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Hollie look at this picture of evidence found in utah well above sea level explain this from your explanation earlier that erosion caused it.

Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life

One thing I don't get is why are only the walls covered in flood sediment? Those are layers that extend in the ground beside the canyon. The fossils of marine animals that they've found on the walls are actually in layers that can be found anywhere you dig next to the canyon. What's your explanation for this discrepancy?

And the number of species on earth is estimated right now to number 8.7 million. So Noah got 2 of every one of these species with food to last 40 days?Do you know how big of a crew he'd need just to shovel all the shit overboard so they don't sink?
Hollie look at this picture of evidence found in utah well above sea level explain this from your explanation earlier that erosion caused it.

Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life

One thing I don't get is why are only the walls covered in flood sediment? Those are layers that extend in the ground beside the canyon. The fossils of marine animals that they've found on the walls are actually in layers that can be found anywhere you dig next to the canyon. What's your explanation for this discrepancy?

And the number of species on earth is estimated right now to number 8.7 million. So Noah got 2 of every one of these species with food to last 40 days?Do you know how big of a crew he'd need just to shovel all the shit overboard so they don't sink?

I can't answer how many species actually made it on the ark but we know that many different races of man and breeds of animals came from the ones on the ark. The gene pool was so big for each species that went on the ark that explains how we wound up with so many different breeds of a species and or races of man. The diversity came from a large genepool.

The fossils are found outside the canyon I agree. The problem for your side is why are younger species found with supposedly older species. Those sediments were from the currents of the water continuing to slosh back and forth creating new layers of strata. When the water finally receded in to the oceans it took much sediments from what was now the canyon to the ocean and it is found on the ocean floor. So why are fossils found in the wrong strata with the wrong species according to the explanations of evolutionists ? Why are marine fossils found so high above sea level ? what was left behind was soft sediments that hardened after it dried in the sun after the water receded.
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One more thing Ima,schools and some in science they ruled out answers before they asked the question. They said there is no God and creator with no evidence to rule it out. So now let's ask the question,what is the origins of life ? that is why they can't find the answers to the origins of life they ruled out the answer.

It is un-scientific to rule out answers before they ask the question.

They taught us in grade school that the frog turned into a prince and said it was a fairytale. Then in high school and college they call this science.
What becomes apparent when dealing with atheistic evolutionist is if you do not accept their religion you're are an uneducated ignorant fool.

As usual, you're ignorant of that which you write. "Atheistic evolutionist" is not a religion, firstly. Secondly, promoting your religion as science has always made you look foolish as your religious worldview so often clashes with the reality of the natural, discoverable world.

Lastly, I understand you're angry because your silly arguments at promoting fear and superstition have been refuted and your frantic attempts at prosletyzing have fallen flat. While we can, in part, attribute both those failures to your resounding and profoundly inept carrying of the arguments, we must also recognize the profoundly silly sources of your confusion, lies and blunders: the christian creationist ministries you copy and paste from.

Your religion is naturalism everything is the product of natural processes which there is no evidence for. With your views reduced to faith your God is naturalism.

Hollie I'm not angry the only thing that makes me angry is when you resort to dishonesty to try and make a point it might work with some but many have seen through your nonsense.

On the contrary, you are the prototypical angry religionist.

What I find hilarious is the you insist there is no evidence for natural processes. I have found no evidence for un-natural processes so why don't you explain to us how we can derive an un-natural existence through un-natural processes.
Hollie why do all rivers lead down to the sea's the bible gives this explanation as the hydrologic system ?

It's a simple observation that rivers lead to to sea. We don't need you mumbo jumbo of magical gawds to know this. Any seagoing culture would note this-- in fact, in their trips to the new world, the Spaniards rejoiced at reaching the Amazon delta, because the fresh water extended miles and miles out to sea. It was an indication that land was near. For your edification, seawter is differentiated from fresh as distinguished by varying degrees of salinity, temperature and density.

