CPAC 2014: haven for ex-cons!!


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

Ahhh, party of family values? Or, is it really family of party values? hmmm....

CPAC welcomes the convicted and accused - James Hohmann -

During last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, Bernard Kerik was in federal prison, serving time for tax fraud and lying to federal investigators. At this year’s conference, the former New York police commissioner received a warm welcome from CPAC attendees as he spoke about sentencing reform, and Rick Perry even thanked him for his service.

A half-hour earlier, the crowd of conservatives cheered on Oliver North, the Marine at the center of the Iran-Contra scandal, as he attacked President Barack Obama for drawing “phony red lines with a pink crayon.”

Dinesh D’Souza, the filmmaker facing criminal charges over allegedly funneling donations to a Senate campaign, took the stage an hour later to preview his newest movie...

...Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney’s onetime chief of staff, was scheduled to sit on an afternoon panel, seven years and one day after a jury convicted him of perjury, obstructing justice and making false statements to the FBI. But he was a no-show. The topic of the discussion: “What are the big alternative ideas conservatives should present as Obama’s term ends?”...

...Also spotted wandering the halls of CPAC was Tom DeLay, the former House majority leader who was convicted in 2010 on a money-laundering charge. But the conviction was overturned on appeal in September, and it was just announced this week that he will begin writing a weekly column for The Washington Times...

Let the Jailbird jokes commence!!

Gotta love that party of "Family Values"!!!



Put Suicide Prevention on Speed Dial for when Hillary does her "I will not see and will not accept the nomination" speech
And the Democratic Fund Raising Machine and PAC's will do the same.

Let those with no sin cast the first stone.
I've never understood why Oliver North became a right-wing darling. Conservatives make him out to be some kind of innocent victim who got caught up in some little scandal that certainly didn't involve Ronald Reagan in any way.

At the very least Oliver North deserves to be called a traitor to everything that this country is supposed to stand for.
Isn't the far left that want to allow convicted felons to vote?
Word has it that Larry Craig and Mark Foley were also there, but somehow got stuck in the bathrooms.
Isn't it the Far Whacky Right that is always screaming "we need fresh blood, we need fresh blood"??

And then they trot out Ollie North...

Oh wait, mebbe the Extreme Right is made up of...


True Blood: the GOP edition!!!
Holder and Obama have killed more innocent people than any NY Organized crime family
David Vitter was also there, but his new DC madam pinned his diaper on too tight, and...
Roberto Arango was also there, but he was up in a hotel room documenting his weight loss by sending out photos of his anus, totallly accidentally over GRINDR!!!

But he is beloved, for he is willing to take one for the team of Family Values!!!

Go, CPAC, go!!!
Riddle me this...................

Quack Quack..................already more to come sometime after November...............

Ahhh, party of family values? Or, is it really family of party values? hmmm....

CPAC welcomes the convicted and accused - James Hohmann -

During last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, Bernard Kerik was in federal prison, serving time for tax fraud and lying to federal investigators. At this year’s conference, the former New York police commissioner received a warm welcome from CPAC attendees as he spoke about sentencing reform, and Rick Perry even thanked him for his service.

A half-hour earlier, the crowd of conservatives cheered on Oliver North, the Marine at the center of the Iran-Contra scandal, as he attacked President Barack Obama for drawing “phony red lines with a pink crayon.”

Dinesh D’Souza, the filmmaker facing criminal charges over allegedly funneling donations to a Senate campaign, took the stage an hour later to preview his newest movie...

...Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney’s onetime chief of staff, was scheduled to sit on an afternoon panel, seven years and one day after a jury convicted him of perjury, obstructing justice and making false statements to the FBI. But he was a no-show. The topic of the discussion: “What are the big alternative ideas conservatives should present as Obama’s term ends?”...

...Also spotted wandering the halls of CPAC was Tom DeLay, the former House majority leader who was convicted in 2010 on a money-laundering charge. But the conviction was overturned on appeal in September, and it was just announced this week that he will begin writing a weekly column for The Washington Times...

Let the Jailbird jokes commence!!

Gotta love that party of "Family Values"!!!




Wasn't Limbaugh indicted on prescription shopping?

Ahhh, party of family values? Or, is it really family of party values? hmmm....

CPAC welcomes the convicted and accused - James Hohmann -

During last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, Bernard Kerik was in federal prison, serving time for tax fraud and lying to federal investigators. At this year’s conference, the former New York police commissioner received a warm welcome from CPAC attendees as he spoke about sentencing reform, and Rick Perry even thanked him for his service.

A half-hour earlier, the crowd of conservatives cheered on Oliver North, the Marine at the center of the Iran-Contra scandal, as he attacked President Barack Obama for drawing “phony red lines with a pink crayon.”

Dinesh D’Souza, the filmmaker facing criminal charges over allegedly funneling donations to a Senate campaign, took the stage an hour later to preview his newest movie...

...Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney’s onetime chief of staff, was scheduled to sit on an afternoon panel, seven years and one day after a jury convicted him of perjury, obstructing justice and making false statements to the FBI. But he was a no-show. The topic of the discussion: “What are the big alternative ideas conservatives should present as Obama’s term ends?”...

...Also spotted wandering the halls of CPAC was Tom DeLay, the former House majority leader who was convicted in 2010 on a money-laundering charge. But the conviction was overturned on appeal in September, and it was just announced this week that he will begin writing a weekly column for The Washington Times...

Let the Jailbird jokes commence!!

Gotta love that party of "Family Values"!!!




Wasn't Limbaugh indicted on prescription shopping?

Limbballs cut a deal, but was arrested, booked, fingerprinted and all that jazz:

Limbaugh surrenders on drug charge - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News

He needs the money he makes to keep the young male prostitutes in his neighborhood happy!!!
Isn't it the Far Whacky Right that is always screaming "we need fresh blood, we need fresh blood"??

And then they trot out Ollie North...

Oh wait, mebbe the Extreme Right is made up of...


True Blood: the GOP edition!!!

more blood has been spilled over democratic wars then republican wars by a long shot.

Ahhh, party of family values? Or, is it really family of party values? hmmm....

CPAC welcomes the convicted and accused - James Hohmann -

Let the Jailbird jokes commence!!

Gotta love that party of "Family Values"!!!




Wasn't Limbaugh indicted on prescription shopping?

Limbballs cut a deal, but was arrested, booked, fingerprinted and all that jazz:

Limbaugh surrenders on drug charge - US news - Crime & courts | NBC News

He needs the money he makes to keep the young male prostitutes in his neighborhood happy!!!

I didn't realize rush was an elected official. marion barry on the other hand ........

and aren't democrats pushing to legalize drugs?

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