So desolate. So barren. Perfect for tumbleweeds (not that I would set foot in that suck-fest).
From the link:
"The FBI has come under scrutiny after a leaked document showed the bureau warning that "radical traditionalist" Catholics pose as an extremist threat."

So the Catholic opposition to abortion and homosexuality got them labeled "domestic terrorists".

Wonder why the other religions aren't domestic terrorists too?
Only if all catholics are "radical traditionalists" I know lots of Catholics. That is just not true. A few of them are. That few is who the warning indicated.
Only if all Catholics are "radical traditionalists" I know lots of Catholics. That is just not true. A few of them are. That few is who the warning indicated.
Total BULLSHIT. There are no "radical traditionalist" Catholics.
There are certain "core beliefs" that you need to believe and heed to be a Catholic.
You do NOT get to pick and choose what policies to follow.
You are either a Catholic, or you are not.
Remember when the bishops were going to deny the sacraments to democrat pols who were pro-abortion? They should have to make the point.
CPAC is like the gift that keeps on giving. You a bat shit crazy, cat loving lady, foaming at the mouth breather that never leaves the house and is glued to the alt-right message board dungeons day in and day out. I love it. Divide the Republican party.
Your link lies/spins the truth.
1. The clip that MTG commented on was bogus, which she had no way of knowing. The clip lied, NOT MTG.
2. Bannon is a nut job and a thief. He can say whatever he wants to. No one cares what he says.
3. Jim Jordan is right. The US has open borders. They are not deporting, they are flying migrants all over the US.

The Republicans are divided, but so are the democrats. 2024 should be a blast.
Note: Robert Kennedy Jr. just said that he's thinking about running against Joe Biden. Most dems do NOT want Biden to run. Biden: a one-term failure, huh?
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CPAC is like the gift that keeps on giving. You a bat shit crazy, cat loving lady, foaming at the mouth breather that never leaves the house and is glued to the alt-right message board dungeons day in and day out. I love it. Divide the Republican party.
Your link lies/spins the truth.
1. The clip that MTG commented on was bogus, which she had no way of knowing. The clip lied, NOT MTG.
2. Bannon is a nut job and a thief. He can say whatever he wants to.
3. Jim Jordan is right. The US has open borders. They are not deporting, they are flying migrants all over the US.

The Republicans are divided, but so are the democrats. 2024 should be a blast. Note: Robert Kennedy Jr. just declared that he's running against Joe Biden.
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Your link lies/spins the truth.
1. The clip that MTG commented on was bogus, which she had no way of knowing. The clip lied, NOT MTG.
2. Bannon is a nut job and a thief. He can say whatever he wants to.
3. Jim Jordan is right. The US has open borders. They are not deporting, they are flying migrants all over the US.

The Republicans are divided, but so are the democrats. 2024 should be a blast.
Note: Robert Kennedy Jr. just said that he's thinking about running against Joe Biden. Most dems do NOT want Biden to run. Biden: a one-term failure, huh?
You understand you can scream all you want. Republicans have gone and screwed themselves..willingly. MTG, Bannon, Trump...these people have a majority stranglehold on the party. Or..even if they don't, they have enough of a voice to divide the party..and the Republican vote. by default. However, the Senate map in 2024 does not favor Democrats. That doesn't come till 2026 and 2028.

I expect Democrats will come together prior to 2024. I do not expect Republicans to do the same. The MAGA crowd won...and Republicans let it happen.

RFK Jr????..the rabid anti-vaxxer??:auiqs.jpg:Sure..let him run against Biden. Not very many votes being siphoned off from Biden there.
Well, at least you admit it.
You sovereignty hating globalists are tearing America down from the the bottom up with your infusion of tens of millions of human cockroaches/wetbacks….Why wouldn’t Republicans want to tear it down from the top down?
You understand you can scream all you want. Republicans have gone and screwed themselves..willingly. MTG, Bannon, Trump...these people have a majority stranglehold on the party. Or..even if they don't, they have enough of a voice to divide the party..and the Republican vote. by default. However, the Senate map in 2024 does not favor Democrats. That doesn't come till 2026 and 2028.

I expect Democrats will come together prior to 2024. I do not expect Republicans to do the same. The MAGA crowd won...and Republicans let it happen.

RFK Jr????..the rabid anti-vaxxer??:auiqs.jpg:Sure..let him run against Biden. Not very many votes being siphoned off from Biden there.
Let's make a deal. Defund the local and federal police apparatus. It's time to defund the fascist federal internal security force. Come on Progs.
You understand you can scream all you want. Republicans have gone and screwed themselves..willingly. MTG, Bannon, Trump...these people have a majority stranglehold on the party. Or..even if they don't, they have enough of a voice to divide the party..and the Republican vote. by default. However, the Senate map in 2024 does not favor Democrats. That doesn't come till 2026 and 2028.

I expect Democrats will come together prior to 2024. I do not expect Republicans to do the same. The MAGA crowd won...and Republicans let it happen.

RFK Jr????..the rabid anti-vaxxer?? Sure..let him run against Biden. Not very many votes being siphoned off from Biden there.
1. I'm not screaming. Just commenting rationally on the political landscape. No one knows where the center of mass of the GOP is at this time. Many of us do not support Trump, but do not want to go against the Trump majority, if it exists. We want to let the primaries sort things out. So your statement that the Trump wing "has a stranglehold" on the GOP is a stretch. Mega-donors are NOT flocking to Trump.

3. Agree on your Senate comments. 2024 should be good for the GOP, and 2026 and 2028 favor the dems.

4. The MAGA crowd won what exactly??????

5. 2024 will be another close election, one way or the other. No one will have a 95% probability of winning like in 2016. The US is a mess, but voters are stupid.

6. Hilarious that you think Joe Biden will be a viable candidate in 2024. He's aging rapidly. Looks doubtful to me. Then again, democrats often vote for dead guys.
From the link:
"The FBI has come under scrutiny after a leaked document showed the bureau warning that "radical traditionalist" Catholics pose as an extremist threat."

So the Catholic opposition to abortion and homosexuality got them labeled "domestic terrorists".

Wonder why the other religions aren't domestic terrorists too?

They are talking about Christian nationalists. They are a threat to this country.

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