Covid Shots

Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.

There is press to jab because the government has a use them or lose them position so unless a state uses theirs up, they will get less. Plus with the demasking and full re-openings going on there is fear there will be another surge.

Anyway, I don't care if people get the shot or not. My barber has an honor system where people with both shots don't have to wear a mask, but people without them do. She doesn't wear one as she had both shots.

So you are saying that it is driven by money and control of the people.

Isn't everything these days?

Not what they are claiming, however.

Well, no, you can't come out and TELL people you're just interested in money and control over people's lives.
Telling the truth? The government will never do that.

To be fair, the government MIGHT tell the truth about something, but only if the truth is the most effective path to money and power. So kind of an accidental truth, as a side effect.
Key words, "accidental truth".

Well, yeah, truth would never be the primary intention with the government. It's just . . . ancillary.
Exactly, if you want to stop TRUTH dead in its tracks get government agency to try and find it, $150 billion, 12 years and 6 months later, it'll still be invisible.
... and if you want to KILL the TRUTH sick a Congressional Committee on it.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
That’s how most (all?) vaccines work, a weakened version of the pathogen designed to illicit an immune response and memory cells responsible for the production of T-Cells against the disease.

From what I understand the technology used in the some of the COVID vaccines is a new method involving messenger RNA to achieve the same results.

I haven’t seen anything to be alarmed about regarding these vaccines and the results so far indicate they’re all safe (including the J&J shot since the blood clot issue was with a very small number of patients and has been cleared as a statistical anomaly).

Maybe you have some information that I’m not aware of that causes you to be concerned?
Read the recently published rate of re-infection. It is continually growing.
Where are you seeing that information and are the rates of re-infection for fully vaccinated individuals statistically significant (I.e. are they above the rates predicted in the initial studies for each vaccine?). None of these vaccines claim 100% immunity (no vaccine that I know of is), so re-infection in some portion of the vaccinated is expected.

However since the vaccination distribution and administration “program” has begun we’ve seen a DRAMATIC reduction in both new cases and positivity rates, I realize correlation doesn’t imply causation but the numbers are too large to be explained simply by chance (or weather).

There is not enough empirical data yet to draw any conclusions, positive or negative.

Having dealt with the government for years, I am skeptical.
We'll have to keep an eye on that data then.

As far as being skeptical, I can understand that since I trust government about as far as I could throw the Capital Building (especially the Federal Government), IMHO this situation is unprecedented so as much as I hate to say it, I think the State and Federal Governments have done a decent job on the vaccine front (along with the Pharma Industry, who I also don't trust very much).

My suggestion would be to find all the non-bias sources of science on the vaccines, talk to everybody you know that's been vaccinated and then make your own informed decision about whether to get it or not. I can only say that I'm fully vaccinated (Moderna) and have suffered no ill effects other than feeling a bit crappy for about half a day after the second shot and I can say the same for everyone I've talked that has been vaccinated. The science seems sound to me but I think everyone owes it to themselves to do their own unbiased research and then decide if it's for them or not.

Best of luck!
Good suggestions, but the powers that be will limit access to any information that they don't getting out.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.
It’s not even certain that they died from the shot. They died after receiving the shot but no data supports that they died from the shot.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
That’s how most (all?) vaccines work, a weakened version of the pathogen designed to illicit an immune response and memory cells responsible for the production of T-Cells against the disease.

From what I understand the technology used in the some of the COVID vaccines is a new method involving messenger RNA to achieve the same results.

I haven’t seen anything to be alarmed about regarding these vaccines and the results so far indicate they’re all safe (including the J&J shot since the blood clot issue was with a very small number of patients and has been cleared as a statistical anomaly).

Maybe you have some information that I’m not aware of that causes you to be concerned?
Read the recently published rate of re-infection. It is continually growing.
Where are you seeing that information and are the rates of re-infection for fully vaccinated individuals statistically significant (I.e. are they above the rates predicted in the initial studies for each vaccine?). None of these vaccines claim 100% immunity (no vaccine that I know of is), so re-infection in some portion of the vaccinated is expected.

