Covid camps? Put disease 'carriers' in Detention Centers, proposed New York law suggests

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
It figures it'd be something like that. Probably shoulda seen this coming when they started making so much noise about 'contact tracing' and mandating that places of buisoness collect names and addresses and what not from their customers prior to doing business with them. Or maybe we did and those threads maybe just got skipped over, I dunno. Such may be the nature of inconvenient truths.


A New York state lawmaker has introduced a bill that would allow the government to detain people deemed a potential public health risk, amid concerns that the Covid-19 crisis is being allegedly used to usher in authoritarianism.

Authored by a Democratic member of the New York State Assembly N. Nick Perry, Bill A416 calls for the “removal and/or detention” of individuals who are identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease.

Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises.
The sweeping powers would be employed in the event of the state government declaring a health emergency due to an epidemic of any communicable disease, the bill proposes.

Continued - Covid camps? Put disease ‘carriers’ in Detention Centers, proposed New York law suggests
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I suppose the upside here is that "people being “removed” will have the right to legal representation and are allowed to supply the telephone numbers of friends or family to receive notification of the individual’s detention.

The law apparently allows the governor or health official to unilaterally approve such detentions but a court order is required within 60 days of confinement, and 'judicial review' is also required if the individual is still in detention after 90 days.

I didn't see anything about box cars. Digital certificates and databases have both been the popular rage, though. Barcodes are just so yesterday, I imagine.
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Libs confronted this issue in the 1980s during the AIDS epidemic and refused to lock up all the homosexuals, drug addicts and prostitutes who were the main culprits

but if its practicing Jews in New York, or members of the First Baptist Church anywhere they might have a different attitude
This is why I like to pay in cash money, no name attached to the fact I patronized a joint.

I guess if the clerk at Walmart asks me my name, I can tell her "Al Coholic" or "I.P. Freeley".

Only thing with that is that they've openly stated that they want to do away with all physical mediums of exchange in favor of a digital infrastructure. That's what all of the blockchain stuff is about. So they've got their bases covered there, too. I'd shared information on that directly from the Bank of International Settlements itself. What that actually means, if we'd approach it in the same technical way that the BIS intends it to mean, is coin, paper currency, bonds, equities securities, etc. Basically they'd have full spectrum dominance over every transaction.
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They may learn, that the sick ain't really all that sick- the hard way.
Well, anything is possible in this strange country.

During World War II, they rounded up 100,000 Japanese Americans in California & marched them off to relocation camps.

And last summer, the powers-that-be decided to let looters go wild in cities around the nation.

So it would not be a total shock if the Dem authoritarians who have seized the national government rounded up all COVID sufferers and sent them to "recovery centers," especially if they were known to be Republicans.

We may soon look back on 2020 with nostalgia.
It figures it'd be something like that. Probably shoulda seen this coming when they started making so much noise about 'contact tracing' and mandating that places of buisoness collect names and addresses and what not from their customers prior to doing business with them. Or maybe we did and those threads maybe just got skipped over, I dunno. Such may be the nature of inconvenient truths.


A New York state lawmaker has introduced a bill that would allow the government to detain people deemed a potential public health risk, amid concerns that the Covid-19 crisis is being allegedly used to usher in authoritarianism.

Authored by a Democratic member of the New York State Assembly N. Nick Perry, Bill A416 calls for the “removal and/or detention” of individuals who are identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease.

Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises.
The sweeping powers would be employed in the event of the state government declaring a health emergency due to an epidemic of any communicable disease, the bill proposes.

Continued - Covid camps? Put disease ‘carriers’ in Detention Centers, proposed New York law suggests

That is all kind of messed up.
The Dems want to punish people who do not get the vaccine.
They want to make people prove that they have been vaccinated.
Maybe they want to force people to wear vaccine dog tags like a pet human.
Yeah, I don't start threads very often, but I started one just yesterday about them having a bill in NY on them here;

And a debate about a leaked memo in the conspiracy forum from a Canadian Minister about camps, and a future more lethal version of the virus in the CT sub-forum here. . . it looks like that more lethal version is now in the propaganda, just as they have predicted in that closed door Canadian meeting.

Yeah, I don't start threads very often, but I started one just yesterday about them having a bill in NY on them here;

And a debate about a leaked memo in the conspiracy forum from a Canadian Minister about camps, and a future more lethal version of the virus in the CT sub-forum here. . . it looks like that more lethal version is now in the propaganda, just as they have predicted in that closed door Canadian meeting.

Oh, sorry, man. Didn't see it. Heck of a thing, what they're up to, ain't it? Heck of a thing...
The Dems want to punish people who do not get the vaccine.
They want to make people prove that they have been vaccinated.
Maybe they want to force people to wear vaccine dog tags like a pet human.

Repubs will go along with it in the broader scheme. There's no doubt. They basically already are. None of them, save for a few of our own Washington implants, demonstrate any kind of blowback toward this stuff.