While ancient Middle Easterners were not great naval powers — traders and merchantmen would have known this phenomenon of mighty rivers and could relay their experiences as well.

Further, you're writing your own version of the bible to suggest that the other bible describes a hydologic system.
As usual, you're ignorant of that which you write. "Atheistic evolutionist" is not a religion, firstly. Secondly, promoting your religion as science has always made you look foolish as your religious worldview so often clashes with the reality of the natural, discoverable world.

Lastly, I understand you're angry because your silly arguments at promoting fear and superstition have been refuted and your frantic attempts at prosletyzing have fallen flat. While we can, in part, attribute both those failures to your resounding and profoundly inept carrying of the arguments, we must also recognize the profoundly silly sources of your confusion, lies and blunders: the christian creationist ministries you copy and paste from.

Your religion is naturalism everything is the product of natural processes which there is no evidence for. With your views reduced to faith your God is naturalism.

Hollie I'm not angry the only thing that makes me angry is when you resort to dishonesty to try and make a point it might work with some but many have seen through your nonsense.

On the contrary, you are the prototypical angry religionist.

What I find hilarious is the you insist there is no evidence for natural processes. I have found no evidence for un-natural processes so why don't you explain to us how we can derive an un-natural existence through un-natural processes.

It's obvious there are natural processes but what put these natural processes in to motion ? There are natural processes in anything designed. The natural processes are merely functions assigned to them by the designer. Like amino acids converting to proteins and or an egg needing a sperm to fertilize the egg. The amino acids are useless unless they are converted to proteins so on and so on. The egg is useless unless it is fertilized by the sperm. These are natural processes put in to motion by chance or by design. It's obvious to me it was by purposeful design.

Each and everything designed serves a purpose and function remember that and it will set you free.
Hollie why do all rivers lead down to the sea's the bible gives this explanation as the hydrologic system ?

It's a simple observation that rivers lead to to sea. We don't need you mumbo jumbo of magical gawds to know this. Any seagoing culture would note this-- in fact, in their trips to the new world, the Spaniards rejoiced at reaching the Amazon delta, because the fresh water extended miles and miles out to sea. It was an indication that land was near. For your edification, seawter is differentiated from fresh as distinguished by varying degrees of salinity, temperature and density.

While ancient Middle Easterners were not great naval powers — traders and merchantmen would have known this phenomenon of mighty rivers and could relay their experiences as well.

Further, you're writing your own version of the bible to suggest that the other bible describes a hydologic system.

So 3,500 years ago man knew and understood the hydrologic system just by observation ?The writings of the bible was inspired by the designer it makes sense that the writings were inspired by the designer since man did not fully understand the hydrologic system but the hydrologic system was written about 3,500 years ago. I don't think man understood the hydrologic system at the time of the writings and it took modern technology that helped us understand the hydrologic system. Just more evidence that supports that the creator inspired the bible writings.
One more thing Ima,schools and some in science they ruled out answers before they asked the question. They said there is no God and creator with no evidence to rule it out. So now let's ask the question,what is the origins of life ? that is why they can't find the answers to the origins of life they ruled out the answer.

It is un-scientific to rule out answers before they ask the question.

They taught us in grade school that the frog turned into a prince and said it was a fairytale. Then in high school and college they call this science.

Scientists are working on the origins of life by trying to recreate it in a lab. They seem pretty close to cracking the mystery. Interesting stuff.
Hollie look at this picture of evidence found in utah well above sea level explain this from your explanation earlier that erosion caused it.

Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life

One thing I don't get is why are only the walls covered in flood sediment? Those are layers that extend in the ground beside the canyon. The fossils of marine animals that they've found on the walls are actually in layers that can be found anywhere you dig next to the canyon. What's your explanation for this discrepancy?

And the number of species on earth is estimated right now to number 8.7 million. So Noah got 2 of every one of these species with food to last 40 days?Do you know how big of a crew he'd need just to shovel all the shit overboard so they don't sink?

