Covid was tied to China's bio-weapon program....

What other major reason is there to conduct GoF testing on a deadly virus?

What better way to test it than through a controlled accidental leak?

You get to see how other countries fare against it, how they respond, how quickly, etc...
Makes sense really..
Of course they ran interference and deception when they had everyone believing it came from bat soup at wongs chinese restaurant around the corner from the lab. Our govt is nothing but filth.
Huff says (The Truth About Wuhan) that the Chinese deliberately seeded the seafood market after the initial outbreak.
I agree but I feel the evidence will emerge that will back up my feelings.
Or it will be covered up in the interest of national security, otherwise to point a finger directly at China would be an act of war in which China would interpret it as (even if they are guilty), so we should leave China alone for a minute (monitor them heavily in a way that would be as if we are at war with them), but focus mainly on the traitor's who were heavily in the tank with China, otherwise that may have enabled the Chinese virus to spread to this nation quickly, and kill hundreds of thousands's of our citizen's.

Trump wanted to close the border immediately on Chinese travel back and forth, but mysteriously the Leftist Democrat's tried to use the race card on him once again, when it was a matter of national Security involved.

Did the Democrat's screw this nation over big time, and lead us into a situation that cost the live's of hundreds of thousands's of our citizen's ??? Then we had to pry it out of them about the GOF program, then it was on after that.
Trump was right about wanting to ban Tik-Tok too. Now Congress is all over that.

Of course, Moonglow will say "Whur's muh evidents?" :laughing0301:
Trump is being proven slowly and methodically that he was absolutely right on a lot of things, so what does this tell us about the Democrat's now ??
We here knew this years ago... what takes our government so long?....
Now we know why Fauci hit the news channels this week... to try and cover this news up.....
Or it will be covered up in the interest of national security, otherwise to point a finger directly at China would be an act of war in which China would interpret it as (even if they are guilty), so we should leave China alone for a minute (monitor them heavily in a way that would be as if we are at war with them), but focus mainly on the traitor's who were heavily in the tank with China, otherwise that may have enabled the Chinese virus to spread to this nation quickly, and kill hundreds of thousands's of our citizen's.

Trump wanted to close the border immediately on Chinese travel back and forth, but mysteriously the Leftist Democrat's tried to use the race card on him once again, when it was a matter of national Security involved.

Did the Democrat's screw this nation over big time, and lead us into a situation that cost the live's of hundreds of thousands's of our citizen's ??? Then we had to pry it out of them about the GOF program, then it was on after that.
Our politicians have been influence peddling with China since Bill Clinton. The Chinese may never fight a war with us. They will just buy our Congress and President.

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What we already knew... and also all of us not willing to swallow Fauci's lies....... Covid is a weaponized virus.
The world governments already knew it, hit it from us along with the help of social media platforms.
Why would they do that???
Because allowing the world to get angry at China would upset their investment portfolios, and reduce profits for product makers everywhere.

article says may have been. Because it will take a decade to decide.
Makes sense really..
really, no proof just gas lighting. how You spell, republican feel good heading.
article says may have been. Because it will take a decade to decide.

really, no proof just gas lighting. how You spell, republican feel good heading.
It will be hard to get undeniable proof about Wuhan as we will not be able to investigate the Wuhan Lab especially if it is a weapons lab.

It should be possible to prove beyond any doubt if the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci was financing gain-of function research into viruses at Wuhan and possibly in Ukraine.

In fact the NIS has admitted it funded gain-of research into viruses at Wuhan already.

I found this article on biological labs in Ukraine Interesting.


A Washington Post article from 2005 opens with this statement: “The United States and Ukraine agreed yesterday to work jointly to prevent the spread of biological weapons, signing a pact that clears the way for Ukraine’s government to receive U.S. aid to improve security at facilities where dangerous microbes are kept.”The two U.S. senators spearheading that initiative were Richard Lugar, a Republican from Indiana, and Barack Obama, then a Democratic senator from Illinois.

So, “dangerous microbes” are at these Ukrainian laboratories, and the United States government has been providing funding. For what, exactly? To “improve security.”

This hardly inspires confidence.

Right on cue, here come the “official” statements. An article published last week in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists quotes Robert Pope, director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, a “30-year-old Defense Department program that has helped secure the former Soviet Union’s weapons of mass destruction and redirect former bioweapons facilities and scientists toward peaceful endeavors.”

According to Pope, “the labs in Ukraine are not bioweapons facilities … (T)hey are public and animal health labs” that “conduct peaceful scientific research and disease surveillance.” Pope further insisted that all pathogens present at the Ukrainian laboratories were safe as long as they were kept frozen, but power outages caused by damage to the buildings (from warfare, for example) could pose a problem. Furthermore, the safety protocols of the Ukraine labs are not without concern. “They have more pathogens in more places than we recommend,” Pope said, in what sounds like a serious understatement.
… emphasis added

Russian is inflicting many or power outages on Ukraine so lets hope the Ukrainians were not trying to enhance a large range of viruses which could get lose and casue a new pandemic.


Why the hell were we financing gain-of-research into deadly viruses anyhow and why were we financing it in of all places CHINA and Ukraine?
article says may have been. Because it will take a decade to decide.

really, no proof just gas lighting. how You spell, republican feel good heading.
No one gas lights better than the Democrat's, no one.
It will be hard to get undeniable proof about Wuhan as we will not be able to investigate the Wuhan Lab especially if it is a weapons lab.

It should be possible to prove beyond any doubt if the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci was financing gain-of function research into viruses at Wuhan and possibly in Ukraine.

In fact the NIS has admitted it funded gain-of research into viruses at Wuhan already.

I found this article on biological labs in Ukraine Interesting.


A Washington Post article from 2005 opens with this statement: “The United States and Ukraine agreed yesterday to work jointly to prevent the spread of biological weapons, signing a pact that clears the way for Ukraine’s government to receive U.S. aid to improve security at facilities where dangerous microbes are kept.”The two U.S. senators spearheading that initiative were Richard Lugar, a Republican from Indiana, and Barack Obama, then a Democratic senator from Illinois.

So, “dangerous microbes” are at these Ukrainian laboratories, and the United States government has been providing funding. For what, exactly? To “improve security.”

This hardly inspires confidence.

Right on cue, here come the “official” statements. An article published last week in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists quotes Robert Pope, director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, a “30-year-old Defense Department program that has helped secure the former Soviet Union’s weapons of mass destruction and redirect former bioweapons facilities and scientists toward peaceful endeavors.”

According to Pope, “the labs in Ukraine are not bioweapons facilities … (T)hey are public and animal health labs” that “conduct peaceful scientific research and disease surveillance.” Pope further insisted that all pathogens present at the Ukrainian laboratories were safe as long as they were kept frozen, but power outages caused by damage to the buildings (from warfare, for example) could pose a problem. Furthermore, the safety protocols of the Ukraine labs are not without concern. “They have more pathogens in more places than we recommend,” Pope said, in what sounds like a serious understatement.
… emphasis added

Russian is inflicting many or power outages on Ukraine so lets hope the Ukrainians were not trying to enhance a large range of viruses which could get lose and casue a new pandemic.


Why the hell were we financing gain-of-research into deadly viruses anyhow and why were we financing it in of all places CHINA and Ukraine?
Funny how COVID is on the rise again in America, even after 40 shot's later... Yes I believe it is weaponized, and it comes out by convenience... Could be wrong, but who can trust anyone anymore??

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