Covington kids are never heard shouting "build the wall"

He lied about his military service

He lied about his own actions and the actions of the Covington boys.

Just like you did and you know you did you pathetic coward.
Get mental help. Your lying is a bad example for others.
I am stating proven facts

It is you who is proven to be lying and everyone loves it.

It is great to see such a massive fool deny absolute reality as you are
You need serious mental evaluation. Get help.
No you need to grow up

I am right and your video proves it

You can't save face by lying the way you are
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam. He hasn't lied, and he did serve his country for four years.

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Here’s undeniable proof that Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam Vet — [VIDEO]
So Phillips apparently has lied about the kids chanting about building the wall, and now we know for sure he's been lying about his service in Vietnam.
Time for the MSM to start pointing this out.
Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam, but considers himself a vet. And, what about it? In his mind he served his country, which he did. And there is no proof Phillips lied about "build the wall" because of all the drum noise and kids making their own noise. Doesn't mean kids didn't chant "build the wall". And if you really believe that it didn't happen, you have no real evidence it didn't. I have no evidence that it did happen. But what I do know, is that when you have these same kids on video making rape remarks and harassing young women, my money is still on Phillips. Phillips questionable military status not withstanding. The military status is totally irrelevant to anything.
the video of him claiming he went has been posted several times
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News

but he said he did
He said he was a Vietnam vet. In his mind he is. Why? I mean seriously, look at him. He's a native American minority who was very young at the time who probably assumed he was and was probably never schooled on every detail of what constitutes a vet or not. He may not even know it himself. He's 64 and from the looks of it, didn't exactly live any easy life. Your insensitivity and hateful demeanor never wain when an inconvenient truth is staring you in the face. At the end of the day, the real scandal is racism and sexism, which neither one was carried out by's pretty disgusting for this thread by the Right to be used as a distraction to the real issues. .
So Phillips apparently has lied about the kids chanting about building the wall, and now we know for sure he's been lying about his service in Vietnam.
Time for the MSM to start pointing this out.
Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam, but considers himself a vet. And, what about it? In his mind he served his country, which he did. And there is no proof Phillips lied about "build the wall" because of all the drum noise and kids making their own noise. Doesn't mean kids didn't chant "build the wall". And if you really believe that it didn't happen, you have no real evidence it didn't. I have no evidence that it did happen. But what I do know, is that when you have these same kids on video making rape remarks and harassing young women, my money is still on Phillips. Phillips questionable military status not withstanding. The military status is totally irrelevant to anything.
the video of him claiming he went has been posted several times
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News

but he said he did
He said he was a Vietnam vet. In his mind he is. Why? I mean seriously, look at him. He's a native American minority who was very young at the time who probably assumed he was and was probably never schooled on every detail of what constitutes a vet or not. He may not even know it himself. He's 64 and from the looks of it, didn't exactly live any easy life. Your insensitivity and hateful demeanor never wain when an inconvenient truth is staring you in the face. At the end of the day, the real scandal is racism and sexism, which neither one was carried out by's pretty disgusting for this thread by the Right to be used as a distraction to the real issues. .
Thinking or feeling that one is a Vietnam veteran does not make one a vietnam veteran

You have to have been there.

He knew what makes a Vietnam veteran and is simply a coward and liar.

Just like you claiming that the Catholic kids said racist and sexist things

Your video is of someone saying law and you know it.

You are a pathetic proven liar defending another cowardly liar.
Get mental help. Your lying is a bad example for others.
I am stating proven facts

It is you who is proven to be lying and everyone loves it.

It is great to see such a massive fool deny absolute reality as you are
You need serious mental evaluation. Get help.
No you need to grow up

I am right and your video proves it

You can't save face by lying the way you are
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam. He hasn't lied, and he did serve his country for four years.

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Here’s undeniable proof that Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam Vet — [VIDEO]
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
So Phillips apparently has lied about the kids chanting about building the wall, and now we know for sure he's been lying about his service in Vietnam.
Time for the MSM to start pointing this out.
Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam, but considers himself a vet. And, what about it? In his mind he served his country, which he did. And there is no proof Phillips lied about "build the wall" because of all the drum noise and kids making their own noise. Doesn't mean kids didn't chant "build the wall". And if you really believe that it didn't happen, you have no real evidence it didn't. I have no evidence that it did happen. But what I do know, is that when you have these same kids on video making rape remarks and harassing young women, my money is still on Phillips. Phillips questionable military status not withstanding. The military status is totally irrelevant to anything.
the video of him claiming he went has been posted several times
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News

but he said he did
He said he was a Vietnam vet. In his mind he is. Why? I mean seriously, look at him. He's a native American minority who was very young at the time who probably assumed he was and was probably never schooled on every detail of what constitutes a vet or not. He may not even know it himself. He's 64 and from the looks of it, didn't exactly live any easy life. Your insensitivity and hateful demeanor never wain when an inconvenient truth is staring you in the face. At the end of the day, the real scandal is racism and sexism, which neither one was carried out by's pretty disgusting for this thread by the Right to be used as a distraction to the real issues. .
all that was carried out by the black guys
I am stating proven facts

It is you who is proven to be lying and everyone loves it.

