CPAC. The gun free zone where you complain about gun free zones

It says 3-6 months to complete the process. that is a waiting period. It lists $340 + $140 or so for prints, plus any other copying or forms you have to do rounds to around $600.

NO! That is not what you said before. Before, you said flatly a "6 month waiting period and $600 fine", both of which are complete exaggerations. The fee is $340 for the license plus as much as $140 for the prints (unless you do it digitally, which is about half that cost). So at maximum, the most you spend is $480, not $600.

Secondly, you lied by exaggeration and omission by pretending that it was a 6 month waiting period, when in fact it could be at most a six month processing period. Which isn't the same thing.

So in two instances in one sentence, you exaggerated your claims.

I wasn't off by an order of magnitude, so I am not lying.

Yes, you completely were off by an order of magnitude. You lied and exaggerated your claims, then you posted a link that didn't even support it, not even from the City of New York. When opening the link, nothing in it seems to align with what you claimed before. And since then, you've spent your time walking that shit back, or making excuses for your exaggeration.

The NYC Statue is the sullivan law.Not moving the goalposts, explaining to a half wit moron (you)

All you've done is set arbitrary standards for yourself that you then wiggle around and move to lend your argument credibility it doesn't have. You linked to a website that wasn't NYC's, that didn't even support any of your claims.

Ignoring the point. Again what purpose does a 3-6 month waiting period have except to make it harder so you give up? What's the point of around $500 in fees (happy now, you twat?) than to punish people who don't have a lot of $$ and deny them their rights because they are poor?

It's not a waiting period, it's a processing period because of the backlog of requests coupled with a cut in staffing for the department that processes them.

And now you're moving the goalposts again...down to a $500 fee from a $600 fee from before, and "clarifying" the processing period to be 3-6 months, not the 6 months you previously claimed.

So in that, how is any of that punitive or a punishment if, in the end, you get your gun?
I just did, strict scrutiny, followed by minimal acceptable remedy.

"Strict scrutiny" means what? Again, you're just spitting out generalized nonsense in the hopes that it makes you look clever, and thus can bolster your garbage argument. I don't know what you mean by "strict scrutiny" since you are squishy when it comes to private businesses violating your Second Amendment rights. Does "strict scrutiny" mean "blanket gun rights except for all the exceptions I'm now making because I don't know what I mean when I say things"?

Waiting 3-6 months for no reason other than the government wants to make things difficult is infringement, regardless of you lack of ability to understand it.

How is it making things difficult if you get the gun in the end? I don't understand. Being inconvenienced isn't the same thing as being infringed upon.
If you are equating strict with absolute, then not being able to pay violates equal protection. Again, Strict is not absolute, and people have property rights under the constitution, as per the 4th amendment.

So here's you moving the goalposts on what "strict" means. You haven't bothered to articulate what you mean by "strict interpretation" other than moving the goalposts of your argument to save face. So what does a "strict interpretation" of the 2nd Amendment entail? That you've been unable to articulate, like, at all.

If "strict" doesn't mean "absolute", then what does it mean? Nothing. It means literally nothing because it's a deliberately vague and general word that allows maximum goalpost shifting.

People have property rights under the 4th...OK...and this relates to your "strict interpretation" of the 2nd, how? Can you use your words to articulate what you mean, or are you just going to blather on generally, hoping no one calls you out?

There is no fallacy, there is interpretation based on strict construction, which means that the government has to apply strict scrutiny to any limit on a given right, and mediate the situation using the least intrusive method possible.

Again, this means nothing, and doesn't explain what you actually mean by "strict interpretation". So is this you saying you take the Constitution literally? Is it you saying that you don't really have an understanding of what that entails? Because you're just saying the same thing, using different generalized words that ultimately have no meaning. So reconcile your "strict interpretation" of the 2nd and 4th Amendments with your defense of CPAC? I believe your argument is that the government must follow laws, but no one else has to. That's what you're arguing, right? Specifically when it comes to the 14th Amendment.

