Covid 19 Killed My Aunt Today

She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Hm. I don't recall you ever mentioning you had a relative with coronavirus symptoms in all of these numerous threads on the topic. I know how strongly you feel about it given your post history on the topic.

I'm sorry to hear news of the sudden loss of your favorite aunt due to coronavirus.
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Dana, my sweet, I feel the pain of your loss and I am so sorry your beloved aunt died alone. It has happened to me and it is a loss and sadness from which I will never completely recover. But the memories of our loved ones do become a treasure and will live on in our hearts until we meet again. They know and understand we were with them in spirit and now they are at peace. Still, it is a sad and lonely journey that we missed their final moments but time helps soothe that emptiness over something which we had no control. We begin to keep them in our thoughts and prayers and we know they are now having some fun and they knew and understood why we could not be by their side and they want us to be happy and relish in a lifetime of wonderful memories. They are pain-free and content now and that is what they want for us to be. True love works that way.

I wish I could hug you and comfort you. I am with you through this. :smiliehug:
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Hm. I don't recall you ever mentioning you had a relative with coronavirus symptoms in all of these numerous threads on the topic. I know how strongly you feel about it given your post history on the topic.

I'm sorry to hear news of the sudden loss of your favorite aunt due to coronavirus.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my most beloved aunt, who was my Godmother and almost sister and was there within hours of my birth, suddenly when she was only 52, so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is not much to say anymore than this. I hope that you and your family find peace and comfort. Remember that she always loved you.

Thank you very much Lysitrata.

She was my favorite aunt. The last adult from my youth left alive. Now she's gone.

My mom and her were best friends. She was my dad's sister and they were extremely close.

She married her childhood sweetheart and they had many wonderful decades together.

I know all four of them are in the afterlife partying and watching over us.

I'm just very angry she had to die alone. Everyone else had all of us there around them. My aunt had to die alone. That is what's killing me the most.

She was such a great woman. She didn't deserve to die alone.

No one does.

No, she didn't. Fate is so completely nasty, sometimes. But she didn't really die alone, because she knew how much she was loved and took that knowledge with her wherever she went.

My aunt (USAF) was stationed at Ramstein, Germany at the base hospital there. She went to church one Sunday, got changed into hiking clothes, went on a hike with her co-workers, and dropped dead in the woods. The plane bringing her back home was grounded by weather several times, as it was January in Germany. I will never forget. I lost a large piece of my heart.

Please get some rest and then talk it out with anyone and everyone.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Things like what you experienced are so much worse. It's unexpected and the person didn't get to live to their full potential and have a long life. You didn't get to say goodbye.

Yes the death takes a part of you when it happens.

My cousin was so upset with my aunt's DNR and living will which only allowed air. Nothing more. Which was what my mom, dad and grandmother did too.

I told him I saw it as their last act of love to us. They took the responsibility. They didn't force us to see them hooked up to machines. They didn't force us to have to make the decision to turn any machine off. They didn't force us to have to live the rest of our lives knowing we had to do that.

It's still hard to see them waste away but it is their choice.

I'm glad you didn't have to see that with your aunt. You are blessed in that way.

Filling out a DNR is always so hard, but your family members showed great love for you all by doing it, and sparing you that moment. My mother did it. I was present when a child's ventilator was turned off, and it was awful.

I was blessed at having never to witness my aunt's death, although she might have had an inkling as she came back to Andrew's for "tests" on her legs, and took me to dinner at the officers' club, where we talked of some pretty bizarre things. I never saw her again.

She cared for our service members in Vietnam, Thailand, Turkey, the Azores, Washington, D.C., and Germany, and I would like to remember her as a dedicated life-saver who ranted when she came home from her shift in the ER at Andrews and made me swear that I would never get on a motorcycle. She always gave me the "real deal" about issues like sex. She had a "party jacket" with a doctored version of the SAC logo with the armored fist. It read "While the World Sleeps . . . SAC Drinks." She said that she always depended on "JC."

So I remember the good times. I hope that you do the same. She will be there laughing with you.

Take good care of yourself and be strong. Sending hugs.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
My condolences. I'm very sorry for your loss.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Sorry for your loss and the separation from her at the hospital.. Makes it extra hard.. Take care.. I found out last week I lost an "ex aunt" in NYC to the virus...
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

I really feel sorry for everyone who is dying at this time, regardless of the reasons for their decedencies. With no proper funerals being done, no visitations for the friends and relatives, no funeral masses or processions to the boneyard, its got to be very difficult.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Hours ago, I lost an uncle (inlaw) and his wife (my aunt) has it too and they were roomed together, as my uncle passed. She was already bedridden and he WAS her caregiver.

It is real and it's here.
Nature intended people to grow, have and raise children until they can have children and then die. Nature did not intend for people to live into their 80s or 90s or not even their 70s. Additionally, the infirm kept alive by medicine even though their immune systems are seriously compromised are also victims of this "scourge".

Viruses are strange things. Renegade strains of RNA which are perhaps agents of nature intended to rectify that which is unnatural.

