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Presented for your approval, here are excerpts from some of the statements of faith of prominent creationist organizations.
• The Institute for Creation Research: Tenets of Creationism
In their belief statement, the ICR attempts to draw a distinction between "scientific" and "Biblical" creationism, claiming that the former can and should be taught in public schools, and that only the latter is religious. However, their version of "scientific creationism" includes statements such as "The physical universe of space, time, matter, and energy has not always existed, but was supernaturally created by a transcendent personal Creator who alone has existed from eternity" and "The phenomenon of biological life did not develop by natural processes from inanimate systems but was specially and supernaturally created by the Creator". These are patently religious statements by any meaningful definition of the word, explicitly invoking supernatural creation, which is definitively outside science. The ICR also boasts "a firm commitment to creationism and to full Biblical inerrancy and authority". (Note, also, that elsewhere the ICR specifically identifies itself as "an arm of the church").
• Answers in Genesis: Statement of Faith
AiG's Statement of Faith delivers the most brazenly anti-scientific statement to be found in any creationist document, which is the following, at the very end: "No apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the Scriptural record." Apparently, as far as this group is concerned, when reality contradicts their interpretation of the Bible, it is reality that is wrong. This is not science, but the antithesis of science. Declaring that you know you are right, that the evidence cannot sway you, and more, that you will reject any evidence that contradicts what you believe, is as unscientific as one can possibly get, and shows in the clearest way imaginable that the brand of creationism these groups espouse is not science but religion.
• Reasons to Believe: What We Believe
This old-earth creationist organization's doctrinal statement says the following: "The following paragraphs express the doctrinal convictions of every member of the Reasons to Believe staff and board of directors.... We believe the Bible (the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) is the Word of God, written. As a 'God-breathed' revelation, it is thus verbally inspired and completely without error (historically, scientifically, morally, and spiritually) in its original writings." Reasons to Believe also proclaims that it belongs to the International Council of Biblical Inerrancy, a group whose own doctrinal statement includes this: "We deny that extrabiblical views ever disprove the teaching of Scripture or hold priority over it."

Again, these are not scientific, but religious statements. Declaring that their interpretation Bible is completely true and that no evidence can ever disprove any part of it is an admission that their view is unfalsifiable. (Try, by contrast, to find a scientific body saying, "We deny that external evidence can ever disprove evolution or hold priority over it.") The creationists have come to the table with their minds made up, and they don't want to be confused by the facts.
• The Creation Research Society: Statement of Belief
This document reads in much the same vein as the others. "The Bible is the written Word of God, and because it is inspired throughout, all its assertions are historically and scientifically true in the original autographs." Of course, one's personal religious beliefs do not prevent one from doing legitimate science. However, when the two are this intimately intertwined, the author's scientific integrity and objectivity must inevitably be compromised, because their belief that their interpretation of the Bible must be true will tend to override and color everything they observe. Real scientists, by contrast, must always follow where the evidence leads, regardless of whether that evidence overturns a generally accepted theory or even a cherished personal belief. Can any member of the CRS honestly state that they would accept evidence contrary to creationist doctrine?

In closing, it is worth noting the asymmetry here. Imagine if the scientific world was as biased towards evolution as the creationists are against it. Imagine if Nature and other top scientific journals boasted on their masthead that they possessed a "firm commitment to the truth of evolution and the inerrancy and authority of Charles Darwin", and refused to accept any papers submitted by anyone who held creationist beliefs. Imagine if science popularizers like Stephen Jay Gould or Ken Miller wrote that, "By definition, no apparent, perceived, or claimed evidence in any field, including biology, geology and physics, can be valid if it contradicts evolution." Imagine if publishers of science textbooks or associations of science teachers declared, "We believe that the Origin of Species is completely without error, and all its assertions are historically and scientifically true in the original autographs." Imagine, in this scenario, what an outcry the creationists would raise against unscientific bias and prejudice - and justifiably so. Now return to the real world, where exactly the opposite situation pertains. What does this say about the scientific status of both sides in the evolution/creationism debate?

Recommended Links:
•The Skeptic's Dictionary: Creationism and Creation Science
•Statement on Creationism by the American Geophysical Union
•Vatican's Chief Astronomer: Intelligent Design is Not Science
Funny then you copy and paste from talk origins. What is your point ? are you once again showing you have reading comp problems.
here's a fine example of ywc's lack of originality, the phrase:" you have reading comp problems" was first used by Me in this thread .it also points up ,quite nicely I might add, that ywc has no concept of context.

Are you the only one who didn't understand why I posted what I did ? :lol:
you posted what you did because you've never learned when not answering is best.
this was one of those times.
This article addresses your point.

Species” and “Kind”

by on

January 1, 1994


Whoops! Two or more species from one kind! Isn’t that evolution?

Some evolutionists certainly think so. After I participated in a creation-evolution debate at Texas A & M, a biology professor got up and told everyone about the flies on certain islands that used to interbreed but no longer do. They’ve become separate species, and that, he said, to a fair amount of applause, proves evolution is a fact—period!

Well, what about it? Barriers to reproduction do seem to arise among varieties that once interbred. Does that prove evolution? Or does that make it reasonable to extrapolate from such processes to real evolutionary changes from one kind to others? As I explained to the university-debate audience (also to applause), the answer is simply no, of course not. It doesn’t even come close.

?Species? and ?Kind? - Answers in Genesis
this is not a scientific site

Nor are many that you copy and paste from.
denial of fact in action .. please present a site that I have use that is not scientific.
even the cartoons I've posted have a scientific basis..
so you're not confident that existence is a product of a designer?
if you were you wouldn't have used the word if?

