Covid blowing up in NYC

Actually, in ancient Rome the down thumb meant yes!

Yeah funny how its portrayed in the movies....
Well the indictments arent crippling anything so roll out the tried and true hoax
Say whatever you want..... but if Trump was still President, the left media would be screaming their heads off about this 24 hours a day and calling a Trump a murderer and blaming it all on him.
But - Biden is President. There is no Covid problems... move along folks.
Or it’s because New York is by far the largest city in the country so it’s hardly surprising if there was an uptick in infection, it would be there

Really??? Why don't you go to New York (if you don't live there already) and do some more research about it? Don't forget to send us a postcard. :D
Btw, I might be the unpopular one in the crowd, but if it's going to turn into a Flu-shot I don't mind getting the booster every year. However, as I've said from the beginning... medical decisions should never be forced upon anybody as that should always remain a personal choice.
BUt how can that be? The state of New York is showing 81.2% completely vaccinated and 9.6% partially vaccinated. The vaccines are "Safe and Effective", remember? Therefore none of those vaccinated folks should be getting COVID. And even if they do get COVID, why should they care? They're vaccinated.

Covid mutates at a higher rate than most viruses and the vaccine becomes worthless over time.

Even though Biden did say if you were vaccinated you could not catch, carry, spread, or die from Covid, well he was wrong.

The biggest issue with Covid and those vaccinated is they become asymptomatic which means they are carriers of the Virus and spread it without knowing even the new mutated strains of the virus.

Oh, before someone proclaims Biden never said anything like what I wrote, well here is AP with their fact check and it was well-known way before he uttered his words the Vaccines were to lessen the symptoms and not to protect you completely from the virus:

As long as they keep using for diagnostic purposes a test that was not designed for diagnostic purposes, they will continue to generate false positives. The scam marches on.

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