Covid-Capitalism Fails Most Basic Test of National Legitimacy

confusing keynesian monetary policy with capitalism is intentional-
Per Richard Nixons infamous quote: we're all keynesian now.
Using capitalism as a scape goat is disingenuous at best-

The US operates under keynesean monetary policy- top down borrow to spend spending- and allows (through weak or greedy or corrupt or all the previous, legislators) cronies to purchase favor- there-by negating free markets, which is where capitalism thrives. Capital, in the form of currency and coin, is a requisite to free trade and free markets to facilitate value determining by those involved to assess "fair" trade.

Edit: ANYONE who tries to sell anything different is stupid or intellectually dishonest- journalist enlist both of those attributes when they publicly display their idiocy.
Capitalism often pursues profit at the expense of more urgent social needs and values. In this, capitalism is grossly inefficient.
This nonsense assumes that "urgent social needs and values" are the objective.

If a good caveman hunter has lots of food, while shitty, lazy "hunters" starve, his hunting practices of pursuing as many kills as he can get ("profit") ignores the fuck out of the bullshit, irrelevant "social needs" of all other hunters. What do we call those lazy hunter demanding his kills? What do we call them when they take it by force or threat of force? What about when the lazy bitches get someone else to "confiscate" for them (steal)?

How is that any different than government doing the lazy shit's bidding?

You think human existence is not inherently a violent stare of war? You think the purpose of society is anything other than a truce?

This is why commies like you are irrational. You don't understand the hell and severe violence you are encouraging.

We will not sit back and let it happen.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Private companies do not decide whether the state and local governments stockpile or not

this is a failure of government not business
Pandemics are inevitable and they are national in scope.
Therefore, only national governments are capable of managing an effective response (unless there's a moron in the White House)

Pandemic - Wikipedia
Private companies do not decide whether the state and local governments stockpile or not

this is a failure of government not business
Learn to pronounce


  1. (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
  2. Yes, the profit motive would not be supported by a huge stockpile of goods that may never be used. That is a huge waste of space and resources.
    Profits over people? That's a huge waste of humanity not that any of Trump's Turds worry about such things.
Private companies do not decide whether the state and local governments stockpile or not

this is a failure of government not business
Pandemics are inevitable and they are national in scope.
Therefore, only national governments are capable of managing an effective response (unless there's a moron in the White House)

Pandemic - Wikipedia
maybe in your little enclave of the world all power resides in the central communist dictatorship

but in America state and local governments have primary responsibility for the health of of their citizens
The US operates under keynesean monetary policy- top down borrow to spend spending- and allows (through weak or greedy or corrupt or all the previous, legislators) cronies to purchase favor- there-by negating free markets, which is where capitalism thrives. Capital, in the form of currency and coin, is a requisite to free trade and free markets to facilitate value determining by those involved to assess "fair" trade
Would you agree free markets don't exist without big government?

Coronavirus Is Forcing the GOP to Admit Its Ideology Is Delusional

"Markets, money, and corporations are all creations of the state.

"The distribution of income is not determined by an invisible hand’s objective appraisal of each worker and investor’s marginal utility but by the politically constructed laws and institutions that structure economic activity in a given society."
Profits over people? That's a huge waste of humanity not that any of Trump's Turds worry about such things.
What part of "war" do you not understand?

We are all violence competitors. Cavemen beat the living fuck out of each other and killed each other for thousands of years, over food.

Society is nothing but a truce.

We try to compete with each other in a nonviolent way. But we do compete. Grow the fuck up. PEOPLE ARE NOT MY CONCERN!!! People are competitors. PERIOD!!!

Quit living in your bullshit dreamworld. Humans are violent animals in competition with each other.

The distribution of income is not determined by an invisible hand’s objective appraisal of each worker and investor’s marginal utility but by the politically constructed laws and institutions that structure economic activity in a given society.

Because it is war. Humanity is war.

You and the rest of your commie ilk are delusional fucks. Grow up.

MR Online | Resistance growing to covid-capitalism

"The superpower that has killed millions in its quest for global supremacy has utterly failed the most basic test of legitimacy at home: the ability to protect its own population.

