COVID bill cost $17,000 per person in AMERICA (330M)...for that we get $1400 for 280M people

Yes you certainly are, which is why we call you "edtheliar."

91% of the Pelosi pork goes to special interests, particularly public employee unions. A scant 9% offer Covid relief.

No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot your scripted lie, it is still a lie.
A mere 80 billion of the 1.9 trillion, 4%, goes to replacing the pensions the GOPQ governors raided to give tax cuts to the rich, but in the fuzzy math of the lying scum Right that is 91%
You suckers pay for it. I get the $1400 but none in my immediate family will pay for it now or in the future. Plus, I won't spend a penny of it in the US.
Cool. Me too. If I ever get the first two ???
Why haven't you?
Good question ?
I tried to get an irs subscription but they needed an active CREDIT card or mortgage or student loan or Jewish dual citizen but all that was a no go for me.

Yes you certainly are, which is why we call you "edtheliar."

91% of the Pelosi pork goes to special interests, particularly public employee unions. A scant 9% offer Covid relief.

No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot your scripted lie, it is still a lie.
A mere 80 billion of the 1.9 trillion, 4%, goes to replacing the pensions the GOPQ governors raided to give tax cuts to the rich, but in the fuzzy math of the lying scum Right that is 91%
You suckers pay for it. I get the $1400 but none in my immediate family will pay for it now or in the future. Plus, I won't spend a penny of it in the US.
Cool. Me too. If I ever get the first two ???
Why haven't you?
Good question ?
I tried to get an irs subscription but they needed an active CREDIT card or mortgage or student loan or Jewish dual citizen but all that was a no go for me.
I have none of those, just a SS# and a work history.

Yes you certainly are, which is why we call you "edtheliar."

91% of the Pelosi pork goes to special interests, particularly public employee unions. A scant 9% offer Covid relief.

No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot your scripted lie, it is still a lie.
A mere 80 billion of the 1.9 trillion, 4%, goes to replacing the pensions the GOPQ governors raided to give tax cuts to the rich, but in the fuzzy math of the lying scum Right that is 91%
You suckers pay for it. I get the $1400 but none in my immediate family will pay for it now or in the future. Plus, I won't spend a penny of it in the US.
Cool. Me too. If I ever get the first two ???
Why haven't you?
Good question ?
I tried to get an irs subscription but they needed an active CREDIT card or mortgage or student loan or Jewish dual citizen but all that was a no go for me.
I have none of those, just a SS# and a work history.
Go sign in and check to see where yours is/when did it arrive etc etc

Yes you certainly are, which is why we call you "edtheliar."

91% of the Pelosi pork goes to special interests, particularly public employee unions. A scant 9% offer Covid relief.

No matter how many times you mindlessly parrot your scripted lie, it is still a lie.
A mere 80 billion of the 1.9 trillion, 4%, goes to replacing the pensions the GOPQ governors raided to give tax cuts to the rich, but in the fuzzy math of the lying scum Right that is 91%
You suckers pay for it. I get the $1400 but none in my immediate family will pay for it now or in the future. Plus, I won't spend a penny of it in the US.
Cool. Me too. If I ever get the first two ???
Why haven't you?
Good question ?
I tried to get an irs subscription but they needed an active CREDIT card or mortgage or student loan or Jewish dual citizen but all that was a no go for me.
I have none of those, just a SS# and a work history.
Go sign in and check to see where yours is/when did it arrive etc etc
already got the first two. Next one next week I think.
Noting that the ColonelAngus poster brand is opposed to First Responders in active roles, and for pay; is opposed to social distancing remodels required for reopening schools and public facilities; is opposed to event venue modifications of the same basis; is opposed to civil remedy created from federal administration inequities; is not too thrilled with Tribal Nation supports, via world-famous treaties; is not at supportive of child care housing and other supports; is not too thrilled with infrastructures remedies.

