Covid isn't killing me. The governments reaction to it is.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
I never mentioned the word hoax, thats on you. And according to the nightly news on ABC or one of them other toilet networks I saw last night while opening gifts with my kids the reported cases are on the decline not rise. So who is full of shit? You or the msm?
99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
I never mentioned the word hoax, thats on you. And according to the nightly news on ABC or one of them other toilet networks I saw last night while opening gifts with my kids the reported cases are on the decline not rise. So who is full of shit? You or the msm?
You were the one implying it is not that serious and why not make a few bucks because Capitalism is so fine and so wonderful.
99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
I never mentioned the word hoax, thats on you. And according to the nightly news on ABC or one of them other toilet networks I saw last night while opening gifts with my kids the reported cases are on the decline not rise. So who is full of shit? You or the msm?
You were the one implying it is not that serious and why not make a few bucks because Capitalism is so fine and so wonderful.
Yeah! Why not inject another needle, beat another spouse, drink another bottle, abuse another child.....etc

Those are ALL FACTS of this situation that are MASSIVELY AGGRAVATED by government mandates....

But you know, fuck the kids right? Beat the wife right? Commit suicide right?
All that is a small price to pay at the almighty alter of Government mandates amirite?
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Was there something you wanted to do this year, that you did not get to do? "The government" made your life a living hell, or did you just hear how bad it was for other people? Only thing I missed out on was a couple of traveling vacations, which I did not skip for the government. I skipped because I did not want to take unnecessary risks moving to beach condos, or flying. Imagine, all that public misery and I didn't get to participate.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Was there something you wanted to do this year, that you did not get to do? "The government" made your life a living hell, or did you just hear how bad it was for other people? Only thing I missed out on was a couple of traveling vacations, which I did not skip for the government. I skipped because I did not want to take unnecessary risks moving to beach condos, or flying. Imagine, all that public misery and I didn't get to participate.
There has only been 2 years in my adult life where I could not put back the necessary winter nest egg required in my line of work. Obviously the first was a result of the 2008 crash. This winter is a DIRECT result of government mandates and the fear it put in the public. I was mid project when this shit started and the customer halted all work. To this day that project has not been finished. The 3 jobs on the schedule after that also canceled. Then after months of unnecessary shit downs I got to start back up only to have the unified government of KC shut shit down AGAIN. Now they are talking about yet more forced closures.

And just to come full circle I still have not recovered from the first shut down. Caught back up yes. Saved for the normal winter construction blues? Not a chance
People are manic right now. People I respect are cracking under the pressure.
One of my closest friends is literally scared to death to leave his house. Anytime his wife goes out I hear about how she put his life at risk.


I hope he comes though it okay. I can't wait to go bowling again. I didn't really like doing it much other than the fellowship of getting together and bowling and eating cheap nachos (which are the best). Right now, I'd kill to sit in the shitty bowling alley, and hear the same stories I've heard 80 times.

Why I remember when you vote counted for something and government did not suck the lives out of while, at the same time, raising our taxes as government is giving stimulus packages away because people need the F#CKING money instead of retarded tax increases dementia JOE!!!!

But I digress.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
or in other words..99% survivability rate = 300,000 + deaths Obviously you were not one of the dead or you would not be here whining about measures to keep others alive.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
or in other words..99% survivability rate = 300,000 + deaths Obviously you were not one of the dead or you would not be here whining about measures to keep others alive.
The government's position is "EVEN ONE COVID DEATH IS TOO MANY!!!" That sounds all noble and shit except when you realize the 10s of thousands of shutdown related deaths and millions more in misery don't mean a thing to them.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Was there something you wanted to do this year, that you did not get to do? "The government" made your life a living hell, or did you just hear how bad it was for other people? Only thing I missed out on was a couple of traveling vacations, which I did not skip for the government. I skipped because I did not want to take unnecessary risks moving to beach condos, or flying. Imagine, all that public misery and I didn't get to participate.
There has only been 2 years in my adult life where I could not put back the necessary winter nest egg required in my line of work. Obviously the first was a result of the 2008 crash. This winter is a DIRECT result of government mandates and the fear it put in the public. I was mid project when this shit started and the customer halted all work. To this day that project has not been finished. The 3 jobs on the schedule after that also canceled. Then after months of unnecessary shit downs I got to start back up only to have the unified government of KC shut shit down AGAIN. Now they are talking about yet more forced closures.

