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How do you get precision in nature from chaos ? The answer for a creationist is that things are no longer precise because of the punishment for origional sin handed down by God.

That's possibly the dumbest statement I've read here so far. And that's saying something!

I have stated before there are things in nature that exhibit precision but not all things exhibit precision got it ?

But your whole belief system is based on fairy tales while rejecting real science. Sorry I can't debate with retarded, it's a waste of my time. I was curious to probe you to see if you had anything real to base your arguments on. I have my answer. Now the question is: are there any creationists who can base their theories on real science? You obviously can't.
It's not precision when there's decay.

Decay is not precision in design.

Also - it's not settled down. The Universe is still expanding out. The rate of which is actually increasing, making the formation of new life on other planets difficult over time.

But to call our conditions precision is asinine. We decay, that's a flaw in design.

Also - we are one of trillions of planets, and we haven't even picked up one piece of sand yet, of all the grains of sand on all the beaches on earth - - - - in terms of ability to explore other planets out there and see what type of life they may or may not have.

The decay humans experience is a cycle but absent of biological precision we would have never existed.

The death is the absence of biological precision.

The existence, to begin with, is chaotic.

A child is born from chaos ? you can't be serious. The decay is a lack of maintaining precision.
That's possibly the dumbest statement I've read here so far. And that's saying something!

I have stated before there are things in nature that exhibit precision but not all things exhibit precision got it ?

But your whole belief system is based on fairy tales while rejecting real science. Sorry I can't debate with retarded, it's a waste of my time. I was curious to probe you to see if you had anything real to base your arguments on. I have my answer. Now the question is: are there any creationists who can base their theories on real science? You obviously can't.

I know you can't argue against logic.
Because mutations don't do as evolutionist claim which has been my argument all along.


The fact that you don't know

when you show how little you actually understand about a subject

is great comedy.

You would be surprised at the amusement I get from watching you squirm as you try to come up with an answer to logical questions.

It's not a good look to show such arrogance when anyone who knows the most basic principles of the topic you're so blatantly ignorant of are sitting there in fascination of your stubborninity.
The decay humans experience is a cycle but absent of biological precision we would have never existed.

The death is the absence of biological precision.

The existence, to begin with, is chaotic.

A child is born from chaos ? you can't be serious. The decay is a lack of maintaining precision.

lack of maintaining precision? lol

you're hilarious.

Decay is unstoppable, maintenance can only slow it.

Yes, a child is born from chaos. It's quite evident from the fact that the Universe is its age, and humans are so much younger.

You really should watch every episode of through the worm hole.

They really dumb down these complicated topics, something you seem to would benefit greatly from.
I have stated before there are things in nature that exhibit precision but not all things exhibit precision got it ?

But your whole belief system is based on fairy tales while rejecting real science. Sorry I can't debate with retarded, it's a waste of my time. I was curious to probe you to see if you had anything real to base your arguments on. I have my answer. Now the question is: are there any creationists who can base their theories on real science? You obviously can't.

I know you can't argue against logic.

But it's not logical that Noah would be able to gather up 2 of every animal FROM AROUND THE WORLD and feed them for 40 days on a FUCKING BOAT!!!!!!! :lol:
Hollie what is your explanation for living fossils with ancestors dated back as far as 325 million years or more and that very same organism today shows no evolutionary change ?

This is my favorite, favorite example of youwerecreated BLATANTLY showing his ignorance of the most basic tenets of evolution.


I'm gunna bookmark that bitch. Maybe even frame it.
Hollie what is your explanation for living fossils with ancestors dated back as far as 325 million years or more and that very same organism today shows no evolutionary change ?

This is my favorite, favorite example of youwerecreated BLATANTLY showing his ignorance of the most basic tenets of evolution.


I'm gunna bookmark that bitch. Maybe even frame it.

