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Not worthy of a response.

I understand you limited abilities.

Why do you think it is that with exclusivity, you must resort to cutting and pasting from fundie Christian creationist sources to promote your biblical tales and fables?

I'd have thought that proof of your various bibles tales and fables, if true, would find among real scientists. Instead, we're left with you cutting and pasting silly youtube videos and nonsense from Harun Yahya.

My questions had nothing to do with creationists websites. My questions came right from the evidence that was admitted on the BLM website by their biologists.

So Fundie answer the questions.
As usual, you're confused. I'd take a break from lapping up the putrid bile spewed from your silly youtube videos. They only cause you further befuddlement.

Why would anyone take you seriously when you link to silly videos from Christian snake oil salesmen?

Why would anyone listen to someone that links to a theory or explanation that is contradicted by the evidence ?

You would need to first provide evidence for your gawds before suggesting that you have evidence one or more of your angry, mass-murdering gawds wiped most of humanity from the planet with a global flood. You have even failed to provide relevant data to support a global flood.

You have failed at every attempt to support any of your specious opinions.

See, this is the danger you face when you lie and attempt to deceive.
Hollie, you're a Troll and nothing more and that has been clearly demonstrated.

I understand you're angry and that lashing out like a petulant child is your usual tacit.

It hasn't gone unnoticed that you've made no attempt to support your flaccid arguments when they have been thoroughly dismantled.

Be a good boy and offer your best cut and paste from Harun Yahya.

It seems your gawds have yet again been demoted to performing menial tasks.

You should spend less time thumping your various bibles and more time actually learning.

Icy Cosmic Start for Amino Acids and DNA Ingredients

Icy cosmic start for amino acids and DNA ingredients

Using new technology at the telescope and in laboratories, researchers have discovered an important pair of prebiotic molecules in interstellar space. The discoveries indicate that some basic chemicals that are key steps on the way to life may have formed on dusty ice grains floating between the stars.

The scientists used the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia to study a giant cloud of gas some 25,000 light-years from Earth, near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The chemicals they found in that cloud include a molecule thought to be a precursor to a key component of DNA and another that may have a role in the formation of the amino acid alanine.

Trying to change the subject are you lol.

We can deal with that at a later date but what do you think is scattered throughout the universe ? and what is not scattered throughout the universe ?

Come on copy and paste to avoid my questions so sorry not falling for it nitwit.
Why would anyone take you seriously when you link to silly videos from Christian snake oil salesmen?

Why would anyone listen to someone that links to a theory or explanation that is contradicted by the evidence ?

You would need to first provide evidence for your gawds before suggesting that you have evidence one or more of your angry, mass-murdering gawds wiped most of humanity from the planet with a global flood. You have even failed to provide relevant data to support a global flood.

You have failed at every attempt to support any of your specious opinions.

See, this is the danger you face when you lie and attempt to deceive.
7 reasons why religion is a form of mental illness

(1) Hallucinations - the person has invisible friends who (s)he insists are real, and to whom (s)he speaks daily, even though nobody can actually see or hear
these friends.

(2) Delusions - the patient believes that the invisible friends have magical powers to make them rich, cure cancer, bring about world peace, and will do so eventually if asked.

(3) Denial/Inability to learn - though the requests for world peace remain unanswered, even after hundreds of years, the patients persist with the praying behaviour, each time expecting different results.

(4) Inability to distinguish fantasy from reality - the beliefs are contingent upon ancient mythology being accepted as historical fact.

(5) Paranoia - the belief that anyone who does not share their supernatural concept of reality is "evil," "the devil," "an agent of Satan".

(6) Emotional abuse - * religious concepts such as sin, hell, cause feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and other types of emotional "baggage" which can scar the
psyche for life.

(7) Violence - many patients insist that others should share in their delusions, even to the extent of using violence.

7 reasons why religion is a form of mental illness
Exposing more absurdity of creationist flood claims.

