COVID-19 is about far more than death counts

So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
The Drama Queen continues the Fear Mongering of this stinking virus.............

That has and still is destroying our country because we shut down...........This same poster and the DNC will then shift the chant to Trump caused all of you to lose your homes and jobs right before the election...........once the election is over...........this will all end........

Unless they can't rig it with mail ins...........then we get a river of tears and cities burning again and again.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
And you still have only written slop. No follow this and only this persons recommendations because....
I realize that you think writing your little peice somehow shows some in a bad light. I realize that you want to pretend that you are the big kahuna and above what you consider petty others. But when all you do is write some lousy peice of bull without even a hint of how or why then you are only showing you are clueless
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
And you still have only written slop. No follow this and only this persons recommendations because....
I realize that you think writing your little peice somehow shows some in a bad light. I realize that you want to pretend that you are the big kahuna and above what you consider petty others. But when all you do is write some lousy peice of bull without even a hint of how or why then you are only showing you are clueless
This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with Trumpsters.

I thought your post asked a question and I responded. You didn't want an answer, you were just making excuses.

My fault.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
And you still have only written slop. No follow this and only this persons recommendations because....
I realize that you think writing your little peice somehow shows some in a bad light. I realize that you want to pretend that you are the big kahuna and above what you consider petty others. But when all you do is write some lousy peice of bull without even a hint of how or why then you are only showing you are clueless
This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with Trumpsters.

I thought your post asked a question and I responded. You didn't want an answer, you were just making excuses.

My fault.
Roflol. So rather then answer you write slop meant as a crazy bullsht. When asked to actually respond with an answer you try the same. I wanted to know out of everyone's preported expertise who do we believe. Now you pretend that you answered. And that I some how did not want the answer and you pretend that you know me.
If I ever saw anyone that was so full of it I would have to say you.
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.

imbeciles who won’t take precautions should leave the normal people alone. Masking isn’t a function of politics. It’s a function of IQ
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
And you still have only written slop. No follow this and only this persons recommendations because....
I realize that you think writing your little peice somehow shows some in a bad light. I realize that you want to pretend that you are the big kahuna and above what you consider petty others. But when all you do is write some lousy peice of bull without even a hint of how or why then you are only showing you are clueless
This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with Trumpsters.

I thought your post asked a question and I responded. You didn't want an answer, you were just making excuses.

My fault.
Trumpkins are a lost cause
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
And you still have only written slop. No follow this and only this persons recommendations because....
I realize that you think writing your little peice somehow shows some in a bad light. I realize that you want to pretend that you are the big kahuna and above what you consider petty others. But when all you do is write some lousy peice of bull without even a hint of how or why then you are only showing you are clueless
This is why I no longer bother trying to communicate with Trumpsters.

I thought your post asked a question and I responded. You didn't want an answer, you were just making excuses.

My fault.
Trumpkins are a lost cause
That's funny I was going to say the left are completely beyond reason and help.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated.
We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.

Thanks for listing all the various ways in which your handlers in the rightarded blabbosphere have purposely misunderstood the experts, so as to feed the resulting distortions to you for you to regurgitate and hyperventilate.

Not that it was strictly necessary - we've all seen that crap dozens of times before from other simpletons on a mission similar to yours - but your participation trophy is on the way.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated.
We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.

Thanks for listing all the various ways in which your handlers in the rightarded blabbosphere have purposely misunderstood the experts, so as to feed the resulting distortions to you for you to regurgitate and hyperventilate.

Not that it was strictly necessary - we've all seen that crap dozens of times before from other simpletons on a mission similar to yours - but your participation trophy is on the way.
Don't you just love the undereducated brain dead left. If fifty of them put all their brain cells together they would have forty brain cells.
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.

My wife works in a hospital lab with this shit every day. Seven new positive cases since this morning. I don't listen to the advice from this administration, period. Peeling off social distancing stickers at klown rallies and the refusal of *pResident Dink and VP Dink to wear masks is a message read loud and clear.

It's the only message I require to ignore everything that comes out of their mouths. I will stick to the science and medical professionals.
Fakery wrapped in the cloak of health and safety crafted to have 4 goals
1. Harm Trump
2.Punish the productive segment of America that pays for all the freebies for deadbeats. Punishment is necessary because we have achieved too many privledges
3.Find our how many Americans will cower and capitulate. 80% did.
4.Get China some of the money we owe them by them having knowledge beforehand of what would be unleashed which allowed them to short the market to the tune of trillions
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.

My wife works in a hospital lab with this shit every day. Seven new positive cases since this morning. I don't listen to the advice from this administration, period. Peeling off social distancing stickers at klown rallies and the refusal of *pResident Dink and VP Dink to wear masks is a message read loud and clear.

It's the only message I require to ignore everything that comes out of their mouths. I will stick to the science and medical professionals.
She works while you whimper
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated.
We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.

Just your response is three months behind.
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.
Interesting but irrelevant to the issue of what to do about it.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
The Drama Queen continues the Fear Mongering of this stinking virus.............

