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Can anyone prove creation?

Can anyone prove evolution?
Both are based on how you interpret the information.
The proof of either is based on faith that your interpretation makes sense!

Even if you agreed on what data to interpret, people would still see it differently.
It will always be faith based to some degree.

I'm more interested in how people's perceptions change
when studies of spiritual healing are replicated and proven.

I think that is more tangible, and manageable where you
can measure the before and after conditions and isolate the cause and effects,
and the key factor of forgiveness in various healing methods applied to different cases.

I compare it to proving how gravity works.
Once you have faith that your understanding is consistent with natural laws that won't change,
then you don't keep asking for proof. You just use the laws of gravity and take them for granted.
Proving spiritual healing or God is the same way. Once you are comfortable with
your understanding, then it fits with everything else and you take it for granted and don't need proof. Just like gravity.
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ywc has proven me correct again "the deeper the bullshit the longer and more stridently the proselytizing"

No, it's the fear behind BOTH things, correlated not cause and effect.
The deeper the fear then the more BS to try to cover it up.
The deeper the fear, the more stress and pressure to preach or blame the other person.

Perfect love conquers all fear.
The more understanding, there is more love and less fear.

So the more people share out of pure love of truth and understanding,
that is unconditional and not for the purpose of being right or making others wrong,
then we will see less fear, less stress and less bullying and projected blame.
We will see more respect, and it will catch on as we address each other in this way.

Thank you for sharing and I trust it will get better
and easier to communicate as we proceed from here!
ywc has proven me correct again "the deeper the bullshit the longer and more stridently the proselytizing"

No, it's the fear behind BOTH things, correlated not cause and effect.
The deeper the fear then the more BS to try to cover it up.
The deeper the fear, the more stress and pressure to preach or blame the other person.

Perfect love conquers all fear.
The more understanding, there is more love and less fear.

So the more people share out of pure love of truth and understanding,
that is unconditional and not for the purpose of being right or making others wrong,
then we will see less fear, less stress and less bullying and projected blame.
We will see more respect, and it will catch on as we address each other in this way.

Thank you for sharing and I trust it will get better
and easier to communicate as we proceed from here!
The prayer leader at your madrassah has lied to you. As much as science can "prove" anything, there is ample proof of evolution. You shouldn't let your limited imagination and need to believe that all of science being a conspiracy be a limitation on thinking minds.

What a shame that christianity still vacates the mind.

Michael Behe and Jonathan Wells who asks 10 Questions to evolutionists.

ORIGIN OF LIFE. Why do textbooks claim that the 1953 Miller-Urey experiment shows how life's building blocks may have formed on the early Earth -- when conditions on the early Earth were probably nothing like those used in the experiment, and the origin of life remains a mystery?

DARWIN'S TREE OF LIFE. Why don't textbooks discuss the "Cambrian explosion," in which all major animal groups appear together in the fossil record fully formed instead of branching from a common ancestor -- thus contradicting the evolutionary tree of life?

HOMOLOGY. Why do textbooks define homology as similarity due to common ancestry, then claim that it is evidence for common ancestry -- a circular argument masquerading as scientific evidence?

VERTEBRATE EMBRYOS. Why do textbooks use drawings of similarities in vertebrate embryos as evidence for their common ancestry -- even though biologists have known for over a century that vertebrate embryos are not most similar in their early stages, and the drawings are faked?

ARCHAEOPTERYX. Why do textbooks portray this fossil as the missing link between dinosaurs and modern birds -- even though modern birds are probably not descended from it, and its supposed ancestors do not appear until millions of years after it?

PEPPERED MOTHS. Why do textbooks use pictures of peppered moths camouflaged on tree trunks as evidence for natural selection -- when biologists have known since the 1980s that the moths don't normally rest on tree trunks, and all the pictures have been staged?

DARWIN'S FINCHES. Why do textbooks claim that beak changes in Galapagos finches during a severe drought can explain the origin of species by natural selection -- even though the changes were reversed after the drought ended, and no net evolution occurred?

MUTANT FRUIT FLIES. Why do textbooks use fruit flies with an extra pair of wings as evidence that DNA mutations can supply raw materials for evolution -- even though the extra wings have no muscles and these disabled mutants cannot survive outside the laboratory?

HUMAN ORIGINS. Why are artists' drawings of ape-like humans used to justify materialistic claims that we are just animals and our existence is a mere accident -- when fossil experts cannot even agree on who our supposed ancestors were or what they looked like?

EVOLUTION A FACT? Why are we told that Darwin's theory of evolution is a scientific fact -- even though many of its claims are based on misrepresentations of the facts?
sorry should have neg reped you for this post not the last one

Why you don't like the questions that were asked to evolutionist ?

Why do I need a link these were actual questions asked to evolutionist in debates.
What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
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What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we exist.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why people even care to understand about origins.
There is tons of scientific evidence for evolution, you just choose to be ignorant.
Why you don't like the questions that were asked to evolutionist ?

