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. . . again you're here to tell us what everybody MEANS and what they THINK. Does it get tiring misinterpreting people's meanings and thoughts to fit your own life view, all day long?

This is what you do, koshergirl.
Yet not retarded or superstitious.

So genius, are you preparing to put your big girl panties on, or are you going to put your little pink booties on and dodge?

Provide your evidentiary explanation for the origin of the life of this creator that you say is the source of life on this planet.

Otherwise, it is patently clear that your beliefs regarding the subject have no relationship what-so-ever to any evidence ever presented to you.

My belief that we were created is built on faith and rational thought.

Thank you for finally being honest.

I said the same thing before can't remember which thread. I assure you I am an honest person have no reason to lie.
I've said it too. Repeatedly.

It's not that we aren't honest about it. It's that they don't acknowledge that we admit it...they're so busy pretending their own belief system has nothing to do with faith that they can't fathom anyone else following the same course of denial.
No, it's not.

I asked them simple questions concerning genetics and they disappear. I can't wait for their answers because the next step is if they hold true to their theory they have some explaining to do. I really don't think they know the theory. Earlier I asked for the mechanisms for evolution he only mentioned two and didn't mention the other two. They forgot genetic drift and migration.
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When you ask for specifics that back up the claims, you get "our theory is much more plausible than yours, dummy".

Not exactly a mature or scientific approach.
No, it's not.

I asked them simple questions concerning genetics and they disappear. I can't wait for their answers because the next step is if they hold true to their theory they have some explaining to do. I really don't think they know the theory. Earlier I asked for the mechanisms for evolution he only mentioned two and didn't mention the other two. They forgot genetic drift and migration.

But instead of talking about the theories of evolution, you're more than willing to believe some dude or dudess, from - ahem - god knows where - just appeared out of thin air and made it happen? :lol::lol::lol:
When you ask for specifics that back up the claims, you get "our theory is much more plausible than yours, dummy".

Not exactly a mature or scientific approach.

on the contrary, there have been a myriad of scientific theories that have turned into fact. How many "gods" have turned in facts?

Science has a much better track record than creationism. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that creationism has absolutely no track record based on fact...
No, I already said it, and you've done nothing except verify what I said.
I smell a sock puppet....You are sounding very familiar Koshergirl..

1) Lack of substance in posts
2) When called on BS refuses to back it up
3) Basic argument is "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah"

I just need you to say a couple more things then I'm calling you out.....
Syntax doesn't lie...
The Book of Genesis cannot be used as evidence of Earth's creation. Contrary to popular belief, there is no creation account in Genesis; rather there are several such accounts and these accounts contain multiple contradictions. The first creation story is told in Genesis 1:1 to 2:3, and the second story is from Genesis 2:4-25.

According the First Chapter of Genesis, on day five the fishes and birdies were brought forth; and on day six all other creatures great and small were created, and then and only then were Adam and Eve created together. I will not quote the verses since everyone has heard this story many times and should know it by heart. The important thing to remember is that the First Chapter of Genesis states in clear and certain terms that ALL the animals (birdies, fishes and beasts of the field) were created prior to the creation of Adam.

However, there is another creation account in the Second Chapter of Genesis which says that Adam was created first, then the animals, and finally Eve. This is the creation sequence as described in Genesis Chapter 2:15-23, KJV (I have eliminated verse numbers for easier reading and edited for brevity without changing substance):

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

Now it is clear from the quoted scripture that God first created Adam, and then the animals and finally Eve. There is simply no way to interpret these words to give any other order of creation. The Bible says that Adam was alone in the garden and God decided that Adam needed a helpmate. The flow of the narrative proves that Adam was created before the animals, and there is a single sentence which establishes this beyond the possibility of debate; “And..the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air.....; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.”

The word “but” in the above sentence is a conjunction which shows that the sentences prior to and subsequent to this conjunction are related. The context shows that the latter sentence diminishes or restricts the former, so that the proper definition of “but” is: still, yet, or in spite of . This shows that God was attempting to create a helpmate for his first creation, Adam, but initially failed. Of course, God would not attempt to find a helpmate for a non-existing being, so that Adam clearly was created prior to the animals. It is logically and linguistically impossible to read the above verses and interpret the order of creation in any way other than: Adam, then the animals, then Eve.