Do you really imagine that the baby sitting in the carseat (your icon) is simply the end product of chance or another freak of natural selection? I cannot believe that. I see that baby as God's illustration of His feelings concerning us. And not some mutantion or the end result of billions of years of natural chance. You can either direct that little one towards seeking after God or send him out into a world that says do whatever --- eat drink and make merry --- for tomorrow we all will die...
Hollie what is your explanation for living fossils with ancestors dated back as far as 325 million years or more and that very same organism today shows no evolutionary change ?

This is my favorite, favorite example of youwerecreated BLATANTLY showing his ignorance of the most basic tenets of evolution.


I'm gunna bookmark that bitch. Maybe even frame it.

Do you really imagine that the baby sitting in the carseat (your icon) is simply the end product of chance or another freak of natural selection? I cannot believe that. I see that baby as God's illustration of His feelings concerning us. And not some mutantion or the end result of billions of years of natural chance. You can either direct that little one towards seeking after God or send him out into a world that says do whatever --- eat drink and make merry --- for tomorrow we all will die...

It's a girl.

And you're appealing to emotion in the place of logic.

I know that evolution happened.

I do not know what started the Universe itself, God, not God, whatever - so I am an agnostic.

But I do not deny solid science. Being an agnostic is admitting one does not know, and keeping an open mind.

Anyone doing the opposite is doing so out of their ego, whether pulled by emotion or tautologies written by men as a means to control people into behaving.
This is my favorite, favorite example of youwerecreated BLATANTLY showing his ignorance of the most basic tenets of evolution.


I'm gunna bookmark that bitch. Maybe even frame it.

Do you really imagine that the baby sitting in the carseat (your icon) is simply the end product of chance or another freak of natural selection? I cannot believe that. I see that baby as God's illustration of His feelings concerning us. And not some mutantion or the end result of billions of years of natural chance. You can either direct that little one towards seeking after God or send him out into a world that says do whatever --- eat drink and make merry --- for tomorrow we all will die...

It's a girl.

And you're appealing to emotion in the place of logic.

I know that evolution happened.

I do not know what started the Universe itself, God, not God, whatever - so I am an agnostic.

But I do not deny solid science. Being an agnostic is admitting one does not know, and keeping an open mind.

Anyone doing the opposite is doing so out of their ego, whether pulled by emotion or tautologies written by men as a means to control people into behaving.

You deny the sprituality of man. You believe in ADDING to solid science. Evolution is a theory and not observable. Variety is truth, but variety never crosses over into new species which have never been demonstrated nor proven. That little girl is a spiritual being and not just material. Emotion mirrors our soul. Pure logic has led many to have an abortion. One needs to consider both...
Do you really imagine that the baby sitting in the carseat (your icon) is simply the end product of chance or another freak of natural selection? I cannot believe that. I see that baby as God's illustration of His feelings concerning us. And not some mutantion or the end result of billions of years of natural chance. You can either direct that little one towards seeking after God or send him out into a world that says do whatever --- eat drink and make merry --- for tomorrow we all will die...

It's a girl.

And you're appealing to emotion in the place of logic.

I know that evolution happened.

I do not know what started the Universe itself, God, not God, whatever - so I am an agnostic.

But I do not deny solid science. Being an agnostic is admitting one does not know, and keeping an open mind.

Anyone doing the opposite is doing so out of their ego, whether pulled by emotion or tautologies written by men as a means to control people into behaving.

You deny the sprituality of man. You believe in ADDING to solid science. Evolution is a theory and not observable. Variety is truth, but variety never crosses over into new species which have never been demonstrated nor proven. That little girl is a spiritual being and not just material. Emotion mirrors our soul. Pure logic has led many to have an abortion. One needs to consider both...

This is all hot air.

And evolution *is* observable, and "theory" means something different in science, if you never knew.

Pure logic is something I'm glad to have as a sentient species.
It's a girl.

And you're appealing to emotion in the place of logic.

I know that evolution happened.

I do not know what started the Universe itself, God, not God, whatever - so I am an agnostic.

But I do not deny solid science. Being an agnostic is admitting one does not know, and keeping an open mind.