CH541: Fish in the Flood

Claim CH541:
Present-day fish and other aquatic organisms could have survived the Flood. Many freshwater fish can survive in salt water, and many saltwater fish can tolerate fresh water. The floodwaters may have been layered by salinity, allowing others to find their preferred habitat.

Woodmorappe, John, 1996. Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study. Santee, CA: Institute for Creation Research, pp. 140-152.

1. Layering of the floodwaters contradicts the Flood model, which proposes that the Flood was turbulent enough to stir up sediments on an incredible scale. The model proposes that the floodwaters became the present oceans, so all the water flowing into the oceans would have ensured that they were well mixed. The freshwater fish would have had no place to find fresh water.

2. The fact that many fish can tolerate wide ranges in salinity does not mean that all can. Furthermore, the problem applies to more than fish. Freshwater invertebrates are commonly used as indicators of the health of streams. Even a tiny amount of pollution can cause many species to disappear from the stream.

3. Aquatic organisms would have more than salinity to worry about, such as the following: • Heat. All mechanisms proposed to cause the Flood would have released enough heat to boil the oceans. The deposition of limestone would release enough heat to boil them again. Meteors and volcanoes that occurred during the Flood, as implied by their presence in layers attributed to the Flood by flood geologists, would probably have boiled them again (Isaak 1998). Woodmorappe (1996, 140) dismissed the problem of volcanoes but ignored all the other sources of heat.

• Acid. The volcanoes that erupted during the Flood would also have produced sulfuric acid, enough to lower the pH of the ocean to 2.2, which would be fatal to almost all marine life (Morton 1998b).

• Substrate. Many freshwater and marine invertebrates rely on a substrate. They anchor themselves on the substrate and rely on currents to carry their food to them. During the Flood, substrates would have been uninhabitable at least part of the time, especially on land. Woodmorappe (1996, 141) suggested floating pumice as a substrate, but it would float with the currents, so currents would not bring nutrients to animals on them.

• Pressure. The Flood would have caused great fluctuation in sea pressures. Many deep-sea creatures invariably die from the decompression when brought to the surface. Other surface animals would die from too much pressure if forced deep underwater.

4. Woodmorappe predicted a sudden extinction of fish caused by the Flood. "[P]resent-day marine life is but an impoverished remnant of that which had originally been created and had existed before the Flood" (1996, 142). However, the actual pattern of extinction we see shows convincing disproof of the Flood. Living genera become decreasingly represented in fossils as one goes deeper in the geological column, until there are no recent genera in the Triassic, and only about 12 percent of recent genera have any fossil record. Extinct genera continue back to the Cambrian (Morton 1998a). This pattern exactly matches what one would expect from evolution. It contradicts a global flood, which should include modern fish more-or-less uniformly throughout the flood-deposited sediments.


1. Isaak, Mark, 1998. Problems with a global flood, 2nd ed. Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition
2. Morton, Glenn R., 1998a. Fish cause problems for the global flood.
3. Morton, Glenn R., 1998b. The global flood produces acidic flood waters.

Fundie Christian creationist claims are easily dismantled.
I am looking to see if you can post a sentence with some occasional punctuation and a connected series of rational thoughts.

Why do you suppose it is that legitimate science organizations have long ago refuted the silly bible tales? It's obvious you don't have a clue about plate tectonics, continental drift or the processes of evolution, but why would you presume to impose your ignorance on others?

If you wish in one hand and poop in the other hand which one fills up first ?

Yet another of the gems of wisdom offered by the fundie creationist crowd.

Would jeebus approve of your behavior?

Do you think he would approve of your behavior Atleast I am wise enough to ask for forgiveness.
Hollie, you're a Troll and nothing more and that has been clearly demonstrated.

I understand you're angry and that lashing out like a petulant child is your usual tacit.

It hasn't gone unnoticed that you've made no attempt to support your flaccid arguments when they have been thoroughly dismantled.

Be a good boy and offer your best cut and paste from Harun Yahya.

It seems your gawds have yet again been demoted to performing menial tasks.

You should spend less time thumping your various bibles and more time actually learning.

