Creationists' theory in detail

No chain of evidence proving 'evolution' is a fact, so no need to keep lying about that to school kids, either, but of course irrational 'rationalists' insist on it.
Actually, biological evolution is among the most strongly supported theories in science, much like the theory of gravity. Gravity is real, BTW.

There is really no countering argument to be made that the best tools we have to explore our natural world are evidence and the Scientific Method. And starting with evidence, we have direct observational and testable evidence of chemical and biological mechanisms that produce change over time. In contrast, we have absolutely no direct observational evidence that there is such a thing as "gods."

Also Christians don't have any evidence there is such a thing like gods. Indeed god and gods are totally different things. In science is the equivalent to the sentence "it is only one god" <-> "it exists only one truth". This is important for paradox situations in natural science for example. If A and B are in a contradiction then either A is true - or B is true - or both are wrong and an unknown C is true. But it exists in spiritual ways to think often paradoxes, which will always be paradox. For example: "Only you yourselve are able to help yourselve - but you need others, who help yourselve".

And this is how we begin to separate fact from partisan religious claims.

One moment now. Do you think physics (or natural science at all) is rebound in atheism? That's nonsense. If you compare physics with religion then the spirituality of physics is mathematics and the god of physics is the real physical world in experiments and explorations. Or with other words: The theme of physics is the creation of god - and not god. The religious belief in atheism is not part of the natural science physics. That's only a kind of stillborn idea of people like the biologist Richard Dawkins, who confuses his own personal religious belief (atheism) with epistemology and scientific research.

This video shows the favorite song of Stephen Hawking - not a long time before he had died.
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humans are VERY imperfect !! = god created something imperfect!!!????
humans are the MOST imperfect
so god is a shithead designer????!!!!!!!!?

Like I keep saying atheists are usually wrong. God created us perfect. Then Adam's sin made everyone imperfect and have to die. The sure death and taxes thing. Afterward, he found a way to give us back our perfection and it has happened.

However, you and the atheists are one of the groups who chose imperfection. Took the wide gate and not look back. It's not who laughs that counts. It's he who laughs last, laughs longest.

Like you keep saying, your gods are rather petty and vindictive. Like you keep saying, your gods are rather incompetent “designers”. Adam, obviously, wasn’t a perfect design because he sinned. That was such an embarrassment to the gods that they decided to wipe most of humanity from the planet. The folks they left engaged in familial and incestuous relations to repopulate the planet.

Like you keep saying, human frailty shows clearly we are not perfect.
There’s nothing wrong with being an atheist ...

Exactly. But there is absolutelly something wrong with darwinism, what everyone easily is able to see, who takes a look at the absurde breeding programs of the atheistic Nazis and their "biology". And do you know for example, why the Germans, who live today in the former area of the socialistic GDR have a 20 years higher life expectation? The main reason was an extreme socialistic economy, which took not care about the people and the nature all around. And the other reason was an extreme materialistic (and atheistic) view to the workers and farmers (who we call citizens, human beings and/or children of god). When "the workers" grew old, they were not useful any longer, so they (=older people) got a more worse health care than younger people.

A similar problem (=to see in older human beings only cost factors) exists today in the western world too. So called "utilitarians" for example suggested to do nothing against the Corona virus and to let everyone die, who is not able to resist in this virus. About the lonesome death of their unknown death victims, the fear and pain of the masses of people, who will die, because they are not able to breathe - (and even a good health care system is under such chaotic conditions nearly helpless) - they don't seem to think. What counts for materialists is only "profit" sometimes - and the idea "assertiveness" asks not any longer what's beautiful, true and good and what are other spiritual views to the world and what are unalienable rules, who no one should ignore.

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''god did it''
''it's in the bible ''

that's all folks--that's all they have...
I constantly ask for details and that's what I get
no theory, nothing ...