"Covid-19 has laid bare a fundamental truth: that capitalist healthcare is a contradiction in terms, since capital–like the killer virus–cares for nothing but reproducing itself.

"The U.S. 'public' health sector is revealed as a hollowed-out shell, crippled and shrunken by decades of unrelenting privatization at the hands of the oligarch-serving political duopoly.

"In effect, the Lords of Capital have been devouring the nation’s protective membrane, leaving the population defenseless against, not only microbes, but every disease of the poor–plus opiates and the lethal social pathologies that spawn spectacular and uniquely American mass shootings at schools, churches and shopping malls, and the daily slaughter of Black and brown youth on the streets."

Capitalism's leaders are currently rushing into policy failures because of their ideological blinders. Over the past decades capitalism has built up vulnerabilities to another epic crash that any number of triggers could unleash.


Coronavirus: A visual guide to the economic impact

"The superpower that has killed millions in its quest for global supremacy has utterly failed the most basic test of legitimacy at home: the ability to protect its own population.

But enough about Mother Russia.
but in America state and local governments have primary responsibility for the health of of their citizens
Now explain how state and local governments can respond effectively to a national pandemic.
The same way a national government might. This is a global problem caused by commies in china. Many different governments are forced to respond to this communist disaster. It's no different.

Capitalism often pursues profit at the expense of more urgent social needs and values. In this, capitalism is grossly inefficient.
This nonsense assumes that "urgent social needs and values" are the objective.

If a good caveman hunter has lots of food, while shitty, lazy "hunters" starve, his hunting practices of pursuing as many kills as he can get ("profit") ignores the fuck out of the bullshit, irrelevant "social needs" of all other hunters. What do we call those lazy hunter demanding his kills? What do we call them when they take it by force or threat of force? What about when the lazy bitches get someone else to "confiscate" for them (steal)?

How is that any different than government doing the lazy shit's bidding?

You think human existence is not inherently a violent stare of war? You think the purpose of society is anything other than a truce?

This is why commies like you are irrational. You don't understand the hell and severe violence you are encouraging.

We will not sit back and let it happen.

Kill a commie for mommy.

Lefties never consider even the most likely consequences of the actions and policies they demand of gov't. Never. Some would say their political agenda is their god but I say most of 'em are just lame sheeple who go along with the socialist program because it's easier than thinking things through.

Monthly Review - "An Independent Socialist Magazine"

Thanks, Comrade.

See if you can respond to content using the words "profit' and "efficiency", Clown:

COVID-19 and the Failures of Capitalism -

"The third reason capitalism gets blame here is that alternative systems—those not driven by a profit-first logic—could manage viruses better.

"While not profitable to produce and stockpile everything needed for a viral pandemic, it is efficient.

"The wealth already lost in this pandemic far exceeds the cost to have produced and stockpiled the tests and ventilators, the lack of which is contributing so much to today’s disaster.

"Capitalism often pursues profit at the expense of more urgent social needs and values. In this, capitalism is grossly inefficient.

"This pandemic is now bringing that truth home to people."

"While not profitable to produce and stockpile everything needed for a viral pandemic, it is efficient.

That's why countries like Cuba and Venezuela, which can barely feed their own people, have huge, I mean MASSIVE, stockpiles of pandemic supplies.

Because when you think of efficiency, Cuba and Venezuela are in the top 5...…..
but in America state and local governments have primary responsibility for the health of of their citizens
Now explain how state and local governments can respond effectively to a national pandemic.
The same way a national government might. This is a global problem caused by commies in china. Many different governments are forced to respond to this communist disaster. It's no different.

Dont put George on the spot like that

the chinese communists have a long reach and are thicker than fleas in America - particularly at American universities
but in America state and local governments have primary responsibility for the health of of their citizens
Now explain how state and local governments can respond effectively to a national pandemic.
They respond by treating the patients within their area
You may want to reread USMB TOS regs. It is expressly prohibited to respond to Comrade GP with reason or rationality.

Consider yourself warned.

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