And just to come full circle I still have not recovered from the first shut down. Caught back up yes. Saved for the normal winter construction blues? Not a chance
I'm sorry man. That sucks. I am retired and in an area that masks, but has not been shut down much (why do you think we have been staying in top 10 on new infections and our hospital is going critical again) so for me life has gone on. I hear of this kind of stuff, but cannot look out in my own city and see it.
Come to Tennessee, Gramps. OK, we're diseased as shit, but not shutting down. I and others have trouble scheduling decent contractors as they are booked, busy and bouncing from jobsites to Lowes. Took my brother n law over 6 months to get the gutter guys out to put up gutters on his new shop, where he had to get the contractor for the shop itself from middle TN. Company sent me to KC for a national project. I didn't lose anything there. If you are a journeyman, may be time to go RV-ing and Tennesseeing.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Was there something you wanted to do this year, that you did not get to do? "The government" made your life a living hell, or did you just hear how bad it was for other people? Only thing I missed out on was a couple of traveling vacations, which I did not skip for the government. I skipped because I did not want to take unnecessary risks moving to beach condos, or flying. Imagine, all that public misery and I didn't get to participate.
There has only been 2 years in my adult life where I could not put back the necessary winter nest egg required in my line of work. Obviously the first was a result of the 2008 crash. This winter is a DIRECT result of government mandates and the fear it put in the public. I was mid project when this shit started and the customer halted all work. To this day that project has not been finished. The 3 jobs on the schedule after that also canceled. Then after months of unnecessary shit downs I got to start back up only to have the unified government of KC shut shit down AGAIN. Now they are talking about yet more forced closures.

And just to come full circle I still have not recovered from the first shut down. Caught back up yes. Saved for the normal winter construction blues? Not a chance
I'm sorry man. That sucks. I am retired and in an area that masks, but has not been shut down much (why do you think we have been staying in top 10 on new infections and our hospital is going critical again) so for me life has gone on. I hear of this kind of stuff, but cannot look out in my own city and see it.
Come to Tennessee, Gramps. OK, we're diseased as shit, but not shutting down. I and others have trouble scheduling decent contractors as they are booked, busy and bouncing from jobsites to Lowes. Took my brother n law over 6 months to get the gutter guys out to put up gutters on his new shop, where he had to get the contractor for the shop itself from middle TN. Company sent me to KC for a national project. I didn't lose anything there. If you are a journeyman, may be time to go RV-ing and Tennesseeing.
RV you say? I "lost" mine
99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
Deplorables are why America has 20% odd of the world's covid fatalities while having 4% odd of population. This thread perfectly illustrates it.
People are manic right now. People I respect are cracking under the pressure.
One of my closest friends is literally scared to death to leave his house. Anytime his wife goes out I hear about how she put his life at risk.


I have neighbors that are beyond scared. Its mind boggling. They will not leave the house. They're that deceived and will believe any propaganda. Hate to see what would happen if a virus with a 20 percent kill rate came along.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Was there something you wanted to do this year, that you did not get to do? "The government" made your life a living hell, or did you just hear how bad it was for other people? Only thing I missed out on was a couple of traveling vacations, which I did not skip for the government. I skipped because I did not want to take unnecessary risks moving to beach condos, or flying. Imagine, all that public misery and I didn't get to participate.
There has only been 2 years in my adult life where I could not put back the necessary winter nest egg required in my line of work. Obviously the first was a result of the 2008 crash. This winter is a DIRECT result of government mandates and the fear it put in the public. I was mid project when this shit started and the customer halted all work. To this day that project has not been finished. The 3 jobs on the schedule after that also canceled. Then after months of unnecessary shit downs I got to start back up only to have the unified government of KC shut shit down AGAIN. Now they are talking about yet more forced closures.