Icy Cosmic Start for Amino Acids and DNA Ingredients

Icy cosmic start for amino acids and DNA ingredients

Using new technology at the telescope and in laboratories, researchers have discovered an important pair of prebiotic molecules in interstellar space. The discoveries indicate that some basic chemicals that are key steps on the way to life may have formed on dusty ice grains floating between the stars.

The scientists used the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia to study a giant cloud of gas some 25,000 light-years from Earth, near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The chemicals they found in that cloud include a molecule thought to be a precursor to a key component of DNA and another that may have a role in the formation of the amino acid alanine.

Trying to change the subject are you lol.

We can deal with that at a later date but what do you think is scattered throughout the universe ? and what is not scattered throughout the universe ?

Come on copy and paste to avoid my questions so sorry not falling for it nitwit.

Yet another weak attempt by the Christian creationist to slither away from the difficult questions.
I understand you limited abilities.

Why do you think it is that with exclusivity, you must resort to cutting and pasting from fundie Christian creationist sources to promote your biblical tales and fables?

I'd have thought that proof of your various bibles tales and fables, if true, would find among real scientists. Instead, we're left with you cutting and pasting silly youtube videos and nonsense from Harun Yahya.

My questions had nothing to do with creationists websites. My questions came right from the evidence that was admitted on the BLM website by their biologists.

So Fundie answer the questions.
As usual, you're confused. I'd take a break from lapping up the putrid bile spewed from your silly youtube videos. They only cause you further befuddlement.

Sorry ask daws since you have a comprehension problem.
Why would anyone listen to someone that links to a theory or explanation that is contradicted by the evidence ?

You would need to first provide evidence for your gawds before suggesting that you have evidence one or more of your angry, mass-murdering gawds wiped most of humanity from the planet with a global flood. You have even failed to provide relevant data to support a global flood.

You have failed at every attempt to support any of your specious opinions.

See, this is the danger you face when you lie and attempt to deceive.
7 reasons why religion is a form of mental illness

(1) Hallucinations - the person has invisible friends who (s)he insists are real, and to whom (s)he speaks daily, even though nobody can actually see or hear
these friends.

(2) Delusions - the patient believes that the invisible friends have magical powers to make them rich, cure cancer, bring about world peace, and will do so eventually if asked.

(3) Denial/Inability to learn - though the requests for world peace remain unanswered, even after hundreds of years, the patients persist with the praying behaviour, each time expecting different results.

(4) Inability to distinguish fantasy from reality - the beliefs are contingent upon ancient mythology being accepted as historical fact.

(5) Paranoia - the belief that anyone who does not share their supernatural concept of reality is "evil," "the devil," "an agent of Satan".

(6) Emotional abuse - * religious concepts such as sin, hell, cause feelings of guilt, shame, fear, and other types of emotional "baggage" which can scar the
psyche for life.

(7) Violence - many patients insist that others should share in their delusions, even to the extent of using violence.

7 reasons why religion is a form of mental illness

Is this the one claiming to be a jew :razz:
Exposing more absurdity of creationist flood claims.

CH541: Fish in the Flood

Claim CH541:
Present-day fish and other aquatic organisms could have survived the Flood. Many freshwater fish can survive in salt water, and many saltwater fish can tolerate fresh water. The floodwaters may have been layered by salinity, allowing others to find their preferred habitat.

Woodmorappe, John, 1996. Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study. Santee, CA: Institute for Creation Research, pp. 140-152.

1. Layering of the floodwaters contradicts the Flood model, which proposes that the Flood was turbulent enough to stir up sediments on an incredible scale. The model proposes that the floodwaters became the present oceans, so all the water flowing into the oceans would have ensured that they were well mixed. The freshwater fish would have had no place to find fresh water.

2. The fact that many fish can tolerate wide ranges in salinity does not mean that all can. Furthermore, the problem applies to more than fish. Freshwater invertebrates are commonly used as indicators of the health of streams. Even a tiny amount of pollution can cause many species to disappear from the stream.

