COVID-19 is about far more than death counts

So who do you expect anyone to listen to? We hear masks, no masks, masks. Testing is the answer. Social distancing is the answer. No transmission from human to human. Can be transmitted human to human. A rally will kill people. Rioting and looting won't hurt anyone. The virus is mutating and becoming more dangerous. The virus is mutating and becoming less dangerous. Numbers dying from the virus have been underreported. The numbers have been inflated. We hear almost conflicting reports almost daily.
Of course, because this is a terribly complicated situation. It's a vicious, novel virus that we're still learning about every day. That's why just simplistically brushing things off is such a lousy idea. That's why using it as another excuse to attack science (of all things) is such a lousy idea. That's why mocking the concern over it is such a lousy idea.

Like pretty much everything else, this virus has become politicized, which is ANOTHER lousy idea.
The Drama Queen continues the Fear Mongering of this stinking virus.............

That has and still is destroying our country because we shut down...........This same poster and the DNC will then shift the chant to Trump caused all of you to lose your homes and jobs right before the election...........once the election is over...........this will all end........

Unless they can't rig it with mail ins...........then we get a river of tears and cities burning again and again.

We didn't have to shut down if Trump had just suggested to the governor's to mandate face masks and we still don't if it's mandated but in another week you're going to see some shut downs just because of irresponsible people like yourself. So you and the other ilk brought it upon your self. You can't blame anyone else.
Funny I think we really could blame the ilk that was running around looting and burning. Or the ilk that were standing shoulder to shoulder, some even less the six inches away yelling at cops with no face mask.
And the other end of the political spectrum does everything they can to overhype the effects of covid-19. They go above and beyond to act like keeping people locked away in their homes and business shut down with no end in sight have no negative effects and it's just an extended vacation.

We don't have to "overhype the effects" of the disease. 130,000 dead Americans in less than 5 months. More than 1/4 of all of the deaths in the world, and 1/4 of all of the cases in the world, despite have less than 5% of the world's population.

If Americans are so "exceptional", why has every other first world country done better than the USA in controlling this virus?

Because we gotta be #1 at everything, goddammit! I mean EVERYTHING!!!!!!~:p
Actually, the US had done much better in dealing with the virus than most first world countries. In terms of deaths per million population, Belgium has 853, UK 655, Spain 606.6, Italy 574.8, and France 444.5 while the US has only 392.2. We weren't the best, but we did pretty well compared to most other first world countries.
It wasn't because the democrats didn't do their part to up the death count. What with Pelosi wanding Downtown wanting others to come join. Biden calling Trump xenophobic for wanting to shut down air travel. Virus positive people being put into old folks homes. People told subways were safe then removing part of the cars to pack more in. Refusing to close schools until forced to.

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