Covid-Capitalism Fails Most Basic Test of National Legitimacy

Wait … posting Monthly Review's tagline directly from their website is an ad hom? Does it never occur to you why most Americans do not embrace socialism nor trust socialists?
The post you responded to contained the claim "covid-19 has laid bare a fundamental truth: that capitalist healthcare is a contradiction in terms, since capital like the killer virus care for nothing but reproducing itself."

Your response ignored that content and resorted to an ad hominem attack on its source.
If a good caveman hunter has lots of food, while shitty, lazy "hunters" starve, his hunting practices of pursuing as many kills as he can get ("profit") ignores the fuck out of the bullshit, irrelevant "social needs" of all other hunters.
You appear to miss the cooperative aspects required when human beings attempt to survive in hunter gatherer tribes. How successful would any rugged individual "good caveman hunter" be when attempting to slay a Woolly Mammoth without support? Probably about as successful as one individual hunter trying to hoard the surplus meat obtained from the hunt.
Therefore, only national governments are capable of managing an effective response
but in America state and local governments have primary responsibility for the health of of their citizens
Not when dealing with national emergencies like a global pandemic and economic collapse. States and local governments have no ability to manage an effective response to such extreme events.

While state and local governments have always provided the majority of front-line public services in the US, the feds have the unique resources and flexibility required to coordinate national-scale markets (think Covid-19 testing) with the added benefit of controlling a sovereign national currency making it easier to mobilize money.

Only the feds can set priorities and ensure important problems are being solved in times of national emergencies.
Private capitalist companies do not decide how much government should stockpile for emergencies
The profit motive determines how many mask, swabs, and ventilators are produced by private capitalists which means there will always be a shortage in times of crisis.
We try to compete with each other in a nonviolent way. But we do compete. Grow the fuck up. PEOPLE ARE NOT MY CONCERN!!! People are competitors. PERIOD!!!

Quit living in your bullshit dreamworld. Humans are violent animals in competition with each other.
At the very least, some humans are far more disposed towards violence than others...
Bad to the Bone: Are Humans Naturally Aggressive?

"Aggression is not our nature, but it is in our potential."
MR Online | Resistance growing to covid-capitalism

"The superpower that has killed millions in its quest for global supremacy has utterly failed the most basic test of legitimacy at home: the ability to protect its own population.

"Covid-19 has laid bare a fundamental truth: that capitalist healthcare is a contradiction in terms, since capital–like the killer virus–cares for nothing but reproducing itself.

"The U.S. 'public' health sector is revealed as a hollowed-out shell, crippled and shrunken by decades of unrelenting privatization at the hands of the oligarch-serving political duopoly.

"In effect, the Lords of Capital have been devouring the nation’s protective membrane, leaving the population defenseless against, not only microbes, but every disease of the poor–plus opiates and the lethal social pathologies that spawn spectacular and uniquely American mass shootings at schools, churches and shopping malls, and the daily slaughter of Black and brown youth on the streets."

Capitalism's leaders are currently rushing into policy failures because of their ideological blinders. Over the past decades capitalism has built up vulnerabilities to another epic crash that any number of triggers could unleash.


Coronavirus: A visual guide to the economic impact the socialists in China and Italy fail to actually take care of their people, and the Capitalists in America step up to increase production of needed supplies, while starting out with more hospital beds than the other countries around the post that silly crap?

My diagnoses? You have a severe case of "reality dyslexia." This is a mental illness where you see the exact opposite of what you are see truth, facts and reality, and then believe they are the, good, the U.S. bad.....

You need help ....
Our attempt to blame Capitalism for this, is absurd.
Capitalism does nothing without a profit motive.
Stockpiling in advance for an inevitable pandemic is not profitable
What's the logical conclusion?

Hey, dumb was the government "experts," in the CDC and the NIH who failed to replenish the stockpiles after the H1N1 moron.........meanwhile, it is the Capitalist business owners who have switched over their factories to mass produce the needed supplies, using their experience in the Capitalist system to streamline and quickly gear up to make those supplies.....while the government morons failed to do their jobs with years to get it done...