3. Aquatic organisms would have more than salinity to worry about, such as the following: • Heat. All mechanisms proposed to cause the Flood would have released enough heat to boil the oceans. The deposition of limestone would release enough heat to boil them again. Meteors and volcanoes that occurred during the Flood, as implied by their presence in layers attributed to the Flood by flood geologists, would probably have boiled them again (Isaak 1998). Woodmorappe (1996, 140) dismissed the problem of volcanoes but ignored all the other sources of heat.

• Acid. The volcanoes that erupted during the Flood would also have produced sulfuric acid, enough to lower the pH of the ocean to 2.2, which would be fatal to almost all marine life (Morton 1998b).

• Substrate. Many freshwater and marine invertebrates rely on a substrate. They anchor themselves on the substrate and rely on currents to carry their food to them. During the Flood, substrates would have been uninhabitable at least part of the time, especially on land. Woodmorappe (1996, 141) suggested floating pumice as a substrate, but it would float with the currents, so currents would not bring nutrients to animals on them.

• Pressure. The Flood would have caused great fluctuation in sea pressures. Many deep-sea creatures invariably die from the decompression when brought to the surface. Other surface animals would die from too much pressure if forced deep underwater.

4. Woodmorappe predicted a sudden extinction of fish caused by the Flood. "[P]resent-day marine life is but an impoverished remnant of that which had originally been created and had existed before the Flood" (1996, 142). However, the actual pattern of extinction we see shows convincing disproof of the Flood. Living genera become decreasingly represented in fossils as one goes deeper in the geological column, until there are no recent genera in the Triassic, and only about 12 percent of recent genera have any fossil record. Extinct genera continue back to the Cambrian (Morton 1998a). This pattern exactly matches what one would expect from evolution. It contradicts a global flood, which should include modern fish more-or-less uniformly throughout the flood-deposited sediments.


1. Isaak, Mark, 1998. Problems with a global flood, 2nd ed. Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition
2. Morton, Glenn R., 1998a. Fish cause problems for the global flood.
3. Morton, Glenn R., 1998b. The global flood produces acidic flood waters.

Fundie Christian creationist claims are easily dismantled.

No matter how hard you try you can't dismantle truth hollie.
My questions had nothing to do with creationists websites. My questions came right from the evidence that was admitted on the BLM website by their biologists.

So Fundie answer the questions.
As usual, you're confused. I'd take a break from lapping up the putrid bile spewed from your silly youtube videos. They only cause you further befuddlement.

Sorry ask daws since you have a comprehension problem.

How curious that the entirety of your creationist claims derive from Christian creationist websites and oddly, from Harun Yahya, a moslem who steals ruthlessly from Christian creationists.

The coalition of dumb and dumber... and dumber'ers.
I understand you're angry and that lashing out like a petulant child is your usual tacit.

It hasn't gone unnoticed that you've made no attempt to support your flaccid arguments when they have been thoroughly dismantled.

Be a good boy and offer your best cut and paste from Harun Yahya.

It seems your gawds have yet again been demoted to performing menial tasks.

You should spend less time thumping your various bibles and more time actually learning.

Icy Cosmic Start for Amino Acids and DNA Ingredients

Icy cosmic start for amino acids and DNA ingredients

Trying to change the subject are you lol.

We can deal with that at a later date but what do you think is scattered throughout the universe ? and what is not scattered throughout the universe ?

Come on copy and paste to avoid my questions so sorry not falling for it nitwit.

Yet another weak attempt by the Christian creationist to slither away from the difficult questions.

I already refuted your nonsense but here is more for you, let me know when those chemicals result in life on another planet :cuckoo:
Exposing more absurdity of creationist flood claims.

CH541: Fish in the Flood

Claim CH541:
Present-day fish and other aquatic organisms could have survived the Flood. Many freshwater fish can survive in salt water, and many saltwater fish can tolerate fresh water. The floodwaters may have been layered by salinity, allowing others to find their preferred habitat.

Woodmorappe, John, 1996. Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study. Santee, CA: Institute for Creation Research, pp. 140-152.