And just to come full circle I still have not recovered from the first shut down. Caught back up yes. Saved for the normal winter construction blues? Not a chance
I'm sorry man. That sucks. I am retired and in an area that masks, but has not been shut down much (why do you think we have been staying in top 10 on new infections and our hospital is going critical again) so for me life has gone on. I hear of this kind of stuff, but cannot look out in my own city and see it.
Come to Tennessee, Gramps. OK, we're diseased as shit, but not shutting down. I and others have trouble scheduling decent contractors as they are booked, busy and bouncing from jobsites to Lowes. Took my brother n law over 6 months to get the gutter guys out to put up gutters on his new shop, where he had to get the contractor for the shop itself from middle TN. Company sent me to KC for a national project. I didn't lose anything there. If you are a journeyman, may be time to go RV-ing and Tennesseeing.
RV you say? I "lost" mine
Hopefully not in Nashville (ha-ha). Seriously, as a millwork rep, I worked with contrators from Jackson, that loaded here and helped rebuild New Orleans after Katrina. More recently, I know of a couple of contractors that are not in the trade full time, but gypsie down to the gulf coast working on vacation condos before the main season begins of even while going on. People do it. It may suck (although have one buddy that loves, cause he likes to get around), the RV idea makes cost efficient without giving up home of record, as by upper middle age, lots of people somewhat tied to their town and kids and whatever. Just a thought if KC not improving any time soon. Good luck to ya. Do what ya gotta do.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Was there something you wanted to do this year, that you did not get to do? "The government" made your life a living hell, or did you just hear how bad it was for other people? Only thing I missed out on was a couple of traveling vacations, which I did not skip for the government. I skipped because I did not want to take unnecessary risks moving to beach condos, or flying. Imagine, all that public misery and I didn't get to participate.
There has only been 2 years in my adult life where I could not put back the necessary winter nest egg required in my line of work. Obviously the first was a result of the 2008 crash. This winter is a DIRECT result of government mandates and the fear it put in the public. I was mid project when this shit started and the customer halted all work. To this day that project has not been finished. The 3 jobs on the schedule after that also canceled. Then after months of unnecessary shit downs I got to start back up only to have the unified government of KC shut shit down AGAIN. Now they are talking about yet more forced closures.

And just to come full circle I still have not recovered from the first shut down. Caught back up yes. Saved for the normal winter construction blues? Not a chance
I'm sorry man. That sucks. I am retired and in an area that masks, but has not been shut down much (why do you think we have been staying in top 10 on new infections and our hospital is going critical again) so for me life has gone on. I hear of this kind of stuff, but cannot look out in my own city and see it.
Come to Tennessee, Gramps. OK, we're diseased as shit, but not shutting down. I and others have trouble scheduling decent contractors as they are booked, busy and bouncing from jobsites to Lowes. Took my brother n law over 6 months to get the gutter guys out to put up gutters on his new shop, where he had to get the contractor for the shop itself from middle TN. Company sent me to KC for a national project. I didn't lose anything there. If you are a journeyman, may be time to go RV-ing and Tennesseeing.
RV you say? I "lost" mine
Hopefully not in Nashville (ha-ha). Seriously, as a millwork rep, I worked with contrators from Jackson, that loaded here and helped rebuild New Orleans after Katrina. More recently, I know of a couple of contractors that are not in the trade full time, but gypsie down to the gulf coast working on vacation condos before the main season begins of even while going on. People do it. It may suck (although have one buddy that loves, cause he likes to get around), the RV idea makes cost efficient without giving up home of record, as by upper middle age, lots of people somewhat tied to their town and kids and whatever. Just a thought if KC not improving any time soon. Good luck to ya. Do what ya gotta do.
I moved around the country for about 15 years chasing government contracts. I'm done with that shit.

I just want them to but the fuck out of our lives. Can you imagine the pain they would impose if we face a REAL LIFE THREATENING situation?

They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
The new strains are less harmful.
Politicians are more harmful.
Biden has sworn an EO for 3 month mask mandate; I don't know if that is constitutional.
He was referring to federal grounds. I don't see how it isnt.
99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
Deplorables are why America has 20% odd of the world's covid fatalities while having 4% odd of population. This thread perfectly illustrates it.
So whats Europes excuse for having almost twice as many dead as us
People are manic right now. People I respect are cracking under the pressure.
One of my closest friends is literally scared to death to leave his house. Anytime his wife goes out I hear about how she put his life at risk.


I hope he comes though it okay. I can't wait to go bowling again. I didn't really like doing it much other than the fellowship of getting together and bowling and eating cheap nachos (which are the best). Right now, I'd kill to sit in the shitty bowling alley, and hear the same stories I've heard 80 times.

Why I remember when you vote counted for something and government did not suck the lives out of while, at the same time, raising our taxes as government is giving stimulus packages away because people need the F#CKING money instead of retarded tax increases dementia JOE!!!!

But I digress.

Well I don't know about "you vote" but my vote counted. Really dude...your blob lost. deal with it.

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