Covid isn't killing me. The governments reaction to it is.

I live in a country where we locked down early, we locked down hard, and we re-opened slowly. As of Christmas Eve, we back in lockdown for 30 days. There are mask mandates everywhere. We've lost 14,000 people, and we've had 500,000 cases. Our rate of infection per million citizens is #85 in the world.

But we've cancelled everything this year, and masked up when out of our homes. Our schools didn't open until late September, and they're closed after the holidays, for two full weeks. They may not re-open.

Canada followed the scientists - to the letter. The government didn't push to reopen as soon as cases started to drop. We got down to 200 cases a day in the entire country - before we re-opened at all. We started buying PPE in January, and never ran out. Our hospitals were never overwhelmed, although we are close to capacity right now - hence the lockdown.

As a result of our containing the virus, our economy hasn't crashed. Yes there's been damage, but unlike the USA, our people have sufficient money and protections to see us through to the vaccine, and we've already bought enough vaccine for everyone in the country.
The question as to whether public health experts and epidemiologists or ideologues are more qualified to deal with a pandemic should never arise, of course, but the latter fancy themselves more knowledgable than climatologists in that discipline as well.

Such fanaticism is emotionally-driven and utterly impervious to rational thinking with its objective, analytical approach and reliance on actual empirical data rather than their immutable dogma.
The danger to business is spreading virus not the mandates to address it. People are choosing not to go out.

There is nothing closed in my Democratic Governor state of NC. We can pretty much do whatever. There are mask rules and capacity rules. I’ve seen very few restrictions impact business but I’ve seen businesses impacted because people are CHOOSING not to partake in riskier behavior.

Yea Cracker Barrel has less seating which impacts them on the weekend. Yes a small restaurant with about 7 tables is closing til they can open all 7. But the vast majority of everything is open except where low demand is killing them. Went to a bar the other day and waited for my sushi. There wasnt a wait nor was the bar crowded like it used to be... all cuz of customers not going out.

The danger to business is spreading virus not the mandates

I lived through the SARS outbreak in Toronto. There were no lockdowns or restrictions on the people at any time. We just all stayed home. People brought a lunch and ate at their desk, myself included. The underground malls, usually packed during lunch hours in winter, were empty. Ditto movie theatres, and the live theatre shows were cancelled until it ended.

Toronto was on the UN travel advisory list. We all stayed the fuck at home until it was all over and for a long time thereafter. Without lockdowns or mandates. The reason Canada is doing so well with our covid response is from the lessons we learned with SARS, and our Conservative government didn't throw out the Liberal pandemic playbook when they took office. They used it and followed the recommendations.

Both levels of government cooperated and worked together - the Liberal federal government and the 7 Conservative provinces spoke as one, and cooperated fully with one another. Nobody tried to play politics with our lives. It's working.

Just a few more weeks until I get my vaccine. I'm in the second group. Essential workers, elderly in independent living, those with underlying conditions.

Every single day of my life right now, I say a prayer of thanks to God that I live in a country with competent governance.
Don't go to the grocery store then
Most sensible, responsible folks purchase groceries while practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and observing hygienic recommendations. Such preventative measures are hardly onerous, despite some ideologues experiencing a compulsion to bitch and moan about them as if they were draconian hardships rather than easily-followed guidelines to safeguard oneself, one's loved ones, and one's fellow citizens.
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Only killing 1% who catch covid, is killing 3.3 million people in the United states.

99% surviving this virus, is 1% of Americans not surviving....seems small, but when the 1% or 2% killed by this virus is 3.3 to 6.6 million American people dead from it.... It's not as small as you think.

And this isn't about being self serving, not about only being woried about oneself dying from it, but not wanting to be a part in killing your pastor, or neighbor's dad, or your own mom, or sister with asthma, or grandfather, or someone elses mom, or coworker, or old woman who scrubs the pots and pans in a school cafeteria.

Bullshit...the national all causes death numbers are actually lagging behind the mark set in previous years. The survivability rate looks to be more like 99.9 instead of just 99.
Mysteriously the numbers of seasonal flu deaths and pneumonia deaths have plummeted to twenty years lows....if you can't see the scam it's because you don't want to see it.

They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us
Too fn bad It needs to kill a few 1000 of you scumbags and then maybe you'll get the point
People die. Such is the thing we call life and the risks it entails. Did you quit driving because you might kill someone else? No? Didn't think so. Selfish bastard
But you moron we try to LOWER those risks and listening to what the doctors and scientists say does just that Morons who still worship the AH Trump are a blight on America
I listened to both my doctors. Both said masks were worthless and did nothing to stop a virus. They don't wear masks. Neither do I. But I do social distance and have done that forever since I don't like crowds or people getting too close to me anyway.
Your doctors are crackpots.

These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.

I don't wear one nor will I start to wear one. There is proof beyond doubt when you look at the virus and contrast it with pore spaces in the fabric of masks. All the rest is just the liberal media, politics, agenda, and propaganda.
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.