Your "reality dyslexia," really needs to be addressed....
but in America state and local governments have primary responsibility for the health of of their citizens
Not when dealing with national emergencies like a global pandemic and economic collapse. States and local governments have no ability to manage an effective response to such extreme events.

While state and local governments have always provided the majority of front-line public services in the US, the feds have the unique resources and flexibility required to coordinate national-scale markets (think Covid-19 testing) with the added benefit of controlling a sovereign national currency making it easier to mobilize money.

Only the feds can set priorities and ensure important problems are being solved in times of national emergencies.
Local governments do no have to deal with national emergencies

they are only responsible for sick people in their area

if local government is properly prepared the feds do not have to assist

But in this case big cities - all run by democrats - failed to stockpile the necessary supplies
Private capitalist companies do not decide how much government should stockpile for emergencies
The profit motive determines how many mask, swabs, and ventilators are produced by private capitalists which means there will always be a shortage in times of crisis.
You have no clue how the economy works in a capitalist system
You know georgephillip- you can post silly memes to publicly display your ignorance- you can jump up and down, stomp your feet, hide under your desk, hold your breath til you turn blue- but, you caNOT legitimately refute anything I said.
Wait … posting Monthly Review's tagline directly from their website is an ad hom? Does it never occur to you why most Americans do not embrace socialism nor trust socialists?
The post you responded to contained the claim "covid-19 has laid bare a fundamental truth: that capitalist healthcare is a contradiction in terms, since capital like the killer virus care for nothing but reproducing itself."

Your response ignored that content and resorted to an ad hominem attack on its source.
Just because your obscure source - Monthly Review - publishes an opinion piece that makes those claims doesn't make them factual or holy. Their banner - "Monthly Review - "An Independent Socialist Magazine"
lays bare who and what they are and there's definitely nothing holy about socialism or your POV. In fact, most Americans reject socialism and do not trust socialists (and for good reason):

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Private capitalist companies do not decide how much government should stockpile for emergencies
The profit motive determines how many mask, swabs, and ventilators are produced by private capitalists which means there will always be a shortage in times of crisis.
You have no clue how the economy works in a capitalist system
Comrade GP is a devout socialist and as even Salma knows:

1587131659811.png the socialists in China and Italy fail to actually take care of their people, and the Capitalists in America step up to increase production of needed supplies, while starting out with more hospital beds than the other countries around the post that silly crap?
Why have heroic US capitalists provided testing for less than one percent of their population? See if you can explain that without using the phrase "profit motive."

"From failing to develop a vaccine, to evicting the jobless and cutting off their health care, to needlessly subjecting workers and the public to infection: capitalism will be responsible for millions of coronavirus-related deaths."

How Capitalism Kills During a Pandemic
Why is the Trump Junta weakening worker protections during a health care crisis?

The Trump administration has weakened crucial worker protections needed to combat the coronavirus: Agencies tasked with protecting workers have put them in danger

  • "The Department of Labor (DOL) issued a temporary rule that will exempt 96% of applicable firms from providing paid sick and paid family and medical leave to their staff. It could also exempt 9 million health care workers and 4.4 million first responders from receiving paid leave.
  • DOL issued guidance that narrows the eligibility of workers to receive Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). For example, gig workers must be “forced to suspend operations” by a government quarantine in order to receive PUA benefits, rather than voluntarily quarantining themselves.
  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued guidance that will jeopardize the health and safety of workers. The CDC now allows essential workers to continue to work even if they may have been exposed to the coronavirus—as long as they appear to be asymptomatic and the employer implements additional precautions."
Commies gonna commie....