This is what happens when you don't know what the fuck you're saying.

I don't hate anyone due to who they are, i hate people because how they act. What i don't believe in is government getting involved in private butthurt that has zero compelling government interest. hate people "because of how they act". Uh-huh. And you hate them for acting black, Hispanic, gay, muslim, etc. And you don't think the government should have passed anti-discrimination laws because you want to be able to discriminate. That's the only reason why anyone would make such a garbage argument. I mean you actually believe that the Constitution must be followed by only the government and not private citizens. So you don't actually support the Constitution at all. You think it only applies to government, which is completely fucking wrong. But now we at least know what you believe for once.

It's about not being an absolutist, which you are wrongly assuming I am to make your myriad of supposed "points" You are pretending "strict" means "absolute" just as a ploy to probably 1) Troll me 2) make yourself seem smart by long-winded winding responses and 3) avoid arguing the actual points of the debate.

Well, you fail to articulate what you actually mean by what you post, so when I take your post at face value, I do so because you're forcing me to make that determination in your ambiguous, vague, ever-changing parameters. You say you have a "strict interpretation" of the Second Amendment. How? You don't say.

I have re-iterated my points over and over, that you do not accept them, or can't understand them isn't my issue.

I have explained strict interpretation many times as well, again if you can't understand, I can't help you.
It says 3-6 months to complete the process. that is a waiting period. It lists $340 + $140 or so for prints, plus any other copying or forms you have to do rounds to around $600.

NO! That is not what you said before. Before, you said flatly a "6 month waiting period and $600 fine", both of which are complete exaggerations. The fee is $340 for the license plus as much as $140 for the prints (unless you do it digitally, which is about half that cost). So at maximum, the most you spend is $480, not $600.

Secondly, you lied by exaggeration and omission by pretending that it was a 6 month waiting period, when in fact it could be at most a six month processing period. Which isn't the same thing.

So in two instances in one sentence, you exaggerated your claims.

I wasn't off by an order of magnitude, so I am not lying.

Yes, you completely were off by an order of magnitude. You lied and exaggerated your claims, then you posted a link that didn't even support it, not even from the City of New York. When opening the link, nothing in it seems to align with what you claimed before. And since then, you've spent your time walking that shit back, or making excuses for your exaggeration.

The NYC Statue is the sullivan law.Not moving the goalposts, explaining to a half wit moron (you)

All you've done is set arbitrary standards for yourself that you then wiggle around and move to lend your argument credibility it doesn't have. You linked to a website that wasn't NYC's, that didn't even support any of your claims.

Ignoring the point. Again what purpose does a 3-6 month waiting period have except to make it harder so you give up? What's the point of around $500 in fees (happy now, you twat?) than to punish people who don't have a lot of $$ and deny them their rights because they are poor?

It's not a waiting period, it's a processing period because of the backlog of requests coupled with a cut in staffing for the department that processes them.

And now you're moving the goalposts again...down to a $500 fee from a $600 fee from before, and "clarifying" the processing period to be 3-6 months, not the 6 months you previously claimed.

So in that, how is any of that punitive or a punishment if, in the end, you get your gun?

They are not complete exaggerations, 3-6 months has a 6 month max. $500 dollars or so is close to $600. The main fee alone is $340, half of that, plus the printing and any other document work you have to do.

$480 is still way too much, so you are arguing over a leaking faucet when the Titanic is sinking.

Order of magnitude would mean the fee would be in reality $60 dollars, not $480. math, learn it.

I linked to a website that linked to other sites that had the rules.

BULLSHIT on the processing period. I work as a consultant for a government agency, and I KNOW things sit on desks for months if the powers that be want the process to be slowed. You know better, but you choose to lie about it.

It's punitive as it makes the process so difficult few people want to try. THAT is the infringement.
I just did, strict scrutiny, followed by minimal acceptable remedy.