God created the possibility to make theories. So you are able to make a theory about the creation of the heavens and worlds. Tell me what had happened 15 billion years ago. What are we a able to say about this not existing time - except there was nothing? Absolutelly nothing - no idea what to say else about this not-time, not-space, ... . How was the universe be able to come from this nothing - not existing 15 billion years ago - and started "suddenly" to be in a first plank-time?
....let's zero in on the creation of man--if you don't believe in evolution, you must believe a fully formed human just appeared..and that's much more unbelievabe than evolution
so you don't or do believe a fully formed human just appeared/or ''came to be''/etc??

theres no proof one way or the other,,,just like theres no proof we came from primates or a sponge in the ocean,,, you don't want to answer the question!!!!!!! = I know why you don't want to answer = you don't believe in creation

I did answer it,,,
if you did, you did it in an ambiguous way
--now--last time--tell me, do you believe in creation of man or evolution of man?
yes or no--answer it plainly---yes or no --now--or else you are being disingenuous/etc
OR give me your concise theory on how man was created

since both have no proof I dont believe either is true,,,
as for how man was created,,, the jury is still out and waiting for proof,,,
so you don't believe god created man or evolution -
well, it had to have happened somehow
so you don't or do believe a fully formed human just appeared/or ''came to be''/etc??

theres no proof one way or the other,,,just like theres no proof we came from primates or a sponge in the ocean,,, you don't want to answer the question!!!!!!! = I know why you don't want to answer = you don't believe in creation

I did answer it,,,
if you did, you did it in an ambiguous way
--now--last time--tell me, do you believe in creation of man or evolution of man?
yes or no--answer it plainly---yes or no --now--or else you are being disingenuous/etc
OR give me your concise theory on how man was created

since both have no proof I dont believe either is true,,,
as for how man was created,,, the jury is still out and waiting for proof,,,
so the ape and human anatomy is very similiar --why?
and we share 90% DNA why?

There is most certainly a "middle ground". It is entirely thinkable that "matter" and "non-matter" are dependent, one on the other, for existence and are, therefore, one whole.

The start of John's Gospel "In the beginning was the word" I am able to translate [for Quantum physics] with "In the beginning was information".
Anton Zeilinger ("Mr. Beam")

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Doesn’t take long for the Flat Earthers to invent silly claims toward evolution, Darwin and Gould.

Here a picture of the imagination of a human being, how one of our forefathers could had looked like:


But your belief in "Flat Earthers" shows only an extraordinary bad knowledge about the few last thousand years of history.

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....realistic perception of god????!!!!! there is no god--your whole post there is worthless because you mention god

What's your belief. And one of the main reason for the intolerance of atheists is the problem not to be able to separate the own knowledge and the own belief. Unfortunatelly most atheists today seem to believe not to believe.
ANYONE, give me a paragraph--maybe about 10 sentences long, on the creation theory

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

In the final analyse one could postulate all sorts of First Causes. ...

No. A first cause is uncaused. That's why it is a first cause. That's all. You are able to follow in physics the energy of a cause (the voice) and you're able to see the effects of such a cause. But this means not automatically to be able to understand the message. Otherwise a rock musician with some trillion giga electron volts would be always right and the whispering wind would be always wrong.

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Also Christians don't have any evidence there is such a thing like gods. Indeed god and gods are totally different things. In science is the equivalent to the sentence "it is only one god" <-> "it exists only one truth". This is important for paradox situations in natural science for example. If A and B are in a contradiction then either A is true - or B is true - or both are wrong and an unknown C is true. But it exists in spiritual ways to think often paradoxes, which will always be paradox. For example: "Only you yourselve are able to help yourselve - but you need others, who help yourselve".

Babbling, pure babbling.

You won't justify the theory of evolution lack of science arguing that "on the other hand" religious people can't prove God exists.

The theory of evolution is a fake because species have never evolved. Period.

One moment now. Do you think physics (or natural science at all) is rebound in atheism? That's nonsense. If you compare physics with religion then the spirituality of physics is mathematics and the god of physics is the real physical world in experiments and explorations. Or with other words: The theme of physics is the creation of god - and not god. The religious belief in atheism is not part of the natural science physics. That's only a kind of stillborn idea of people like the biologist Richard Dawkins, who confuses his own personal religious belief (atheism) with epistemology and scientific research.

You are right, PHYSICS is science, but many theories of physics are nothing but garbage to the square, like relativity, black holes, big bang, etc. These -so called theories- definitively are not science. In 1922 the members of the Swiss Academy announced clearly that no other Nobel Prize was given to Einstein on his theory of Relativity because they found out the theory of relativity was not science but poor philosophy.

This video shows the favorite song of Stephen Hawking - not a long time before he had died.

I think your mind has been brainwashed with all those music videos, webpages with videos full of computer simulations, and fake science news.

Reality is that Stephen Hawking was nothing but a poor clown.

Just read his books, analyze his diagrams, and you will find the best science fiction from those years.

As an example, tell me, how the hell in the diagram below -according to him based on the current universe- he compares your individual location as having a next step for the next second, minute, hour, etc, having time going straight up, space going side way (horizontal), light having a cone edge border limit of expansion, and between the vertical straight up direction of time and the border line of light your body is allowed to go.