Probably the brand is reliant more on prayer, and not on market economics! Mostly people in the 50 states get the employment benefits created, beyond the unemployment relief assistance.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think. Matt 25: 14-30, is what you get! Remedy has commenced in 2021!)
Last edited:
Nothing that the Colonel Angus poster brand is opposed to First Responders in active roles, and for pay; is opposed to social distancing remodels required for reopening schools and public facilities; is opposed to event venue modifications of the same basis; is opposed to civil remedy created from federal administration inequities; is not too thrilled with Tribal Nation supports, via world-famous treaties; is not at supportive of child care housing and other supports; is not too thrilled with infrastructures remedies.

Probably the brand is reliant more on prayer, and not on market economics!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think. Matt 25: 14-30, is what you get! Remedy has commenced in 2021!)

Are you ever lucid?
Money doesn't even talk to Uncensored200 8 poster! No one gets paid in the Uncensored200 8 brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think. Matt 25: 14-30, is what you get! Remedy has commenced in 2021!)
Money doesn't even talk to Uncensored200 8 poster! No one gets paid in the Uncensored200 8 brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think. Matt 25: 14-30, is what you get! Remedy has commenced in 2021!)

SO no, you never experience periods of lucidity. :thup:
The law does seem to be growing. But even Rubio was suggesting a more progressive approach in 16.
Tramp ass kisser Chris Christy was famous for doing it, and then refusing to replenish the money even after the court ordered him to!!!! Frisky Whitless did the same thing before him.

Show us edtheliar?

You can't, you're a filthy fucking liar.

Typical Nazi pile of shit.
While former New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman rips into Gov. Chris Christie for his ties with Donald Trump, she evidently has forgotten she is the first governor to get the state into a dangerous trend by raiding the pension fund. Before Whitman, the pension fund was flush with money paid mostly by the state workers, which was legally to be used only for pensioners. She found a way to circumvent the law and raided the fund for other state expenses.


spiralDemocrat Governor Jim Florio was the first to use the pension fund as a fall-back piggy bank in a time of crisis, Save Jerseyans.

In 1992, facing a budget shortfall, Florio pushed through the Pension Revaluation Act with unanimous support in the legislature, reducing taxpayer contributions to the public retirement plans by $1.5 billion.

This scheme was accomplished through the financial deception of introducing a more optimistic method of evaluating pension system investments. The end result was to make the retirement plans’ finances “look far rosier” than they really were, by lifting the projected rate of return on the fund’s investments to 8.75% from 7%.

In 1997, New Jersey sold $2.75 billion of bonds paying 7.6% interest, putting the proceeds into the pension fund to be invested for higher returns. Unfortunately, the fund has earned less than 6% annually since the bonds were issued.


So, it was a Nazi, a democrat who changed the rules - you lied, that's what you do. Secondly, no money was taken out of the existing plan, Florio changes how contributions were made and basically defrauded the reporting of contributions.

The REAL problem of course is;

{ And, even as pension contributions were neglected, New Jersey politicians sweetened the pot. In 2001, government employees and teachers benefits were increased by 9%, creating an additional $4.2 billion in liabilities. In 1999, the state approved a “20 and out” measure that allowed firefighters and local police to collect pensions equal to 50% of their pay after 20 years of service . . . a perk formerly reserved only to the state police. Benefits added since 1999 have increased liabilities into the billions. }

So a cop joining the force at 25 can retire at 45 and collect his pay for the rest of his life. That's okay, those in the private sector will work into their 80's to pay for it.

You mean Ed is wrong? How completely logical.

Yes you certainly are, which is why we call you "edtheliar."

91% of the Pelosi pork goes to special interests, particularly public employee unions. A scant 9% offer Covid relief.

You idiots could at least read the articles you post.

91% pork.

Hey, but at least "teachers" who haven't been in a classroom in over a year will get 6 figure annual pensions.
Ah, so you’re just going to make shit up.

Trump claimed to be for the working class. Biden actually is.
Yeah, Joe who’s never accomplished one thing in his life except to get rich on the government gravy train is for the working class.
That’s why the millions of Americans in financial trouble are now paying 70% more for gas and to heat their homes.
It doesn’t really matter what Biden does or doesn’t do when people like you are just going to make shit up anyway.
You’re looking in the mirror again.
You know gas prices go up when the economy comes back, right?
Yeah? When’s the economy going to come back?

