Covid isn't killing me. The governments reaction to it is.

They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Only killing 1% who catch covid, is killing 3.3 million people in the United states.

99% surviving this virus, is 1% of Americans not surviving....seems small, but when the 1% or 2% killed by this virus is 3.3 to 6.6 million American people dead from it.... It's not as small as you think.

And this isn't about being self serving, not about only being woried about oneself dying from it, but not wanting to be a part in killing your pastor, or neighbor's dad, or your own mom, or sister with asthma, or grandfather, or someone elses mom, or coworker, or old woman who scrubs the pots and pans in a school cafeteria.
Thats assuming everyone gets it which never happens
yeah, true that it is assuming it is spread to everyone, eventually.
Which never happens....nice scare tactic many have you killed
60-70% of the population has to catch it, in order to achieve herd immunity, so that would be 2.3 million dead before it peters out.... if done naturally and not through vaccination.
Another unrealistic post in order to scare monger
Covid can kill me. I don't want to die just yet.

Bathtubs, ladders, household cleaning products, and dodgy extension cords can kill you too.

You might not want to die just yet, but ... ultimately ... the decision is not entirely yours.
Add auto accidents-most happen within 3 miles of one's house. I make sure to always drive at least 3.1 miles from home in any given direction to avoid such collisions. Sorry, I've been wanting to tell that lame joke and your post just happened to fit the bill;)
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us

So what are you prepared to do about it, Gramps? That is the real question everyone wants answered—but not necessarily with words.
I am an ex convict. I have to give an ID to buy bullets for my kids so what are my odds of getting a gun to defend my rights with?
My opportunities long passed me by because of my own mistakes.
I guess I could walk into home depot without a mask but that gets me fuck all of nothing.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. The whole mask issue isn't really the hill to die on . . . at least not yet.
Honestly I don't even care about the mask bullshit. It's nothing more than a placebo to calm the nerves of the paranoid. So be it.
My problem is with the mass lock downs, the curfews and telling businesses to lay off 80% of their crew for safety/capacity reasons. While I don't run a restaurant I'm not so stupid as to think these decisions don't have a ripple effect on the entire economy.
We are at war.... In my opinion China is running the show and they're running most of our politicians. Lockdowns have nothing to do with the virus the lockdowns are direct Hit at the American economy in an effort to make it weaker. China cannot tackle us militarily yet. But they sure as hell can start with subterfuge in the economic sector.
The thought has passed my mind a time or two that since the lock-down helps specific factors within the US, including those at the head of organizations making these non-scientific guidelines regarding masks (when it's 3 layers minimum to be effective but we're told go ahead and use single layer cloth as it's better than nothing which is most doubtful looking at data) and making state/national recommendations for continuing closures, there is a definite motive to continue a national lockdown mode.

Relatedly, I'm wondering if members of the far left are thinking they see this as a silver lining, with these social control measures being used as a way to ease people into more long-term submission to government control? Would anyone on the far left publicly admit that if accurate, or is that being said only in private?

Added note to all grammar patrol if you're out there-please ignore all run-ons. Thank you.
99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
I never mentioned the word hoax, thats on you. And according to the nightly news on ABC or one of them other toilet networks I saw last night while opening gifts with my kids the reported cases are on the decline not rise. So who is full of shit? You or the msm?
Shills like him can’t accept it really is a hoax,hoax as in it’s not anywhere near as dangerous as the media and government are making it out to be,that the numbers are highly inflated with the hospitals being pressured to rule practically every death now as covid and if they do so,they receive payoffs.many doctors and nurses have come out and admitted this. Someone just posted a thread recently in fact how a coroner in Colorado has said that 40% of the cases being reported as covid were from gunshot wounds.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Only killing 1% who catch covid, is killing 3.3 million people in the United states.

99% surviving this virus, is 1% of Americans not surviving....seems small, but when the 1% or 2% killed by this virus is 3.3 to 6.6 million American people dead from it.... It's not as small as you think.

And this isn't about being self serving, not about only being woried about oneself dying from it, but not wanting to be a part in killing your pastor, or neighbor's dad, or your own mom, or sister with asthma, or grandfather, or someone elses mom, or coworker, or old woman who scrubs the pots and pans in a school cafeteria.
Thats assuming everyone gets it which never happens
yeah, true that it is assuming it is spread to everyone, eventually.
Which never happens....nice scare tactic many have you killed
60-70% of the population has to catch it, in order to achieve herd immunity, so that would be 2.3 million dead before it peters out.... if done naturally and not through vaccination.
Another unrealistic post in order to scare monger
Miss America hater excels at that. :up: :thankusmile:
99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
Deplorables are why America has 20% odd of the world's covid fatalities while having 4% odd of population. This thread perfectly illustrates it.
So whats Europes excuse for having almost twice as many dead as us
They tried harder!
I’m not here arguing against the measures themselves (I will some other time). I am pointing out the inhuman indifference shown by the Lockdown Leviathans to the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and familial costs those measures have imposed, and continue to impose, upon their suffering subjects.
The cost of the US's fragmented social and political structure when faced with a national emergency. That you'd rather have a pandemic rage through your population than come together with an agreed strategy to help everyone says it all.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
The new strains are less harmful.
Politicians are more harmful.
Biden has sworn an EO for 3 month mask mandate; I don't know if that is constitutional.
Biden himself is unconstitutional. You’re supposed to be elected before you can be president.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us

That is to much common sense. They can't have that kind of thing and people thinking for themselves.
... Biden himself is unconstitutional. ...

What's nonsense. Mr. Joe Biden is the elected president of the USA. And let me say clearly, so no misunderstanding will occur: In case your leader Donald Trump will still be president of the USA after the 21st of January, then it will be the duty of every member of the free world to eliminate Donald Trump. Dead or alive!

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... Biden himself is unconstitutional. ...

What's nonsense. Mr. Joe Biden is the elected president of the USA. And let me say clearly, so no misunderstanding will occur: In case your leader Donald Trump will still be president of the USA after the 21st of January, then it will be the political duty of every member of the free world to eliminate Donald Trump. Dead or alive!

CCP much? :auiqs.jpg:

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