Who the heck says that this clown wa a serious scientist?

Can't you see that his diagram is nothing but caricatures from a retarded mind?!

If you don't agree with me, at least explain in "Christian language" (layman words) what the hell means that diagram in physical reality? Show with empirical evidence that such diagram reflects the real existing universe.

Show time going vertical straight up and space going side ways in horizontal direction. That clown must have used a special instrument to detect such direction of time and space, right?

I'm pretty sure that you will find out that you have been deceived after you discover that such a diagram means NOTHING in physical reality.

Truly, 'matter' (that can actually be expressed as energy and, therefore, other than matter as we feel it and think it in our daily life) is 'in formed', becomes what we perceive as "stuff" by inherent laws. What escapes us is the origin of what makes these laws inherent.
We could say in a metaphorical sense that the "Holy Spirit" is the inherent potential, the "Father" is the 'material', and the "Son" is the intersection, the crossing point of the manifest and the potential. This is not suggested as doctrine, merely a poetic way to approach things.
theres no proof one way or the other,,,just like theres no proof we came from primates or a sponge in the ocean,,, you don't want to answer the question!!!!!!! = I know why you don't want to answer = you don't believe in creation

I did answer it,,,
if you did, you did it in an ambiguous way
--now--last time--tell me, do you believe in creation of man or evolution of man?
yes or no--answer it plainly---yes or no --now--or else you are being disingenuous/etc
OR give me your concise theory on how man was created

since both have no proof I dont believe either is true,,,
as for how man was created,,, the jury is still out and waiting for proof,,,
so the ape and human anatomy is very similiar --why?
and we share 90% DNA why?

might be we were made by the same person/entity,,,
theres no proof one way or the other,,,just like theres no proof we came from primates or a sponge in the ocean,,, you don't want to answer the question!!!!!!! = I know why you don't want to answer = you don't believe in creation

I did answer it,,,
if you did, you did it in an ambiguous way
--now--last time--tell me, do you believe in creation of man or evolution of man?
yes or no--answer it plainly---yes or no --now--or else you are being disingenuous/etc
OR give me your concise theory on how man was created

since both have no proof I dont believe either is true,,,
as for how man was created,,, the jury is still out and waiting for proof,,,
so you don't believe god created man or evolution -
well, it had to have happened somehow

what does what I believe have to do with reality???
The theory of evolution is a fake because species have never evolved. Period.
There are many, many examples in the fossil record where a species found in one rock layer is never found in ANY layer older OR younger.

To me that alone is adequate evidence of evolution of species. If you don't believe in evolution, you must have an alternative explanation. I'd love to hear it.
You can stop right there. Allow me to destroy this tired, dusty creationist talking point.

Symbiosis occurs in nature. Some bacteria will not survive without the symbiotic host, and vice versa. These two organism evolved to be symbiotic from two organisms that were not symbiotic. Noting their current symbiosis is not reason to assume the two organisms could not have evolved independently.

Furthermore, many viruses are RNA based. They replicate and create RNA constantly, with no help from DNA. They use enzymes and lipids as docking points. So the statement you plagiarized from a creationist nutball site, without actually understanding it, is false anyway.

No, you can stop right there. You are trying to inject what is happening with the coronavirus (mutation) into the discussion. Symbiosis requires two living organisms.

God did this during creation week when he created full adult living creatures. Symbiosis is just part of the process and shows design and intelligence.

The only good that you said was many viruses are RNA based. We are hoping this one is for the vaccine. As for the rest, it's your typical false nutball evolution crap.
Also Christians don't have any evidence there is such a thing like gods. Indeed god and gods are totally different things. In science is the equivalent to the sentence "it is only one god" <-> "it exists only one truth". This is important for paradox situations in natural science for example. If A and B are in a contradiction then either A is true - or B is true - or both are wrong and an unknown C is true. But it exists in spiritual ways to think often paradoxes, which will always be paradox. For example: "Only you yourselve are able to help yourselve - but you need others, who help yourselve".

Babbling, pure babbling. ...

Bye bye.

There are many, many examples in the fossil record where a species found in one rock layer is never found in ANY layer older OR younger.

To me that alone is adequate evidence of evolution of species. If you don't believe in evolution, you must have an alternative explanation. I'd love to hear it.


I dictated it since 1998 and has been proven right at every new discovery.

The theory of evolution is a fake.

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