Covid isn't killing me. The governments reaction to it is.

A friend of mine has not seen her sister since all this began. So, for Christmas, my friend wanted to be with her sister again, since they always celebrated it with each other. Nope. Sis told her she HAD to get a covid test before she could even walk in the door. friend didn't go.

This fear is making people wacky.
A friend of mine has not seen her sister since all this began. So, for Christmas, my friend wanted to be with her sister again, since they always celebrated it with each other. Nope. Sis told her she HAD to get a covid test before she could even walk in the door. friend didn't go.

This fear is making people wacky.

Atleast half the people wacky. Many of us see right through the scam.
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What exactly is your argument?

You sound a lot like the Chinese Communist Party.

This is a political propagandistic defamation, but not an argument. Nevertheless: I am a German. And you are who or what, traitor of the values of the western world?

So you are still mad we took your daddy Hitler out I guess? :auiqs.jpg:

You understood what I said.

Yea, that your German who is upset America took the Nazis out. What you are forgetting though is that Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler. So in reality they kind of set Hitler up. Then the US took most of your scientist. So I could understand why you would be mad at the US.

What exactly is your argument?

You sound a lot like the Chinese Communist Party.

This is a political propagandistic defamation, but not an argument. Nevertheless: I am a German. And you are who or what, traitor of the values of the western world?

So you are still mad we took your daddy Hitler out I guess? :auiqs.jpg:

You understood what I said.

Yea, that your German who is upset America took the Nazis out. What you are forgetting though is that Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler. So in reality they kind of set Hitler up. Then the US took most of your scientist. So I could understand why you would be mad at the US.

Again: You understood what I said, isn't it? Do you have any argument except empty phrases?

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99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
Being overly dramatic and still not have any facts? Our healthcare is already under stress and are considering whether or not to ration health care. Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space. Only the right wing alleges the pandemic is a Hoax.
No I e is saying it is a hoax

The lockdown and fear are worse
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Such is the willfully ignorant – and dangerous – conservative.

What exactly is your argument?

You sound a lot like the Chinese Communist Party.

This is a political propagandistic defamation, but not an argument. Nevertheless: I am a German. And you are who or what, traitor of the values of the western world?

So you are still mad we took your daddy Hitler out I guess? :auiqs.jpg:

You understood what I said.

Yea, that your German who is upset America took the Nazis out. What you are forgetting though is that Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler. So in reality they kind of set Hitler up. Then the US took most of your scientist. So I could understand why you would be mad at the US.

Again: You understood what I said, isn't it? Do you have any argument except empty phrases?

What is your argument besides wanting to take out Trump and you love Biden. Which is why asked you if you are part of the CCP.

What exactly is your argument?

You sound a lot like the Chinese Communist Party.

This is a political propagandistic defamation, but not an argument. Nevertheless: I am a German. And you are who or what, traitor of the values of the western world?

So you are still mad we took your daddy Hitler out I guess? :auiqs.jpg:

You understood what I said.

Yea, that your German who is upset America took the Nazis out. What you are forgetting though is that Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler. So in reality they kind of set Hitler up. Then the US took most of your scientist. So I could understand why you would be mad at the US.

Again: You understood what I said, isn't it? Do you have any argument except empty phrases?

What is your argument besides wanting to take out Trump and you love Biden. Which is why asked you if you are part of the CCP.

I informed you about something. Registrate it or let it be.

The only thing you have said is that you are German and you want to kill Trump. But you support Biden who has been a parasite for 47 years. You really make a lot of sense. :D

What exactly is your argument?

You sound a lot like the Chinese Communist Party.

This is a political propagandistic defamation, but not an argument. Nevertheless: I am a German. And you are who or what, traitor of the values of the western world?

So you are still mad we took your daddy Hitler out I guess? :auiqs.jpg:

You understood what I said.

Yea, that your German who is upset America took the Nazis out. What you are forgetting though is that Prescott Bush helped fund Hitler. So in reality they kind of set Hitler up. Then the US took most of your scientist. So I could understand why you would be mad at the US.

