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Daws it's really comical watching you flail. The bible gives a better account of what happened then your text book.

There are many versions of many bibles.

One constant among them all is their lack of credibility regarding the natural world.

All the bibles agree that God created the mountains before fossils were found on them.

All the bibles say God caused the mountains to rise and the valleys to sink.

All the bibles agree that the planet was covered by water and was without form when God made the land appear.

Here's the thorough debunking of christian creationist lies, myths and false claims regarding the biblical flood:

Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition

Didn't you complain about Ideological sites lol. Talk origins hehe that is your source.

So now why don't you explain the massive graveyards of the diverse fossils found in the graveyards. Then explain why world wide land fossils and marine fossils are found high on the tops of mountains ? Don't forget we are talking over 7 different layers of strata.

Run along and copy and paste your nonsense.

Here watch and learn something.

[ame=]Origins - The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 1 with Dr. Andrew Snelling - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Origins - The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 2 with Dr. Andrew Snelling - YouTube[/ame]
No it don't if this was the case you're depending on volcanoes distributing these fossils on mountain tops and that is not the case.

Amazing World: Massive Whale Fossil Graveyard In Chile

Massive Dinosaur "Graveyard" Discovered in Spain

Joel kontinen: Huge Fossil Graveyard Found in China

Fossils - Truth That Matters

How do you explain these massive fossil graveyards world wide ? the walls are closing in daws.

How do you explain your utter lack of knowledge regarding science?

I hold a degree in science how bout you ?

I have every reason to believe that you have never attended formal schooling past 8th grade.

Here's the thorough debunking of christian creationist lies, myths and false claims regarding the biblical flood:

Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition

Didn't you complain about Ideological sites lol. Talk origins hehe that is your source.

So now why don't you explain the massive graveyards of the diverse fossils found in the graveyards. Then explain why world wide land fossils and marine fossils are found high on the tops of mountains ? Don't forget we are talking over 7 different layers of strata.

Run along and copy and paste your nonsense.

Here watch and learn something.

You will find that the link I gave you have a complete list of scientific and verifiable references.

That's quite in contrast to the silly videos you post which are hosted by Christian creationist charlatans.

Here - drink the Kool Aid.
Daws it's really comical watching you flail. The bible gives a better account of what happened then your text book.

There are many versions of many bibles.

One constant among them all is their lack of credibility regarding the natural world.

All the bibles agree that God created the mountains before fossils were found on them.

All the bibles say God caused the mountains to rise and the valleys to sink.

All the bibles agree that the planet was covered by water and was without form when God made the land appear.

All the bibles say many things which are wrong. Here you are, promoting lies and falsehoods.

How do you feel about that?
See post 16140. Flawed logic and false premise refuted.
you mean this steaming pile of rationalizing:

" Speaking of things that have been refuted thousands of times, you hierarchy of gawds argument has been refuted over and over and has proven to be based on bad logic and a false premise, but yet you persist in presenting it over and over as if repeating something a thousand times will legitimize it. Pathetic.

Let's repeat it one more time for those who just joined us, only a beginning necessitates a cause, like the beginning of the universe for instance. God has always existed and predates the universe. Since God has no beginning, he requires no cause. He claims in the Bible, "no gods were formed before me and none will be formed after me".-
Your weak argument is based on the false premise that God had a beginning. Of course I have no hope that you will respond to this valid, logical argument which refutes yours, nor will you cease repeating your tired, stupid, devoid of logic argument in the future, but one can dream.

thanks for the fine example of the false premise rule in action.
1."false premise that God had a beginning." wrong! the FP here is assuming that god has always been. There is no evidence for that argument.
to make this short and sweet.
anything you base on the assumption " god has ALWAYS existed" like theories or speculation are also by definition false because the basic premise is false.
any argument you make from that premise is subjective and unsupportable.

Daws, you just proved what a huge idiot you really are!! Do you see the absurdity of your flawed logic in the post above?? Why aren't you attacking Hollie's infinite regression argument then??? You just proved me right you buffoon!! You just proved that Hollie is arguing from a false premise stupid. Do you hear your self? Hollie is not using a false premise because she is using a false premise.

What you missed in your utter and complete ignorance is that Hollie's argument is made from the assumption that God exists. In order for her to make her stupid argument, she has to first assume that God exists. Otherwise, how can she argue some other god made god? She is attempting to deny God by putting forth an argument whose basis is God exists. Of course we would expect you to miss this. My point is, if you are going to attack the concept of the Judeo-Christian God, then you can't make up your own Judeo-Christian theology. You can make a different argument to attack other mythological gods, but if you are going to assume the Judeo-Christian God exists as the basis of your argument, then you should also follow with the stated and commonly accepted theology that accompanies that basis, i.e., 1.) God has always existed 2.) God predates the Universe (Bible reference) 3.) God claims in the Bible there are no gods before him.

