Crazy Mike Pence leaves Colts-49ers game after 49ers players didn't respect the flag

So people disrespecting our troops on national tv isn't an issue to you? Go to hell you stupid fuck! Luckily Trump is our president and we aren't worried the way we were under Obama.

I hate people who disrespect our troops. Like when Trump disrespected John McCain, or the gold star family.
John Mc Cain has proven after his sacrifice to be a piece of shit. Sorry, so did Kerry. So I have no time to deal with you. You support actual traitors to our country. You do realize it was Mc Cain that stopped the measure to keep obamacare alive for a little while longer? Just to make Trump look bad.

Quick question seem to have quite the opinion on McCain and his service, so just out of curiosity, how many years did YOU serve in the military? Me? I did just over 20 years.
There is no doubt that Pence realized a black man was the Colts QB, so he left the game.
Word on the street is that his old lady made him leave because there was another woman in the stadium.

That makes sense too.

Bill Clinton would have blown his jizz all over those women in the stadium.
The ones with cankles, anyway.

Maybe the beret turned him on. It certainly wasn't her face or body.

Yes, I body shamed.
Don't forget how he shit on McCains service , gold star families , and dodged the draft !
You are a fucking liar.

He said he prefers heroes awarded for fighting in battle to heroes awarded for being prisoners, he never insulted gold star families and he got a deferment and did not dodge the draft.

Welcome to my ignore list, shit4brains liar.
There is no doubt that Pence realized a black man was the Colts QB, so he left the game.
Word on the street is that his old lady made him leave because there was another woman in the stadium.

That makes sense too.

Bill Clinton would have blown his jizz all over those women in the stadium.
The ones with cankles, anyway.

Maybe the beret turned him on. It certainly wasn't her face or body.

Yes, I body shamed.
She probably did for him what his wife wouldn't do. Like not being a soulless psychopathic bitch, for instance.
Huge win for Trump.He is lucky that there isnt much going on in the world or he would be pushed for time on this big issue.
So people disrespecting our troops on national tv isn't an issue to you? Go to hell you stupid fuck! Luckily Trump is our president and we aren't worried the way we were under Obama.
This is what Timmy laughs at.View attachment 153333
You stupid fuck doesn't have the guts this woman of a hero that sacrificed his life for this country, for you to be a traitor, has. Why don't you move?
Its pretty rank that you seek to exploit the sacrifices of dead servicemen to make a narrow partisan point. You make me want to puke.
Huge win for Trump.He is lucky that there isnt much going on in the world or he would be pushed for time on this big issue.
So people disrespecting our troops on national tv isn't an issue to you? Go to hell you stupid fuck! Luckily Trump is our president and we aren't worried the way we were under Obama.

The military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They don't swear an oath to the flag or the anthem, but to the Constitution.

I swore that oath six times over the 20 years that I was in the U.S. Navy, and served in 4 war zones. If I support and defend the Constitution, I also have to support the parts where it says free speech and peaceful protest are allowed.

I don't feel disrespected if a player takes a knee. Why? Because they are exercising their Constitutional rights, which I spent over 20 years of my life defending, and I will also defend it against those who would stop others from exercising their free speech.

Quick question many years did YOU serve in the military?
None, but by your words you were probably more like a Kerry type of soldier. Nothing done unless you can benefit off of it. I didn't support most of Obama's policies, but I would never disrespect our soldiers. Unless they are the Kerry type, which I wonder how many soldiers lost their lives, because of his lies he said about them.
The NFL players used their freedom of speech Trump and Pence used theirs I'm not sure why you guys can't get this. There is no controversy it's people doing what they have a right to do.
The nitwit millionaire ballplayers do not have that right unless the NFL gives it to them

Fuck the NFL.
Huge win for Trump.He is lucky that there isnt much going on in the world or he would be pushed for time on this big issue.
So people disrespecting our troops on national tv isn't an issue to you? Go to hell you stupid fuck! Luckily Trump is our president and we aren't worried the way we were under Obama.

The military swears an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They don't swear an oath to the flag or the anthem, but to the Constitution.

I swore that oath six times over the 20 years that I was in the U.S. Navy, and served in 4 war zones. If I support and defend the Constitution, I also have to support the parts where it says free speech and peaceful protest are allowed.

I don't feel disrespected if a player takes a knee. Why? Because they are exercising their Constitutional rights, which I spent over 20 years of my life defending, and I will also defend it against those who would stop others from exercising their free speech.

Quick question many years did YOU serve in the military?
None, but by your words you were probably more like a Kerry type of soldier. Nothing done unless you can benefit off of it. I didn't support most of Obama's policies, but I would never disrespect our soldiers. Unless they are the Kerry type, which I wonder how many soldiers lost their lives, because of his lies he said about them.

Like I've said many times before, there is nothing disrespectful towards the military for those taking a knee. Why? The military has sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution, which means supporting the stuff in there like peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

I will stand for the anthem, because that is who I am. But, because of the oath I swore to the Constitution during my military service, I will allow others the right to take a knee and protest, even if I don't agree with it.

And, there are a lot of military members who feel the same way I do. But, then again, I actually served this country, unlike a lot of the bed wetters who are getting their panties in a bunch because of the players kneeling.
You stupid fuck doesn't have the guts this woman of a hero that sacrificed his life for this country, for you to be a traitor, has. Why don't you move?

Tell me did you kneel at his grave to protest? Protest his sacrifice?
Yeah, I agree, Pence shouldn't have gone to the game, because he and Trump have been screaming about the player protests for the past couple of weeks. Pence KNEW that they would be taking a knee, and still went, just so he could make some kind of empty gesture.

If he REALLY wanted to protest, he should have stayed home and saved the taxpayers the money on his flights. He could have tweeted from his living room and gotten more accomplished than walking out of the game just as it starts.


And if this is "winning", tell Trump I'm already tired of it.

Vice President Pence set a great example.

AMERICANS don't like these prima donnas denigrating our flag, National Anthem, police, and military.

Stunning! When has anyone seen or heard of a Progressive whining about spending money? What FUN!
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They have the right to protest and everyone else has the right to protest their protest. No one has denied them their protest. They have not been arrested, there is no gulag for protesters. They are just upset because they have been met with disagreement.
So people disrespecting our troops on national tv isn't an issue to you? Go to hell you stupid fuck! Luckily Trump is our president and we aren't worried the way we were under Obama.

I hate people who disrespect our troops. Like when Trump disrespected John McCain, or the gold star family.
John Mc Cain has proven after his sacrifice to be a piece of shit. Sorry, so did Kerry. So I have no time to deal with you. You support actual traitors to our country. You do realize it was Mc Cain that stopped the measure to keep obamacare alive for a little while longer? Just to make Trump look bad.

Quick question seem to have quite the opinion on McCain and his service, so just out of curiosity, how many years did YOU serve in the military? Me? I did just over 20 years.
I said none, but none is better than being a John Kerry type of soldier. I just wonder how many times you put people in harm's way. Kerry did quite a few times.
You stupid fuck doesn't have the guts this woman of a hero that sacrificed his life for this country, for you to be a traitor, has. Why don't you move?

Tell me did you kneel at his grave to protest? Protest his sacrifice?

Taking a knee at the grave of a fallen soldier isn't a protest, it's a sign of respect and sorrow that a fellow service member has fallen.

You DO realize that when they have a memorial ceremony for fallen soldiers on the battlefield that they put up their boots, rifle and helmet as a way to remember them, and a lot of their comrades will go up to the display, take a knee, say a silent prayer, then stand and go on their way.

But, if you had actually ever served in the military, you might have understood that.

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