I can't answer how many species actually made it on the ark but we know that many different races of man and breeds of animals came from the ones on the ark. The gene pool was so big for each species that went on the ark that explains how we wound up with so many different breeds of a species and or races of man. The diversity came from a large genepool.

The fossils are found outside the canyon I agree. The problem for your side is why are younger species found with supposedly older species. Those sediments were from the currents of the water continuing to slosh back and forth creating new layers of strata. When the water finally receded in to the oceans it took much sediments from what was now the canyon to the ocean and it is found on the ocean floor. So why are fossils found in the wrong strata with the wrong species according to the explanations of evolutionists ? Why are marine fossils found so high above sea level ? what was left behind was soft sediments that hardened after it dried in the sun after the water receded.
The bible says 2 of EVERY animal. And the gene pool would be small since there's only 2 of each. So the different races of humans came from Noah's peeps? So some of them evolved into asians and blacks? Because I don't remember reading about any rice gobblers in the bible.
I don't understand what you're talking about "younger species found with supposedly older species". The sediments were laid down in layers, so the time frame varies from layer to layer as you go up or down the canyon wall. You're saying that the fossils were splashed all over the walls of the canyon by the flood? Man, you suspend the reality of geology, archeology and a bunch of other sciences like radiometric dating and carbon dating, just so you can believe in some fairy tales that Noah was 600 years old? Buddy, please get a grip.
One more thing Ima,schools and some in science they ruled out answers before they asked the question. They said there is no God and creator with no evidence to rule it out. So now let's ask the question,what is the origins of life ? that is why they can't find the answers to the origins of life they ruled out the answer.

It is un-scientific to rule out answers before they ask the question.

They taught us in grade school that the frog turned into a prince and said it was a fairytale. Then in high school and college they call this science.

Scientists are working on the origins of life by trying to recreate it in a lab. They seem pretty close to cracking the mystery. Interesting stuff.

One thing I don't get is why are only the walls covered in flood sediment? Those are layers that extend in the ground beside the canyon. The fossils of marine animals that they've found on the walls are actually in layers that can be found anywhere you dig next to the canyon. What's your explanation for this discrepancy?

And the number of species on earth is estimated right now to number 8.7 million. So Noah got 2 of every one of these species with food to last 40 days?Do you know how big of a crew he'd need just to shovel all the shit overboard so they don't sink?

I can't answer how many species actually made it on the ark but we know that many different races of man and breeds of animals came from the ones on the ark. The gene pool was so big for each species that went on the ark that explains how we wound up with so many different breeds of a species and or races of man. The diversity came from a large genepool.

The fossils are found outside the canyon I agree. The problem for your side is why are younger species found with supposedly older species. Those sediments were from the currents of the water continuing to slosh back and forth creating new layers of strata. When the water finally receded in to the oceans it took much sediments from what was now the canyon to the ocean and it is found on the ocean floor. So why are fossils found in the wrong strata with the wrong species according to the explanations of evolutionists ? Why are marine fossils found so high above sea level ? what was left behind was soft sediments that hardened after it dried in the sun after the water receded.
The bible says 2 of EVERY animal. And the gene pool would be small since there's only 2 of each. So the different races of humans came from Noah's peeps? So some of them evolved into asians and blacks? Because I don't remember reading about any rice gobblers in the bible.
I don't understand what you're talking about "younger species found with supposedly older species". The sediments were laid down in layers, so the time frame varies from layer to layer as you go up or down the canyon wall. You're saying that the fossils were splashed all over the walls of the canyon by the flood? Man, you suspend the reality of geology, archeology and a bunch of other sciences like radiometric dating and carbon dating, just so you can believe in some fairy tales that Noah was 600 years old? Buddy, please get a grip.

Wrong it say's two of every kind not two of every organism.

Gen 6:19 And you shall bring into the ark two of every kind, of every living thing of all flesh, to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.
Gen 6:20 Two of every kind shall come to you to keep them alive; of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind.