1. Layering of the floodwaters contradicts the Flood model, which proposes that the Flood was turbulent enough to stir up sediments on an incredible scale. The model proposes that the floodwaters became the present oceans, so all the water flowing into the oceans would have ensured that they were well mixed. The freshwater fish would have had no place to find fresh water.

2. The fact that many fish can tolerate wide ranges in salinity does not mean that all can. Furthermore, the problem applies to more than fish. Freshwater invertebrates are commonly used as indicators of the health of streams. Even a tiny amount of pollution can cause many species to disappear from the stream.

3. Aquatic organisms would have more than salinity to worry about, such as the following: • Heat. All mechanisms proposed to cause the Flood would have released enough heat to boil the oceans. The deposition of limestone would release enough heat to boil them again. Meteors and volcanoes that occurred during the Flood, as implied by their presence in layers attributed to the Flood by flood geologists, would probably have boiled them again (Isaak 1998). Woodmorappe (1996, 140) dismissed the problem of volcanoes but ignored all the other sources of heat.

• Acid. The volcanoes that erupted during the Flood would also have produced sulfuric acid, enough to lower the pH of the ocean to 2.2, which would be fatal to almost all marine life (Morton 1998b).

• Substrate. Many freshwater and marine invertebrates rely on a substrate. They anchor themselves on the substrate and rely on currents to carry their food to them. During the Flood, substrates would have been uninhabitable at least part of the time, especially on land. Woodmorappe (1996, 141) suggested floating pumice as a substrate, but it would float with the currents, so currents would not bring nutrients to animals on them.

• Pressure. The Flood would have caused great fluctuation in sea pressures. Many deep-sea creatures invariably die from the decompression when brought to the surface. Other surface animals would die from too much pressure if forced deep underwater.

4. Woodmorappe predicted a sudden extinction of fish caused by the Flood. "[P]resent-day marine life is but an impoverished remnant of that which had originally been created and had existed before the Flood" (1996, 142). However, the actual pattern of extinction we see shows convincing disproof of the Flood. Living genera become decreasingly represented in fossils as one goes deeper in the geological column, until there are no recent genera in the Triassic, and only about 12 percent of recent genera have any fossil record. Extinct genera continue back to the Cambrian (Morton 1998a). This pattern exactly matches what one would expect from evolution. It contradicts a global flood, which should include modern fish more-or-less uniformly throughout the flood-deposited sediments.


1. Isaak, Mark, 1998. Problems with a global flood, 2nd ed. Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition
2. Morton, Glenn R., 1998a. Fish cause problems for the global flood.
3. Morton, Glenn R., 1998b. The global flood produces acidic flood waters.

Fundie Christian creationist claims are easily dismantled.

No matter how hard you try you can't dismantle truth hollie.

That's true. But then, I'm not offering lies and deceit (as you are), hoping to shroud the truth with religious fundamentalism.

That's why your silly youtube videos and your cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya is so pathetic.
As usual, you're confused. I'd take a break from lapping up the putrid bile spewed from your silly youtube videos. They only cause you further befuddlement.

Sorry ask daws since you have a comprehension problem.

How curious that the entirety of your creationist claims derive from Christian creationist websites and oddly, from Harun Yahya, a moslem who steals ruthlessly from Christian creationists.

The coalition of dumb and dumber... and dumber'ers.

Once again you're a liar. The evidence exists and I am asking you for a rational explanation but I knew that would be a False premise lol. You know that you could be rational.
Trying to change the subject are you lol.

We can deal with that at a later date but what do you think is scattered throughout the universe ? and what is not scattered throughout the universe ?

Come on copy and paste to avoid my questions so sorry not falling for it nitwit.

Yet another weak attempt by the Christian creationist to slither away from the difficult questions.

I already refuted your nonsense but here is more for you, let me know when those chemicals result in life on another planet :cuckoo:

You never addressed a single point.

Remember, you're not just having bad luck. It's Jeebus punishing you.
Exposing more absurdity of creationist flood claims.