At the end of the day, nature will win...always.

She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.
Hi Dana.
I've often wondered what the 7360 stood for in your handle. After reading you OP, I surmise it stands for the years you will enjoy with your Aunt and your other loved ones when you reach another life and only turn one. That's a lot of lifetimes of love and joy to come. Please take care

Hi Erinwltr. Thank you for your reply.

I like what you said about the numbers at the end of my screen name.

I believe love never dies. My aunt was filled with love for life and people. She was such a beautiful soul the world is a much better place because she was in it.

In reality the numbers are my birthdate. July 3, 1960.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Sorry to hear this Dana, I know we often disagree, however I respect you and your views. I am so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how you feel. Sunday my wife and I spoke on what would happen if we had to die alone or worse yet, knew the other would die alone. Again, so sorry.

Thank you very much Papageorgio.

The fact that we don't often agree on things only shows that we both can think for ourselves. If everyone was the same and we all agreed on everything this would be a very boring world to live in.

Yes I think the worst thing about this virus is that it forces people to die alone.

She literally married her childhood sweetheart. She had been with my uncle from childhood until January 2014 when he died. She is with him my mom and my dad now.

My mom and her were best friends and if there's a higher power or a creator or something running the afterlife, that entity better watch out. My mom and my aunt together will end up running the place.

My daughter died several years ago in a vehicle accident, my wife and we didn't get to tell her goodbye, she knew we loved her, as your aunt knew you loved her. If your mom and aunt do end up running the place something tells me it will be in good hands.

I am so sorry Papageorgio. That is so horrible. No parent should bury their child. It's just not right. No parent should have to endure losing their child and not getting to say goodbye. That must have been so horrible for you and your wife. It takes a special kind of strength to get through something like that.

Yes my aunt knew I loved her. I told her all the time and I did things for her. She was such a special person.

If they end up running the place yes, it will be in good hands but the creator or whoever is there is in for a wild ride. LOL.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Hm. I don't recall you ever mentioning you had a relative with coronavirus symptoms in all of these numerous threads on the topic. I know how strongly you feel about it given your post history on the topic.

I'm sorry to hear news of the sudden loss of your favorite aunt due to coronavirus.

It happened very fast. I guess that's a blessing in a way.

She fell and hurt her hip. She was in a rehab facility and was getting better. She was healthy and fine.

She got the virus at the rehab facility. She was tested a week ago Monday. The results came back last Thursday. She died yesterday.

I learned about it this past weekend. She's in Massachusetts. I'm on the other side of the continent in Washington. We were at my place by Mt. Rainier to celebrate the easter holiday. We came home early because of my aunt.

We are all shocked and basically just trying to process what has happened in such a short time.
Dana, my sweet, I feel the pain of your loss and I am so sorry your beloved aunt died alone. It has happened to me and it is a loss and sadness from which I will never completely recover. But the memories of our loved ones do become a treasure and will live on in our hearts until we meet again. They know and understand we were with them in spirit and now they are at peace. Still, it is a sad and lonely journey that we missed their final moments but time helps soothe that emptiness over something which we had no control. We begin to keep them in our thoughts and prayers and we know they are now having some fun and they knew and understood why we could not be by their side and they want us to be happy and relish in a lifetime of wonderful memories. They are pain-free and content now and that is what they want for us to be. True love works that way.

I wish I could hug you and comfort you. I am with you through this. :smiliehug:

Thank you so much for your very beautiful and thoughtful post AquaAthena.

I'm so sorry your loved one died alone. I was very prepared for her death. No one lives forever but I fully expected to be able to be there. It's the one thing that is very hard for me to get past. I had planned to go east this spring but she fell and hurt her hip. I was planning to go out there when she was finished recovering and this virus was over. Now, I'll go out there for her memorial. She will be cremated and there will be a memorial for her in the summer. Hopefully people will be able to travel by then.

I welcome your hugs and well wishes. You're truly a beautiful soul.
I really feel sorry for everyone who is dying at this time, regardless of the reasons for their decedencies. With no proper funerals being done, no visitations for the friends and relatives, no funeral masses or processions to the boneyard, its got to be very difficult.

You just made me remember the day I went to lunch and coming back to work I used a street which passes by a cemetery.

Suddenly police cars stop the traffic BOTH ways, a fire truck was parked in transverse blocking both traffic ways and the America flag was posted at the top of the telescopic ladder.

Then, police cars with the driver alone started to enter the cemetery. Later vans with the driver alone and police buses with the driver alone were in line at slow speed entering the cemetery.

That day the burial of two police officers dead on duty was performed. The traffic was on hold for almost two hours. To make it worst, more cars were trying to get inside the traffic than the ones trying to escape because by some reason you always expect just a few minutes delay when funeral car processions happen.

I was two hours late to my work after lunch, and I didn't bless but cursed the whole show. I can bet those police officers were ignored by their superiors when they were alive and on duty, but at their funeral making such a parade of hundreds of empty vehicles passing thru to present "honor" to the dead officers was an unnecessary show. What an abuse!