That has and still is destroying our country because we shut down...........This same poster and the DNC will then shift the chant to Trump caused all of you to lose your homes and jobs right before the election...........once the election is over...........this will all end........

Unless they can't rig it with mail ins...........then we get a river of tears and cities burning again and again.

We didn't have to shut down if Trump had just suggested to the governor's to mandate face masks and we still don't if it's mandated but in another week you're going to see some shut downs just because of irresponsible people like yourself. So you and the other ilk brought it upon your self. You can't blame anyone else.
As one end of our political spectrum and their leader do everything they can to downplay COVID-19, one of their primary tactics is to focus solely on the deaths caused by the virus. Because the death rates are only X%, this whole thing has been overblown by the lame stream media, the deep state, fake news and all that.

Unfortunately, they're either ignorant of, or avoiding (who knows), the facts that the long term effects of the virus are proving to be significantly worse than, say, the flu.

I know this won't matter to them, but just for the record:

From the article:

Besides the respiratory issues that leave patients gasping for breath, the virus that causes COVID-19 attacks many organ systems, in some cases causing catastrophic damage.

“We thought this was only a respiratory virus. Turns out, it goes after the pancreas. It goes after the heart. It goes after the liver, the brain, the kidney and other organs. We didn’t appreciate that in the beginning,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, California.

In addition to respiratory distress, patients with COVID-19 can experience blood clotting disorders that can lead to strokes, and extreme inflammation that attacks multiple organ systems. The virus can also cause neurological complications that range from headache, dizziness and loss of taste or smell to seizures and confusion.

And recovery can be slow, incomplete and costly, with a huge impact on quality of life.

My wife works in a hospital lab with this shit every day. Seven new positive cases since this morning. I don't listen to the advice from this administration, period. Peeling off social distancing stickers at klown rallies and the refusal of *pResident Dink and VP Dink to wear masks is a message read loud and clear.

It's the only message I require to ignore everything that comes out of their mouths. I will stick to the science and medical professionals.
She works while you whimper

You wound me sir. :auiqs.jpg:
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
The Drama Queen continues the Fear Mongering of this stinking virus.............

That has and still is destroying our country because we shut down...........This same poster and the DNC will then shift the chant to Trump caused all of you to lose your homes and jobs right before the election...........once the election is over...........this will all end........

Unless they can't rig it with mail ins...........then we get a river of tears and cities burning again and again.

We didn't have to shut down if Trump had just suggested to the governor's to mandate face masks and we still don't if it's mandated but in another week you're going to see some shut downs just because of irresponsible people like yourself. So you and the other ilk brought it upon your self. You can't blame anyone else.
But until very recently the CDC insisted face masks won't protect you, so are you saying the President should have ignored the advice of the CDC?
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
The Drama Queen continues the Fear Mongering of this stinking virus.............

That has and still is destroying our country because we shut down...........This same poster and the DNC will then shift the chant to Trump caused all of you to lose your homes and jobs right before the election...........once the election is over...........this will all end........

Unless they can't rig it with mail ins...........then we get a river of tears and cities burning again and again.

We didn't have to shut down if Trump had just suggested to the governor's to mandate face masks and we still don't if it's mandated but in another week you're going to see some shut downs just because of irresponsible people like yourself. So you and the other ilk brought it upon your self. You can't blame anyone else.
But until very recently the CDC insisted face masks won't protect you, so are you saying the President should have ignored the advice of the CDC?

3 months ago and just saw Birx say they protect you from spreading and can protect you from getting.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
The Drama Queen continues the Fear Mongering of this stinking virus.............

That has and still is destroying our country because we shut down...........This same poster and the DNC will then shift the chant to Trump caused all of you to lose your homes and jobs right before the election...........once the election is over...........this will all end........

Unless they can't rig it with mail ins...........then we get a river of tears and cities burning again and again.

We didn't have to shut down if Trump had just suggested to the governor's to mandate face masks and we still don't if it's mandated but in another week you're going to see some shut downs just because of irresponsible people like yourself. So you and the other ilk brought it upon your self. You can't blame anyone else.
But until very recently the CDC insisted face masks won't protect you, so are you saying the President should have ignored the advice of the CDC?

3 months ago and just saw Birx say they protect you from spreading and can protect you from getting.
That's not true. They said masks would help prevent an infected person from spreading the disease but that they would not protect you from becoming infected.
So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
The Drama Queen continues the Fear Mongering of this stinking virus.............

That has and still is destroying our country because we shut down...........This same poster and the DNC will then shift the chant to Trump caused all of you to lose your homes and jobs right before the election...........once the election is over...........this will all end........

Unless they can't rig it with mail ins...........then we get a river of tears and cities burning again and again.

We didn't have to shut down if Trump had just suggested to the governor's to mandate face masks and we still don't if it's mandated but in another week you're going to see some shut downs just because of irresponsible people like yourself. So you and the other ilk brought it upon your self. You can't blame anyone else.

But you know they will.

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