"Strict scrutiny" means what? Again, you're just spitting out generalized nonsense in the hopes that it makes you look clever, and thus can bolster your garbage argument. I don't know what you mean by "strict scrutiny" since you are squishy when it comes to private businesses violating your Second Amendment rights. Does "strict scrutiny" mean "blanket gun rights except for all the exceptions I'm now making because I don't know what I mean when I say things"?

Waiting 3-6 months for no reason other than the government wants to make things difficult is infringement, regardless of you lack of ability to understand it.

How is it making things difficult if you get the gun in the end? I don't understand. Being inconvenienced isn't the same thing as being infringed upon.

If you don;t understand, google it and figure it out.

Being inconvenienced because the government just feels like it is being infringed on.
right wing phonies . Blaming gun free zones is a favorite diversion of the gun nuts .

Yet CPAC was gun free! Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Trump trashes gun-free schools at CPAC 2018 -- where people aren't allowed to bring in guns

And liberal stupidity and hypocrisy know no bounds. There are armed guards at CPAC, and everyone who enters must go through a metal detector. That is not the same thing as gun free zones at schools.

Why don't they let them bring in their guns?
right wing phonies . Blaming gun free zones is a favorite diversion of the gun nuts .

Yet CPAC was gun free! Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Trump trashes gun-free schools at CPAC 2018 -- where people aren't allowed to bring in guns

And liberal stupidity and hypocrisy know no bounds. There are armed guards at CPAC, and everyone who enters must go through a metal detector. That is not the same thing as gun free zones at schools.

Not to mention the Secret Service. What a bunch of idiots lefties are.
I have re-iterated my points over and over, that you do not accept them, or can't understand them isn't my issue.

Re-iterated, but not articulated. You're just restating what you said before, using the same generalized words that allow for maximum goalpost shifting. When I ask you to articulate what you mean, that means exactly what it means; articulate it. You are re-iterating you have a "strict interpretation of the Second Amendment", but you don't say what that strict interpretation actually entails. That's when details get fuzzy and when you start using generalized words. Does it mean a literal interpretation? Does it mean a biased one? Does it mean anything? Or is it just something you say to make yourself sound smart?

I have explained strict interpretation many times as well, again if you can't understand, I can't help you.

No you haven't. In your own words you have just "re-iterated" it, which isn't the same thing as articulating it. HOW are you strictly interpreting the Second Amendment?
They are not complete exaggerations, 3-6 months has a 6 month max.

So that's not what you said before. So you moved the goalposts. You went right for an exaggerated claim at first, and have now spent the last few posts walking that shit back. Each time you walk it back or "clarify" it dings your credibility each time, and changes what it was you claimed. Your original claim is a lot different than the claim you're making now.

$500 dollars or so is close to $600. The main fee alone is $340, half of that, plus the printing and any other document work you have to do.

None of which is an actual infringement because none of which prevents you from getting a gun. Inconvenience is not infringement. If you're gonna whine about NYC gun laws, at least have the common decency to know what you're talking about instead of pulling shit from your ass, which you're doing here.

$480 is still way too much, so you are arguing over a leaking faucet when the Titanic is sinking.

"Way too much" according to an arbitrary standard you just established right now. A subjective, arbitrary standard. I would argue $480 isn't enough, and that the fee should be higher. And I come to that conclusion by establishing my own subjective standard right now for the benefit of this debate, just like you did. So now we have two competing standards, one of which has changed a couple times, the other of which is one that I just made up on the spot. See...I can play your game just as well, if not better than you.

Order of magnitude would mean the fee would be in reality $60 dollars, not $480. math, learn it.

By what standard are you saying the fee should be $60? By a standard you just made up this second. So you do that frequently; you invent standards then apply those invented standards to the debate, then you make exceptions and excuses for the standard you just set, allowing yourself to redefine those parameters. You do this for no other reason than your ego.

I linked to a website that linked to other sites that had the rules.BULLSHIT on the processing period. I work as a consultant for a government agency, and I KNOW things sit on desks for months if the powers that be want the process to be slowed. You know better, but you choose to lie about it.