Again: You understood what I said, isn't it? Do you have any argument except empty phrases?

What is your argument besides wanting to take out Trump and you love Biden. Which is why asked you if you are part of the CCP.

I informed you about something. Registrate it or let it be.

The only thing you have said is that you are German and you want to kill Trump. But you support Biden who has been a parasite for 47 years. You really make a lot of sense. :D

A coup détat in the USA is not acceptable - for no one in the free world.

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well. none of it makes scientific sense....

Can't wait till people say FU to the government and just start opening businesses.

That's pretty much started subvertly in March or April , now it's become more overt ....

My problem is with the mass lock downs, the curfews and telling businesses to lay off 80% of their crew for safety/capacity reasons

yup, well, yer preachin' to the choir Gramps....

Mobile hospitals have been re-deployed and they are renting refrigerated trucks for temporary morgue space

yep, our exalted governor in his infinite wisdom deployed our state national guards to erect an entire 1000 bed mash unit , which saw maybe a handful of 'no-insurance' visitations.....

All that is a small price to pay at the almighty alter of Government mandates amirite?

It wouldn't be so bad.....if any of the actually worked......8-9 months later the 3rd wave spike (according to their stats) paints it a phenomenal futility....

And just to come full circle I still have not recovered from the first shut down. Caught back up yes. Saved for the normal winter construction blues? Not a chance

have you considered raising livestock?

I had it. I was sick for about a week and, within that week, there were two days that were pretty bad.

And then I got better...

The experts claimed back in March 70% of humanity will contract covid, with only a minority realizing it....

Hate to see what would happen if a virus with a 20 percent kill rate came along.

The GubMit would devolve to stark raving totalitarianism

I just want them to but the fuck out of our lives

i see 'them' as the medical industrial complex .....

I’m not here arguing against the measures themselves (I will some other time). I am pointing out the inhuman indifference shown by the Lockdown Leviathans to the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and familial costs those measures have imposed, and continue to impose, upon their suffering subjects.
and we know it.....
‘Give me liberty or … COVID-19’: The irony of coronavirus protests in the U.S.

Keep in mind that all the while liquor stores,casinos and big box stores were open without restrictions.

speaks volumes.....

We are at war

with ourselves......

Only killing 1% who catch covid, is killing 3.3 million people in the United states.

99% surviving this virus, is 1% of Americans not surviving....seems small, but when the 1% or 2% killed by this virus is 3.3 to 6.6 million American people dead from it.... It's not as small as you think.

yet it's as normal as any year.....
Statistics Show that the Number of People who Died in the U.S. in 2020 will be the SAME as Previous Years, in Spite of COVID

4. Purchase order placed with Wuhan labs to keep the party going.

lol! , and we were so worried about nuclear proliferation!

60-70% of the population has to catch it, in order to achieve herd immunity,

which is coming to fruition.

that the numbers are highly inflated with the hospitals being pressured to rule practically every death now as covid and if they do so,they receive payoffs.many doctors and nurses have come out and admitted this.

they purposely haven't defined the dif betwixt dying OF covid vs dying WITH covid....

That you'd rather have a pandemic rage through your population than come together with an agreed strategy to help everyone says it all.

care to forward one?

This fear is making people wacky.

This fear is allowing control of us

All governments play that card

America is no exception

They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Was there something you wanted to do this year, that you did not get to do? "The government" made your life a living hell, or did you just hear how bad it was for other people? Only thing I missed out on was a couple of traveling vacations, which I did not skip for the government. I skipped because I did not want to take unnecessary risks moving to beach condos, or flying. Imagine, all that public misery and I didn't get to participate.
There has only been 2 years in my adult life where I could not put back the necessary winter nest egg required in my line of work. Obviously the first was a result of the 2008 crash. This winter is a DIRECT result of government mandates and the fear it put in the public. I was mid project when this shit started and the customer halted all work. To this day that project has not been finished. The 3 jobs on the schedule after that also canceled. Then after months of unnecessary shit downs I got to start back up only to have the unified government of KC shut shit down AGAIN. Now they are talking about yet more forced closures.