So according to you, Hollie's argument is based on a false premise of a false premise. YOU FAIL, THESPIDOUCHE!!! This is what happens when make your bed with a liar.
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Here's the thorough debunking of christian creationist lies, myths and false claims regarding the biblical flood:

Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition

Didn't you complain about Ideological sites lol. Talk origins hehe that is your source.

So now why don't you explain the massive graveyards of the diverse fossils found in the graveyards. Then explain why world wide land fossils and marine fossils are found high on the tops of mountains ? Don't forget we are talking over 7 different layers of strata.

Run along and copy and paste your nonsense.

Here watch and learn something.

You will find that the link I gave you have a complete list of scientific and verifiable references.

That's quite in contrast to the silly videos you post which are hosted by Christian creationist charlatans.

Here - drink the Kool Aid.

I am looking for your answer that can't be answered through a theory got it ? The theory does not answer the question got it ?

The only charlatans here is you and your other half daws.
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There are many versions of many bibles.

One constant among them all is their lack of credibility regarding the natural world.

All the bibles agree that God created the mountains before fossils were found on them.

All the bibles say God caused the mountains to rise and the valleys to sink.

All the bibles agree that the planet was covered by water and was without form when God made the land appear.

All the bibles say many things which are wrong. Here you are, promoting lies and falsehoods.

How do you feel about that?

Not worthy of a response.
All the bibles agree that God created the mountains before fossils were found on them.

All the bibles say God caused the mountains to rise and the valleys to sink.

All the bibles agree that the planet was covered by water and was without form when God made the land appear.

All the bibles say many things which are wrong. Here you are, promoting lies and falsehoods.

How do you feel about that?

Not worthy of a response.

I understand you limited abilities.

Why do you think it is that with exclusivity, you must resort to cutting and pasting from fundie Christian creationist sources to promote your biblical tales and fables?

I'd have thought that proof of your various bibles tales and fables, if true, would find among real scientists. Instead, we're left with you cutting and pasting silly youtube videos and nonsense from Harun Yahya.
Didn't you complain about Ideological sites lol. Talk origins hehe that is your source.

So now why don't you explain the massive graveyards of the diverse fossils found in the graveyards. Then explain why world wide land fossils and marine fossils are found high on the tops of mountains ? Don't forget we are talking over 7 different layers of strata.

Run along and copy and paste your nonsense.

Here watch and learn something.

You will find that the link I gave you have a complete list of scientific and verifiable references.

That's quite in contrast to the silly videos you post which are hosted by Christian creationist charlatans.

Here - drink the Kool Aid.

I am looking for your answer that can't be answered through a theory got it ? The theory does not answer the question got it ?

The only charlatans here is you and your other half daws.

I am looking to see if you can post a sentence with some occasional punctuation and a connected series of rational thoughts.

Why do you suppose it is that legitimate science organizations have long ago refuted the silly bible tales? It's obvious you don't have a clue about plate tectonics, continental drift or the processes of evolution, but why would you presume to impose your ignorance on others?
you mean this steaming pile of rationalizing:

" Speaking of things that have been refuted thousands of times, you hierarchy of gawds argument has been refuted over and over and has proven to be based on bad logic and a false premise, but yet you persist in presenting it over and over as if repeating something a thousand times will legitimize it. Pathetic.

Let's repeat it one more time for those who just joined us, only a beginning necessitates a cause, like the beginning of the universe for instance. God has always existed and predates the universe. Since God has no beginning, he requires no cause. He claims in the Bible, "no gods were formed before me and none will be formed after me".-
Your weak argument is based on the false premise that God had a beginning. Of course I have no hope that you will respond to this valid, logical argument which refutes yours, nor will you cease repeating your tired, stupid, devoid of logic argument in the future, but one can dream.

thanks for the fine example of the false premise rule in action.
1."false premise that God had a beginning." wrong! the FP here is assuming that god has always been. There is no evidence for that argument.
to make this short and sweet.
anything you base on the assumption " god has ALWAYS existed" like theories or speculation are also by definition false because the basic premise is false.
any argument you make from that premise is subjective and unsupportable.

Daws, you just proved what a huge idiot you really are!! Do you see the absurdity of your flawed logic in the post above?? Why aren't you attacking Hollie's infinite regression argument then??? You just proved me right you buffoon!! You just proved that Hollie is arguing from a false premise stupid. Do you hear your self? Hollie is not using a false premise because she is using a false premise.

What you missed in your utter and complete ignorance is that Hollie's argument is made from the assumption that God exists. In order for her to make her stupid argument, she has to first assume that God exists. Otherwise, how can she argue some other god made god? She is attempting to deny God by putting forth an argument whose basis is God exists. Of course we would expect you to miss this. My point is, if you are going to attack the concept of the Judeo-Christian God, then you can't make up your own Judeo-Christian theology. You can make a different argument to attack other mythological gods, but if you are going to assume the Judeo-Christian God exists as the basis of your argument, then you should also follow with the stated and commonly accepted theology that accompanies that basis, i.e., 1.) God has always existed 2.) God predates the Universe (Bible reference) 3.) God claims in the Bible there are no gods before him.