It's why it's so important to gain some control back of the republican party from those who just go along with it, all from behind the veil that they are somehow different than dems. At the moment we just need enough to get in their way to slow it down, but in the longer-term it's gonna require the electorate itself to kind of wake up and realize the reality that they're basically on the same team. The electorate is the weakest link in all of it, unfortunately. The whole 'counter-culture' gag is effectively a mask for the Cloward-Piven strategy they're invoking and is keeping them pretty well occupied while branch covidians run interference for the fascist partnership between big government and big pharma. Also noting what was mentioned previously with regard to monetary policy. The war on us is multifaceted. And ultimately a global endeavor.
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Removes all doubt that Progressive is just a nicer way of saying Fascist
I don't think we want to make this a partisan issue. They are just slower about what is going on.

freyasman described exactly what is going on the other day. . . and Old Lady is still in complete denial. She told him, if that is what is really intended, and truly going to happen, she would oppose it, but she thought he was crazy. She thinks we all are. They all do. They all believe exactly what is on the corporate internet sites, in the MSM papers, and on the TEE VEE.

A lot of them would, and will oppose the end game, and DO oppose the end game here, but they don't think it is happening.

She is like many of them, a frog in a pot of slowly heating water. She, like many of them, still believes life will go back to normal in six months, a years time. Hell, when I made that thread about the camps in NY, the left all called me nuts. When I asked what it was all about. . . they just said it was only to take folks out of the population for "a few days."

When water is boiling, things will be all locked down. ..

. .. and maybe, it is already too late.

I have already requested that this site enable embedding bitchute videos, no one listens. If I requested that we enable this site an IPFS back-up to protect our little community and lower costs? I believe I would be likewise ignored. I don't think they really care about our free speech and protecting ourselves from the partisan bullshit and the Deep State.

I dunno, I'm not a techie. Maybe this type of system wouldn't work for a forum.

It figures it'd be something like that. Probably shoulda seen this coming when they started making so much noise about 'contact tracing' and mandating that places of buisoness collect names and addresses and what not from their customers prior to doing business with them. Or maybe we did and those threads maybe just got skipped over, I dunno. Such may be the nature of inconvenient truths.


A New York state lawmaker has introduced a bill that would allow the government to detain people deemed a potential public health risk, amid concerns that the Covid-19 crisis is being allegedly used to usher in authoritarianism.

Authored by a Democratic member of the New York State Assembly N. Nick Perry, Bill A416 calls for the “removal and/or detention” of individuals who are identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease.

Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises.
The sweeping powers would be employed in the event of the state government declaring a health emergency due to an epidemic of any communicable disease, the bill proposes.

Continued - Covid camps? Put disease ‘carriers’ in Detention Centers, proposed New York law suggests

New York will take a decade to recover from the antics of its current state government. NYC may never recover.
Removes all doubt that Progressive is just a nicer way of saying Fascist
I don't think we want to make this a partisan issue. They are just slower about what is going on.

freyasman described exactly what is going on the other day. . . and Old Lady is still in complete denial. She told him, if that is what is really intended, and truly going to happen, she would oppose it, but she thought he was crazy. She thinks we all are. They all do. They all believe exactly what is on the corporate internet sites, in the MSM papers, and on the TEE VEE.

A lot of them would, and will oppose the end game, and DO oppose the end game here, but they don't think it is happening.

She is like many of them, a frog in a pot of slowly heating water. She, like many of them, still believes life will go back to normal in six months, a years time. Hell, when I made that thread about the camps in NY, the left all called me nuts. When I asked what it was all about. . . they just said it was only to take folks out of the population for "a few days."

When water is boiling, things will be all locked down. ..

. .. and maybe, it is already too late.

I have already requested that this site enable embedding bitchute videos, no one listens. If I requested that we enable this site an IPFS back-up to protect our little community and lower costs? I believe I would be likewise ignored. I don't think they really care about our free speech and protecting ourselves from the partisan bullshit and the Deep State.

I dunno, I'm not a techie. Maybe this type of system wouldn't work for a forum.

Yes they are very much like the proverbial frog in boiling water.
So how many people will simply not get tested and just go about their business for fear of being locked up? Seems counterproductive...but thats govt for ya
It figures it'd be something like that. Probably shoulda seen this coming when they started making so much noise about 'contact tracing' and mandating that places of buisoness collect names and addresses and what not from their customers prior to doing business with them. Or maybe we did and those threads maybe just got skipped over, I dunno. Such may be the nature of inconvenient truths.


A New York state lawmaker has introduced a bill that would allow the government to detain people deemed a potential public health risk, amid concerns that the Covid-19 crisis is being allegedly used to usher in authoritarianism.

Authored by a Democratic member of the New York State Assembly N. Nick Perry, Bill A416 calls for the “removal and/or detention” of individuals who are identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease.

Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises.
The sweeping powers would be employed in the event of the state government declaring a health emergency due to an epidemic of any communicable disease, the bill proposes.

Continued - Covid camps? Put disease ‘carriers’ in Detention Centers, proposed New York law suggests
Well here is a Democrat that says they can take that bill and put it where the sun don't shine. Write your reps and let them know we do not want to see it where we live!

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