And just to come full circle I still have not recovered from the first shut down. Caught back up yes. Saved for the normal winter construction blues? Not a chance
I'm sorry man. That sucks. I am retired and in an area that masks, but has not been shut down much (why do you think we have been staying in top 10 on new infections and our hospital is going critical again) so for me life has gone on. I hear of this kind of stuff, but cannot look out in my own city and see it.
Come to Tennessee, Gramps. OK, we're diseased as shit, but not shutting down. I and others have trouble scheduling decent contractors as they are booked, busy and bouncing from jobsites to Lowes. Took my brother n law over 6 months to get the gutter guys out to put up gutters on his new shop, where he had to get the contractor for the shop itself from middle TN. Company sent me to KC for a national project. I didn't lose anything there. If you are a journeyman, may be time to go RV-ing and Tennesseeing.
RV you say? I "lost" mine
Hopefully not in Nashville (ha-ha). Seriously, as a millwork rep, I worked with contrators from Jackson, that loaded here and helped rebuild New Orleans after Katrina. More recently, I know of a couple of contractors that are not in the trade full time, but gypsie down to the gulf coast working on vacation condos before the main season begins of even while going on. People do it. It may suck (although have one buddy that loves, cause he likes to get around), the RV idea makes cost efficient without giving up home of record, as by upper middle age, lots of people somewhat tied to their town and kids and whatever. Just a thought if KC not improving any time soon. Good luck to ya. Do what ya gotta do.
I moved around the country for about 15 years chasing government contracts. I'm done with that shit.

I just want them to but the fuck out of our lives. Can you imagine the pain they would impose if we face a REAL LIFE THREATENING situation?

Was it instituted where you are by Mayor of KC (Kansas or Missouri) or was it a state thing? I know there has been none by Federal Government.
Mayors and councils of all metro cities on both sides of the state line minus a couple.

It was SO BAD for a while that one of my suppliers who's showroom is the size of a JCPennys was only allowed 10 customers at a time and they were not allowed to wander away from their "escorts" (aka assigned salesman)

One of my suppliers said fuck it and permanently closed while another closed their showroom entirely and only allowed contractors in the warehouse (cause of course the lowely warehouse workers are expendable as compared to the blonde bimbos up front)
Keep in mind that all the while liquor stores,casinos and big box stores were open without restrictions.

Just truly tired of this business crippling bullshit.
Except for your what I thought of as your damnable plains wind that seemed constant there during my late winter/early spring assignment, it seemed like a normal place to me, but that was just after the turn of the century. Who could guess, how you local governments would react to an epidemic?
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Grampa disagrees with his idol Trump, who told Woodward that virus is serious and deadly.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point?
The virus doesn't need time to mutate, it needs replications. The only way to get to herd immunity without a vaccine is to have many times more infections than we currently have, which means many time more replications, which means many times more mutations.

And yes, far, far more would have died at this point if we had let the virus run rampant.
Covid isn't killing me.
In that case, please show some respect for the 335,265 Americans it has killed, the 19,103,992 infected by it, and the heroic health care professionals across the land who are struggling tirelessly to save lives.

Ideological crackpots who flout common sense measures to prevent its spread and protect their vulnerable loved ones should summon a modicum of decency and stifle their cockamamy ravings until medical science has overcome the blight that persists in decimating so many decent folks.

Wear a mask in public. Avoid large gatherings. Wash your hands frequently. Confine your pissing and moaning to private self-indulgences.
Covid can kill me. I don't want to die just yet. I intend to keep doing what I have been doing (wearing a mask, social distancing, avoiding crowds) until such time as I feel safe. If that makes me a 'sheep' so be it. At least I'll still be alive. Better to be a live sheep than a dead wolf.
The common cold has about the same chance of killing you as covid is.

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