The kind here implies two of each family group not each breed. I am saying each layer of strata was put down by water from the flood not each layer over eons of time.
I can't answer how many species actually made it on the ark but we know that many different races of man and breeds of animals came from the ones on the ark. The gene pool was so big for each species that went on the ark that explains how we wound up with so many different breeds of a species and or races of man. The diversity came from a large genepool.

The fossils are found outside the canyon I agree. The problem for your side is why are younger species found with supposedly older species. Those sediments were from the currents of the water continuing to slosh back and forth creating new layers of strata. When the water finally receded in to the oceans it took much sediments from what was now the canyon to the ocean and it is found on the ocean floor. So why are fossils found in the wrong strata with the wrong species according to the explanations of evolutionists ? Why are marine fossils found so high above sea level ? what was left behind was soft sediments that hardened after it dried in the sun after the water receded.
The bible says 2 of EVERY animal. And the gene pool would be small since there's only 2 of each. So the different races of humans came from Noah's peeps? So some of them evolved into asians and blacks? Because I don't remember reading about any rice gobblers in the bible.
I don't understand what you're talking about "younger species found with supposedly older species". The sediments were laid down in layers, so the time frame varies from layer to layer as you go up or down the canyon wall. You're saying that the fossils were splashed all over the walls of the canyon by the flood? Man, you suspend the reality of geology, archeology and a bunch of other sciences like radiometric dating and carbon dating, just so you can believe in some fairy tales that Noah was 600 years old? Buddy, please get a grip.

Wrong it say's two of every kind not two of every organism.

Gen 6:19 And you shall bring into the ark two of every kind, of every living thing of all flesh, to keep them alive with you. They shall be male and female.
Gen 6:20 Two of every kind shall come to you to keep them alive; of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind.

The kind here implies two of each family group not each breed. I am saying each layer of strata was put down by water from the flood not each layer over eons of time.
It's interesting that you have decided to rewrite the bible as you go. I suppose that the various writers of the various bibles could have been specific as to their wording. But they weren't.

So, I suppose you are free to revise the bible as it suits your needs.
Hollie look at this picture of evidence found in utah well above sea level explain this from your explanation earlier that erosion caused it.

Abiogenesis and the Origin of Life

The answer is in the link I supplied earlier.

No it does not explain evidence in that picture Nor does it explain why marine organisms are found so high above sea level.

Of course it does.

You choose not to accept geologic fact because those facts conflict with your need to believe in biblical events that have been proven to be false.
Hollie why do all rivers lead down to the sea's the bible gives this explanation as the hydrologic system ?

It's a simple observation that rivers lead to to sea. We don't need you mumbo jumbo of magical gawds to know this. Any seagoing culture would note this-- in fact, in their trips to the new world, the Spaniards rejoiced at reaching the Amazon delta, because the fresh water extended miles and miles out to sea. It was an indication that land was near. For your edification, seawter is differentiated from fresh as distinguished by varying degrees of salinity, temperature and density.

While ancient Middle Easterners were not great naval powers — traders and merchantmen would have known this phenomenon of mighty rivers and could relay their experiences as well.

Further, you're writing your own version of the bible to suggest that the other bible describes a hydologic system.

So 3,500 years ago man knew and understood the hydrologic system just by observation ?The writings of the bible was inspired by the designer it makes sense that the writings were inspired by the designer since man did not fully understand the hydrologic system but the hydrologic system was written about 3,500 years ago. I don't think man understood the hydrologic system at the time of the writings and it took modern technology that helped us understand the hydrologic system. Just more evidence that supports that the creator inspired the bible writings.

There is no hydrologic system described in any of the bibles. I explained this to you but its obvious that you have difficulty understanding and comprehending what you read.

No supermagical gawds inspired any bibles as we know, they were written by various men .
Hollie why do all rivers lead down to the sea's the bible gives this explanation as the hydrologic system ?