He does sound like a lunatic

or a chinese troll

china is the cause of the disease ravishing the world health and the world economy

I suspect when we know most of the facts the story be:

shoddy safety measures in a chinese laboratory allowed a bat virus to escape into the local population

Xi knew this very soon, but knew that china was going to take a major hit on its economy

so he isolated wuhan from the rest of china while allowing free travel in and out of china including wuhan

that way the whole world would be sure to share china’s misery

Not at all. He nailed it. American capitalism has been shredding the social safety net since Ronald Reagan declared an end to the War on Poverty in 1988. Reagan's changes to the tax code, and destruction of the union movement, ended the American workers' participation in the American Dream with endless chants of "personal responsibility", as he funnelled more and more of the fruits of their labours to their bosses and the shareholder class.

Now, the US economy is forcing minimum wage "essential workers" in the food service and production industries, out to work while a pandemic rages. They have no masks, no gloves, and no health insurance. And they're dying, by the thousands.

It's not the wealthy peole who are dying. It's the asthmatic kid who stocks the shelves of your grocery store. It's the low wage ambulance drivers and EMS staff who don't have enough PPE's. It's the police officers who are keeping your country safe.

The poor, the elderly, those with pre-conditions are suddenly disposable, because the Economy. That's the uncomfortable reality of America today.
Commies gonna commie....

He does sound like a lunatic

or a chinese troll

china is the cause of the disease ravishing the world health and the world economy

I suspect when we know most of the facts the story be:

shoddy safety measures in a chinese laboratory allowed a bat virus to escape into the local population

Xi knew this very soon, but knew that china was going to take a major hit on its economy

so he isolated wuhan from the rest of china while allowing free travel in and out of china including wuhan

that way the whole world would be sure to share china’s misery

Not at all. He nailed it. American capitalism has been shredding the social safety net since Ronald Reagan declared an end to the War on Poverty in 1988. Reagan's changes to the tax code, and destruction of the union movement, ended the American workers' participation in the American Dream with endless chants of "personal responsibility", as he funnelled more and more of the fruits of their labours to their bosses and the shareholder class.

Now, the US economy is forcing minimum wage "essential workers" in the food service and production industries, out to work while a pandemic rages. They have no masks, no gloves, and no health insurance. And they're dying, by the thousands.

It's not the wealthy peole who are dying. It's the asthmatic kid who stocks the shelves of your grocery store. It's the low wage ambulance drivers and EMS staff who don't have enough PPE's. It's the police officers who are keeping your country safe.

The poor, the elderly, those with pre-conditions are suddenly disposable, because the Economy. That's the uncomfortable reality of America today.
The problem is competition from slave-wage china

they treat workers like dirt, pollute the environment yet globalists in America insist on doing business with them for the low prices

meanwhile American workers starve
Commies gonna commie....

He does sound like a lunatic

or a chinese troll

china is the cause of the disease ravishing the world health and the world economy

I suspect when we know most of the facts the story be:

shoddy safety measures in a chinese laboratory allowed a bat virus to escape into the local population

Xi knew this very soon, but knew that china was going to take a major hit on its economy

so he isolated wuhan from the rest of china while allowing free travel in and out of china including wuhan

that way the whole world would be sure to share china’s misery

Not at all. He nailed it. American capitalism has been shredding the social safety net since Ronald Reagan declared an end to the War on Poverty in 1988. Reagan's changes to the tax code, and destruction of the union movement, ended the American workers' participation in the American Dream with endless chants of "personal responsibility", as he funnelled more and more of the fruits of their labours to their bosses and the shareholder class.

Now, the US economy is forcing minimum wage "essential workers" in the food service and production industries, out to work while a pandemic rages. They have no masks, no gloves, and no health insurance. And they're dying, by the thousands.

It's not the wealthy peole who are dying. It's the asthmatic kid who stocks the shelves of your grocery store. It's the low wage ambulance drivers and EMS staff who don't have enough PPE's. It's the police officers who are keeping your country safe.

The poor, the elderly, those with pre-conditions are suddenly disposable, because the Economy. That's the uncomfortable reality of America today.
The elderly and overweight people are always at risk

they die every day with or without the chinese disease

if our economy is in shambles there will be even less money to care for at risk people

we have to go back to work soon

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