I only attend funerals of friends but never of family members. I just want to remember them the way I saw them last when they were alive. And if I never visited a family member when he was alive, then I have a bigger reason for not travel and going to visit his cadaver. I can visit later the close relatives.

Losing love ones is hard to swallow and we don't know it's taste until someone in our families die.

To me, the cause of death is not much the issue because we will have our turn as well, but wishing the survivors being capable to keep going after.
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my most beloved aunt, who was my Godmother and almost sister and was there within hours of my birth, suddenly when she was only 52, so I have some idea of what you are going through. There is not much to say anymore than this. I hope that you and your family find peace and comfort. Remember that she always loved you.

Thank you very much Lysitrata.

She was my favorite aunt. The last adult from my youth left alive. Now she's gone.

My mom and her were best friends. She was my dad's sister and they were extremely close.

She married her childhood sweetheart and they had many wonderful decades together.

I know all four of them are in the afterlife partying and watching over us.

I'm just very angry she had to die alone. Everyone else had all of us there around them. My aunt had to die alone. That is what's killing me the most.

She was such a great woman. She didn't deserve to die alone.

No one does.

No, she didn't. Fate is so completely nasty, sometimes. But she didn't really die alone, because she knew how much she was loved and took that knowledge with her wherever she went.

My aunt (USAF) was stationed at Ramstein, Germany at the base hospital there. She went to church one Sunday, got changed into hiking clothes, went on a hike with her co-workers, and dropped dead in the woods. The plane bringing her back home was grounded by weather several times, as it was January in Germany. I will never forget. I lost a large piece of my heart.

Please get some rest and then talk it out with anyone and everyone.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Things like what you experienced are so much worse. It's unexpected and the person didn't get to live to their full potential and have a long life. You didn't get to say goodbye.

Yes the death takes a part of you when it happens.

My cousin was so upset with my aunt's DNR and living will which only allowed air. Nothing more. Which was what my mom, dad and grandmother did too.

I told him I saw it as their last act of love to us. They took the responsibility. They didn't force us to see them hooked up to machines. They didn't force us to have to make the decision to turn any machine off. They didn't force us to have to live the rest of our lives knowing we had to do that.

It's still hard to see them waste away but it is their choice.

I'm glad you didn't have to see that with your aunt. You are blessed in that way.

Filling out a DNR is always so hard, but your family members showed great love for you all by doing it, and sparing you that moment. My mother did it. I was present when a child's ventilator was turned off, and it was awful.

I was blessed at having never to witness my aunt's death, although she might have had an inkling as she came back to Andrew's for "tests" on her legs, and took me to dinner at the officers' club, where we talked of some pretty bizarre things. I never saw her again.

She cared for our service members in Vietnam, Thailand, Turkey, the Azores, Washington, D.C., and Germany, and I would like to remember her as a dedicated life-saver who ranted when she came home from her shift in the ER at Andrews and made me swear that I would never get on a motorcycle. She always gave me the "real deal" about issues like sex. She had a "party jacket" with a doctored version of the SAC logo with the armored fist. It read "While the World Sleeps . . . SAC Drinks." She said that she always depended on "JC."

So I remember the good times. I hope that you do the same. She will be there laughing with you.

Take good care of yourself and be strong. Sending hugs.

My cousin didn't look at it the way I do. When I explained it to him he realized just what his mom did and how it was a blessing to him and his brother. He said he would have turned machines off for her but didn't realize what that meant for the rest of his life. That he would have had to live with it and he realized how hard that would have been. Much harder than having to comply with the DNR. I hope it helps him and my other cousin through this.

Your aunt sounds like she was a great woman. I would have loved to have known her. I was in the Air National Guard for my state. People who are or were in the military are special people. They give so much of themselves to the rest of the world. It's very special in my opinion. You must be proud of all she did.

Life goes on. I just feel so helpless being on the other side of the continent from my cousins. I just want to go east but can't because of the stupid virus. I'll get out there this summer.

My cousin and I were something like my mom and aunt. My uncle used to say my cousin and I were partners in mischief. We used to tear up Cape Cod in the summer in my cousin's truck. Bombing down the highway with music blaring from the truck. Us singing to the top of our lungs and laughing.

My aunt used to just love seeing my cousin and I together having fun. Her smile would cover her whole face.
She was a great woman. She spent her life helping people and spreading love and joy.

She is my favorite aunt and am honored to have grown up with her in my life.

I'm very angry that she had to die alone like all victims of the virus.

This virus is real. It kills. Please, everyone, take it seriously.

Sorry for your loss and the separation from her at the hospital.. Makes it extra hard.. Take care.. I found out last week I lost an "ex aunt" in NYC to the virus...

Thank you very much flacaltenn.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I've learned that in life family doesn't always require blood or DNA. That's just liquid. Family requires love, commitment and time. I have family I don't share any DNA with. They are family none the less.

You lost someone you love. Doesn't matter if there's no blood involved.

Stay healthy and safe.

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