It is great to see such a massive fool deny absolute reality as you are
You need serious mental evaluation. Get help.
No you need to grow up

I am right and your video proves it

You can't save face by lying the way you are
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam. He hasn't lied, and he did serve his country for four years.

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Here’s undeniable proof that Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam Vet — [VIDEO]
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam, but considers himself a vet. And, what about it? In his mind he served his country, which he did. And there is no proof Phillips lied about "build the wall" because of all the drum noise and kids making their own noise. Doesn't mean kids didn't chant "build the wall". And if you really believe that it didn't happen, you have no real evidence it didn't. I have no evidence that it did happen. But what I do know, is that when you have these same kids on video making rape remarks and harassing young women, my money is still on Phillips. Phillips questionable military status not withstanding. The military status is totally irrelevant to anything.
the video of him claiming he went has been posted several times
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News

but he said he did
He said he was a Vietnam vet. In his mind he is. Why? I mean seriously, look at him. He's a native American minority who was very young at the time who probably assumed he was and was probably never schooled on every detail of what constitutes a vet or not. He may not even know it himself. He's 64 and from the looks of it, didn't exactly live any easy life. Your insensitivity and hateful demeanor never wain when an inconvenient truth is staring you in the face. At the end of the day, the real scandal is racism and sexism, which neither one was carried out by's pretty disgusting for this thread by the Right to be used as a distraction to the real issues. .
Thinking or feeling that one is a Vietnam veteran does not make one a vietnam veteran

You have to have been there.

He knew what makes a Vietnam veteran and is simply a coward and liar.

Just like you claiming that the Catholic kids said racist and sexist things

Your video is of someone saying law and you know it.

You are a pathetic proven liar defending another cowardly liar.
Again, you really have to be a real prick to not understand that this guy was a minority, an American Indian, he was young, and did and said what he was told. He was told not to say he was a vet when he got out because people looked down on Vietnam military personnel. So, what did he assume when he got out? That he was a vet of course. Perfectly natural to think that, knowing his background. So no, Phillips didn't lie about a thing, and some of you have got to be some real dicks to think so.
You need serious mental evaluation. Get help.
No you need to grow up

I am right and your video proves it

You can't save face by lying the way you are
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam. He hasn't lied, and he did serve his country for four years.

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Here’s undeniable proof that Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam Vet — [VIDEO]
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
No you need to grow up

I am right and your video proves it

You can't save face by lying the way you are
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam. He hasn't lied, and he did serve his country for four years.

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Here’s undeniable proof that Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam Vet — [VIDEO]
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You need serious mental evaluation. Get help.
No you need to grow up

I am right and your video proves it

You can't save face by lying the way you are
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam. He hasn't lied, and he did serve his country for four years.

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Here’s undeniable proof that Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam Vet — [VIDEO]
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
Are you so damn stupid you can't read a link from the WP? We know you can't see because you never saw the video. Now we know you need glasses to read.
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
No you need to grow up

I am right and your video proves it

You can't save face by lying the way you are
Marine Corps says Nathan Phillips didn't serve in Vietnam - NY Daily News Phillips never said he went to South Vietnam. He hasn't lied, and he did serve his country for four years.

CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Here’s undeniable proof that Nathan Phillips lied about being a Vietnam Vet — [VIDEO]
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
Are you so damn stupid you can't read a link from the WP? We know you can't see because you never saw the video. Now we know you need glasses to read.
Yes I did and you are caught in a lie again as you were about the Catholic kids.

What a piece of shit
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
The video has hom saying he is a Vietnam veteran

He is not and he is a liar
There is no video of the kids from Covington making sexist remarks

You lose bitch I own you
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
Are you so damn stupid you can't read a link from the WP? We know you can't see because you never saw the video. Now we know you need glasses to read.
Yes I did and you are caught in a lie again as you were about the Catholic kids.