I have no doubts of creation and the Creator.
Quite obviously you do. Your every waking moment appears to be consumed with vilifying science and scientific discovery. That speaks to someone who sees their gawds becoming less relevant and reduced to.... mere paper shufflers.

Let's be honest, you have never even attempted to offer positive evidence for your gawds. What you have offered is lies, falsified "quotes" and profoundly silly attacks on the relevant sciences supporting evolution as though doing so, somehow supports your claims to supermagicalism.
[ame=]The Erosion of Progress by Religions - YouTube[/ame]
Can anyone prove creation?

You're here aren't you?

Creation, obviously. It's here, and got here some way. Creator? None we know of, albeit, many a religion has over the course of human history, imagined what he/they/it might be, in myriad forms.

Think of it this way: There's a cake, just sitting there, with no one taking credit for its making. We have no idea who put it there, or what it's made of. Some might think that the unknown is more-easily explained away by merely imagining God or whatever put it there. No real thought energy, or logical steps needed. Just imagine God, Santa, Easter Bunny, frog in a clown suit, or whatever put it there, and made it pink, for reasons you care to attribute to it. A 7th Pink Heaven, or whatever.

Or try to understand it. Slice it and see what's inside. Maybe it's only pink on the outside. And maybe it tastes like strawberry, and not peppermint. Or get really fucking ambitious, and do a chemical analysis ... if knowing what is real is worth the effort, in your opinion.

The choice is yours.
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Can anyone prove creation?

You're here aren't you?

Creation, obviously. It's here, and got here some way. Creator? None we know of, albeit, many a religion has over the course of human history, imagined what he/they/it might be, in myriad forms.

Think of it this way: There's a cake, just sitting there, with no one taking credit for its making. We have no idea who put it there, or what it's made of. Some might think that the unknown is more-easily explained away by merely imagining God or whatever put it there. No real thought energy, or logical steps needed. Just imagine God, Santa, Easter Bunny, frog in a clown suit, or whatever put it there, and made it pink, for reasons you care to attribute to it. A 7th Pink Heaven, or whatever.

Or try to understand it. Slice it and see what's inside. Maybe it's only pink on the outside. And maybe it tastes like strawberry, and not peppermint. Or get really fucking ambitious, and do a chemical analysis ... if knowing what is real is worth the effort, in your opinion.

The choice is yours.

But.... but, but, but....but, but.....but, but but.... but , but, since the cake shows evidence of design, we know that specifiable, complex code was required for cake DNA (molecular machines) to assemble into cake frosting.

Thus, once again, proof of the gawds.
You're here aren't you?

Creation, obviously. It's here, and got here some way. Creator? None we know of, albeit, many a religion has over the course of human history, imagined what he/they/it might be, in myriad forms.

Think of it this way: There's a cake, just sitting there, with no one taking credit for its making. We have no idea who put it there, or what it's made of. Some might think that the unknown is more-easily explained away by merely imagining God or whatever put it there. No real thought energy, or logical steps needed. Just imagine God, Santa, Easter Bunny, frog in a clown suit, or whatever put it there, and made it pink, for reasons you care to attribute to it. A 7th Pink Heaven, or whatever.

Or try to understand it. Slice it and see what's inside. Maybe it's only pink on the outside. And maybe it tastes like strawberry, and not peppermint. Or get really fucking ambitious, and do a chemical analysis ... if knowing what is real is worth the effort, in your opinion.

The choice is yours.

But.... but, but, but....but, but.....but, but but.... but , but, since the cake shows evidence of design, we know that specifiable, complex code was required for cake DNA (molecular machines) to assemble into cake frosting.

Thus, once again, proof of the gawds.

Indeed. That is the essence of the Creationist argument, which even if so, leaves much to the imagination.

Okay, design that could only be the product of intelligence. Let's say it's true. Why God? Why not a group of intelligent beings? But okay, let's imagine it's one guy, God. He made it. How then do we know He even cares? Maybe it was done on a whim, billions of years ago, and being all supreme and shit, He moved onto bigger and better challenges. Why are we, and what we can see of the Universe around us, more than a mere fancy of His, long ago, and He couldn't give a fuck about what we do, or what happens after we die?

What do believers in God think? Have you answers for those questions, even if EVERY last little minutia of the Creationist Postulate, is spot on fucking accurate?

Can anyone prove creation?

You're here aren't you?

Creation, obviously. It's here, and got here some way. Creator? None we know of, albeit, many a religion has over the course of human history, imagined what he/they/it might be, in myriad forms.

Think of it this way: There's a cake, just sitting there, with no one taking credit for its making. We have no idea who put it there, or what it's made of. Some might think that the unknown is more-easily explained away by merely imagining God or whatever put it there. No real thought energy, or logical steps needed. Just imagine God, Santa, Easter Bunny, frog in a clown suit, or whatever put it there, and made it pink, for reasons you care to attribute to it. A 7th Pink Heaven, or whatever.

Or try to understand it. Slice it and see what's inside. Maybe it's only pink on the outside. And maybe it tastes like strawberry, and not peppermint. Or get really fucking ambitious, and do a chemical analysis ... if knowing what is real is worth the effort, in your opinion.

The choice is yours.

I'm sorry you've had such a terrible life. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Can anyone prove creation?

You're here aren't you?

No, slave owner. I mean creation as depicted in the bible, isn't that what you believe? Can anyone prove the 6 day thing? Or is your religion built on hot fart smoke?

You've been educated about the "6 day" thing yet you choose to remain ignorant.

I will say this, it takes no more faith to believe that God created man than it does to believe that all life began when simple chemicals built up into more complex chemicals which became a concentrated organic broth where our earliest ancestor, a bacteria like creature began.
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