1. If the other sites had more accurate info, why didn't you link to those? Did you just rush your way through a sloppy job? Because that's what it seems like.

2. I don't believe anything you claim about yourself here, and it seems like you're exaggerating or inventing a personal circumstance you know cannot be verified, to lend your garbage argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have.

3. To make up bullshit personal circumstances as a means to establish credibility in your argument is to admit that your argument is bullshit and can only be valid if we apply imaginary circumstances and unverifiable anecdotes to it.

It's punitive as it makes the process so difficult few people want to try. THAT is the infringement.

Punitive and inconvenience are not the same thing. I wouldn't even argue it's inconvenient because the process seems pretty straightforward. Explain how a 6-month processing period is punitive and an infringement when, after the period, you get the gun?
If you don;t understand, google it and figure it out.

No. You explain your own garbage position. I'm not doing your fucking thinking for you, you lazy asshole. If you cannot articulate your position beyond platitudes and generalities, then it's not a position you should even have.

Being inconvenienced because the government just feels like it is being infringed on.

They "just feel like it"? So now you're a mind-reader of institutions. I think you just feel like being an asshole, so you invent these standards and then change those standards based on how badly your argument is faring.
Parkland was a 'Gun Free Zone.' In fact, it even had a police officer permanently stationed there. Many schools have so-called 'Resource Officers' stationed. But the one at Parkland proved to be a coward by running and hiding when the children needed him most. What good was he? He could have saved many kids' lives.

So, you had a school which was a 'Gun Free Zone' and had an armed police officer permanently stationed there. Folks didn't do their jobs. If they had, more kids would be alive today. It's why i strongly urge parents to avoid the Government School System at all costs. They should seriously consider all education alternatives. Government Schools are only gonna get worse. They aren't the best option for children.

Conservatives ulaimtely want to destroy public schools, which is why they want to pour hundreds of thousands of guns into them.

I don't wanna destroy Government Schools. I just want parents to have as many education alternatives available as possible. No one should be forced to send their children into the Government School System nightmare. They should have many other options.

That plethora of options has seen a steady slide in education rankings in the US, since they were introduced, even as costs increase and Americans pay more out of their own pockets to educate their children than any other country in the world.

All you’ve done is syphon public funds away from public schools and into charter schools. Charter schools cherry pick the smart kids (to keep their rankings high), and dump the underachievers. Their schools aren’t better, their test results make it appear that way because no one who could make them look bad is allowed to stay.

Religious schools are just a new and better way to segregate. No blacks, no gays, no evolution, no science.

Bullshite! Communist/Democrat propaganda. The Government School System is failing all on its own. Parents need education alternatives. Government needs to stop trying to destroy those alternatives. Forcing parents to send their children into the Government School nightmare, is Un-American. Alternatives need to be available.

Bullshit. Every First World Nation relies upon a public school system to educate their children. And most of them do a far far better job than Americans, and they do so by spending a lot less money than Americans.

At every turn Republicans undermine and undercut public education. What’s most troubling is the push to charter schools and vouchers. Every time a public school is replaced by a charter school in poor areas, children disappear from the schools. Their parents can’t make up the balance of the tuition, there are no other schools they can go to, so simply keep their kids home.

Thousand of poor inner city kids are growing up with no education as a result of these policies. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, you can have your Government Schools. I'm good with that. I won't take them away from you. But Just stop trying to eliminate other education alternatives. Parents need as many education alternatives available as possible. Our Government needs to stop trying to force them to send their children into the nightmare.

And Republicans haven't undermined anything. Communists/Democrats hijacked the system many years ago. They're responsible for the decline. It became all about indoctrinating the children on their Agenda. Our schools scarcely resemble valid institutions of learning anymore. They're mere political indoctrination centers now. Parents should definitely consider all education alternatives. They shouldn't gamble with their childrens' lives.
"Gun control is so vicious and emotional a topic for the Left because of the disdain progressives have for the kind of people who own guns. It’s cultural tribalism masquerading as urgent social policy" - Brilliant Buck Sexton
"Gun control is so vicious and emotional a topic for the Left because of the disdain progressives have for the kind of people who own guns. It’s cultural tribalism masquerading as urgent social policy" - Brilliant Buck Sexton

The type of people who own guns and are vocal about it tend to be the most scared, paranoid, and confused people in the country.
Well, you can have your Government Schools. I'm good with that. I won't take them away from you. But Just stop trying to eliminate other education alternatives. Parents need as many education alternatives available as possible. Our Government needs to stop trying to force them to send their children into the nightmare.