Why do I need a link these were actual questions asked to evolutionist in debates.

For anyone who may be unfamiliar with the background of Michael Behe, here are a few pointers. Among others of the fundamentalist Christian ministries, Behe also fronts for The Discovery Institute. They are a fundie Christian driven ministry promoting a stripped down and camouflaged version of Creationism called Intelligent Design. This "stealth christianity" approach was configured for legal reasons in the US, where public, state run schools are not allowed to promote religion. As many are probably aware, creationism and the later re-titled "Creation Science" are nothing more than configurations of fundie Christian ministries which suffered humiliating defeats in the court system as their veiled agenda of promoting religious dogma was ruled as such in the courts to be religion, not scientific doctrines.

Creationist tactics rest upon one overriding pillar of faith, and that is: evolution is Atheistic and the whole political crusade being waged is one of Christians versus Atheists. We see this routinely in this thread where the fundies use Christian creationist slogans such as "atheistic evolutionist" assigned to anyone who accepts the science conclusions as opposed to Christian dogma.

This dynamic requires mentioning because there are two reasons Creationists adopt this tactic. First, all the hysteria that is framed by fundies as a conflict being waged to defend christianity is thought to be effective as a means to recruit and retain fundie Christians to "the cause". Note that this is a recruiting tactic employed by other groups that plead conspiracy theories. Secondly the conflict is manipulated by fundies to divert the debate away from “creationism is nothing more than literalist christianity” to the more conspiracy driven "Atheist versus Christian" issues. This is the latest tactic Christian creationist have employed believing that by framing their crusade in terms they hope will garner pity, they have a greater chance of obtaining religious support.
What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we exist.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why people even care to understand about origins.
There is tons of scientific evidence for evolution, you just choose to be ignorant.

You are kidding right ? :lol:

There is nothing scientists don't want to understand.
What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
Actually, creationist supply nothing in terms of any actual argument.

Try proof reading your own post. You're unable to defend creationist argument. The entirety of your post, and the creationist agenda, is to vilify science.

Creationist really don't understand how inept, vacant and hopeless they have made their narrative. Their silly anti- science, anti-intellectual and anti-knowledge agenda has reduced the Christian creationist to something of a caricature of the Flat Earth believing bufoon clutching one of the bibles in one hand and a glass of Kool-aid in the other.
What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we exist.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why people even care to understand about origins.
There is tons of scientific evidence for evolution, you just choose to be ignorant.

You are kidding right ? :lol:

There is nothing scientists don't want to understand.

Which part don't you agree with? About science? Well, science disproves the bible and the creation story, you have to stay ignorant about science to believe your magic book.
What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we exist.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why people even care to understand about origins.
There is tons of scientific evidence for evolution, you just choose to be ignorant.

You are kidding right ? :lol:

There is nothing scientists don't want to understand.

Shake a shiny object in front of creationist to get their attention and you will still get that blank, koranified stare that Behe has.
Why you don't like the questions that were asked to evolutionist ?

Why do I need a link these were actual questions asked to evolutionist in debates.

For anyone who may be unfamiliar with the background of Michael Behe, here are a few pointers. Among others of the fundamentalist Christian ministries, Behe also fronts for The Discovery Institute. They are a fundie Christian driven ministry promoting a stripped down and camouflaged version of Creationism called Intelligent Design. This "stealth christianity" approach was configured for legal reasons in the US, where public, state run schools are not allowed to promote religion. As many are probably aware, creationism and the later re-titled "Creation Science" are nothing more than configurations of fundie Christian ministries which suffered humiliating defeats in the court system as their veiled agenda of promoting religious dogma was ruled as such in the courts to be religion, not scientific doctrines.

Creationist tactics rest upon one overriding pillar of faith, and that is: evolution is Atheistic and the whole political crusade being waged is one of Christians versus Atheists. We see this routinely in this thread where the fundies use Christian creationist slogans such as "atheistic evolutionist" assigned to anyone who accepts the science conclusions as opposed to Christian dogma.

This dynamic requires mentioning because there are two reasons Creationists adopt this tactic. First, all the hysteria that is framed by fundies as a conflict being waged to defend christianity is thought to be effective as a means to recruit and retain fundie Christians to "the cause". Note that this is a recruiting tactic employed by other groups that plead conspiracy theories. Secondly the conflict is manipulated by fundies to divert the debate away from “creationism is nothing more than literalist christianity” to the more conspiracy driven "Atheist versus Christian" issues. This is the latest tactic Christian creationist have employed believing that by framing their crusade in terms they hope will garner pity, they have a greater chance of obtaining religious support.

Michael Behe is a Biochemist and a Professor of Biochemistry. He is your worst enemy with his knowledge. You're a fundie atheistic evolutionist that could not compete with his knowledge in science.

Ask yourself why evolutionist hate him so ?