CH541: Fish in the Flood

Claim CH541:
Present-day fish and other aquatic organisms could have survived the Flood. Many freshwater fish can survive in salt water, and many saltwater fish can tolerate fresh water. The floodwaters may have been layered by salinity, allowing others to find their preferred habitat.

Woodmorappe, John, 1996. Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study. Santee, CA: Institute for Creation Research, pp. 140-152.

1. Layering of the floodwaters contradicts the Flood model, which proposes that the Flood was turbulent enough to stir up sediments on an incredible scale. The model proposes that the floodwaters became the present oceans, so all the water flowing into the oceans would have ensured that they were well mixed. The freshwater fish would have had no place to find fresh water.

2. The fact that many fish can tolerate wide ranges in salinity does not mean that all can. Furthermore, the problem applies to more than fish. Freshwater invertebrates are commonly used as indicators of the health of streams. Even a tiny amount of pollution can cause many species to disappear from the stream.

3. Aquatic organisms would have more than salinity to worry about, such as the following: • Heat. All mechanisms proposed to cause the Flood would have released enough heat to boil the oceans. The deposition of limestone would release enough heat to boil them again. Meteors and volcanoes that occurred during the Flood, as implied by their presence in layers attributed to the Flood by flood geologists, would probably have boiled them again (Isaak 1998). Woodmorappe (1996, 140) dismissed the problem of volcanoes but ignored all the other sources of heat.

• Acid. The volcanoes that erupted during the Flood would also have produced sulfuric acid, enough to lower the pH of the ocean to 2.2, which would be fatal to almost all marine life (Morton 1998b).

• Substrate. Many freshwater and marine invertebrates rely on a substrate. They anchor themselves on the substrate and rely on currents to carry their food to them. During the Flood, substrates would have been uninhabitable at least part of the time, especially on land. Woodmorappe (1996, 141) suggested floating pumice as a substrate, but it would float with the currents, so currents would not bring nutrients to animals on them.

• Pressure. The Flood would have caused great fluctuation in sea pressures. Many deep-sea creatures invariably die from the decompression when brought to the surface. Other surface animals would die from too much pressure if forced deep underwater.

4. Woodmorappe predicted a sudden extinction of fish caused by the Flood. "[P]resent-day marine life is but an impoverished remnant of that which had originally been created and had existed before the Flood" (1996, 142). However, the actual pattern of extinction we see shows convincing disproof of the Flood. Living genera become decreasingly represented in fossils as one goes deeper in the geological column, until there are no recent genera in the Triassic, and only about 12 percent of recent genera have any fossil record. Extinct genera continue back to the Cambrian (Morton 1998a). This pattern exactly matches what one would expect from evolution. It contradicts a global flood, which should include modern fish more-or-less uniformly throughout the flood-deposited sediments.


1. Isaak, Mark, 1998. Problems with a global flood, 2nd ed. Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition
2. Morton, Glenn R., 1998a. Fish cause problems for the global flood.
3. Morton, Glenn R., 1998b. The global flood produces acidic flood waters.

Fundie Christian creationist claims are easily dismantled.

No matter how hard you try you can't dismantle truth hollie.

That's true. But then, I'm not offering lies and deceit (as you are), hoping to shroud the truth with religious fundamentalism.

That's why your silly youtube videos and your cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya is so pathetic.

Have a nice day Hollie.
Sorry ask daws since you have a comprehension problem.

How curious that the entirety of your creationist claims derive from Christian creationist websites and oddly, from Harun Yahya, a moslem who steals ruthlessly from Christian creationists.

The coalition of dumb and dumber... and dumber'ers.

Once again you're a liar. The evidence exists and I am asking you for a rational explanation but I knew that would be a False premise lol. You know that you could be rational.

The angry Christian fundie is cute, but it's getting old.

How strange you cite "evidence" for your specious claims but you're unable to provide even the most simple of proofs for those claims.

It's as though you simply mimic Christian creationist charlatans and the tactics of lies and deceit they use.
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