Creating a god


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.
Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.

The Simpsons used the Fonze.
My guess is that it begins from the present and then back-fills. In other words, the deity is the answer to current questions, and then the story of the deity is built moving into the past. Not unlike an "origin story" for a superhero. This is who he is, this is how he got here.

I don't mean to make light of this. I know that the various religions provide answers, hope, comfort, strength and guidance. The problem, of course, is when they become corrupted and perverted and used as an excuse or a weapon or a lie. As we see pretty regularly.

How did we get here? I can't honestly say. I don't see an answer yet. But I do see the need that religion fills.
People need solace, affirmation, and a framework for understanding evil, so they construct a narrative to accommodate these needs and afford some people social status. They first have to postulate that an unseen world exists and then populate it.

I am most familiar with the Christian narrative. There seems to be no bright-line division between it and other narratives that are dismissed as fairy tales. Once a person believes in angels, demons, Satan, witches, etc., why can't a person believe in faeries, trolls, elves, leprechauns, and hobbits? Moreover, the Christian narrative has never really taken hold. Instructed that all of us humans are created in the image and likeness of the Supreme Being, we still fight among ourselves about race, color, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Apparently, what type of an image and likeness of the Supreme Being you are carries a lot of weight.
Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.
It was Durkheim who wrote that it's not G0d who made man in his image, but Man who made God in their image.
I say that man seeks a reality that is tangible and creates G0d in his image and gives him a form which is why we are told not to make anthropomorphic depictions of an Essence being described as the most finite source of creation.
What good is discussing man's making of a God in their tangible image, if people can't properly discern and define God (that power & source of life)?
With no finite definition, their concept of right or wrong is based on affiliation into an error or can be evil without knowing it's evil, just as Radicals don't think they are doing evil.
Without comprehension to your positioning (path) then like being blindfolded in a gyro, you can point up assuming it's the sky, however if you don't know you're facing down (positioned opposite) you would be pointing to the ground. Therefore you need a mediator that defines that Essence power of life, so you can "reflect and manifest" that Essence.
Certain sects of certain faiths accidentally combine a claimed, but imposter mediator, with their god, neither which leads you or they to the proper path or understanding, because "you & they receive from the wrong message & false messengers."
Which is why humanity has failed and why we suffer fallen off our purpose and course, still not complete nor whole far from the kingdom of Shalem, and thus outside the walls of the kingdom & into Gehinom (trash heap of life).

In Judaism you have those who bestow and those n opposite nature, always taking instead of giving, we call this "receiving" nature.
We try to sway society into the bestowing nature over the receiving nature.
The serving of an Icon has not changed our lopsided nature. Moshiach is a servant to humanity not served by it. Thus called top messenger/reflection(arch-malakh) and mediator(meditron). "You are programed to receive the message", but it's up to you to discern which side does that message come from. Is it towards Shalem (stability, completion, and wholeness) or lead you away or in opposition to Shalem?
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Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.
Of course , you must first be clean and articulate, then have some really stupid people actually believe that you are going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans".


Yep, a cult....
Creating a God when you know he doesn't exist is a deception on others.
There really is a fine line between faith & hope, and the perversion of faith & hope.

I guess it depends on the nature of the religion and the nature of the people in charge of it.
Of course , you must first be clean and articulate, then have some really stupid people actually believe that you are going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans".

View attachment 523826

Yep, a cult....

Nope. Not a cult.. an inspiration to black children.. and Obama is a good man.

I saw this happen when I moved two well trained, personable, black physicians to a small town in the south.. The black community was inspired and supportive.
Of course , you must first be clean and articulate, then have some really stupid people actually believe that you are going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans".

View attachment 523826

Yep, a cult....

Jim Jones wished he had a cult as gullible and stupid as Trump's cult is.

"I am the chosen one'.
“I alone can fix it.”
Trumptards believe it.
Moreover, the Christian narrative has never really taken hold. Instructed that all of us humans are created in the image and likeness of the Supreme Being, we still fight among ourselves about race, color, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Apparently, what type of an image and likeness of the Supreme Being you are carries a lot of weight.
This is the Church Age of free will where humans are allowed to govern themselves
Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.
Maybe what you meant to say is perception of God.
Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.
It's not mere coincidence that as mankind has grown and learned to explore the natural world, inventions of new gods and their respective religions has ended.

The last "major" religion to be invented was islamism which is a syncretic faith. Most of its core ritual and god (as well as most of its theology) is stolen from the preceeding Abrahamic faiths and from Arab paganism.
Of course , you must first be clean and articulate, then have some really stupid people actually believe that you are going to "heal the planet and lower the oceans".

View attachment 523826

Yep, a cult....

Divine Dindu

And Obi Wan Kenyobi's Son, Trayvon Martin, died for the sins of THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE. Trayvon's religion has been very successful among teenage Aframs. The persecution they suffer from the police will end with Bi-den as Constantine. Then they will be free to practice the sacraments of shooting, looting, and scooting.
Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.


CO2 causes Floods AND fires!
Creating a God is not an easy task, but since the world has about 4,200 religions, it's been done many, many times. The problem is creating a good one, a popular one, one that seems to give members something to believe in. You got to do your research, learn all you can about the other religions that are already out there. Use the good parts of the old ones ( religious syncretism ) and make it work for you. The narrative you create how to be believable, adding supernatural touches is fine because it's expected. Then you have to put the safeguards in, breaking membership ( exclusivity system )comes with penalties authorized by the god himself, of course it's usually always a guy. All this in the name of God. Please add to the conversation. Thanks, Stan.
I doubt any religion was just made up from scratch, they are all based on what came before and they all follow the same pattern: a charismatic leader develops a following based on his personal interpretation of the existing religion and bingo, a cult is born. If the cult survives the death of the leader, bingo, a religion is born. I'd say every religion started that way.

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