Craigslist ad offers protesters $15 to crash Trump rally

This is why democrats are credibly accused of creating and using rent-a-mobs and why professional protesters never seem to have jobs they need to get back to doing. Protesting IS their job.
And they are dumber than stumps. Jesse waters interviewed several and the dumbasses didn't even know what the hell they were protesting.
That's just it, the protesters don't have to know anything. The ones paying them don't want to advance an idea, they just want disruption and chaos. They want the headlines to be about the fight, not what the Republican actually had to say, and I expect this to become SOP from democrats. Any time a Republican or a conservative gives a speech, he/she should expect disruption and chaos from democrats trying to stop them from speaking.
Libs used to have "causes" that meant something. Now they just try down freedom of speech.
This is why democrats are credibly accused of creating and using rent-a-mobs and why professional protesters never seem to have jobs they need to get back to doing. Protesting IS their job.
And they are dumber than stumps. Jesse waters interviewed several and the dumbasses didn't even know what the hell they were protesting.
That's just it, the protesters don't have to know anything. The ones paying them don't want to advance an idea, they just want disruption and chaos. They want the headlines to be about the fight, not what the Republican actually had to say, and I expect this to become SOP from democrats. Any time a Republican or a conservative gives a speech, he/she should expect disruption and chaos from democrats trying to stop them from speaking.

And, if you think it's bad now, wait for the General Election!
When conservatives are making conspiracy theory excuses for losing this early, it's an excellent sign. Even they know how badly they're going to lose.

Is someone getting panicked? This isn't made up as here is the ad:


Is someone getting panicked? This isn't made up as here is the ad:

That's nothing. Another thread said Soros is paying people thousands of dollars to protest at Trump rallies!

This has been going on for about a month....only it used to be $12/hr...but raised up to $16.

ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS Admit Answering Craigslist Ad and Getting Paid to Protest Trump - The Gateway Pundit
Craigslist Ad: Get paid $15 an hour to protest at a Trump rally
Anyone can place an ad

Show where anyone has been paid

Is someone getting panicked? This isn't made up as here is the ad:


Is someone getting panicked? This isn't made up as here is the ad:

That's nothing. Another thread said Soros is paying people thousands of dollars to protest at Trump rallies!

This has been going on for about a month....only it used to be $12/hr...but raised up to $16.

ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS Admit Answering Craigslist Ad and Getting Paid to Protest Trump - The Gateway Pundit
Craigslist Ad: Get paid $15 an hour to protest at a Trump rally
Anyone can place an ad

Show where anyone has been paid
Already done. People at the protest said they answered the ad. If you want to see the receipt....tough shit moron.

Is someone getting panicked? This isn't made up as here is the ad:


Is someone getting panicked? This isn't made up as here is the ad:

That's nothing. Another thread said Soros is paying people thousands of dollars to protest at Trump rallies!

This has been going on for about a month....only it used to be $12/hr...but raised up to $16.

ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTERS Admit Answering Craigslist Ad and Getting Paid to Protest Trump - The Gateway Pundit
Craigslist Ad: Get paid $15 an hour to protest at a Trump rally
Anyone can place an ad

Show where anyone has been paid
Already done. People at the protest said they answered the ad. If you want to see the receipt....tough shit moron. wouldn't have a link would you?
This is why democrats are credibly accused of creating and using rent-a-mobs and why professional protesters never seem to have jobs they need to get back to doing. Protesting IS their job.
And they are dumber than stumps. Jesse waters interviewed several and the dumbasses didn't even know what the hell they were protesting.
That's just it, the protesters don't have to know anything. The ones paying them don't want to advance an idea, they just want disruption and chaos. They want the headlines to be about the fight, not what the Republican actually had to say, and I expect this to become SOP from democrats. Any time a Republican or a conservative gives a speech, he/she should expect disruption and chaos from democrats trying to stop them from speaking.
Libs used to have "causes" that meant something. Now they just try down freedom of speech.
Nay sayer.....
When conservatives are making conspiracy theory excuses for losing this early, it's an excellent sign. Even they know how badly they're going to lose.
It's not a conspiracy theory to note correctly democrats' proclivity to preventing speech they do not like, and if Trump is the GOP nominee, conservatives have already lost this cycle, because he's not conservative.
When conservatives are making conspiracy theory excuses for losing this early, it's an excellent sign. Even they know how badly they're going to lose.
It's not a conspiracy theory to note correctly democrats' proclivity to preventing speech they do not like, and if Trump is the GOP nominee, conservatives have already lost this cycle, because he's not conservative.

It is starting already

Once Trump is soundly defeated, we will be told he wasn't conservative enough
Yet, it is conservatives who are stupid enough to support his candidacy
When conservatives are making conspiracy theory excuses for losing this early, it's an excellent sign. Even they know how badly they're going to lose.
It's not a conspiracy theory to note correctly democrats' proclivity to preventing speech they do not like, and if Trump is the GOP nominee, conservatives have already lost this cycle, because he's not conservative.

It is starting already

Once Trump is soundly defeated, we will be told he wasn't conservative enough
Yet, it is conservatives who are stupid enough to support his candidacy
Conservatives like Cruz better than Trump. Trump's support comes from people fed up with politics as usual, and because while a Trump presidency would be a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would just be crap.

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