So you spend 40 years attacking and cutting funding for Public Schools, so you can argue for "education alternatives" which end up teaching kids that the planet is 6,000 years old and people live in whales, putting those kids at a disadvantage in the global marketplace.

And Republicans haven't undermined anything. Communists/Democrats hijacked the system many years ago. They're responsible for the decline. It became all about indoctrinating the children on their Agenda. Our schools scarcely resemble valid institutions of learning anymore. They're mere political indoctrination centers now. Parents should definitely consider all education alternatives. They shouldn't gamble with their childrens' lives.

How did they hijack it and how are they responsible for its decline?

Armed teacher arrested after shooting at Georgia high school
DALTON, GA. – An armed teacher has been arrested after shots were fired at a high school in a small town in northern Georgia.

The Dalton Police Department reported that “shot or shots” had been fired at Dalton High School just after 11:15 a.m. on the department’s official Twitter account.

Minutes later, DPD added that the armed suspect was barricaded inside a classroom at the school and urged parents not to come to the school.
Well, you can have your Government Schools. I'm good with that. I won't take them away from you. But Just stop trying to eliminate other education alternatives. Parents need as many education alternatives available as possible. Our Government needs to stop trying to force them to send their children into the nightmare.

So you spend 40 years attacking and cutting funding for Public Schools, so you can argue for "education alternatives" which end up teaching kids that the planet is 6,000 years old and people live in whales, putting those kids at a disadvantage in the global marketplace.

And Republicans haven't undermined anything. Communists/Democrats hijacked the system many years ago. They're responsible for the decline. It became all about indoctrinating the children on their Agenda. Our schools scarcely resemble valid institutions of learning anymore. They're mere political indoctrination centers now. Parents should definitely consider all education alternatives. They shouldn't gamble with their childrens' lives.

How did they hijack it and how are they responsible for its decline?

Bullshit! The money is there. The reality is, Communists/Democrats hijacked the system many years ago. They turned Government schools into Communist propaganda indoctrination centers. It's all about creating good little loyal Democrats now. It has very little to do with actually educating the children.

Parents should have numerous education alternatives available. Government needs to stop trying to eliminate those alternatives. It needs to stop trying to force Citizens to send their children into the Government School disaster. The more options available, the better US education will be. Freedom of choice is the best option. But good luck finding a Communist who believes in Freedom & Liberty
Bullshit! The money is there. The reality is, Communists/Democrats hijacked the system many years ago. They turned Government schools into Communist propaganda indoctrination centers. It's all about creating good little loyal Democrats now. It has very little to do with actually educating the children.

How did they manage to do that right under your nose? What was the method they went about it?

Parents should have numerous education alternatives available. Government needs to stop trying to eliminate those alternatives. It needs to stop trying to force Citizens to send their children into the Government School disaster. The more options available, the better US education will be. Freedom of choice is the best option.

Why do they need education alternatives? Because they want their kids learning that the Bible is non-fiction? And that disadvantages those kids in the competitive global marketplace. So you want kids to be disadvantaged to other kids around the world, why?
"Gun control is so vicious and emotional a topic for the Left because of the disdain progressives have for the kind of people who own guns. It’s cultural tribalism masquerading as urgent social policy" - Brilliant Buck Sexton

The type of people who own guns and are vocal about it tend to be the most scared, paranoid, and confused people in the country.

You need to meet some real people instead of these cartoons you believe in. If you knew how many guns were around you, not harming you, at any given moment, you'd probably wet yourself.

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