However since the vaccination distribution and administration “program” has begun we’ve seen a DRAMATIC reduction in both new cases and positivity rates, I realize correlation doesn’t imply causation but the numbers are too large to be explained simply by chance (or weather).

There is not enough empirical data yet to draw any conclusions, positive or negative.

Having dealt with the government for years, I am skeptical.
We'll have to keep an eye on that data then.

As far as being skeptical, I can understand that since I trust government about as far as I could throw the Capital Building (especially the Federal Government), IMHO this situation is unprecedented so as much as I hate to say it, I think the State and Federal Governments have done a decent job on the vaccine front (along with the Pharma Industry, who I also don't trust very much).

My suggestion would be to find all the non-bias sources of science on the vaccines, talk to everybody you know that's been vaccinated and then make your own informed decision about whether to get it or not. I can only say that I'm fully vaccinated (Moderna) and have suffered no ill effects other than feeling a bit crappy for about half a day after the second shot and I can say the same for everyone I've talked that has been vaccinated. The science seems sound to me but I think everyone owes it to themselves to do their own unbiased research and then decide if it's for them or not.

Best of luck!
Good suggestions, but the powers that be will limit access to any information that they don't getting out.
If you don’t trust mainstream sources, go Dark Web…TOR is good, TOR is wise, TOR keeps out the governments prying eyes. :)
It's all about control and social manipulation. It a matter of conditioning Americans to obey liberal politicians without regard to common sense or the Constitution.

Is that why Trump got his without telling anybody?
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.
It’s not even certain that they died from the shot. They died after receiving the shot but no data supports that they died from the shot.
VAERS data ( only shows 5,307 deaths after receiving the vaccine, however they do not collect the cause of death, so given that over 289 MILLION shots have been administered I’d say it indicates that you have more likelihood of dying in a car accident than you have of dying from the COVID vaccine, especially given all the idiots on the road that drive while TEXTING.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
That’s how most (all?) vaccines work, a weakened version of the pathogen designed to illicit an immune response and memory cells responsible for the production of T-Cells against the disease.

From what I understand the technology used in the some of the COVID vaccines is a new method involving messenger RNA to achieve the same results.

I haven’t seen anything to be alarmed about regarding these vaccines and the results so far indicate they’re all safe (including the J&J shot since the blood clot issue was with a very small number of patients and has been cleared as a statistical anomaly).

Maybe you have some information that I’m not aware of that causes you to be concerned?
Read the recently published rate of re-infection. It is continually growing.
Where are you seeing that information and are the rates of re-infection for fully vaccinated individuals statistically significant (I.e. are they above the rates predicted in the initial studies for each vaccine?). None of these vaccines claim 100% immunity (no vaccine that I know of is), so re-infection in some portion of the vaccinated is expected.

However since the vaccination distribution and administration “program” has begun we’ve seen a DRAMATIC reduction in both new cases and positivity rates, I realize correlation doesn’t imply causation but the numbers are too large to be explained simply by chance (or weather).

There is not enough empirical data yet to draw any conclusions, positive or negative.

Having dealt with the government for years, I am skeptical.
We'll have to keep an eye on that data then.

As far as being skeptical, I can understand that since I trust government about as far as I could throw the Capital Building (especially the Federal Government), IMHO this situation is unprecedented so as much as I hate to say it, I think the State and Federal Governments have done a decent job on the vaccine front (along with the Pharma Industry, who I also don't trust very much).

My suggestion would be to find all the non-bias sources of science on the vaccines, talk to everybody you know that's been vaccinated and then make your own informed decision about whether to get it or not. I can only say that I'm fully vaccinated (Moderna) and have suffered no ill effects other than feeling a bit crappy for about half a day after the second shot and I can say the same for everyone I've talked that has been vaccinated. The science seems sound to me but I think everyone owes it to themselves to do their own unbiased research and then decide if it's for them or not.

Best of luck!
Good suggestions, but the powers that be will limit access to any information that they don't getting out.
If you don’t trust mainstream sources, go Dark Web…TOR is good, TOR is wise, TOR keeps out the governments prying eyes. :)
The dark web, where lies go to breed.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.