You do know gas goes up when oil pipelines get shutdown and fracking gets banned, right?
12,000 temporary construction jobs is not evidence of an economic miracle. The Trumped-Up brand--of dementia with basis in self-defensive, pathological lying--was mostly about 30,000 lies and falsehoods,, comparing.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think. Matt 25: 14-30, is what you get! Remedy has commenced in 2021!)
12,000 temporary construction jobs is not evidence of an economic miracle. The Trumped-Up brand--of dementia with basis in self-defensive, pathological lying--was mostly about 30,000 lies and falsehoods,, comparing.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be what you think. Matt 25: 14-30, is what you get! Remedy has commenced in 2021!)
Remember Obama’s dog parks? As if building dog parks is a viable economic platform for growth.
Leave it to the Democrats to turn $17,000 into $1400.

9% of this bill specifically benefits US citizens with cash payments. The other 91% DOES NOT.

Liberals who supported this bill, can you please explain why this is a good bill? Be specific. Use numbers and facts and economic theory.

How is it good that we are spending $1.9 trillion to give $1400 to 280 million people?


The other 91% is going to pay the costs of letting covid run wild. Testing and treating to 30 million Americans who got sick.

Paying wages to local police, fire and municipal healthcare workers to keep the cities running.

Money to school districts to improve air quality and make infrastructure improvements to the systems to keep staff and students safe.

And it went for the people to get vaccines into arms.

All of the things Donald Trump should have done when he was in office and refused/failed to do.
The other 91% is going to pay the costs of letting covid run wild. Testing and treating to 30 million Americans who got sick.

Paying wages to local police, fire and municipal healthcare workers to keep the cities running.

Money to school districts to improve air quality and make infrastructure improvements to the systems to keep staff and students safe.

And it went for the people to get vaccines into arms.

All of the things Donald Trump should have done when he was in office and refused/failed to do.

Code Blue, Code Blue ... This one might not make it, heartbeat tacky at 145, BP dropping ... We got a bleeder, possible Kool-Aid overdose.

Leave it to the Democrats to turn $17,000 into $1400.

9% of this bill specifically benefits US citizens with cash payments. The other 91% DOES NOT.

Liberals who supported this bill, can you please explain why this is a good bill? Be specific. Use numbers and facts and economic theory.

How is it good that we are spending $1.9 trillion to give $1400 to 280 million people?


The other 91% is going to pay the costs of letting covid run wild. Testing and treating to 30 million Americans who got sick.

Paying wages to local police, fire and municipal healthcare workers to keep the cities running.

Money to school districts to improve air quality and make infrastructure improvements to the systems to keep staff and students safe.

And it went for the people to get vaccines into arms.

All of the things Donald Trump should have done when he was in office and refused/failed to do.
Hilarious. You KKKanadians are being arrested for walking outside. Enjoy what YOUR government has given you.
Leave it to the Democrats to turn $17,000 into $1400.

9% of this bill specifically benefits US citizens with cash payments. The other 91% DOES NOT.

Liberals who supported this bill, can you please explain why this is a good bill? Be specific. Use numbers and facts and economic theory.

How is it good that we are spending $1.9 trillion to give $1400 to 280 million people?


The other 91% is going to pay the costs of letting covid run wild. Testing and treating to 30 million Americans who got sick.

Paying wages to local police, fire and municipal healthcare workers to keep the cities running.

Money to school districts to improve air quality and make infrastructure improvements to the systems to keep staff and students safe.

And it went for the people to get vaccines into arms.

All of the things Donald Trump should have done when he was in office and refused/failed to do.
We got to pay for them failed pension plans, homie. Suck it up! Embrace Murica'!
You mean the police and FD pensions GOPQ governors raided to give tax cuts to the rich.
You mean they DIDN'T raid the pockets of the rich to pay for those pensions?

It's terrifying to see this attitude that somehow we owe the government taxes BEFORE we even earn the fucking money.

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