I'll tell you why,he points out things in living organisms that are irreducible complexity meaning they could not develop through evolution or they would not function unless fully formed. Same with the cell if it was missing any part of the cell it would not function nor reproduce.

Now that is why people on your side attack him so. Can't attack his arguments let's attack his religious beliefs.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we exist.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution isn't trying to explain why people even care to understand about origins.
There is tons of scientific evidence for evolution, you just choose to be ignorant.

You are kidding right ? :lol:

There is nothing scientists don't want to understand.

Which part don't you agree with? About science? Well, science disproves the bible and the creation story, you have to stay ignorant about science to believe your magic book.

You mean which parts have they studied but admitted ignorance to and moved on only to come at agian years later ?
You are kidding right ? :lol:

There is nothing scientists don't want to understand.

Which part don't you agree with? About science? Well, science disproves the bible and the creation story, you have to stay ignorant about science to believe your magic book.

You mean which parts have they studied but admitted ignorance to and moved on only to come at agian years later ?

Wtf are you talking about?
What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
Actually, creationist supply nothing in terms of any actual argument.

Try proof reading your own post. You're unable to defend creationist argument. The entirety of your post, and the creationist agenda, is to vilify science.

Creationist really don't understand how inept, vacant and hopeless they have made their narrative. Their silly anti- science, anti-intellectual and anti-knowledge agenda has reduced the Christian creationist to something of a caricature of the Flat Earth believing bufoon clutching one of the bibles in one hand and a glass of Kool-aid in the other.

Have you had your morning coffee ?
Which part don't you agree with? About science? Well, science disproves the bible and the creation story, you have to stay ignorant about science to believe your magic book.

You mean which parts have they studied but admitted ignorance to and moved on only to come at agian years later ?

Wtf are you talking about?

For one the origins question. You needed chemical evolution to form a living cell. Then you needed abiogenesis to form living organisms all these are forms of evolution which they have no evidence for and have to plead ignorance on.
What is so funny is that creationist provide all kinds of well thought out explanations (whether one agrees with those explanations or not). The evolotionist says, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." And that is it! The evolutionist provides nothing of value and just makes snide remarks in passing. The fools out there yell, "Right on, Dude! Go evolutionists!" And I'm left with a feeling they (evolutionists) really know nothing and can only poke fun at creationists, but have nothing tangable.

Now, I'm not suggesting we (creationists) throw up our hands and say, "One cannot argue with ignorance." I'm of the opinion that many read these threads and this may very likely be the only space where they are confronted with opposing views on the subject. This is likely causing perhaps many to do further research on their own, and even begin to question evolution (or at least not accept it hook, line and sinker). So just keep plugging!

Evolution cannot explain why we exist.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why we do not share this planet with other equally intelligent life forms.
Evolution cannot provide a reason why people even care to understand about origins.
Evolution cannot demonstrate one progression of any species from it's simplest ancestor to a descendant alive today.

I know, the evolutionist is going to say, "Sorry, that is stupid, worthless, and unscientific." Please save your breath, unless you really have something to add of any interest.
Actually, creationist supply nothing in terms of any actual argument.

Try proof reading your own post. You're unable to defend creationist argument. The entirety of your post, and the creationist agenda, is to vilify science.

Creationist really don't understand how inept, vacant and hopeless they have made their narrative. Their silly anti- science, anti-intellectual and anti-knowledge agenda has reduced the Christian creationist to something of a caricature of the Flat Earth believing bufoon clutching one of the bibles in one hand and a glass of Kool-aid in the other.

Have you had your morning coffee ?

Creationist have a habit of dodging and side-stepping those comments that address their inability to defend creationist propaganda.
Actually, creationist supply nothing in terms of any actual argument.

Try proof reading your own post. You're unable to defend creationist argument. The entirety of your post, and the creationist agenda, is to vilify science.

Creationist really don't understand how inept, vacant and hopeless they have made their narrative. Their silly anti- science, anti-intellectual and anti-knowledge agenda has reduced the Christian creationist to something of a caricature of the Flat Earth believing bufoon clutching one of the bibles in one hand and a glass of Kool-aid in the other.

Have you had your morning coffee ?

Creationist have a habit of dodging and side-stepping those comments that address their inability to defend creationist propaganda.

Really? they have presented many arguments with evidence and they go ignored by the ones blinded by an agenda.
Actually, creationist supply nothing in terms of any actual argument.

Try proof reading your own post. You're unable to defend creationist argument. The entirety of your post, and the creationist agenda, is to vilify science.

Creationist really don't understand how inept, vacant and hopeless they have made their narrative. Their silly anti- science, anti-intellectual and anti-knowledge agenda has reduced the Christian creationist to something of a caricature of the Flat Earth believing bufoon clutching one of the bibles in one hand and a glass of Kool-aid in the other.

Have you had your morning coffee ?

Creationist have a habit of dodging and side-stepping those comments that address their inability to defend creationist propaganda.

You said creationist provide no arguments who is dodging here and trying to change the subject ?
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