Your figure is too high. Must come from the government.

Actually closer to one in a hundred thousand. Compare that to the number of people who survived after getting infected.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.
It’s not even certain that they died from the shot. They died after receiving the shot but no data supports that they died from the shot.
VAERS data ( only shows 5,307 deaths after receiving the vaccine, however they do not collect the cause of death, so given that over 289 MILLION shots have been administered I’d say it indicates that you have more likelihood of dying in a car accident than you have of dying from the COVID vaccine, especially given all the idiots on the road that drive while TEXTING.
I can't argue with that.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.

And the majority of the globe has not died from this, they survived. Read carefully

Minimizing it doesn't change the fact that there is a deadly pandemic happening as we speak.
Less deadly than the seasonal flu.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.

Your figure is too high. Must come from the government.

Actually closer to one in a hundred thousand. Compare that to the number of people who survived after getting infected.
It's the actual figure.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.

And the majority of the globe has not died from this, they survived. Read carefully

Minimizing it doesn't change the fact that there is a deadly pandemic happening as we speak.
Less deadly than the seasonal flu.
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
That’s how most (all?) vaccines work, a weakened version of the pathogen designed to illicit an immune response and memory cells responsible for the production of T-Cells against the disease.

From what I understand the technology used in the some of the COVID vaccines is a new method involving messenger RNA to achieve the same results.

I haven’t seen anything to be alarmed about regarding these vaccines and the results so far indicate they’re all safe (including the J&J shot since the blood clot issue was with a very small number of patients and has been cleared as a statistical anomaly).

Maybe you have some information that I’m not aware of that causes you to be concerned?
Read the recently published rate of re-infection. It is continually growing.
Where are you seeing that information and are the rates of re-infection for fully vaccinated individuals statistically significant (I.e. are they above the rates predicted in the initial studies for each vaccine?). None of these vaccines claim 100% immunity (no vaccine that I know of is), so re-infection in some portion of the vaccinated is expected.

However since the vaccination distribution and administration “program” has begun we’ve seen a DRAMATIC reduction in both new cases and positivity rates, I realize correlation doesn’t imply causation but the numbers are too large to be explained simply by chance (or weather).

There is not enough empirical data yet to draw any conclusions, positive or negative.

Having dealt with the government for years, I am skeptical.
We'll have to keep an eye on that data then.

As far as being skeptical, I can understand that since I trust government about as far as I could throw the Capital Building (especially the Federal Government), IMHO this situation is unprecedented so as much as I hate to say it, I think the State and Federal Governments have done a decent job on the vaccine front (along with the Pharma Industry, who I also don't trust very much).

My suggestion would be to find all the non-bias sources of science on the vaccines, talk to everybody you know that's been vaccinated and then make your own informed decision about whether to get it or not. I can only say that I'm fully vaccinated (Moderna) and have suffered no ill effects other than feeling a bit crappy for about half a day after the second shot and I can say the same for everyone I've talked that has been vaccinated. The science seems sound to me but I think everyone owes it to themselves to do their own unbiased research and then decide if it's for them or not.

Best of luck!
Good suggestions, but the powers that be will limit access to any information that they don't getting out.
If you don’t trust mainstream sources, go Dark Web…TOR is good, TOR is wise, TOR keeps out the governments prying eyes. :)
The dark web, where lies go to breed.
Uh-huh there and your keyboard seem to be the most virulent zones, fortunately those of us that can still tell truth from blatant falsehood aren’t deterred by either.

Now that you managed yet another attempt at a pissing contest, crawl back in your hole and give civilized society a break.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.

Your figure is too high. Must come from the government.

Actually closer to one in a hundred thousand. Compare that to the number of people who survived after getting infected.
It's the actual figure.
According to who? The same ones that count every death that occurs as being caused by covid?
Just a quick question with no driving agenda.

Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?