So according to you, Hollie's argument is based on a false premise of a false premise. YOU FAIL, THESPIDOUCHE!!! This is what happens when make your bed with a liar.

Gee whiz. Thumpie stalker is drooling.

Here's a bit of enlightenment for you: you make no sense - as usual.

Go thump (and stalk), elsewhere.
All the bibles say many things which are wrong. Here you are, promoting lies and falsehoods.

How do you feel about that?

Not worthy of a response.

I understand you limited abilities.

Why do you think it is that with exclusivity, you must resort to cutting and pasting from fundie Christian creationist sources to promote your biblical tales and fables?

I'd have thought that proof of your various bibles tales and fables, if true, would find among real scientists. Instead, we're left with you cutting and pasting silly youtube videos and nonsense from Harun Yahya.

My questions had nothing to do with creationists websites. My questions came right from the evidence that was admitted on the BLM website by their biologists.

So Fundie answer the questions.
You will find that the link I gave you have a complete list of scientific and verifiable references.

That's quite in contrast to the silly videos you post which are hosted by Christian creationist charlatans.

Here - drink the Kool Aid.

I am looking for your answer that can't be answered through a theory got it ? The theory does not answer the question got it ?

The only charlatans here is you and your other half daws.

I am looking to see if you can post a sentence with some occasional punctuation and a connected series of rational thoughts.

Why do you suppose it is that legitimate science organizations have long ago refuted the silly bible tales? It's obvious you don't have a clue about plate tectonics, continental drift or the processes of evolution, but why would you presume to impose your ignorance on others?

If you wish in one hand and poop in the other hand which one fills up first ?
thanks for the fine example of the false premise rule in action.
1."false premise that God had a beginning." wrong! the FP here is assuming that god has always been. There is no evidence for that argument.
to make this short and sweet.
anything you base on the assumption " god has ALWAYS existed" like theories or speculation are also by definition false because the basic premise is false.
any argument you make from that premise is subjective and unsupportable.

Daws, you just proved what a huge idiot you really are!! Do you see the absurdity of your flawed logic in the post above?? Why aren't you attacking Hollie's infinite regression argument then??? You just proved me right you buffoon!! You just proved that Hollie is arguing from a false premise stupid. Do you hear your self? Hollie is not using a false premise because she is using a false premise.

What you missed in your utter and complete ignorance is that Hollie's argument is made from the assumption that God exists. In order for her to make her stupid argument, she has to first assume that God exists. Otherwise, how can she argue some other god made god? She is attempting to deny God by putting forth an argument whose basis is God exists. Of course we would expect you to miss this. My point is, if you are going to attack the concept of the Judeo-Christian God, then you can't make up your own Judeo-Christian theology. You can make a different argument to attack other mythological gods, but if you are going to assume the Judeo-Christian God exists as the basis of your argument, then you should also follow with the stated and commonly accepted theology that accompanies that basis, i.e., 1.) God has always existed 2.) God predates the Universe (Bible reference) 3.) God claims in the Bible there are no gods before him.

So according to you, Hollie's argument is based on a false premise of a false premise. YOU FAIL, THESPIDOUCHE!!! This is what happens when make your bed with a liar.

Gee whiz. Thumpie stalker is drooling.

Here's a bit of enlightenment for you: you make no sense - as usual.

Go thump (and stalk), elsewhere.

Hollie, you're a Troll and nothing more and that has been clearly demonstrated.
Hollie, you're a Troll and nothing more and that has been clearly demonstrated.

I understand you're angry and that lashing out like a petulant child is your usual tacit.

It hasn't gone unnoticed that you've made no attempt to support your flaccid arguments when they have been thoroughly dismantled.

Be a good boy and offer your best cut and paste from Harun Yahya.

It seems your gawds have yet again been demoted to performing menial tasks.

You should spend less time thumping your various bibles and more time actually learning.

Icy Cosmic Start for Amino Acids and DNA Ingredients

Icy cosmic start for amino acids and DNA ingredients

Using new technology at the telescope and in laboratories, researchers have discovered an important pair of prebiotic molecules in interstellar space. The discoveries indicate that some basic chemicals that are key steps on the way to life may have formed on dusty ice grains floating between the stars.

The scientists used the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia to study a giant cloud of gas some 25,000 light-years from Earth, near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The chemicals they found in that cloud include a molecule thought to be a precursor to a key component of DNA and another that may have a role in the formation of the amino acid alanine.
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I am looking for your answer that can't be answered through a theory got it ? The theory does not answer the question got it ?

The only charlatans here is you and your other half daws.

I am looking to see if you can post a sentence with some occasional punctuation and a connected series of rational thoughts.

Why do you suppose it is that legitimate science organizations have long ago refuted the silly bible tales? It's obvious you don't have a clue about plate tectonics, continental drift or the processes of evolution, but why would you presume to impose your ignorance on others?

If you wish in one hand and poop in the other hand which one fills up first ?

Yet another of the gems of wisdom offered by the fundie creationist crowd.

Would jeebus approve of your behavior?
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