Did they know Delta variant would happen?
Did they know Omicron would come after that?

Do you still have your magic ball to look into the future for them?
What kind of idiot doesn't know viruses change all the time. We get a new strain of flu virus every year.

Doesn't take a magic ball to be informed, Dumbass.
Are you saying that Trump could have refused to authorize the 2 Billion for the research?

Where did I ever say anything remotely like that? But I know Trump had to pull some real strings, he didn't just snap his fingers and 2 billion just fell from the sky.
US has more deaths under Veggie Joe, and he had all 3 Trump vaccines the whole time. Special level of incompetence?

Nope.. special level of stupid all the mouthbreathers refusing to get their shots.

More nonsense from you eh Joe...I am confident that hacks like yourself will never give credit to anyone other than other democrats...That doesn't in any way mean that you are correct...It just means you are blinded by partisan smoke, and platitudes. Have fun in what ever your reality is when you lose so big in 22, and 24 that you demo's may not gain significant office again in my lifetime...

ACtually, I gave Bush-43 a lot of credit for the things he did right...

The reality is, you'll win some seats in 22 and then lose your asses in 24, for the same reasons why you lost in 96 and 12. I'd explain it to you, but you still wouldn't understand it, Anger Issues.
So you admit they under reported and India then surpassed us. So your initial statement is bogus. Sweden didn’t lock down at all. Oh well. Guess you were wrong again. @j-mac utterly humiliated you to boot. As did @Nostra. Happy New Year!

Uh, no, India didn't underreport... they just followed the Trump Plan, because Modi is about as big an idiot as Trump is.
Uh, no, India didn't underreport... they just followed the Trump Plan, because Modi is about as big an idiot as Trump is.
Didn't say India under reported. China did. I said India surpassed us. Way to keep up, Capt. College Educated. You don't have the right to call anyone an idiot. You're the only user on this site who isn't anonymous. That is pretty stupid...
Sorry, Zoggie, you are on ignore now, so I'm not going to see anything you post.
Nope.. special level of stupid all the mouthbreathers refusing to get their shots.

ACtually, I gave Bush-43 a lot of credit for the things he did right...

The reality is, you'll win some seats in 22 and then lose your asses in 24, for the same reasons why you lost in 96 and 12. I'd explain it to you, but you still wouldn't understand it, Anger Issues.
Nah, give it a go…this ought to be good…
Nah, give it a go…this ought to be good…
Kind of pointless, and I've already defined this in other threads.

I would suggest you review what happened in 1994 and 2010... and what followed, because you guys are making the exact same mistakes in 2022.
Kind of pointless, and I've already defined this in other threads.

I would suggest you review what happened in 1994 and 2010... and what followed, because you guys are making the exact same mistakes in 2022.
Lived and voted in both…but I see just another empty post from you.

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