I don't wear one nor will I start to wear one. There is proof beyond doubt when you look at the virus and contrast it with pore spaces in the fabric of masks. All the rest is just the liberal media, politics, agenda, and propaganda.
The virus isn't just floating around in a vapor cloud. It is in droplets. The masks stop the droplets. You aren't risking yourself by not wearing the mask, you are selfishly risking others.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us

Why is it that the Trump Cult always talks about how many people survive the virus, and ignore those who don't? Why do you ignore the 20% who get really fucking sick and are left with "pre-existing conditions". Or the costs of testing and treating 17 million people for the virus?

Worst of all, you're ignore the fact that hospitals are full and people are being sent home to die. 2700 healthcare workers have died so far, and the survivors are exhausted, burnt out and on the verge of collapse.

You pretend this is no big deal, but it's collapsed your economy. Only in America is this happening. You should be ashamed.
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.

I don't wear one nor will I start to wear one. There is proof beyond doubt when you look at the virus and contrast it with pore spaces in the fabric of masks. All the rest is just the liberal media, politics, agenda, and propaganda.
The virus isn't just floating around in a vapor cloud. It is in droplets. The masks stop the droplets. You aren't risking yourself by not wearing the mask, you are selfishly risking others.
If masks and lockdowns work why are we supposedly seeing spike number 3 all around the world?
Why is it that the Trump Cult always talks about how many people survive the virus, and ignore those who don't?
They always look on the sunny side - like the reporter who inquired, "Other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?"
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.

I don't wear one nor will I start to wear one. There is proof beyond doubt when you look at the virus and contrast it with pore spaces in the fabric of masks. All the rest is just the liberal media, politics, agenda, and propaganda.
The virus isn't just floating around in a vapor cloud. It is in droplets. The masks stop the droplets. You aren't risking yourself by not wearing the mask, you are selfishly risking others.

Im not sick and I'm not putting anyone else at risk. If I were sick, I'd stay at home.
The danger to business is spreading virus not the mandates to address it. People are choosing not to go out.

There is nothing closed in my Democratic Governor state of NC. We can pretty much do whatever. There are mask rules and capacity rules. I’ve seen very few restrictions impact business but I’ve seen businesses impacted because people are CHOOSING not to partake in riskier behavior.

Yea Cracker Barrel has less seating which impacts them on the weekend. Yes a small restaurant with about 7 tables is closing til they can open all 7. But the vast majority of everything is open except where low demand is killing them. Went to a bar the other day and waited for my sushi. There wasnt a wait nor was the bar crowded like it used to be... all cuz of customers not going out.

The danger to business is spreading virus not the mandates
Most folks want to live and not endanger their vulnerable relatives by contracting and spreading disease.

That means taking sensible precautions that include avoiding more risky venues until they no longer present a danger.

People exhibiting common sense until there have been sufficient vaccinations to eliminate the threat is a prudent reaction.
Don't go to the grocery store then
Spoken like a low information Trump voter. People are at grocery more actually rather than less since they aren’t going out. Are you retarded?
For months, these strange, power-mad robots have evinced zero indication they have any clue what it might feel like to be an actual human (with mouths to feed) suddenly placed under house arrest, forbidden from earning a living, stopped from pursuing activities which support his sense of identity, cut off from most (or all) social contact, fed reams of misinformation he knows is misinformation, and severed from a huge source of meaning in human life—namely, culture.

I’m not here arguing against the measures themselves (I will some other time). I am pointing out the inhuman indifference shown by the Lockdown Leviathans to the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and familial costs those measures have imposed, and continue to impose, upon their suffering subjects.
What the Lockdown Leviathans Don’t Get - American Greatness (

The word is Totalitarianism and this is what they aspire to....

The danger to business is spreading virus not the mandates to address it. People are choosing not to go out.

There is nothing closed in my Democratic Governor state of NC. We can pretty much do whatever. There are mask rules and capacity rules. I’ve seen very few restrictions impact business but I’ve seen businesses impacted because people are CHOOSING not to partake in riskier behavior.

Yea Cracker Barrel has less seating which impacts them on the weekend. Yes a small restaurant with about 7 tables is closing til they can open all 7. But the vast majority of everything is open except where low demand is killing them. Went to a bar the other day and waited for my sushi. There wasnt a wait nor was the bar crowded like it used to be... all cuz of customers not going out.

The danger to business is spreading virus not the mandates
Most folks want to live and not endanger their vulnerable relatives by contracting and spreading disease.

That means taking sensible precautions that include avoiding more risky venues until they no longer present a danger.

People exhibiting common sense until there have been sufficient vaccinations to eliminate the threat is a prudent reaction.
Don't go to the grocery store then
Spoken like a low information Trump voter. People are at grocery more actually rather than less since they aren’t going out. Are you retarded?

A retard is a person who can't do siimple math....

The National all causes death numbers have not moved....ergo somebody is lying.
Totalitarian muck swampers like you eat this shit up because you dream of living in a human bee hive..
We will not cooperate however..


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