It's a simple observation that rivers lead to to sea. We don't need you mumbo jumbo of magical gawds to know this. Any seagoing culture would note this-- in fact, in their trips to the new world, the Spaniards rejoiced at reaching the Amazon delta, because the fresh water extended miles and miles out to sea. It was an indication that land was near. For your edification, seawter is differentiated from fresh as distinguished by varying degrees of salinity, temperature and density.

While ancient Middle Easterners were not great naval powers — traders and merchantmen would have known this phenomenon of mighty rivers and could relay their experiences as well.

Further, you're writing your own version of the bible to suggest that the other bible describes a hydologic system.

So 3,500 years ago man knew and understood the hydrologic system just by observation ?The writings of the bible was inspired by the designer it makes sense that the writings were inspired by the designer since man did not fully understand the hydrologic system but the hydrologic system was written about 3,500 years ago. I don't think man understood the hydrologic system at the time of the writings and it took modern technology that helped us understand the hydrologic system. Just more evidence that supports that the creator inspired the bible writings.

Just more evidence that supports that the creator inspired the bible writings.

Some one can be inspired by a toilet seat to write but that does not mean what was written is true. What's the saying "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
How the hell does someone seriously believe the earth is 6000 years old?

Meh. It baffles me.

It baffles you? Bullshit, kid. You don't understand human beings or read much history. What do ya want to know? Here is a little hint for you: the ancients DIDN’T believe any of it any more than you do. It was that weak plain old mortal human hopes and trust. They didn’t have much else to go by, kiddo. That is all we really ever have.
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It's a simple observation that rivers lead to to sea. We don't need you mumbo jumbo of magical gawds to know this. Any seagoing culture would note this-- in fact, in their trips to the new world, the Spaniards rejoiced at reaching the Amazon delta, because the fresh water extended miles and miles out to sea. It was an indication that land was near. For your edification, seawter is differentiated from fresh as distinguished by varying degrees of salinity, temperature and density.

While ancient Middle Easterners were not great naval powers — traders and merchantmen would have known this phenomenon of mighty rivers and could relay their experiences as well.

Further, you're writing your own version of the bible to suggest that the other bible describes a hydologic system.

So 3,500 years ago man knew and understood the hydrologic system just by observation ?The writings of the bible was inspired by the designer it makes sense that the writings were inspired by the designer since man did not fully understand the hydrologic system but the hydrologic system was written about 3,500 years ago. I don't think man understood the hydrologic system at the time of the writings and it took modern technology that helped us understand the hydrologic system. Just more evidence that supports that the creator inspired the bible writings.

There is no hydrologic system described in any of the bibles. I explained this to you but its obvious that you have difficulty understanding and comprehending what you read.

No supermagical gawds inspired any bibles as we know, they were written by various men .

I will show you when I return from Texas.
It's a simple observation that rivers lead to to sea. We don't need you mumbo jumbo of magical gawds to know this. Any seagoing culture would note this-- in fact, in their trips to the new world, the Spaniards rejoiced at reaching the Amazon delta, because the fresh water extended miles and miles out to sea. It was an indication that land was near. For your edification, seawter is differentiated from fresh as distinguished by varying degrees of salinity, temperature and density.

While ancient Middle Easterners were not great naval powers — traders and merchantmen would have known this phenomenon of mighty rivers and could relay their experiences as well.

Further, you're writing your own version of the bible to suggest that the other bible describes a hydologic system.

So 3,500 years ago man knew and understood the hydrologic system just by observation ?The writings of the bible was inspired by the designer it makes sense that the writings were inspired by the designer since man did not fully understand the hydrologic system but the hydrologic system was written about 3,500 years ago. I don't think man understood the hydrologic system at the time of the writings and it took modern technology that helped us understand the hydrologic system. Just more evidence that supports that the creator inspired the bible writings.

Just more evidence that supports that the creator inspired the bible writings.

Some one can be inspired by a toilet seat to write but that does not mean what was written is true. What's the saying "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Here are a few things to think on.
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