Covington kids are never heard shouting "build the wall"

Funny you com[pare them to Kavanaugh who is also a fine gentleman who was subjected to a vicious witch hunt and smear campaign.

No Kavanaugh was just a guy trying to get laid as most guys his age are

Does it matter that he traumatized another female kid

He is the one who has to live with it

He should not forget about what happen

or have his supports tell him that he was framed

He know what happen, she know what happen

The rest of us are just spectators in the aftermath
There is no evidence he traumatized any one much less ford.

Making your accusation false.

She said it happen

which make it a true accusation

Unless you were there and that other guy then you do not know

You just choose to believe the guy

I choose to believe the girl
I choose to believe the evidence and there is none whatsoever supporting the accusation

I also choose to believe in the principle of presumption of innocence as any intelligent person should.

And there you have it.

A video of someone else and bwn wants to claim it is the catholic kids.
So are we going to get an admission from the left that the kids were never heard shouting "build the wall" ?
You have to get that from Phillips. He said he heard it. What reason would he have to lie? He gets nothing for that, either way.
Yes he does

He.gets attention which is what he craves

He is already a proven liar on many details much like you are.

There is no evidence that they shouted build the wall or anything about rape or harassed women you and phillps are both proven liars.
"Public perception"? That's why you think the chief was lying? Seriously? Try and look at it from a logical point of view. What "Public perception" does he get, bad or good? Nothing! He doesn't get paid for it. He goes back to where he came from and gets nothing. On the other hand, "public perception" for those kids matters, because they are caught on tape making sexist remarks. So, their reputations are on the line, not the Chief. The chief has no reputation to maintain. No one cares about him, and he knows it. So then, using logic, why did he walk into the crowd beating his drum? The answer becomes self explanatory.

The kids made no sexist remarks you liar.

We know Phillips is a proven liar like you are and has motive to lie.

Like you have motive being a childish loser who cannot admit the truth
My big question is why wasn't that Maxine Waters woman ever arrested for encouraging people to harass other people while in public? What she demanded that people do is a way to incite riots and now look at what is going on.

God bless you always!!!


The liberal elite social justice terrorists are above the law.

Did rush limbaugh ever go to jail for doctor shopping drugs with his maid?
"Public perception"? That's why you think the chief was lying? Seriously? Try and look at it from a logical point of view. What "Public perception" does he get, bad or good? Nothing! He doesn't get paid for it. He goes back to where he came from and gets nothing. On the other hand, "public perception" for those kids matters, because they are caught on tape making sexist remarks. So, their reputations are on the line, not the Chief. The chief has no reputation to maintain. No one cares about him, and he knows it. So then, using logic, why did he walk into the crowd beating his drum? The answer becomes self explanatory.

The kids made no sexist remarks you liar.

We know Phillips is a proven liar like you are and has motive to lie.

Like you have motive being a childish loser who cannot admit the truth
Video said they did. You are a liar. Get a life and seek help.
So are we going to get an admission from the left that the kids were never heard shouting "build the wall" ?
You have to get that from Phillips. He said he heard it. What reason would he have to lie? He gets nothing for that, either way.
Yes he does

He.gets attention which is what he craves

He is already a proven liar on many details much like you are.

There is no evidence that they shouted build the wall or anything about rape or harassed women you and phillps are both proven liars.
"Gets attention which is what he craves"? Do you know this guy? :laughing0301: Damn boss, you really are insane. Get help now.
what video
You have to get that from Phillips. He said he heard it. What reason would he have to lie? He gets nothing for that, either way.
not sure which is worse,,that you said that out loud or that you believe it
What does Phillips get for lying about that or telling the truth? Nothing! Because nothing changes for him
you had a big bowl of koo-koo puffs this morning didnt you???

Video doesn't dumb fuck.
and I wasnt talking about the video,,,you asked why would he lie and I told you
"Public perception" is wort teats, when you have Catholoic kids laughing about rape and harassing young women. Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain would believe those kids after that? Hell no!
what video
not sure which is worse,,that you said that out loud or that you believe it
What does Phillips get for lying about that or telling the truth? Nothing! Because nothing changes for him
you had a big bowl of koo-koo puffs this morning didnt you???

Video doesn't dumb fuck.
and I wasnt talking about the video,,,you asked why would he lie and I told you
"Public perception" is wort teats, when you have Catholoic kids laughing about rape and harassing young women. Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain would believe those kids after that? Hell no!
but its been proven that never happened,,,

try to keep up,,,, please
What's this got to do with "build the wall" idiot.
You mean someone yelling build the wall, but not the Covington students, who this lying fake Viet Nam vet has been
maliciously slandering with lies about their encounter?

Oh, gee, I don't know. Just everything, I guess. Way to stay awake, idiot...I mean champ. :113:
"Public perception"? That's why you think the chief was lying? Seriously? Try and look at it from a logical point of view. What "Public perception" does he get, bad or good? Nothing! He doesn't get paid for it. He goes back to where he came from and gets nothing. On the other hand, "public perception" for those kids matters, because they are caught on tape making sexist remarks. So, their reputations are on the line, not the Chief. The chief has no reputation to maintain. No one cares about him, and he knows it. So then, using logic, why did he walk into the crowd beating his drum? The answer becomes self explanatory.

The kids made no sexist remarks you liar.

We know Phillips is a proven liar like you are and has motive to lie.

Like you have motive being a childish loser who cannot admit the truth
Video said they did. You are a liar. Get a life and seek help.
No it did not

The video showed someone else saying it you liar.
what video
not sure which is worse,,that you said that out loud or that you believe it
What does Phillips get for lying about that or telling the truth? Nothing! Because nothing changes for him
you had a big bowl of koo-koo puffs this morning didnt you???

Video doesn't dumb fuck.
and I wasnt talking about the video,,,you asked why would he lie and I told you
"Public perception" is wort teats, when you have Catholoic kids laughing about rape and harassing young women. Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain would believe those kids after that? Hell no!
You are a liar they did not laugh about rape or harassed anyone as the video evidence proves.
I was told not to start anymore threads on this subject and to post on existing threads,

and of course it goes to credibility of the witness
Which tells us absolutely nothing.
Yes it does

It tells us Phillips has no credibility because he lied

Much like you
I was told not to start anymore threads on this subject and to post on existing threads,

and of course it goes to credibility of the witness
Which tells us absolutely nothing.

no it tells us you are full of shit
what video
What does Phillips get for lying about that or telling the truth? Nothing! Because nothing changes for him
you had a big bowl of koo-koo puffs this morning didnt you???

Video doesn't dumb fuck.
and I wasnt talking about the video,,,you asked why would he lie and I told you
"Public perception" is wort teats, when you have Catholoic kids laughing about rape and harassing young women. Do you actually believe anyone with a functioning brain would believe those kids after that? Hell no!
You are a liar they did not laugh about rape or harassed anyone as the video evidence proves.
I know what I saw, and I'm not fooled about it one bit. And that's all that matters to me. You have to live with your denials, not me.

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