Anyone doing the opposite is doing so out of their ego, whether pulled by emotion or tautologies written by men as a means to control people into behaving.

You deny the sprituality of man. You believe in ADDING to solid science. Evolution is a theory and not observable. Variety is truth, but variety never crosses over into new species which have never been demonstrated nor proven. That little girl is a spiritual being and not just material. Emotion mirrors our soul. Pure logic has led many to have an abortion. One needs to consider both...

This is all hot air.

And evolution *is* observable, and "theory" means something different in science, if you never knew.

Pure logic is something I'm glad to have as a sentient species.

Evolution is not observable. Never has been, never will be -- unless someone figures out time travel. Nor is it falsifiable, for all that matter, especially when people define evolution as change over time -- a wonderfully vague definition.

Logical people understand that the existence of God is certainly possible and the difference between naturalism and science.

How, exactly, does hydrogen turn into human beings over time?

Does the likelihod of an event change over time?

Does environment affect genetic change in populations? Of course it does.

Is that the sole mechanism that explains our existence? I kinda doubt it.
You deny the sprituality of man. You believe in ADDING to solid science. Evolution is a theory and not observable. Variety is truth, but variety never crosses over into new species which have never been demonstrated nor proven. That little girl is a spiritual being and not just material. Emotion mirrors our soul. Pure logic has led many to have an abortion. One needs to consider both...

This is all hot air.

And evolution *is* observable, and "theory" means something different in science, if you never knew.

Pure logic is something I'm glad to have as a sentient species.

Evolution is not observable. Never has been, never will be -- unless someone figures out time travel. Nor is it falsifiable, for all that matter, especially when people define evolution as change over time -- a wonderfully vague definition.

Logical people understand that the existence of God is certainly possible and the difference between naturalism and science.

How, exactly, does hydrogen turn into human beings over time?

Does the likelihod of an event change over time?

Does environment affect genetic change in populations? Of course it does.

Is that the sole mechanism that explains our existence? I kinda doubt it.

go to

type "evolution observed in a lab"

have fun.
You deny the sprituality of man. You believe in ADDING to solid science. Evolution is a theory and not observable. Variety is truth, but variety never crosses over into new species which have never been demonstrated nor proven. That little girl is a spiritual being and not just material. Emotion mirrors our soul. Pure logic has led many to have an abortion. One needs to consider both...

This is all hot air.

And evolution *is* observable, and "theory" means something different in science, if you never knew.

Pure logic is something I'm glad to have as a sentient species.

Evolution is not observable. Never has been, never will be -- unless someone figures out time travel. Nor is it falsifiable, for all that matter, especially when people define evolution as change over time -- a wonderfully vague definition.

Logical people understand that the existence of God is certainly possible and the difference between naturalism and science.

How, exactly, does hydrogen turn into human beings over time?

Does the likelihod of an event change over time?

Does environment affect genetic change in populations? Of course it does.

Is that the sole mechanism that explains our existence? I kinda doubt it.

We've evolved from being shorter to getting taller all the time. You can see it for yourself when you enter a house built in the 17th century, i.e., the rooms are smaller, the doorways, the ceilings... are all shorter and smaller. You need more proof? How about this: I used to eat meat but my thinking evolved to a healthier mindset and now I'm a vegetarian.
The death is the absence of biological precision.

The existence, to begin with, is chaotic.

A child is born from chaos ? you can't be serious. The decay is a lack of maintaining precision.

lack of maintaining precision? lol

you're hilarious.

Decay is unstoppable, maintenance can only slow it.

Yes, a child is born from chaos. It's quite evident from the fact that the Universe is its age, and humans are so much younger.

You really should watch every episode of through the worm hole.

They really dumb down these complicated topics, something you seem to would benefit greatly from.

Of course decay is unstoppable but you deny the obvious that it took precision to form the child in the womb without blemish. The decay don't begin until the child is born which is the life cycle.

The fact that you don't know

when you show how little you actually understand about a subject

is great comedy.

You would be surprised at the amusement I get from watching you squirm as you try to come up with an answer to logical questions.