In conclusion, the First Chapter of Genesis says Adam was created after the animals, but the Second Chapter of Genesis says that Adam was created before the animals. There are many other contradictions between the two versions, such as Genesis 1:20 which says that flying fowl were created out of the water and Genesis 2:19 claims they were created out of the ground. This has caused many Christians to claim the accounts are not to be taken literally, but allegorically. At any rate, a single contradiction invalidates any claim to divinely inspired authorship of the creation account(s). Absent a claim of divine authorship and unsupported by scientific corroboration, the Biblical creation account is totally lacking in evidentiary value.

Of course that is only my humble opinion (OK, I lied about the humble part).
My belief that we were created is built on faith and rational thought.
Nice internally inconsistent dodge, Marsha.

You seem to have an opinion on just about everything I post I am beginning to think you have a fatal attraction for me.
Still dodging the question, Cupcake?

So I addressed questions to your pal and he seems to have disappeared.
Still dodging the question, Cupcake?

So since you have an opinion on just about everything would you like to answer the questions.
Still dodging the question, Cupcake?

Let's quit with the baloney,let's see if your theory can stand up to scrutiny.
Still dodging the question, Cupcake?
My belief that we were created is built on faith and rational thought.

Thank you for finally being honest.

I said the same thing before can't remember which thread. I assure you I am an honest person have no reason to lie.
Your assurances are meaningless.

No, it's not.

I asked them simple questions concerning genetics and they disappear.
So much for your assurances--I have been so diligent in responding to your questions that rather than "disappear," you suggest that I might be some kind of stalker.

So there's an obvious, and freshly fabricated, lie from you.

I can't wait for their answers because the next step is if they hold true to their theory they have some explaining to do.
Another lie. You don't have to wait; the answers have been provided already.

It's worth noting that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy manifested in your own refusal to answer questions directed at you.

I really don't think they know the theory.
You could be right, but you have not demonstrated it.

However, I will grant that you certainly have have some idea of what the actual theory of evolution describes; it's the validity of that certainty that exposes your propagation of misinformation (evidenced by your own posts and the "experts" you cite) as being intentional propagation of misinformation. IOW, lies.

Earlier I asked for the mechanisms for evolution he only mentioned two and didn't mention the other two. They forgot genetic drift and migration.
More misinformation. As I recall it, you claimed that evolutionary theory offered no mechanism for evolution, and that (at least) two mechanisms were submitted as direct refutation of your claim.

I also note that you (dishonestly) fail to acknowledge you've been unambiguously refuted every time you make this claim.

It's also worth noting (again) that that your dishonesty is magnified by your hypocrisy manifested in your own refusal to answer questions directed at you.
I have no problem with Creationism or ID as long as the proponents of such handled it honestly. That did not happen until the last few pages of this thread.
No, it's not.

I asked them simple questions concerning genetics and they disappear. I can't wait for their answers because the next step is if they hold true to their theory they have some explaining to do. I really don't think they know the theory. Earlier I asked for the mechanisms for evolution he only mentioned two and didn't mention the other two. They forgot genetic drift and migration.

But instead of talking about the theories of evolution, you're more than willing to believe some dude or dudess, from - ahem - god knows where - just appeared out of thin air and made it happen? :lol::lol::lol:

Well you believe some natural process poofed and life began :lol::lol::lol:

Worse yet you go against all the evidence that shows life creates life not non-living matter creating life. It can't even be demonstrated in the labs under perfect conditions but even if some day they do it,it took intelligence to make it happen and you laugh at me. :eusa_hand:
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When you ask for specifics that back up the claims, you get "our theory is much more plausible than yours, dummy".

Not exactly a mature or scientific approach.

on the contrary, there have been a myriad of scientific theories that have turned into fact. How many "gods" have turned in facts?

Science has a much better track record than creationism. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that creationism has absolutely no track record based on fact...

Not to rational thinking human beings.
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