What a piece of shit
Wrong again. Show me contradicting video that says I'm wrong. Exactly! It doesn't exist. You proved once again to be a lying mental, blind, illiterate, ass hole. Seek help.
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
The video has hom saying he is a Vietnam veteran

He is not and he is a liar
There is no video of the kids from Covington making sexist remarks

You lose bitch I own you
DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course it does you ignorant retard. That's the whole point. You didn't watch the whole video, and or the WP article explaining his position about being a vet. I tried to explain it to you, but you are too damn dumb to figure it out for yourself. Get lost. You're too damn stupid to comprehend things that are elementary logic.
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
The video has hom saying he is a Vietnam veteran

He is not and he is a liar
There is no video of the kids from Covington making sexist remarks

You lose bitch I own you
DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course it does you ignorant retard. That's the whole point. You didn't watch the whole video, and or the WP article explaining his position about being a vet. I tried to explain it to you, but you are too damn dumb to figure it out for yourself. Get lost. You're too damn stupid to comprehend things that are elementary logic.
Wrong you unedcuvatdd fo
His position is that he is not a Vietnam veteran bit he is recorded claiming that he is a Vietnam veteran

That is fact boy

Get over it loser he proven liar like you and caught red headed on the lie.
I'm not sure you folks are crazy as hell, lying, or are on drugs? Nathan Phillips clearly stated that he had never set foot in South Vietnam, and the video of him was very clear of him saying anything else. So, what is the lie exactly? What is Phillips "EXACT" QUOTE" where he is lying about Vietnam?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
The video has hom saying he is a Vietnam veteran

He is not and he is a liar
There is no video of the kids from Covington making sexist remarks

You lose bitch I own you

you guys can keep arguing with this poor excuse for a bowel movement but I just blocked him
Where's the counter video Sling blade. I'm still waiting for the rebuttal where these kids didn't make rape jokes then laughed about it. Get moving. I don't have all night to hang around these denying idiots like you. Move!
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
The video has hom saying he is a Vietnam veteran

He is not and he is a liar
There is no video of the kids from Covington making sexist remarks

You lose bitch I own you
DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course it does you ignorant retard. That's the whole point. You didn't watch the whole video, and or the WP article explaining his position about being a vet. I tried to explain it to you, but you are too damn dumb to figure it out for yourself. Get lost. You're too damn stupid to comprehend things that are elementary logic.
Wrong you unedcuvatdd fo
His position is that he is not a Vietnam veteran bit he is recorded claiming that he is a Vietnam veteran

That is fact boy

Get over it loser he proven liar like you and caught red headed on the lie.
OMG! Dude, you are just too damn stupid. You really need help. His position dumb ass, is what he was told his position was when he left service. The WP article points that out. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Wrong fool.

He stated he was a Vietnam veteran and he never was
No quotes of him lying tells us you are lying. What a real dick preying on an American Indian who was told not to say he was a vet or served, because of the dislike for servicemen back then. So what did he think? He thought he was a vet of course. It takes a real piece of shit scum bag ass hole to use Phillips as a distraction to the real issue about a bunch of young sexist pigs at a Catholic school. Get a life and seek mental help.
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
The video has hom saying he is a Vietnam veteran

He is not and he is a liar
There is no video of the kids from Covington making sexist remarks

You lose bitch I own you

you guys can keep arguing with this poor excuse for a bowel movement but I just blocked him
I'm moving to another thread. The guy is just too stupid to get it.
Where's the counter video Sling blade. I'm still waiting for the rebuttal where these kids didn't make rape jokes then laughed about it. Get moving. I don't have all night to hang around these denying idiots like you. Move!
" I am a Vietnam veteran "

His exact words and a proven lie.

Those kids are not sexist and unlike your cowardly ass I have evidence.
You are not only mental, you're illiterate as well. The WP article proves he was not lying, and the video of him explaining his Vietnam tenure and what happened overwhelmingly proves you wrong. His own words and the WP article are indisputable proof that you are full of shit. And the kids on video proved they are sexist. And there is nothing you can do to change that fact. Get help.
The video has hom saying he is a Vietnam veteran

He is not and he is a liar
There is no video of the kids from Covington making sexist remarks

You lose bitch I own you
DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course it does you ignorant retard. That's the whole point. You didn't watch the whole video, and or the WP article explaining his position about being a vet. I tried to explain it to you, but you are too damn dumb to figure it out for yourself. Get lost. You're too damn stupid to comprehend things that are elementary logic.
Wrong you unedcuvatdd fo
His position is that he is not a Vietnam veteran bit he is recorded claiming that he is a Vietnam veteran

That is fact boy

Get over it loser he proven liar like you and caught red headed on the lie.
OMG! Dude, you are just too damn stupid. You really need help. His position dumb ass, is what he was told his position was when he left service. The WP article points that out. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID?
There is no counter video because the one you cited is of different kids dumbass.

He claimed to be a Vietnam veteran and he is not that is the position.

He is a proven liar and coward like you

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