With all the continues advertising, is it doing any good? If you haven't gotten the shot by now, trying to shame you into it will do no good. Also, do they really think that they are providing new information concerning these shots to anyone who has not already heard the information being presented?

Just stopp and let peole do what they feel is best for themselves.
They are promoting it because it works to control the virus and that is their goal. There is no conspiracy or ulterior motive. They are promoting it for public health and for no other reason.
Why are they promoting it to those who have natural immunity because they had it before and have the antibodies?
That’s a GREAT question and one that I’ve wondered about myself, we’ve recently allowed fully vaccinated individuals to stop wearing masks while at work (if they choose) but still require those that have had COVID (no matter how recently) to continue wearing them, which doesn’t make sense to me (other than perhaps the CDC guidelines don’t specifically address those people).

It seems like they feel that immunity through infection may be less complete and reliable than immunity through vaccination. Can't really be sure, since - for a variety of "don't upset the narrative" reasons - they don't want to come right out and explain.

They also fail to mention that a vaccine consists of injecting a form of the disease into your body. This is supposed to create some immunity. If you already have some immunity, why?
That’s how most (all?) vaccines work, a weakened version of the pathogen designed to illicit an immune response and memory cells responsible for the production of T-Cells against the disease.

From what I understand the technology used in the some of the COVID vaccines is a new method involving messenger RNA to achieve the same results.

I haven’t seen anything to be alarmed about regarding these vaccines and the results so far indicate they’re all safe (including the J&J shot since the blood clot issue was with a very small number of patients and has been cleared as a statistical anomaly).

Maybe you have some information that I’m not aware of that causes you to be concerned?
Read the recently published rate of re-infection. It is continually growing.
Where are you seeing that information and are the rates of re-infection for fully vaccinated individuals statistically significant (I.e. are they above the rates predicted in the initial studies for each vaccine?). None of these vaccines claim 100% immunity (no vaccine that I know of is), so re-infection in some portion of the vaccinated is expected.

However since the vaccination distribution and administration “program” has begun we’ve seen a DRAMATIC reduction in both new cases and positivity rates, I realize correlation doesn’t imply causation but the numbers are too large to be explained simply by chance (or weather).

There is not enough empirical data yet to draw any conclusions, positive or negative.

Having dealt with the government for years, I am skeptical.
We'll have to keep an eye on that data then.

As far as being skeptical, I can understand that since I trust government about as far as I could throw the Capital Building (especially the Federal Government), IMHO this situation is unprecedented so as much as I hate to say it, I think the State and Federal Governments have done a decent job on the vaccine front (along with the Pharma Industry, who I also don't trust very much).

My suggestion would be to find all the non-bias sources of science on the vaccines, talk to everybody you know that's been vaccinated and then make your own informed decision about whether to get it or not. I can only say that I'm fully vaccinated (Moderna) and have suffered no ill effects other than feeling a bit crappy for about half a day after the second shot and I can say the same for everyone I've talked that has been vaccinated. The science seems sound to me but I think everyone owes it to themselves to do their own unbiased research and then decide if it's for them or not.

Best of luck!
Good suggestions, but the powers that be will limit access to any information that they don't getting out.
If you don’t trust mainstream sources, go Dark Web…TOR is good, TOR is wise, TOR keeps out the governments prying eyes. :)
The dark web, where lies go to breed.
Uh-huh there and your keyboard seem to be the most virulent zones, fortunately those of us that can still tell truth from blatant falsehood aren’t deterred by either.

Now that you managed yet another attempt at a pissing contest, crawl back in your hole and give civilized society a break.
If you think that was a pissing contest you're mistaken and you apparently can't piss very far.
Is anyone else wondering why there is a full court press to promote this shot?
Listen carefully:


In case you haven't noticed.
Here. Clutch these while saying that. It's much more convincing.

One in one thousand people in the US have died from it.

Your figure is too high. Must come from the government.

Actually closer to one in a hundred thousand. Compare that to the number of people who survived after getting infected.
It's the actual figure.
According to who? The same ones that count every death that occurs as being caused by covid?
Nobody's doing that, Mr conspiracy theory.

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