It's not a good look to show such arrogance when anyone who knows the most basic principles of the topic you're so blatantly ignorant of are sitting there in fascination of your stubborninity.

From what I see you know very little about the subjects being discussed.
The death is the absence of biological precision.

The existence, to begin with, is chaotic.

A child is born from chaos ? you can't be serious. The decay is a lack of maintaining precision.

lack of maintaining precision? lol

you're hilarious.

Decay is unstoppable, maintenance can only slow it.

Yes, a child is born from chaos. It's quite evident from the fact that the Universe is its age, and humans are so much younger.

You really should watch every episode of through the worm hole.

They really dumb down these complicated topics, something you seem to would benefit greatly from.

Already responded to this.
A child is born from chaos ? you can't be serious. The decay is a lack of maintaining precision.

lack of maintaining precision? lol

you're hilarious.

Decay is unstoppable, maintenance can only slow it.

Yes, a child is born from chaos. It's quite evident from the fact that the Universe is its age, and humans are so much younger.

You really should watch every episode of through the worm hole.

They really dumb down these complicated topics, something you seem to would benefit greatly from.

Of course decay is unstoppable but you deny the obvious that it took precision to form the child in the womb without blemish. The decay don't begin until the child is born which is the life cycle.

Your comment is even more nonsensical than usual. This "precision" slogan you use is obviously false. Pregnancy carries enormous risk, both to mother and fetus.

You see "precision" because you're ignorantly promoting religious dogma, not because you know any facts.
Blaise Pascal would be proud of this mind-numbing idiocy. It really shows the damage suffered by those instilled with fear and ignorance.

So, whether I'm right or wrong in my beliefs, I've got nothin' to lose. If I'm right, hooray for me and if I'm wrong, no loss.

Pascal's Wager-- the underlying threat of the theistic argument-- "Gamble that there are gawds on the chance they will not send you to an eternity of torture."


a. What if you have chosen the wrong gawds? You will spend an eternity apart from your “real” gawds for making such an egregious error

b. "Betting" on gawds displays prideful ego and might anger the gawds, and you might spend eternity apart from them for making such an egregious error

c. Gawds might prefer courage of one's convictions instead of cowardice and self-deceit, in which case you might spend eternity apart from them for making such an egregious error

d. What if the gawds deplore such self-serving narcissism and instead embraces the atheist for not succumbing to threats of a human nature? In that case you might spend eternity apart from them for making such an egregious error.

e. What if the gawds are revolted by the very suggestion that there is something like an "eternal punishment"? In that case you might spend eternity apart from them for making such an egregious error.

Hollie what is your explanation for living fossils with ancestors dated back as far as 325 million years or more and that very same organism today shows no evolutionary change ?

if you knew anything about evolution, you'd know the answer.

here, let me help:

a species that has survived 325 million years is quite obviously already in its optimum survival body type.

derp derp.

Where do you get this stupidity from :lol: you're now arguing against your own theory and solid science ? funny.

Environmental pressures,Mutations and natural serlection no longer have an effect on an organism this is your best response to living fossils. You are correct about one thing your understanding of your theory is very basic and Ideological.
The big bang began from a state of chaos but then settled down and produced precison in nature ?

Evidently you don't understand the precision of the formation of a cell nor the precision of this planet and how it can sustain life.

It's not precision when there's decay.

Decay is not precision in design.

Also - it's not settled down. The Universe is still expanding out. The rate of which is actually increasing, making the formation of new life on other planets difficult over time.

But to call our conditions precision is asinine. We decay, that's a flaw in design.

Also - we are one of trillions of planets, and we haven't even picked up one piece of sand yet, of all the grains of sand on all the beaches on earth - - - - in terms of ability to explore other planets out there and see what type of life they may or may not have.

The decay humans experience is a cycle but absent of biological precision we would have never existed.

More "precision" idiocy. Yet you can't account for the myriad diseases and genetic defects that cause such harm to human biology.

What a shame your gawds are such incompetent designers.
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